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🌻 Lucie’s 2019 in Review 🌻
Hi, I’m Lucie and last year I made my resolution to read 52 books in 2019. I’ve always enjoyed reading, but during university I fell out of practice reading for fun. I’m happy to say I’ve recently surpassed my goal. ✨
My favourite reads of 2019 were:
📚One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
To begin with the repetitive family names caused confusion, but the sheer time span the book covers is incredible and the payoff is completely worth the early confusion. There are definite moments of sheer bewilderment, and the dread of never being able to escape one's history lingers.
📚DOOM PATROL Vol. 1: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way and Nick Derington
Introduced to graphic novels by The Umbrella Academy also by Way with Gabriel Ba, I ventured out to other titles for the first time this year. The craziness of the Doom Patrol world and the gradual introduction of the team made this a fun way to be brought into the storyline and the artwork is amazing.
📚The Good Immigrant by Nikesh Shukla
A collection of essays by BAME authors illustrating the way immigration has affected their lives in the UK. I had seen this book recommended a few places, and glad I made the decision to pick it up this year. At times funny, at others eye opening, it has encouraged me to pick up more essay collections in the future.
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📚Elliot Bay Book Company📚
 Having planned a birthday weekend in Portland, we couldn’t resist a quick trip up to Seattle and came across Elliot Bay Book Company. What we loved about the store was the abundance of handwritten recommendations that covered every shelf. It was only too easy to stand browsing for an hour finding a new favourite to take home with us.
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First official meeting! When the cafe wifi fails us, the next best workspace is at a friend’s place. 💻
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We are so excited to present to you our official logo! Stay tuned for more fun stuff 📚
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📚🎄Winter Reads 🎄📚 We just got back from our December OC Books and Brunch Book Club White Elephant Exchange and are very happy with our picks. We both loved Maybe in Another Life which was December’s read and are ready to get stuck into January’s book The Gifted School.
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Winter Reads 🎄📚.
We just got back from our December #OCBooksandBrunch Book Club White Elephant Exchange and are very happy with our picks. We both loved Maybe in Another Life which was December’s read and are ready to get stuck into January’s book The Gifted School.
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