your direct access to reality, a reality as it truly exists, is filtered through the screen of you and, as such, that sensation of 'direct access' is a fiction in which you must first assume before you access anything. that image of the world, more than likely the evil of the world, is you — it's uncanniness is a byproduct of a scission, a process of a rational mind, in which you assume the role of good. the eye of evil is the eye which sees evil everywhere. the 'rational good,' being incapable of criticism, is indeed an inward folding, a asphyxiating sphere in which one autonomously enfolds forever, always positing itself as the solution to what is, in essence, the problem that is itself. one cannot think ones way out of thought. the problem with capitalism is not that its a death cult, its that it isnt capitalist enough. one does not research, one knows. and it is only when i believe myself to be the most 'good' and indeed the most 'spiritual' that i am able to do the most wicked things.
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The Harmsworthian journalist ['yellow journalists'] begins with a worship of success and violence, and ends in sheer timidity and mediocrity. But he is not alone in this, nor does he come by this fate merely because he happens personally to be stupid.
Every man, however brave, who begins by worshiping violence, must end in mere timidity. Every man, however wise, who begins by worshiping success, must end in mere mediocrity. This strange and paradoxical fate is involved, not in the individual but in the philosophy, in the point of view. It is not the folly of the man which brings about this necessary fall; it is his wisdom.
The worship of success is the only one out of all possible worships of which this is true, that its followers are foredoomed to become slaves and cowards. A man may be a hero for the sake of Mrs. Gallup's ciphers [Shakespearean ciphers thought to reveal the identity/intentions of Shakespeare] or for the sake of human sacrifice, but not for the sake of success. For obviously a man may choose to fail because he loves Mrs. Gallup or human sacrifice; but he cannot choose to fail because he loves success.
When the test of triumph is men's test of everything, they never endure long enough to triumph at all. As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is a mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength at all. Like all the Christian virtues, it is unreasonable as it is indispensable.
Heretics GK Chesterton
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there are two types of knowing truth and knowledge knowledge is blind and each brick blinds us further to truth but, riding this scream, we all proclaim progress although we could not define it truth has eyes but is empty empty of knowledge and resides in the body and cannot be ridden, only experienced cannot be explained, only insinuated anxiety or melancholy
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
it is the city that screams
look inside yourself
the forest could give a shit
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
there is no truth
in proximity
you are always the same distance
from what it actually is
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
authenticity as sensation
authenticity as jouissance
is not meaning but enjoyment
science screaming into
some sort of dialectic both which
bloodthirsty, demand the truth
authenticity's mask of meaning
contains a secret enjoyment and
because of this is non-authentic
because of this has ulterior motives
and its end goal is a cold,
sterile, repetition. sorta like
the iphone
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
people in new york city
dont want friends dont
want lovers they want
people in new york city
not only won't fuck you until
they've been allowed a minute
to autistically respond to something
you said with
some thing they read online
but you have to assume this role
they give you and speak for this
other position and if you refuse
you're the weird one
who isn't getting fucked
and getting fucked
is great
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
modernism and other undefinables
modernism danced delicately around the violent and inert death we know in private - in public the conversations must have been intense
postmodernism wants to be seen as diving right in, to that violent and inert death, a private intensity and public truth
the one creating the maze is much smarter than we thought he would be, but we swear we can find a way out (on our own)
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
the joke, the laugh, at the end of most of these weirdly broken up non-sentences is the suture that keeps the idiocy open feel free to join me fucking nerd
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
the terror inherent in networked systems at their inception is what leaves them so utterly blind. its just at this point there's nothing they are blind to—they destroyed it, creating little critique machines that whine to each other while reassembling themselves to better fit into the imagined world their critique entailed. molecular nodal processes destroyed the 'is' in favor of the 'ought' which is why they're so horny all the time.
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
philosophy is great for acting
like you're thinking of
a ton of shit like
i can go
'the tone of this work is not happy ...'
then just wait n its like
im sifting through all possible
emotional states a work has or could
ever produce in a human
beside happy, but im not.
i was gonna say 'sad' the whole time
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
the enjoyment inherent
to networked systems
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
dont you ever doubt that i wont in one way or another add a jokey-twist ending to these words
you fucking nerd
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
thomas mann
there's too much going on in mann in magic mountain, death in venice its like hes trying to say everything all at once and its fucking dumb
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
i wanna kiss you on one of your buttcheeks
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
i need someone who will talk the whole time because i want to act like i dont want to
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bonethugsinnormandy · 2 years
she could say whatever horrible shit she wanted to me because she had nice skin and her feet looked good in those weird sandals and i had never seen that before but when she started saying horrible shit when i tried saying horrible shit i didn't care about her feet anymore
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