blossomnet · 14 days
Check out this Fluff by Jay-R!
Humble and kindness
Trope: rookie!San x maestro!reader
This will take place in an orchestral setting
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As San straightened out his pristine suit jacket that was ironed to perfection, he looked himself in the mirror one last time and gave himself a small pep talk.
"You got this, San. You can do it. You've been practicing for months on end for this very moment. You can make it. Fighting!"
After releasing a short breath, he picked up his silver violin case, slung it over his shoulder, and began walking briskly from out of his apartment to the busy streets of Seoul.
He probably should've brought an umbrella. Good thing he packed an emergency one in his case.
After closing it back up and opening the umbrella, he made his way to the symphony hall again. He only had three more blocks to cover. As he continued to walk briskly yet carefully in the rain, he noticed something odd. A few feet away from him, a young woman was wearing a cloak and was standing under a newspaper stand to try and shield herself from the rain. She had been asking for various strangers to lend their umbrella, only to be met with half assed apologies or straight up rudeness whenever they said no.
His heart broke when most of them were young people with violin cases slung over their shoulders as well. Looks like they cared more about the competition than helping a stranger out.
Due to the fact that he couldn't stand the weary woman suffering for so long, he walked over to her and put on his kindest smile.
"Hello, ma'am. Need to go somewhere?"
The woman heard his voice and let out a soft cry of relief.
"Yes yes! I need to get to the symphony hall. I want to see my child audition! Unfortunately, my car broke down in the middle of horrendous downpour and I didn't bring an umbrella with me so I had no choice but to stand here."
"How long have you been in the rain?"
"Not too long but it feels likes ages! Please, young man. Can you help me?"
A short internal conflict went on inside his mind. His brain told him to just ditch the woman and hope she forgives him while his heart told him to help her out so she wouldn't miss her child's audition. Sighing quietly, he made up his mind.
"Ok. I can take you. I might be late, but I'd rather be late than have someone's kid audition knowing that their number one supporter isn't there for them."
The woman's eyes shone brightly and a grateful smile graced her face. She scuffled under his umbrella and was even more shocked when she felt his jack be draped over her shoulders.
"But what about you?! Your shirt will be soaked and you will get sick!"
"Your wellbeing comes first, ma'am. Besides, I have an emergency shirt in my case that I can change into later."
The woman chuckled and they both walked together to the symphony hall.
"So... I presume you will audition as well?"
"Yes, ma'am. I've always wanted to perform in front of my biggest inspiration for years!"
"Ahh! Let me guess. Is it that one young girl? Y/N?"
San nodded eagerly and the woman chuckled.
"I heard she got her rise to fame fairly quick. She used to be a street performer and now here she is, playing in the KQ Grand Hall in front of thousands of her most beloved fans."
"That is correct! It's always been my dream to make a name for myself, wherever that might be." San chuckled sadly before speaking.
"After tearing a muscle in my calf during a taekwondo competition, I thought my life was over. During physical therapy, my hands started to get antsy so the doctor found something for my hands to do. At first, when I played a single note, it sounded like a dying cat being strangled and it was screeching for help."
The woman giggled to that comparison.
"From there, I learned how to play on my own."
"No teacher to guide you?"
"Most of the teachers thought I was too cocky or arrogant whenever I passed a simple lesson. They quit right after teaching me a few lessons. It kind of saddened me, but that didn't stop me from learning. Now, here I am."
"Do you think you'll pass the audition?"
"I would hope so. If not, I'm just grateful enough to even perform in front of y/n."
"That's very humbling of you, young man. I pass on my good luck to you for your audition."
"Thank you, ma'am."
When they arrived at the doors of the symphony hall, San let the woman go in first. She thanked him and was about to give him his jacket back when he shook his head.
"Keep it. I want you to stay warm and healthy."
The woman smiled.
"Alrighty then. Thank you for walking me to this venue. You truly are a kind man."
San simply smiled before waving goodbye to her and turning to the table that had sign-in sheets. Once he signed in, the employee pointed to a practice room behind San, where other musicians were waiting for their audition. Some were even practicing. San thanked the employees and walked to the practice room before finding a seat and opening his case so he could take out his violin and practice.
The tension in the symphony hall was thick.
Some musicians only made it through halfway of their audition piece before they were sent out of the audition room. A few of them walked in and then walked out since the maestro and her two colleagues, who were also judges, didn't even want to hear to the piece in the first place. It caused an uproar and loud claims of being unfair, to which the maestro shut it down quickly.
One of the musicians even cried as she ran out of the audition room.
The maestro made someone cry!
San was the last one to audition and some of the musicians that auditioned before him wished him the best of luck while others tried to persuade pressure him into backing out and calling it quits since the maestro has high expectations and San will never be able to surpass them. However, San pushed all of that aside and walked into the audition room with a humble head held up high and a kind heart beating rapidly.
"Hello. Tell us your name, the piece you'll play, and why you want to be a part of the maestro's symphony."
The colleague named Seonghwa spoke mundanely as the colleague named Hongjoong read over San's portfolio. The maestro sat silently in between Matz with the back of her chair facing San. San gulped nervously and spoke.
"Hello. My name is Choi San. The piece I'll play is actually an original piece I composed. Or rather transcribed I should say."
He quickly passed out three copies of his audition. Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and the maestro looked over the piece while San kept talking.
"The title of the piece is called Everything. It's actually written by my little brother. His name is Choi Jongho. He allowed me to transcribe his song and his dream is to have this performed in front of thousands of people during a symphony concert."
Seonghwa hummed quietly in approval while Hongjoong spoke up this time.
"It says on your portfolio that you were once a world-renowned taekwondo champion. During an international competition however, you pulled a calf muscle, which rendered you down. You've been in physical therapy and picked up the violin as a hobby."
"That is correct." San answered politely.
"So answer me this. Why would you, a former athletic champion, want to join something as spectacular as the symphony? You could've done some other sport yet you chose to dabble in the arts."
San sighed.
