bontensbisquit · 2 years
if you don't do anything else today,
Please have a moment of silence for the people who were killed instead of freed when news of emancipation finally reached the furthest corners of the american south.
have another moment for the ledgers, catalogs, and records that were burned and the homes that were destroyed to hide the presence of very much alive and still enslaved people on dozens of plantations and homesteads across the south for decades after emancipation.
and have a third moment for those who were hunted and killed while fleeing the south to find safety across the border, overseas, in the north and to the west.
black people. light a candle, write a note to those who have passed telling them what you have achieved in spite of the racist and intolerant conditions of this world, feel the warmth of the flame under your hand, say a prayer of rememberance if you are religious, place the note under the candle, and then blow it out.
if you have children, sit them down and tell them anything you know about the life of oldest black person you've ever met. it doesn't have to be your own family. tell them what you know about what life was like for us in the days, years, decades after emancipation. if you don't know much, look it up and learn about it together.
This is Juneteenth.
white people CAN interact with this post. share it, spread it.
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
「 #—— tokyo revengers. 」
suggestive - 🙈
fluff - 🤧
angst - 💔
#—— takashi. m
home {🤧}
sure thing {🤧}
#—— kazutora. h
my indulgence of kazu {🙈}
#—— ran. h
12:35 am {💔}
more characters to come 😇‼️
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved.
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
001. #—— title. home (drabble) (prompt: slow dancing)
002. #—— note. was listening to slow dancing in the dark when i thought of this :) (intentional lowercase!) afab!black!reader wc. 191 disc. fluff!
003. #—— character(s). takashi. m
004. #—— inspired song. slow dancing in the dark - joji
music fled your ears, disctracting you from your book as you slowly drawn your attention from your book and to your boyfriend- takashi mitsuya. a knowing grin settled on his cherry lips as he held out a hand, which you took abashly. he pulled you flush against his chest, book long forgotten as he interlocked your fingers together till they slotted comfortably against eachother before guiding your arms around his neck. your mingled bodies swayed together, matching the rhythm of the song that played in the distance. his warm eyes gazed into your own, holding nothing but kindness in the depth of his hues. you felt a familiar ease as you lost yourself in his amythest like eyes, it felt almost like home.
he spoke in a velvety tone as you allowed yourself to rest in his embrace, laying your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his soft but woody scent. his voice was gentle and almost as soft as a whisper, lulling your eyes shut as you allowed yourself to drown in his being, a small smile permanent on your features.  
“ yeah,”  you thought to yourself,
‘” home.”
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved. 
please do not copy, translate or repost any contents on this blog
interactions much appreciated 😇
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
「 tags. 」
001. #—— yanababonna — everyday posts
002. #—— yana recommendations — just me recommending stuff, usually seen with reblogs
003. #—— she speaks —  when i state my mind, used with 006.
004. #—— reblogs — works i reblog not of my own
005. #—— self reblogs — my personal works i reblog
006. #——sincerelyunsincere —  used with 003.
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved.
please do not copy, translate or repost any contents on this blog
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
「 masterlists. 」
001. #—— tokyo revengers.
002. #——attack on titan.
003. #——blue lock.
004. #——viral hit/how to fight.
005. #——kimetsu no yaiba
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved.
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
「 guide. 」
hihi! im yana, a soon to be sophomore in hs! im currently 15 since feb 7 and  i adore reading, writing and drawing and have a deep love for xiao, scara, itto and kaveh.
some of my likes are icecream, cookie dough, pop tarts, subways chocolate chip cookies and watching anime or attempting to shift and although theres not much i dislike i can say i despise dry texters and people who are unnessicarily rude :)
i am a multi-fandom person but i tend to write specifically for tokyo revengers out of sheer habit, as that is what i am into. some of the fandoms that i am also into are aot, kimetsu no yaiba, viral hit/how to fight, and blue lock
most of my self-inserts are black!gn readers, although fem anatomy may be used occasionally. when i comes to rqs, y/n will be a black gender neutral reader unless stated otherwise. rqs must also contain the scenario and the character(s). 
“hanma, kazutora and mikey taking a bubble bath with their s/o” 
“nahoya, draken, and ran dating a shy reader”
the rqs must only contain a maximum of three characters and only 2 rqs at a time as i have a pretty busy schedule most of the time. lastly, if you are requesting as anonymous, please leave a preferred emoji of your choice so i can remember you!
- ❄️ anon
- ♥ anon
some rules i would like to layout are sending hateful messages on this blog, i wont condone that at all.
 i dont mind if mdni blogs interact bc this is a public blog but just be aware that this blog is infact ran by a minor, something you dont want interacting with your blog.
do not demand rqs, i dont feel the need to expand on this.
pls ask to dm if you want to talk
do not interact if you consume/create dark content of any kind.
pls do not spam like, it could potentially get me shadowbanned 
do not copy, translate or repost any contents on this blog, especially if you have not been given permission to.
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved.
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
Thank you God always.
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
We need to talk about individual relationships within the Toman Founders More?? Like they were ALL friends. They each had their own dynamic.
