Maybe I am a cynic but I do think they should have left the group if they couldn’t follow basic cultural traditions. I mean, they were saved. Nice. Good. Now leave the fold if you don’t want to do the whole marry in-group thing. No hard feelings. Just, moving on. And this bit from Warlock Holmes: A Study in Brimstone sums it up quite nicely for me: (Don’t worry. I am not this critical of the rest of ACD’s work)
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So now we are in the Great Alkali Plains section of the book, which I will admit I absolutely thought was a misprint when I read it as a child. Now I no longer think it was a misprint. And upon this most recent read of it (I usually skip it and often encourage others to do so as well) it wasn’t near as bad as previous reads. Maybe I am developing a tolerance for stories that have nothing to do with Holmes and Watson directly. Maybe. Just not my thing at all. And the whole underlying oooooh Mormons…how…exotic…does get to me. My Mormon friend at a previous job was saying she would never read another story after this one, and I can’t say I blame her as it really is a pretty horrible portrayal of a religion few Brits knew a thing about. Not the best intro. Now it is “historical”, not perpetuating stereotypes, but…I don’t think Victorians were anywhere near that savvy. Plus, no Holmes and no Watson? I don’t care.
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What say you all on the next chapter, The Science of Deduction? Aside from the bit about the brain attic and Holmes acting as if he was on some sort of narcotic (and really, I am not sold on the fact that he was because he seems to be working at this point, plus he has a new flatmate to deduce) we get a good physical description which isn’t nearly as good looking as the illustrations turn out? “In height he was rather over six feet, and so excessively lean that he seemed to be considerably taller.” “his thin, hawk-like nose gave his whole expression an air of alertness and decision. His chin, too, had the prominence and squareness which mark the man of determination. His hands were invariably blotted with ink and stained with chemicals, yet he was possessed of extraordinary delicacy of touch, as I frequently had occasion to observe when I watched him manipulating his fragile philosophical instruments.” So we get the height, nose, lean build, and the beginnings of a Watsonian obsession with his hands. Which has pretty much been a solid template for movies and tv shows thereafter. I agree with Cumberbatch’s own assertion that he doesn’t have quite the nose for it, but it’s a fair trade for the hands, yeah?
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Chapter One.
I think one of the most striking things for me is how there seems to be an Afghan war for every Watson. Even the WWII Watson has one in range. But be that as it may, we meet Watson who has had a miserable time of it. I am especially fond of Watsons who seem to have a deep pacifist streak, like in the Coules radio version. But just as in SiP, Watson meets up with Stamford at or near the Criterion (it’s a coffeeshop in BBC, note the cups) and sets everything in motion over at Barts. Let’s start with your fav bits about the first meeting, yeah? For me it’s how incredibly exuberant Holmes is. This guy on first meeting is pretty much the exact opposite of the “quiet studious type” Watson was hoping for. And that tiny little thing screams “destiny!” to me in a way that even Doyle couldn’t have foreseen. (Some posts are floating around suggesting this was written in 1892, but it was published in a Christmas annual in 1887. So yes, the Holmes franchise beats the Nintendo card game.) Every adaptation I have seen works off this beautifully, except perhaps Elementary, which may be why I never could connect as lovingly to it. Also, he lists his faults and seems to leave out a hellofalot of stuff. Something Denning picks up on brilliantly in Warlock Holmes, should you get the chance to read that one. And he is supremely confident across the board, especially in his violin playing falling in the “treat for the gods” category. Reply with your fav bit from this opening section!
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Be aware of the switch in theme and from first person to third in Part Two. Don’t end up getting agitated, like these guys: (I absolutely believe these are genuine complaints, not Sherlockians in Disguise, but I guarantee you that there are also Sherlockians in Disguise who are leaving similar comments)
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I think it is of help, without my giving away any plot points, to mention that the word “creature” has a more obscure definition in use in Victorian times that I believe applies in STUD. It can mean a servant or someone under the control of another. So the use of “creature” to describe a certain character is not as negative as one might think- in terms of being either inhuman or exoticised. ACD uses “creature” in this sense in a later story, The Mazarin Stone: “..you have gone out of your way to annoy me. Because you have put your creatures upon my track.” “My creatures! I assure you, no!” “Nonsense! I have had them followed. Two can play at that game, Holmes.” … “I assure you you are mistaken about my alleged agents.” And again in Lady Carfax; “I had no difficulty in finding the ex-servant and in learning all that she could tell me. She was a devoted creature, who had only left her mistress because she was sure that she was in good hands.” There are certainly many other times in Canon where the word is used to put someone apart from humanity (SIGN) or to show a degree of attraction (3GAB), or that someone is especially exotic (THOR), but I don’t think there is negativity in its use in STUD.