"I've been asked this question a million times and my answer will always be the same. I want to make a name for myself whether it be here or somewhere else. I also want to make my family proud. They've always been there for me. Growing up in Namhae, we don't get a lot of opportunities since it's such a small town. My parents worked hard to make sure Jongho and I have a bright future. They also taught us how to be humble and kind whenever we receive those opportunities. I may sound like I'm talking out of my ass, but it's the truth."
Hongjoong sat there in a stunned silence while Seonghwa leaned in so the maestro could whisper something in his ear. San caught a glimpse of a gold ring on her index finger and looked down at his own, smiling to himself slightly.
Both of them wore a simple gold band on their index finger.
Once Seonghwa nodded, he sat up straight.
"Do you have a backing track for this? Most of the other musicians did?"
"I do not. However, I do have the piano chords written down."
Matz were pleasantly surprised by this and Seonghwa nodded to Hongjoong. The smaller man got up and San gave him the sheet music. Hongjoong took it and sat at the piano before cracking his knuckles.
"Ok. Whenever you're ready. I can sight read."
San started and got into playing position.
Once the audition was over, San stayed in that position with his bow lifted in the air until Hongjoong ceased playing. Seonghwa nodded and Hongjoong got up to take his place at the judge's table once more. San got into resting position and anticipated the words of the judges.
"Hongjoong and I already have our opinions, but the maestro herself would like to say her part."
"I'm ready for what she has to say. Whatever the verdict may be, I deserve it."
The chair spun around and San's breath got knocked out of his chest. Standing before him was y/n. She was wearing her iconic pinstripe pantsuit but in lieu of the pinstripe blazer
Was a very familiar looking suit jacket.
"Wait a minute... you're the woman that was under the newspaper stand?!"
A light giggle escaped her lips and San's heart rate increased rapidly. As her heels clicked over to where he was standing, she stared up at him with a soft smile.
"Yes I was. I knew people would do anything to make sure they made it to their audition on time, even if it meant disregarding anyone that was in need of help."
She reached out to him and fixed his tie, the gold ring brushing against the gray fabric.
"You risked being late to your audition to help out someone in need. And I admire you for that."
San chuckled softly while Matz awkwardly looked away.
"Do you even have a kid?"
"No. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you were a good Samaritan. And you are exactly what I need for my symphony."
After fixing his tie, she took his violin and set it on top of the piano before grabbing his hands in hers.
"You passed your audition. Welcome to the symphony, Choi San. Let me repay your kindness by composing a full orchestral version of your brother's song. You can even conduct it. I'll play for you."
San couldn't help the bright smile on his face as he picked y/n up and spun her around. She didn't mind thought. The feeling of being in this kind man's strong arms felt nice. After he set her down, she spoke once more.
"Shall we get to work?"
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blossomnet · 14 days
Check out this AU by Jay-R!
Thar he goes
Back on my OUAT bullshit lol
Trope: siren!Wooyoung x sailor!reader
Includes: gn!reader, mainly crack with mentions of almost drowning
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Ooh. You had enough of Regina's bullshit. You let go of the rigging and tackled the Evil Queen. Surprised by this, she tried to blast you away with her magic yet you were quicker and smarter. You placed a black leather cuff on her wrist and when she tried to flick her hand, no magic came out.
"WHY YOU - "
Regina tackled you but you sidestepped just in time for the Queen to actually tackle Mary Margaret (Snow White) instead. You cackled at the two women throwing hands at each other until you felt something sharp being pointed at your back. You turned around to see David (Charming) angrily pointing a sword at you.
David charged at you and you sidestepped quickly once more, regretting it slightly when he ran into your captain by accident.
Hook was now charging at you with his sword in his hand. Realizing the 'oh shit i fucked up' moment, you grabbed a rope and swung over to where Emma was trying to keep the Jolly Roger steady.
As if on cue, singing voices could be heard from the depths of the sea. The rest of the group stopped fighting and stood still as the singing voices grew louder and louder. Only you and Emma could resist the singing, which would explain the apprehension on her face as eight men appeared on the boat after a brief flash of lightening passed by.
You quickly ran down to the group and your eyes widened when you saw one of them reach out to caress Mary's face with webbed hands.
You shoved him to the side and felt his catlike eyes pierce your soul.
You slapped her, then Regina, then David, and finally, your captain. Emma grew shocked as they tried to snap out of it.
With that, you dove off the ship and the sirens followed you in after, almost drowning you in the process when they dove in. The last thing you could recall was a mop of dark hair hovering over your sinking body.
"Unicorn stickers? Seriously?"
"Yeah. That's exactly what Regina said to Snow."
A high-pitched laugh, followed by other laughs, filled the hollow siren grove while you retold the story of how that mermaid basically caused chaos aboard the ship.
You didn't necessarily drown. You only pretended to drown so you could escape the chaos of those enchanted forest crackheads and your equally stupid captain. You felt scaly arms wrap around you and a chin land on your shoulder and you looked down to see your favorite siren with the witch cackle he emitted earlier.
"Yes, Wooyoung?"
"I want attention."
"But you already have it."
"Well I want more~"
His whines and pout made the other seven sirens groan in annoyance and you hushed them. The siren with the cat eyes then asked something.
"So what will happen once they stop Peter Pan? Will you help them escape Neverland?"
"Perhaps. But they seriously need to work together if the Savior wants to save that son of hers."
"Speaking of which, how did she not know that Neal's real name was Baelfire?"
"San, be for real. Imagine you're on a date in that Land without Magic and a man introduces themself with the name Baelfire. Besides, after going through that portal, he's gotta blend in somehow."
"Ok ok. Lemme follow up with this. How did August, or Pinocchio I should say, know that Neal is Baelfire?"
You thought about that for a moment before shrugging.
"Meh. Don't know, don't care. Anyways, lemme know if that ghastly crew of adult misfits find their way off Neverland so I can help my captain man the Jolly Roger once more. Maybe I'll find a way to get your siren asses to Storybrooke. That Ariel chick did. Might as well give you guys a place to live, right?"
The seven of them cheered while Wooyoung hugged you tightly.
"Thanks, doll." He said affectionately and kissed your cheek.
"No problem, Woo. All within a day's work I suppose."
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blossomnet · 14 days
Check out this Angst by Jay-R!