Draken and Mitsuya as Toman's Designated Responsible Married Couple™, but they go completely batshit the second they're left alone together.
Mikey leans up against Pah-chin and falls asleep, and Pah-chin sits there for hours too scared to move and wake him up.
Baji keeps trying to subtly provoke Mitsuya into fighting him, Mitsuya responds by roasting the fuck out if him without looking up.
Kazutora calls up Draken in the middle of the night when he isn't feeling well, and they go for a ride because he knows Draken will listen and won't judge.
Mikey and Baji go back to their childhood playground at night when there's no kids. They climb the monkey bars and almost knock each-other off a hundred times.
Pah-chin and Mitsuya both get secretly super invested in a crappy romance manga and keep lagging behind the other so they can silently fanboy over the last chapter.
Draken and Baji tinker with Baji's old bike together, both of them reminisce about Shinichiro and when Baji has a breakdown, Draken sits with him and lets him cry it out.
Kazutora and Mitsuya rifle through old fashion magazines, Kazutora gawks at the models as Mitsuya explains the designs to him. Eventually Kazutora becomes genuinely invested in the fashion.
Draken bumps into Pah-chin when he's walking his dog and tags along, they don't talk much but by the time they split up they're both grinning.
Mikey lets Mitsuya do his hair and nails while he's half-dozing off after lunch, and always gets super excited when he comes to and sees whatever new look he's been given.
Kazutora and Pah-chin keep butting heads because their types in girls are total opposites and somehow it always spins into a massive argument.
Draken goes over to Mikey's place so much that he's an honorary part of the family, Mikey's grandpa will usually pre-emptively put out a plate for him at breakfast knowing he'll show up.
Baji and Pah-chin keep sparring because Pah-chin is the only one to take him up on the offer. The others make bets. Baji usually wins.
Fuck man. They're friends. They're all buddies. A group of friends isn't a couple loose relationships strung together. I love thinking of how they all interact.
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
001. #—— title. sure thing (drabble)
002. #—— note.  afab!black!reader  wc. 566 disc. fluff!
003. #—— character(s). takashi. m
004. #—— inspired song. sure thing - miguel
Mitsuya woke up to the soft light from the sun, the rays peering through the thin curtains. His lavender eyes peered around the simple yet elegant room, engraving every object and colour into his mind. A figure moving broke him from his trance, eyes immediately glued to your face. There you lied, sun rays emitting onto your flesh, a golden hue cast onto your melanated skin. Mitsuya took in your every feature as he scanned your face, unable to detect a flaw or something out of place. He noticed the way you pouted slightly because he kissed the tip of your nose, or how you sighed heavily; a sign you were exhausted or tired. He noticed how your eyelashes lightly kissed the bone of your cheeks, or how your hand would subconsciously reach out for his body while in your peaceful slumber; a way to feel him despite your unconscious state. Mitsuya smiled at you, love and adoration permanent in his eyes. He inclined down and placed a kiss on your cheek, watching in amusement as you scrunched up your nose slightly, the edges of your mouth turning upwards. He placed a kiss on either side of your chubby cheeks, earning a soft whine from you. He then landed a kiss on your temple, and then your ears, jaw, and neck. A sigh left your lips and Mitsuya lightly pulled away when he felt you stir a bit. To finally wake you up, he landed his last kiss on your plump lips, causing you to squint your eyes before opening them. You blinked a bit at him, trying to refresh your mind from the slumber you had just been in. Mitsuya beamed down at you, looking into your deep ebony eyes. You wiped the sleep from your eyes before blinking again, finally holding his stare. " Mornin' sleepyhead," Mitsuya spoke, comfortably pulling you closer to his bare chest. " Mornin." You voiced softly, not wanting to speak. " had a good sleep?"Mitsuya relaxed his head against the headboard, caressing your soft arm, occasionally massaging circles onto the flesh. You hummed in response, burying your head in his chest. Your silk bonnet tickled lightly against his chest as you moved again, laying kitten kisses onto his light-coloured chest. His body vibrated as he giggled, sighing lightly before tearing himself from your warmth. " M'making breakfast, what do you wanna eat, love?" Mitsuya spoke, stretching slightly before looking back at you. A yawn escaped your lips, " Anything is fine, Suya," you sat up yourself, stretching your limbs before exiting the warmth of your bed. The nightgown you wore hung loosely on your body, the silky black material rubbing against your skin smoothly. You made your way to the bathroom, discarding your clothing before walking into your box shower, warm water beating down on your skin. You heard the door to the shower open before closing again, and felt Mitsuya's body behind yours. He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin atop your head as you leaned into his warm embrace. " I love you, Suya." You broke the silence, turning your body to face him before you found your arms around his neck; hands playing with his wet baby hairs. Mitsuya dipped his head into the crook of your neck, smiling against the skin before mumbling out, " I love you," his hands rubbed over your wet back, " forever and always."
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved.
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interactions much appreciated 😇
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bontensbisquit · 2 years
001. #—— title. 12:35 (drabble)
002. #—— note. (implied cheating) afab!black!reader  wc. 1032k disc. angst!