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I am so excited to see many people interested in participating in this discussion group! Thank you all!
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@may-shepard , yes it will happen here as well as on Twitter :)
Hello friends! In October we will begin with A Study in Scarlet. I would like to do a discussion every two weeks, if that seems to be a good timetable for all? No Zoom yet, as that is proving too complicated to set up at the moment, and most people seem content with a drop-in-and-comment format. So, consider your “assignment” to read the first section (Part One, Chapters 1-7) by October 15? Does that seem like enough time for everyone? During the reading time, we will all post things tangential to the story —such as any fic recommendations that cover the Study in Scarlet plot or timeline—as well as any key Canon Moments to focus on. Sound good? Input always requested. In the next post I will discuss anything to be aware of before reading.
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Welcome to October! Our first discussion-of Part One of A Study in Scarlet (aka STUD)-will begin on October 14. Some warnings about STUD: unfavorable portrayal of Mormons (This is the Danite tribe and not “modern” Mormonism, but was stilted enough for my Mormon friend to never read another Holmes story. Some are offended while others find it tame. I just find it a bit “oooooh…Mormons are intriguing…”-style exploitative. But then again I am not a non-American Victorian), death of an animal. I think that’s it as far as reader issues. Anything else?
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Tra-la-la-lira lira lay? Here’s that Chopin which Norman Neruda plays so well:
Oh, and that is a last name. It’s Madame Wilma Norman Neruda. Apparently Holmes had no thoughts as to women being inferior violinists…
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An early illustration of Holmes. Quite different from the famous Paget work. Nice sideburns.
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Enteric Fever. What is it? Is it one of those diseases people got on Oregon Trail?
It’s probably better known as Typhoid, and is an infection spread easily by unhygienic conditions. Nowadays you get a course of antibiotics, but then, your health was pretty much toast.
So he wasn’t so much weakened from the war wound (leg or shoulder) so much as the fever and infection. How he got over it’s beyond me. Also, while I’m at it,”thin as a lath” had me looking up lath. It’s a thin strip of wood for repairs which was more of less replaced by drywall.
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I’m going to try to pace myself in this, but tbh it is difficult because I adore the first part of STUD nearly as much as I hate the second part. I wanna talk about nearly every sentence in it. So. Join me?
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In A Study in Scarlet, we get a glimpse into Watson’s medical training and wartime activities as well as an intro to Holmes courtesy of “Young” Stamford before that magical moment when they meet. Personally, I love how Stamford has serious reservations. So many different first meeting stories out there. Atlin Merrick’s book comes to mind. There are probably a ton of How They Met stories in many AUs out there, so post some favs here? I also want to suggest the Coules adaptation where Holmes more or less laughs for no reason whatsoever about their possible faults. He always strikes me as almost unhinged, and I love it. Favorite bits for me: Dupin sucks, Sherlock Holmes: His Limits, “A well-played violin is a treat for the gods—a badly-played one” and just how damn fun this all is. Watson wants a nice quiet roomie and gets someone clearly hyperexcited about his experiment. Sherlockian Point of Debate: The Bullpup. Is it a dog? is is a “bad temper” in Victorian slang? Is it a type of revolver? Here’s an article on the subject: https://www.ihearofsherlock.com/2022/09/the-bull-pup-canine-gun-or-something.html#.Yy-fdS1OIgo
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Hello friends! In October we will begin with A Study in Scarlet. I would like to do a discussion every two weeks, if that seems to be a good timetable for all? No Zoom yet, as that is proving too complicated to set up at the moment, and most people seem content with a drop-in-and-comment format. So, consider your “assignment” to read the first section (Part One, Chapters 1-7) by October 15? Does that seem like enough time for everyone? During the reading time, we will all post things tangential to the story —such as any fic recommendations that cover the Study in Scarlet plot or timeline—as well as any key Canon Moments to focus on. Sound good? Input always requested. In the next post I will discuss anything to be aware of before reading.
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We're going back to our roots, with a plethora of ACD Holmes discussions in September! As always, please feel free to INTERACT with, SHARE & TAG this post if you have news to add to the fandom! Updates on Saturdays!!