But I like them
Trope: actor!Seonghwa x manager!reader
Includes: gn!reader, cold Seonghwa but he's actually just shy [yet scary when angry], angst with a fluffy ending
They say famous actor Park Seonghwa doesn't match the happy roles he's given. But that's just it. They were roles. On camera, most of the characters he plays were happy-go-lucky and he likes to get along with people.
Off camera is a different story.
Once a scene ends, his smile diminishes and he has this stone-cold facade that scares everyone. From the camera crew to the staff. Some even grew afraid of him to the point where they beg him not to fire them after one minor slip-up.
Spoiler alert: they don't get fired since he's actually very kind.
He doesn't know how to show it properly.
He's been criticized by all kinds of media, claiming that he won't get anymore roles or that his fame will die down if he keeps on being mean to his staff.
Some even spread rumors that he scared off his managers.
That wasn't true! They were simply incompetent and always pressured him into smiling, saying that he'll get more views or new fans if he smiled. If he didn't smile, they would yell at him and claim that he will die alone since he scares everyone that cares for him away. He's gotten used to it and even told them that they could walk out the door if they didn't like it. Most of the time, they did.
Then you came along.
Unlike most managers, you didn't necessarily treat him like a client. Rather, you treated him like a friend. You always say good morning, ask how he is doing, and even asks if he slept well. His answers were short since he wasn't used to this treatment but you didn't mind. After all, you wanted to show him that you were different.
Today wasn't anything unusual. You greeted him, asked about his wellbeing, before getting into the schedule for the day.
"A new role opened up for you -"
"I don't want it. If I have to play another happy guy, I refuse."
"Come on now, you big womp! This is different."
"That's what they all say, Y/N."
"Ok look. If it's another happy role, I will discard the invitation and tell the director to fuck off. Sound good?"
One thing that Seonghwa liked about you is that you weren't adamant about your persuasion and you were willing to compromise. If he didn't like it, you wouldn't push it any further. Another thing that Seonghwa liked about you was that you weren't so formal when it was the two of you. You treated him like a human being, not a celebrity they put on a pedestal.
Sighing quietly, he took the invitation in between his slender fingers and opened it. His eyes widened as he read up on the information provided for this new role. You even saw his eyes shine bright with determination and confidence as he read it over and over. He slammed down the paper with excitement and he looked over at you.
"Tell the director that we should meet up immediately! I accept."
"Told you it was different."
Your heart fluttered as you saw the biggest smile on his face appear. You achieved the impossible.
All you did was provide him a role opportunity that didn't have him acting happy.
So then why would his acting agency fire you as soon as you told them that Seonghwa accepted the role?
As soon as you were out, a new manager came in. And Seonghwa didn't like it. He grew accustomed to you and he wanted to bring you flowers as a thank-you gift for helping him land this role. Imagine his surprise when he found a random woman standing there, claiming herself as his new manager.
The smile on his face disappeared once more.
The flowers dropped from his hand and his fist clenched. The woman eagerly grabbed his hand and giggled.
"It's ok, Seonghwa! Turn that frown upside down!"
"That's Mr. Park to you."
The woman's smile dropped as he pulled his hand away from her and watched with fierce eyes as she stepped away and bowed her head upon hearing his anger. The board directors of his agency rolled their eyes and spoke up.
"Come on, Seonghwa. We're just trying to help out. This role is too depressing and it won't look good for your image."
Everyone flinched. This was the first time he yelled at them. His rage was coursing through his veins and he was breathing heavily. He continued to speak.
"Seonghwa, please calm down -"
"Your fans won't like this new role - "
"Contrary to what you may think, my fans have actually been begging me to explore different character types! They say they're tired of my smiley roles!"
"Mr. Park, if you can just cooperate - "
That silenced the agency right away. Seonghwa sighed shakily and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"If I don't see them back here tomorrow, I will quit. Not just this agency but acting altogether. Don't come crying to me if you end up being boycotted."
The sneer on his face and the anger in his voice frightened them to no end and they all nodded. Seonghwa straightened out his suit jacket and picked up the flowers.
"Now then. If you'll excuse me, I will bring these to their apartment and apologize on behalf of your stupidity for letting them go. Don't stop me."
They watched in fear as he walked out of the office and stomped his way over to where you lived.
A satisfied look appeared on Seonghwa's face as he walked into the office and saw you sitting there with two cups of coffee. One for him and one for you.
"Morning, Hwa! How are you?"
"I'm doing a whole lot better now that you have arrived."
"I heard you scared these guys shitless yesterday."
"And what about it?"
"That's not your best behavior, Mr. Park."
"Will you punish me for being a naughty boy?"
"Yeah. I ain't taking you to get Korean barbecue after this ends."
The pout on Seonghwa's face made the agency directors realize just how comfortable Seonghwa was with you.
"But but but but but - "
"No ifs, ands, or buts. You gotta apologize for scaring them."
Seonghwa sighed dramatically and turned to the board directors before spewing out an apology. Was it lame? Yeah. Did you complain? Nah. After turning to you for approval, you nodded slowly.
"Ok that works. Now come on. The director of that action show is here. Now that this mess is over, you can finally get some pointers on how to portray a villainous CEO properly."
"We are getting Korean barbecue afterwards. Right? Please please please pretty please~"
The shininess in his doe eyes almost made you fold. You sighed and nodded.
"Fine. But you're paying."
After clapping giddily and smiling brightly at the thought of food, the two of you exited the office.
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blossomnet · 14 days
Check out this Angst Fluff by Jay-R!
Tall manwich
@yourfatherlucifer yes there's a two-for-one deal for these fics. Plus, I need to write in features other than the characters from OUAT. So thanks for this. Also, thanks for the title name lol
Trope: dancer!Yunho x chauffeur!reader featuring dancer!BM
BM is a kpop solo artist who is also part of the group KARD.
Includes: gn!reader, mention of a size kink but it won't be overly sexual, slight angst, reader being cursed at by fans, reader gets hurt, mentions of blood, protective Yunho and BM
I wanna point that not all fans are like this! But this is the unfortunate reality idols must face every day. ENJOY THE FIC NONETHELESS :D
Another day, another dollar, and another batch of fans swarming around you and Yunho. The bodyguards were actually doing their job well!
