boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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         -  💓 Inuyasha / Adrien Agreste / Battler Ushiromiya /                              Bart Allen / ChiChi / Marco Diaz / Harry Potter💓 
                                             ⭐Sandy Marcus / Sally Williams / Walter Thomas ⭐
A group of Adventure lovers ; their Smiles genuine and their Hearts as warm as fire.         –    As written over the years by Matt
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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         -  💓 Inuyasha / Adrien Agreste / Battler Ushiromiya /                              Bart Allen / ChiChi / Marco Diaz / Harry Potter💓 
                                             ⭐Sandy Marcus / Sally Williams / Walter Thomas ⭐
A group of Adventure lovers ; their Smiles genuine and their Hearts as warm as fire.         –    As written over the years by Matt
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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        So for my own sanity, I’ve decided to move the majority of my blogs to a MULTI. Like, all of them. That blog’s not even up yet, and I don’t know if it’ll be up soon, but I love roleplaying and I really enjoy the people I’ve written with here and have talked to. I don’t want to abandon Sally because she’s one of the most successful OC’s I’ve ever gotten to write and I’ve made so many friends through her --
If you would like to follow her on this other blog, when it’s up, the url is right here
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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“ I won’t show or fear any pain / even though all my armor might rust in the rain /  A simple plot / But I know one day / Good things are coming our way ” Independent&Selective | mainly manga-influenced and followed | read rules&about before following/interactions please // as Loved by Matt (Art cred.  バラバババ | Alphonse Elric )
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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        But there’s a scream inside that we all try to hide / We hold on so tight, we cannot deny / Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive, oh / Now I fly, hit the high notes / I have a voice, have a voice, hear me roar tonight / You held me down / But I fought back loud, oh ///  Selective OC based in the Fullmetal Alchemist universe + Written by Matt (26) + semi active + one-liner to novella -                                                   Home  +  Rules & About
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
Injured/Injury Starters
“Oh shit, are you alright?”
“Dude, I don’t think you’re alright.”
“Blood’s not supposed to be coming from there…”
“That looks broken.”
“Can you move your __?” 
“Are you okay?”
“That doesn’t look good.”
“Who did this?”
“Did you do this to yourself?”
“How did this happen?”
“We need to get you to a hospital.”
“Do you need to go to a hospital?”
“That’s not supposed to bend that way.”
“Do you want me to look at it?”
“Don’t move, you’ll make it worse!”
“Stop moving!”
“There’s so much blood.”
“I’ll see if I have a first aid kit.”
“Just… Stay here and I’ll get help.”
“How did you even do this?”
“This happened in a fight?”
“Walk it off.”
“It’s not that bad.” 
“I think you need stitches.”
“You dumbass.” 
“I think I hurt myself.”
“I can’t feel my __.”
“I think my __ is broken.”
“Shit, that hurts to move.”
“I don’t think I can get up.”
“I’m going to try to get up.”
“Can you go get help?” 
“I need help.”
“I think I’m going to pass out.”
“I don’t think there’s supposed to be that much blood.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“I got [shot, stabbed, etc].”
“I can’t walk.”
“I don’t think I need to go to a hospital.”
“I think I need to go to the hospital.”
“Stop laughing, this hurts.”
“My last words better not be stupid.”
“That was a dumb idea.”
“Shit, that burns.”
“I’m fine… really.”
“Damn, I can’t get the bleeding to stop.”
“I got into a fight…”
“I feel lightheaded.”
“It hurts to move.”
“Can you look at it for me?” 
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
HC + crying
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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     She doesn’t cry seriously in front of people. In rp, or in general. She’s only ever cried in front of two people since the blog started in 2013, and that’s @farmboyturnedsuperhero and @doublequerl. Both subjects were about the same thing: what happened in middle school. She feels such an intense guilt from what happened, she represses it until it all manages to come out at once. And once she does it’s hard to stop it. The only other people she’d cry in front of are probably.... @boostingsurvival and @dementedspeedster. 
And by ‘cry’ I mean cry. 
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
HC + puppies
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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             Sally absolutely loves dogs, so it’s only obvious that she’d love puppies even more!! She loves the smell of them, and smelling their breath even more. If she were to take care of puppies you wouldn’t even be able to tear her apart. They’d stay right by her side, or on her. she’s just a person who is naturally drawn to small things, she wants to be a protector. She may be a daughter of Apollo but she craves the feeling that she’s being strong, and helpful, and protective. All of her friends, all of them, are meta-humans. She still has no idea she’s a demigoddess so she’s got this savior complex that i’ve never  been able to fully explore.              But puppies…. and small animals in general help her sort of… COPE with those emotions.