The Game is On
The winter Holmestice event kicks off (typically) in Sep-Dec to share prompts and gifts within the sherlock fandom! This is inclusive of ALL sherlock adaptations!! What is Holmestice? This is a fan run event so bear with us as we find out if this year's is happening!! Follow & Tag: @holmestice // #holmestice // #holmestice 2022
7th annual return of the fundraiser and birthday drive in honor of Mark Gatiss. (A.K.A. our beloved BBC Sherlock writer and Mycroft Holmes himself!). See previous years' collections. Follow & Tag: @markgatissbirthdayproject // #mark gatiss birthday project 
Play a retired Sherlock Holmes who just wants to put together the ultimate picnic for Watson - the only problem is that pesky mysteries keep getting in the way! New game in production, check it out! Follow & Tag: @cottagecoresherlock // #cottagecore // #retirementlock
Hello fans of Sherlock Holmes! @iwantthatbelstaffanditsoccupant has created a NEW page for the online group to discuss “Canon Holmes”, and to read through the orig stories in sequence! Check out the post for more details! Follow & Tag: (NEW PAGE!) @bohemiansoulscanondiscussion // #canon holmes // #acd holmes
Friendly reminder that the Doyle Estate can kindly get wrecked come January 2023. Imagine the Winnie the Pooh ‘Blood & Honey’ lashback (teehee), and then multiply it 10x!! If people thought the Sherlock fandom was insufferable before … ??? *wicked grin*⭐ Doyle copyright COUNTDOWN ... oh yeah! ⭐ Days since last HAITUS began ... (eheh) 😭
⭐ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ⭐ Originally published 56 short stories in The Strand magazine & 4 printed novels including the Sherlock Holmes character!
⭐ Fans ⭐ Have created over 426+ pastiche Sherlock Holmes books; 250+ film adaptations; 7 radio programs; 25+ video games; and over 113,200+ Works on AO3 (not to mention the Wattpad, FanFiction.net and other fan spaces!)
Sherlock Holmes is widely considered to be the first modern fandom, creating some of the first fan fiction as early as 1897!
So don't be surprised if your knowledge of Sherlock is more fanon than canon! 😎
Three Patch Podcast @threepatchpodcast #three patch podast
Chance or Chess? @chanceorchesspod #chance or chess
I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcast on the discussion at the intersection of Sherlock, News, and Popular Culture. #IHOSE
Sherlock Podfics @johnlockpodficclub @podfixx
Letters From Watson emails will begin January 1st, 2023! Sign up!
Sherlock Discord @themoontookmyvibe has opened a discord, since some of those on here are not open to BBC or johnlock discussion! (keep yourselves safe out there!)
Sherlock Watchalong @nixxie-pic @finalproblem #sunday watchalong #wednesday watchalong #the giant chat of sumatra
London Sherlock: The Game is Now, The Sherlock Museum, The Sherlock Pub, and HolmesCon 2023 coming up!
Prompts & Challenges:
2022 Year of the Crack Fic challenge, hosted by @helloliriels Follow & Tag: #2022 year of the crack fic // On Ao3: '2022_Crack_Fix' to add to the collection!
GenderQueering Holmes :: Sept Prompt :: Berries :: Follow & Tag: @jeremys-come-to-bed-eyes // #genderqueering holmes
Sherlock Challenge :: Sept Prompt :: TBD :: Follow & Tag: @sherlockchallenge // #sherlock challenge
Mystrade Monday :: new prompt weekly! :: Follow & Tag: @mystradepromptsandscenarios // #mystrade monday
Flash Fic Friday :: new prompt weekly! (open fandom) :: Follow & Tag: @flashfictionfridayofficial // #flash fiction friday
The Wednesday 100 :: unprompted drabble! 100 words (open fandom) :: Follow & Tag: @100wednesday // #wednesday 100
Inktober (Bluebell Edition!) :: (Coming Soon!) :: @bluebellofbakerstreet is hosting their annual Inktober challenge! (open fandom) Follow & Tag: #inktober // #inktober 2022 (or see the orig. Inktober challenge here!) (open fandom) all are welcome!
Sherlock Prompts (daily! anytime!) :: Ask Box OPEN! :: Have one you've been dying to see made a fic? Ask! :: See one that sparks your interest? Write! Follow & Tag: @ofpiratesanddragonslayers // #sherlock prompts
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NOTE: There are so many tags/links in the post, that I will have to reblog to tag and share with everyone! (bear with me if you are not yet tagged!)
@inevitably-johnlocked @chinike @rhasima @ohlooktheresabee @sarahthecoat @fluffbyday-smutbynight @johnlocky @whatnext2020 @dinner--starving @7-percent @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @arwamachine @discordantwords @simplyclockwork @peanitbear @khorazir @myriath @justanobsessedpan @missdeliadili @janetm74 @lavenderandvanilla @janeofcakes @forfucksakejohn @thegirlfromthesouth @astudyin221b
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In advance of beginning A Study in Scarlet (STUD), please list any fanfic pertaining to it you’d like to recommend (in any Universe, with any rating)
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