These fans just like being bold. That's it.
They went from yelling and complaining to actual punching the bodyguards in their arms with their weak fists. You didn't understand how rowdy a celebrity's fans were until you were hired by Yunho's manager to drive him everywhere he goes.
From the grocery store to the studio he dances in, you had the routine on lockdown. You just had to get used to the fact that fans have nothing to do with their time other than find out where Yunho will be at this point in time of the day. As you kept your head down and walked alongside Yunho, the swarm of fans decided to switch tactics.
By aiming for you.
They pointed their cameras at you, called you names, cussed you out, told you to stay away from their beloved Jeong Yunho, and even resorted to physical violence.
From pulling on your hair
To straight up punching you
They laughed and called you weak as you doubled over in pain yet you kept walking. The bodyguards noticed and they became twice as aggressive in shoving the fans backwards. Yunho noticed and he tried to help but you held your hand up and reassured him that you were fine.
That broke Yunho's heart.
Ever since you got hired as his chauffeur, you've been receiving nothing but utter shit. From the fans and even down to some of his staff. The bodyguards were ok with you. He knew you could handle yourself yet he still felt this need to protect you. You've done so much for him. He wanted to give back.
After arriving at the venue, he saw you dart off to the nearest medical staff to have your wounds treated and his heart hurt even more. He refused to go with staff to get his hair and makeup done and even stood in the middle of the venue.
Yunho never got angry. He was the sweetest man alive. However, after seeing you get hurt, he wasn't feeling sweet right now. Some of the staff tried to coax him into the dressing room with fake reassurance that you were fine, but one glare from him had their words dying down in their throat and dispersing so he could be left alone. His manager saw this and asked gently if Yunho wanted to see you, to which he gave one simple nod firm to. His manager pointed to a room with a red cross sign hanging above the door, indicating you were in there. His long legs strided over to the room and he walked in.
You got punched in the face. Specifically, right on your mouth. Your lip was busted and split open but it wasn't severe enough to where your teeth were falling out nor were you spitting up blood. Yunho admired your strong will yet almost cried when he saw how disheveled you looked. You always made sure to look your best and thanks to those fans, your hard work was ruined.
Your hair was all over the place, your suit was wrinkled and stained due to a fan purposefully spilling a beverage on you, and your hands were shaking. It was a sign that your anxiety raised. Yunho immediately rushed over to you and held your hands gently. They practically disappeared underneath his huge hands and you looked at him with misty eyes. You were on the verge of crying.
He didn't like that.
"Shh. It's ok, bub. You'll be ok." Yunho reassured you quietly as he kissed your forehead. He cared for you so much. It made you wonder what you did to deserve it. Another presence entered the room and the both of you looked up to see another man and his staff.
"I was told you were in here. Are they ok?" The new man asked as he nodded at you. Yunho smiled slightly before nodding.
"They will be, BM."
BM, or Big Matthew, was a longtime friend of Yunho's. They used to be dance rivals, but tonight, they share the stage together. As BM sat down beside you, he beckoned his staff over to fix up your hair so it wouldn't get in the way of your face and the blood from your lip wouldn't stain it. He got a good look at you and his eyes widened in familiarity.
"No fucking way! Y/N L/N?!"
You smiled weakly as BM said your name with such enthusiasm.
"Hi, Matty. It's been a long time." You said shyly and he hugged you tightly yet carefully. Yunho was confused as to how BM knew you. BM saw the confusion on Yunho's face and he explained it to him.
"We used to go to elementary school together. They would protect me from my bullies."
Yunho smiled to himself as he envisioned a tiny version of you fending off this man's bullies when he was younger.
"By the time we got to middle school, we broke apart. I moved cities and never saw them again. Until today!"
BM's and Yunho's smiles were so bright that you thought you were going to go blind. You forgot your pain and recalled memories of you and BM in your youth while BM's staff fixed your hair and even picked out casual clothes for you to change into so they could iron your suit.
Alas, it was time for them to go on stage. You decided to stay in the medical room and watch from a monitor that the venue's employees provided you with. You wished them the best of luck.
The show ended and it was time for you to drive both Yunho and BM back to the hotel. BM happened to stay in the same hotel as Yunho and even stayed on the same floor! He just had a different room of course.
After changing into your suit and putting on a face mask so you could cover your busted lip, you waited for the two men to arrive. Once they did, you proceeded to go out first but Yunho held you back.
You were now sandwiched in between these two tall buildings God called men. Your face heated up due to being flustered upon seeing the sheer size differences between the three of you.
"You're not going out there first, bub. Hate me at the end of the day, but I'm protecting." Yunho whispered deeply in your ear while BM nodded in agreement.
"He's right. You finna stay in between our big tiddies until we reach your car. Got it?"
Yunho snickered a bit while you sighed loudly.
"Ok fine."
From there, you stayed like that. Sandwiched in between these two men. The only time you got a break was when they had to sit in the back seat while you drove them.
Even when you arrived at the hotel, you still stayed sandwiched in between them. You had to suffer through their man boobs suffocating you when you entered the elevator and went up to your floor. After the elevator arrived, you exited and walked to your room.
Or tried to at least.
You ended up staying in Yunho's room, where the three of you laid on Yunho's bed. Their big bodies squished you and you felt more flustered than before.
Will BM most likely be in that bed with you and Yunho for the entire night?
That's how much they cared for you.
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blossomnet · 14 days
Check out this Smut by Jay-R!
Daddy ribo
@yourfatherlucifer wanted this so here ya go. Maybe he can finally let me go from the basement lol jk jk. He doesn't have me hostage.
Trope: basketballplayer!Jongho x musician!reader
Includes: thigh riding, handjob slightly mean and possessive dom!Jongho, gn!reader, fic inspired by this photo
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Thank you for providing this photo, father. Also, thank you for the title of this fic lol
Everyone knew about the star athlete and famous basketball captain named Choi Jongho. Everyone also knew about the campus sweetheart and famous musician named Y/N L/N.
What everyone didn't know was that they were secretly dating.