003. #—— character(s). ran. h
004. #—— inspired song. (none)
Rain pellets fell from the midnight sky, the lone droplets cascading down the opened window. The teardrop-shaped liquid pelted softly against the stainless window seals, creating miniature puddles that
swam on the marble surface. It had been a relaxing sound, the steady plows of the rain in the solid surface.
Plop. Plop. Plop. The fan hoisted onto the ceiling whirred, the swift motions creating a soft and loose breeze within the tiny room. A dull light flickered, casting a soft shadow every few minutes. Though, the only illuminated place was the single bed positioned in the center of the room, near the wall. Blankets were heaped atop of a still figure, more because of their racing heart and less because of the hefty amount of blankets engulfing their body from head to toe. Y/n attempted to calm their racing heart, inhaling deep and slow breaths from their nose and exhaling. Their round cheeks felt warm as their heart pounded in their chest, and with a toss of a blanket, they sat up abruptly, a grin slowly emerging onto their melanated face. They held the device in their hand, delicately scrolling up and down the touch screen, brown eyes analyzing every word, sentence, and tone they shared with Ran. They had gotten a message from him, informing them that he’d call soon. However, that had been over 20 minutes ago but, despite that, they waited; growing tired as time went on. A sigh left their plump lips, and they tiredly glanced at the top left corner of their phone, taking note that it was 12:35. Y/n yawned drowsily, placing their phone down on their bedsheets and laying down comfortably. They had finally decided to let themselves slip into a slumber, however, it only lasted a few minutes before their phone sounded, startling them awake.
Y/n’s body jolted, their blown wide eyes shifted to their phone, it lightly buzzed with vibrations, the sounds bouncing off the walls surrounding the closed-off room. The hands of y/n found the device and squinted their eyes at the brightness of the phone, only resting them once they got used to the beam of light. Finally, they were able to read the caller ID, the familiar lettering sending relief, but slight irritation at his long-overdue call.
They contemplated ignoring the call to spite him, though they decided not to give in to their petty behaviour, and with a touch of their fingers, the call connected. Y/n breathed softly from their nose, placing the phone to their ear. They heard the soft breaths from the person on the end of the line, and the hesitation was thick in the air on either side. Finally, y/n heard the melodic voice they fell in love with every time they heard it.“Hello..?” He said with uncertainty and guilt basked in his voice. Y/n hadn’t said anything, their voice caught in their throat. “Y/n... I’m sorry, I had lost track of time and I was out with Bonten-”
“Where were you?” Y/n found their voice. There was silence on the
other end, but still, yet y/n waited. “Ran,” Y/n said firmly, the lack of response agitating them further. A beat passed before Ran answered, “XXX Casino…”
Y/n sucked in a sharp breath, they knew the history and reputation that Casino carried proudly on its back.
Prostitution, Gambling, Smuggling, and Tax Evasion to name a few.
It was no surprise Bonten would be involved with the company, considering it was the biggest criminal organization throughout all of Japan. Y/n’s heartbeat in their chest, finally sitting up and placing the phone on speaker. “..Did you cheat on me?” Y/n uttered, a tiny lump forming in their throat and they waited for his response. “Y/n I-”
“Did you or did you not!” Their voice elevated, a slight waver to it. Y/n braced themselves for his next words, praying it would be the opposite of the thoughts that flowed through their mind.
“I would never hurt you intentionally, baby. You know that” Ran spoke. Y/n sucked in a harsh breath, “So that’s your answer, huh?”
There was no reply on the other line, heavy silence a clear sign the accusation was true.
Y/n nodded to themselves, swallowing hard as they tried to keep the lump in their throat down.
"Lose my number, Ran," y/n hung up the phone, sadness knawing at their heart with every breath. They couldn't deal with his excuses, they wouldn't. At least, not anymore.
Excuses, excuses, and more excuses. That's all the relationship was built on. The foundation.
Y/n stared blankly at nothing in particular, trying to keep their tears at bay. Their breathing was constricted and they shut their eyes tight, tears seeping out of their eyes and down the apple of their cheeks. A loud sob erupted from their lips, their hand coming around to mute their cries. They enveloped their arms around themselves, trying to shield themselves from the pain, ease the ache in their heart. 'you're gonna be okay,' y/n told themselves- no, convinced themselves.
Y/n attempted to still their breathing, the occasional hiccups erupting from their throat. They sank back down in a lying position, this time their stomach being pressed flat into the sheet-covered mattresses. The coolness of the pillow welcomed them with open arms, a sigh departing their plump chapped lips.
It always hurt to feel abandoned- be abandoned; there's no doubt about that. However, how many times do you have to be alone to realize no one cares? How many tears need to be shed to come to the conclusion that, no one'll wipe them unless you do? How many times does your heart need to shatter to let it beat again- feel again, love again?
Y/n pondered to themselves, their unfocused and droopy eyes blankly staring ahead, every so often fluttering, waiting for sleep to envelope them.
Perhaps they'll never know, everyone has a breaking point, though how far it'll exceed is a mystery, and only until you meet the finish line, will you know what's on the other side.
©bontensbisquit, all rights reserved.
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interactions much appreciated 😇
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