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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Can you believe that is has been three years as of August 7th since I started this blog (which is incidentally also my first indie) ? TA-DA! Three years later and I’m still an utter mess with this beautiful raccoon child. And I’m really glad I made this blog because I got to meet a ton of cool people, learn, and flesh out Courtney in a way I saw more fitting than some MOST things DC tried to pull. 
So as a thank you, here’s a list of awesome people that I appreciate a metric fuck ton:
@notkiing // @wolvesblooded  Did you know that SHAYERA was the one who was like “oh yeah, you should totally make an indie and we can rp together more” after I met her in an rpg she was running? It was pretty dope, because honestly without her I wouldn’t have made this at all, and I wouldn’t have met any of the people I did. And also she’s super awesome?? Like she had time to chat with me while she was pledging AND dying in uni??? Iconic. She’s someone I love to talk to, and know I could throw my shitty plots at when I’m partially alive. Without Shay none of this would even have been possible, and she’s amazing and rps the best Raquel ever – EVER. 
@missachavez // @ofbewitchment // @galaxysborn  ESME is also someone I met at ye olde rpg that Shay ran. And while we didn’t talk that much then, she was someone that made me more comfortable rping guys (did you know the first male I ever rp’ed was beas.t boy, because Esme and Shay know that, and he was followed by icicle jr’s shitty ass). And then she was like “oh, these are my indies, we should do shit,” to which I was like “lol I ship our muses” and Courts been sapphic leaning ever since?? Wow, I can’t believe Esme made Stargirl gay. Yet here we are. 
@favdream  I knew nothing about Tomboy when I followed FRAISE, absolutely nothing. And now it and she are among the best things about 2017. She let me scream at her when I binge read Tomboy and held in the spoilers while I waited for the digital releases. She’s so easy to talk to, and I love hearing her opinions and ideas as I slowly make a Tomboy rp blog of my own, like damn son, what an A++ blog and human being. Also anyone who’s fav DC character is Jaim.e Reye.s is the best imo.
All Stargirls are Good Stargirls: (seriously, there are so few of us, I’m so happy when new Stargirl rpers pop up, and so they automatically get honorable mentions) @starfate  &  @starchck
Others Who I Adore and should do more with: @becauseitneedstobedone  @boostinghope  @cacklingchangeling  @ceruleanhued  @deathrisen  @dementedspeedster  @fangedfirecracker  @goldtastiic  @grrlwonder  @lifecquation  @legacycarried  @raisinghavok  @ravagedglass  @shescreech  @snapbackquip  @thrownsoul  @waitingforthedusttosettle
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
presveftis liked your post:     lms for a starter eyy
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         The shining gold flashed across her face - blinding her eyes, but only for an infinitesimal second. For when that moment was over, a new shining golden sun entered her view. A face she’d only seen in pictures and screens and blurry far off shapes. How was it possible to look so powerful and soft at the same time? And how could she not be annoyed at what’d just happened - Sally, taking a step off the crosswalk and checking her camera - what a stupid move.
           “ I’m - sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going, I’m sorry! ” 
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
alchemyfreak liked your post:     lms for a starter eyy
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     “ Ehh... you can fix cameras too? Well I mean, if you wanna I’d really appreciate it!” It did have a crack in the lens, and a tearing in the fabric... she could only hope that he could fix it by the time she needed to get a shot of the famous FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST before he left... Wherever he was. He was sure to be in a uniform, right? 
                      “ I don’t have any money to pay you back, really, but... Uh, do you like sandwiches? ”
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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     lms for a starter eyy
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
me: edward and sally would be pretty cute. he’s very stubborn but headstrong and determined just like she is, and they both have a very strict moral code but would do anything to achieve their goals. also me: their ship name could be Salad
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
ptsd stuff no one talks about
nightmares about trusted people hurting you
nightmares that are completely different from what actually happened
everything is too loud !!!
gotta cut your hair gotta cut your hair chop chop chop
tfw you’re halfway through telling a story and remember it involves Them
never enough showers
waking up and being somewhere else for a few seconds
being bossy for the thrill of being in charge
randomly teleporting to bad places for a few seconds while just going about your day
feel free to add more
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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@alchemybonded.... is my new blog... that isnt even up yet. Can you guess who it is?
Hint: It’s alphonse elric
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
Reblog this if you’re an LGBT+ mun.
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boostinghope-blog · 7 years
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what is a good background, anyway
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