There was a lot of talk about how athletes and musicians don't go well together. However, that didn't stop Jongho from nervously asking you out and smiling his precious gummy smile when you said yes to his dating proposal. From there, the rest was history.
Despite the scheduling conflicts due to his games and your orchestra concerts, they always found time to be in each other's arms and talk about their day. It usually ranges from the classes they both had to the practice sessions they both endured.
Sometimes, they would visit each other. Jongho would show up and sit in the empty auditorium and watch his lover practice and lead the entire orchestra while you would sit atop the bleachers in the campus gym and watch him practice free throws and go through rigorous drills.
Just like today.
You didn't have any classes nor after school orchestra practice today, so you decided to visit Jongho at basketball practice. This time, you sat at the bottom of the bleachers so they could get a close up look at him practicing.
As you were watching him, you stretched a bit so your limbs wouldn't grow stiff from sitting on the bleachers for too long. Some of the players usually don't notice them since you liked to be obscure and lowkey when watching but today, the entirety of the team noticed you.
Including Jongho, who for some reason didn't look too happy seeing you.
His serious, almost deadly, stare bore into his lover's eyes and when you finally looked up from your phone to wave at him excitedly, all he did was nod his head to the side, indicating that you should get your ass over to the other side of the gym and sit next to Jongho.
You happily, albeit naively, skipped over there and sat next to Jongho.
You threw your arms around Jongho and grew confused & sad when he shrugged them off.
Did you do something wrong?
While you were lost in thought, Jongho quickly draped his jacket over your legs and glared at his teammates. His peers got the message and stopped the lingering stares on his lover, pretending to do something else during the break from practice. Feeling satisfied in scaring his teammates, he turned to you and whispered lowly in your ear.
"Come with me."
Soon, the two of them were hidden in the locker room somewhere and Jongho took the opportunity to grab your hips and lightly slam you against the wall. Your sadness turned into fear when you saw the look in his eyes as he held you tightly, ocassionally drawing circles on your hips and squeezing them.
"Did I do something wrong, bear?"
His eyes softened a bit and he leaned in to kiss your forehead before shaking his head.
"Of course not, my little Mozart. But out of all the outfits you had, why did you decide to wear this?" He asked as he gestured to your outfit.
So he had a problem with your outfit it seems.
It consisted of a cream-colored sweater crop top, a dark blue high-waisted skirt that only reached mid-thigh, and matching Vans. Your hair was down and you decided to put on a bit of makeup to cover your blemishes.
You fiddled with the hem of your skirt and looked away since your chin was held by Jongho.
"I'm sorry, bear. I just wanted to look cute today since I didn't have classes or orchestra practice today. I can change or wait for you at home - "
Jongho kissed you to shut your rambling up. He caressed your face and smirked lightly.
"Now now. Don't be like that. I love the outfit. What I don't love is my teammates ogling you. Did you notice that your skirt hiked up a bit when you crossed your legs? Or that this little top of yours raised up a bit when you threw your arms around me?"
Oh! He was just being possessive.
Wait a damn minute...
You blushed out of embarrassment and Jongho chuckled lowly. He kissed you again but it was hungry and desperate. You tried your best to keep up with him since you were still new to all of this. However, you didn't mind taking that next step.
You just didn't expect it to be in the deepest part of the locker room.
He picked you up and led you to the benches near his locker before sitting down and having you sit down on his lap.
Specifically, right over one of his strong thighs.
Your blush worsened and Jongho grinned slightly, enjoying the way you squirmed around in this new position. His hand creeped up your skirt and hooked his finger into the hem of your panties.
"May I?"
Unable to form words, you nodded and Jongho's grin grew bigger before he yanked them down. You had to lift your hips a bit so he could pull them down easily. After he stuffed them in his pocket, he stuck his hand down his gym shorts and whipped out his cock.
His nice, girthy, and thick cock that made you more wet than before.
He guided your hand over to his cock and you saw little dribbles of precum leak from the tip. You gulped nervously as your hand wrapped around the shaft and you looked up at him with nervous eyes. Jongho almost came on the spot seeing his biggest wet dream coming to life.
You straddling his thigh, your exposed hole leaking over his gym shorts, and the innocent yet fiery look in your eyes as you stared him down with his dick in your hand.
You weren't innocent by all means. You just didn't think about those things often when you're around him. Today was an exception.
Perhaps you could live out that secret fantasy you always dreamed of when it came to this beefy man and his sturdy thighs.
"I want you to take it nice and slow. I want to savour every moment of this as much as possible. You cannot cum without my permission. If you do, I will fuck you into the walls of the locker room showers. Got it?"
There was a sharp edge in his voice and shivers went down your spine upon hearing that voice. Nodding obediently, you began to rock your hips back and forth, careful not to emit any moans or whimpers as the fabric of his gym shorts rubbed against you with a strange yet satisfying friction.
While you were riding his thigh, you were jerking him off at the same time. Jongho threw his head back and let out quiet sighs of satisfaction every time. When he adjusted himself to look at you, his eyes became hooded and a lazy smirk was on his face. Whenever he felt you go faster, he grabbed your hips and made you sit still.
"I said take it slow. Don't disobey me."
You nodded vigorously and you tried to ride his thigh as slowly as possible, causing him to nod in approval. Several minutes later, he signaled for you to pick up the pace and you did. He even lifted the leg of his gym shorts a bit so you could feel closer than before. You let out a slight whimper as your wet hole made contact with the bare skin of his thigh. Jongho let out a quiet moan as well and wrapped his arm around your waist while he buried his head in the crook of your neck and placed feverish kisses along the side of it.
"That's it, baby. Pick up the pace a bit more. Fuck I'm so close."
When he lifted his head to look you in the eyes, he brought you in for one last feverish kiss. His hands settled on your hips once more and he helped you rock back and forth on his thigh since you were distracted due to the two of you kissing each other. Once he pulled away, he leaned in to whisper in your ear.
"You've been so good for me. So obedient, small, and perfect. You can cum."
Feeling relieved, you rode his thigh faster than before and you found yourself cumming all over his thigh. You stopped and let your high ride out and you felt yourself shake a little due to how intense your orgasm was. Jongho felt himself cum as well since he let out his release at the same time as you. Once the both of you came down from your highs, you got up from his thigh and cringed at how wet it was.
"I'm so sorry, bear -"
"Don't be. We both got to live out our fantasies." Jongho reassured you as he stood up and opened his locker before changing into a different pair of gym shorts. He took out your panties from the pocket of his previous pair before throwing them at you so you could put them on.
"Next time, let me know if you'll wear such a delectable outfit like this again. God you look so beautiful like this."
All you could do was giggle and nod before the two of you left the locker room.
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blossomnet · 15 days
Check out this Fluff AU fic by Jay-R!
The rulers of Clubs
Sadly, this is the last installment of my mini-series. I'm sad to see this go but I had a lot of fun writing it! Stick around for more brand new fics. Love you all <3
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“Yeah. I’m ready”
Seonghwa and Yeosang both nodded and the five of you soon walked outside the castle. The carriage was waiting for the three of you. Yeosang got in first while Seonghwa was held back by Hongjoong and you were held back by Jongho. You giggled at the human personification of a bear hugging you tightly and burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Don’t go. Please don’t go.” 
He murmured sadly in your ear and your heart melted at the way he wasn’t letting you go. He wasn’t usually such a clingy person, but after last night, he changed his ways. There was something about you that affected all the rulers of Wonderland. Several minutes pass and Jongho finally, albeit reluctantly, let you go. He spun you around and kissed you gently before smiling his precious gummy smile. 
“Come visit me if you decide to stay in Wonderland. If not, I can arrange for you a trip to Storybrooke.”
“I’ll think about it.” 
After one last smile from Jongho, you bid him goodbye and got into the carriage with Seonghwa and Yeosang. Both men were giving you a teasing look and you playfully rolled your eyes. 
“Don’t give me that look.” 
“You guys are cute. I can't decide whether you should stay with him or Mingi.”
“She’ll decide if she chooses to stay with us. If not, we can work together with Jongho to arrange a trip to Storybrooke for her. And maybe us too. It’s been a while since I went on vacation.”
Both men nodded in agreement to their little settlement before relaxing in their seats while the carriage took them to the last castle in Wonderland. You grew a little sad since your journey was about to end. Unless you decided to stay of course. The choice was up to you at the end of the day. After all, you needed a safe haven to stay in so you could hide from Peter Pan. 
That’s how you described the Clubs castle. 
And bright too. 
As the three of you exited the carriage, you had to squint and adjust your eyes to the shininess of the last castle. It was decked out in gold with hints of black paint plastered on random sides of the walls. Seonghwa saw you struggling with adjusting your vision so he handed you a pair of sunglasses. You gratefully took them and put them on before proceeding to enter the castle. 
The inside of the castle wasn’t as bright but it was so loud. Strange machines with stranger symbols were everywhere. Some patrons of the castle were cheering over winning something while other patrons were jeering over losing something. You were confused and a bit overwhelmed. You tugged on Yeosang’s sleeve and he pulled you closer to him protectively. 
“Don’t worry. We’re almost there.” 
You nodded and continued walking with the two men until you reached a secluded area. This area was quieter and you couldn’t be happier. Until the smell of cigar smoke hit you. You coughed a bit and Seonghwa grew worried before fishing a face mask out of his pocket. You gingerly put it on and you were glad this face mask had filters in it so you could breathe in fresh air properly. 
“You probably aren’t used to casinos.” Seonghwa joked lightly and you looked confused. 
“What’s a casino?”
Seonghwa winced internally and looked to Yeosang for help, to which he happily obliged by turning to you so he could explain. 
“A casino is a place filled with a lot of temptation and ways to waste your life away. From spending money on slot machines or poker tables to drinking the most luxurious liquor.” 
“I’ve heard of poker before but what are these slot machines that you speak of?”
“See those brightly colored machines that make pretty sounds and have money symbols on them? Those are the slot machines.”
As you observed the patrons winning or losing their money, you were confused as to why people waste the money they worked so hard for in these silly games. ‘To each their own I guess.’ You thought to yourself and shrugged before walking into a fancy room with Seonghwa and Yeosang. 
Servants of all kinds immediately swarmed the three of you and asked kindly if they could take your jacket and hang it somewhere or if they could offer you a drink. You politely declined the drink offer but you nodded at the offer of having your jacket taken and hung somewhere. After all, it was growing a bit hot in this casino-esque castle. After shrugging off your pinstripe blazer, you handed it over to the servant and watched her scurry off with it carefully. You found Seonghwa and Yeosang talking amongst themselves and you decided to sit next to Seonghwa. Seonghwa noticed your presence and smiled before kissing your forehead. 
“They’ll be here shortly.”
You nodded and decided to make small talk with the two men, occasionally stopping to ask some of the servants for water since it was hot in the room. A minute later, two new men walked into the room and you gulped nervously as they sat down in front of Seonghwa and Yeosang. 
The first man was super tall. He had red streaks in his hair and his hands were adorned with different accessories. One hand was covered with a leather glove while the other was covered with unique silver accessories. It complimented the classic suit and tie he wore. You couldn’t stop staring at his hands. They were so pretty and huge. They were bigger than Mingi’s hands! They definitely fit his tall stature. His smile was bright and his mannerisms were similar to a golden retriever. He seemed composed and poised when he first walked in, but all of that changed when he greeted Seonghwa and Yeosang. He was jumpy and his laugh sounded heavenly in your ears. You were so busy admiring the first man that you didn’t notice the second man approaching you and sitting down beside you. 
His soft and airy voice made you jump a bit when he whispered in your ear and he chuckled slightly before wrapping a buff arm around your shoulders. That’s when you noticed the appearance of the second man. 
You wanted to flee due to the fact that his large size was intimidating you. 
The second man simply wore a black leather vest and black jeans. The vest was a bit small on his body, showing off his tiny waist and accentuating his broad shoulders. His jeans clung nicely to his slim legs. You then looked up and saw a small smile on this handsome man’s face. His eyes were sharp and cat-like yet they softened when his gaze fell upon you. His jawline was also sharp and his bright red hair was pushed back and swept to one side. You noticed a single gold ring on his index finger and appreciated the simplicity of his accessory. You now were too busy admiring the second man to notice the first man sitting behind you and tapping your shoulder. 
You were sandwiched in between these two big bitches and you had no idea on what the fuck else to do. 
You wanted to sink into the couch and hide. 
The first man’s voice was deep,  just like Yeosang’s and Mingi’s. And you felt a little flustered after hearing that. 
“Don’t be shy, kitty. We don’t bite.” The second man said. 
“Unless you want us to.” The first man said. 
Their voices were so low and deep that the only thing you could do was muster up and emit a squeak. 
The four mean soon erupted into fits of laughter upon hearing the adorable noise you made. Due to second hand embarrassment, you hid your face in your hands. That didn’t last long since the human personification of a cat grabbed your hands and took them away gently. 
“Sorry. We didn’t mean to laugh. You’re just so cute and adorable. No wonder Seonghwa calls you a good girl. You definitely are one.” 
You wanted to run to Yeosang and hide in his chest. This was too much. You felt a gloved hand clasp your bare shoulder and looked to see the tall man give you the kindest smile. You felt at ease knowing his smile comforted you yet you still felt bashful and flustered. 
“Let me introduce ourselves. I’m Yunho. I’m the King of Clubs.”
“I’m San. I’m the Jack of Clubs.”
You shyly introduced yourself to them and San cooed at the sight of you being so adorable and flustered. San brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it gently. Yunho did the same to your other hand. When the five of you finally got up, you felt yourself being lifted by San. 
“Come. We have much to discuss. And it just so happens to be dinner time. Let’s eat.”
You couldn’t say no to that. 
Several hours later, the five of you finished eating to your heart’s content and were now sipping on some dessert wines that were imported from Camelot at Yunho’s request. As the night settled down, Yunho was the first to speak to you. “So now that you have visited all of us here in Wonderland, what do you think of the place?”
“It’s definitely a lot safer here than Neverland and I feel so welcomed by all of you. You’ve taken great care of me and if you will allow me, I would love to stay here. There’s honestly nothing for me in Storybrooke so I think I’ll be fine here.” 
San was giddy upon hearing that and he sprang up from his seat to envelop you in a bone crushing hug. He nuzzled his cheek against yours affectionately before letting you go and returning to his seat. Yunho simply smiled with relief. 
“I’m so glad to hear that. And I know Mingi and Jongho will be excited once the news of your permanent residence reaches over to them. This calls for a toast actually!” The five of you raised your glasses high. 
“To our new resident! She will no longer be a Lost Girl!”
You were home.  
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blossomnet · 21 days
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Hello and welcome to the Masterlists Page !
A few things before you explore, All the Logo’s + Banners on these Masterlists were cropped and edited by @minkilicious please do not steal her work!
All of the fanfic section was edited by @gong-fourz please do not steal her work!
We however do not claim the ownership of the original dividers used. Thank you to @cafekitsune, @benkeibear, @saradika, @strangergraphics-archive, @viixcyre, & @inklore !
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To Fellow ATEEZ readers find their Masterlist HERE!
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blossomnet · 21 days
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"F: for fluff; A: for angst; MS: for mini series; S: for series; 18+: for any mature content"
↳ Joshua
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blossomnet · 21 days
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"F: for fluff; A: for angst; MS: for mini series; S: for series; 18+: for any mature content"
↳ Bang Chan
♡ nothing yet...
↳ Lee Know
♡ nothing yet...
↳ Changbin
♡ nothing yet...
↳ Hyunjin
♡ nothing yet...
↳ Han
♡ nothing yet...
↳ Felix
♡ nothing yet...
↳ Seungmin
♡ nothing yet...
↳ I.N
♡ The Secret Idol
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blossomnet · 21 days
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"F: for fluff; A: for angst; MS: for mini series; S: for series; 18+: for any mature content"
↳ Soobin
☾ nothing yet...
↳ Yeonjun
☾ nothing yet...
↳ Beomgyu
☾ nothing yet...
↳ Taehyun
☾ nothing yet...
↳ Huening Kai
☾ nothing yet...
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blossomnet · 21 days
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"F: for fluff; A: for angst; MS: for mini series; S: for series; 18+: for any mature content"
↳ Jungwon
⟡ nothing yet...
↳ Heeseung
⟡ nothing yet...
↳ Jay
⟡ nothing yet
↳ Jake
⟡ nothing yet...
↳ Sunghoon
⟡ nothing yet...
↳ Sunoo
⟡ nothing yet...
↳ Ni-Ki
⟡ nothing yet...
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blossomnet · 21 days
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"F: for fluff; A: for angst; MS: for mini series; S: for series; 18+: for any mature content"
↳ Jaehyun
✿ nothing yet...
↳ Sungho
✿ nothing yet...
↳ Riwoo
✿ nothing yet...
↳ Taesan
✿ nothing yet...
↳ Leehan
✿ nothing yet...
↳ Woonhak
✿ nothing yet...
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blossomnet · 21 days
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"F: for fluff; A: for angst; MS: for mini series; S: for series; 18+: for any mature content"
↳ Hongjoong
★ nothing yet
↳ Seonghwa
★ nothing yet...
↳ Yunho
★ nothing yet...
↳ Yeosang
★ nothing yet...
↳ San
★ nothing yet...
↳ Mingi
★ nothing yet...
↳ Wooyoung
★ nothing yet...
↳ Jongho
★ nothing yet...
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
• @gong-fourz
↳ Hongjoong
★ nothing yet...
↳ Seonghwa
★ nothing yet
↳ Yunho
★ nothing yet
↳ Yeosang
★ nothing yet...
↳ San
★ nothing yet...
↳ Mingi
★ nothing yet...
↳ Wooyoung
★ nothing yet...
↳ Jongho
★ nothing yet...
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
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blossomnet · 21 days
Check out this fluff fic by Melody!
The Secret Idol
Pairing: idol!Jeongin x reader Summary: It was a great feeling to know that he felt comfortable enough to share his biggest secret with you. WC: 1.3k Genre: fluff Nets: @blossomnet
taglist - m.list
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You strolled through the park, your mind lost in a tangle of thoughts and worries. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant murmur of laughter. But amidst the tranquility of the park, a soft melody drifted through the air, beckoning her closer.
Intrigued, you followed the sound until you came upon a secluded bench nestled beneath the shade of a towering oak tree. There, you found a young man with a guitar cradled in his arms, his fingers dancing across the strings with practiced ease. His voice, soft and soulful, filled the air with an enchanting allure, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
Mesmerized, you approached cautiously, not wanting to disrupt the serene atmosphere that surrounded him. You settled onto an adjacent bench, content to simply listen and absorb the music that seemed to emanate from his very soul.
As the melody continued to weave its spell, the young man glanced up, his eyes meeting yours with a warm, inviting gaze. Without a word, he continued to play, his voice joining the guitar in perfect harmony. His lyrics were like poetry, painting vivid pictures in your mind and stirring emotions you had long kept buried.
Time seemed to stand still as you sat there, lost in the music and the moment. The worries that had weighed so heavily on your mind melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment you hadn't felt in ages.
Eventually, the song came to an end, the final notes hanging in the air like a lingering echo. You found yourself holding your breath, not wanting to break the spell that had enveloped you both.
The young man set aside his guitar and turned to face you fully, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I hope you enjoyed the music," he said, his voice soft and gentle.
You nodded, unable to find your voice just yet. You was still caught up in the magic of the moment, the music still echoing in your ears and your heart.
"I'm glad," the young man replied, his smile widening. "It's not often I find someone who appreciates the beauty of a melody as much as you seem to."
You finally found your voice, though it was little more than a whisper. "Thank you," you said, your words carrying a depth of emotion you hadn't realized was there. "Your music…it touched something deep inside me."
The young man's smile grew even brighter, and he reached out a hand, offering it to you. "I'm glad I could bring a little joy into your day," he said. "My name's Jeongin, by the way."
You took his hand, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I'm Y/N," you replied, returning his smile with one of your own.
For a moment, you both simply sat there, hands clasped and smiles shared, the world around you fading into the background. It was as if you were the only two people in the park, cocooned in your own little bubble of music and magic.
But eventually, the spell had to be broken. With a reluctant sigh, you pulled your hand away, though you couldn't bring yourself to tear your gaze away from Jeongin's.
"I should probably be going," you said, your voice tinged with regret.
Jeongin nodded, though his smile never faltered. "I understand," he said. "But perhaps we'll meet again someday."
You nodded, a flicker of hope sparking in your chest. "I'd like that," you said, rising from the bench and gathering your things. As you turned to leave, you glanced back at Jeongin one last time, committing the memory of him and his music to your heart.
And as you walked away, the gentle melody of his guitar followed you, a reminder of the fleeting but beautiful encounter you had shared with the mysterious young man in the park.
Days turned into weeks, and you found yourself returning to the park more often than you ever had before. Each time, you hoped to catch another glimpse of Jeongin and his mesmerizing music. And more often than not, your wish was granted.
Your encounters became more frequent, and before long, you were spending countless hours together, sharing laughter, secrets, and dreams. You discovered that Jeongin was not just a talented musician, but also a kind-hearted soul with a passion for life.
You talked about everything and nothing, your conversations flowing effortlessly from one topic to the next. From your favorite books and movies to your hopes and aspirations, there was no subject too trivial or too profound for you to explore together.
As you grew closer, you couldn't help but admire Jeongin's gentle nature, his intelligence, and his unwavering determination. He had a way of seeing the beauty in the world, even in the darkest of times, and his optimism was infectious.
One evening, as you sat beneath the twinkling stars, Jeongin turned to you with a hesitant smile. "There's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
Your heart skipped a beat, sensing the weight of his words before he even spoke them. "What is it?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jeongin took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the ground. "My name isn't actually Jeongin," he confessed. "It's…It's I.N."
Your brow furrowed in confusion. "I.N?" you repeated, trying to make sense of the sudden revelation.
Jeongin nodded, his eyes shining with vulnerability. "Yeah," he said quietly. "It's…a nickname. It's what everyone calls me."
Realization dawned on you, and you felt a rush of understanding flood through you. "Wait," you said, your eyes widening in surprise. "Are you…are you a member of Stray Kids?"
Jeongin's eyes widened in shock, his gaze darting up to meet yours. "How did you…?" he began, but his voice trailed off as he realized the truth was already written on your face.
You couldn't help but smile at his reaction, though you could sense the underlying tension in the air. "I'm a fan," you admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment color your cheeks. "I've followed your group since your debut."
Jeongin seemed to relax slightly at your confession, though the tension didn't completely dissipate. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "I wanted to, but…I couldn't risk it."
You reached out a comforting hand, gently squeezing his shoulder. "It's okay," you said softly. "I understand. Your safety comes first."
Jeongin nodded, a grateful smile spreading across his face. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to me that you're so understanding."
You sat in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air between you both. You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the realization that the young musician you had encountered in the park was actually a member of one of the biggest idol groups in the industry.
Eventually, Jeongin broke the silence, his voice hesitant but determined. "I wanted to tell you because…I trust you," he said, his gaze meeting your with unwavering sincerity. "And it feels good to finally be able to share this part of my life with someone outside of my group."
You felt a surge of warmth fill your chest at his words, touched by the depth of trust he was placing in you. "I'm honored," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "Truly."
As you both sat there, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, you couldn't help but marvel at the twist of fate that had brought you together. What had started as a chance encounter in the park had blossomed into something far more meaningful—a bond forged through music, trust, and shared secrets.
And as you sat there, lost in conversation and the quiet beauty of the park, You couldn't help but feel grateful for the serendipitous moment that had brought I.N into your life.
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blossomnet · 1 month
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blossomnet · 1 month
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Rules / Masterlists
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Welcome to Blossom Net, a vibrant community where writers come together to share their fanfictions, exchange creative ideas, and chat with fellow enthusiasts who share the same passions. Join us to explore diverse stories, find inspiration, and connect with like-minded writers in a supportive and engaging environment.
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