bloodstone-blog · 2 months
I will be posting more on the Toxicity of the Retro Gaming Community!!!
This community in the gaming hemisphere has been getting away with so much toxicity and using homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and racist rhetoric it surprises me that no major gaming news outlet like Kotaku or any other news outlet don't even report on it, because several members in this community really show why we need companies like Sweet Baby Inc. and other PR firms, because they are a huge determinate to companies who make games to these future individuals who you will see on the news shooting up a LGBTQ gatherings. Please make sure to steer clear from this horrible community at all cost.
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bloodstone-blog · 2 months
The Toxicity of The Gaming Community
I view that the most toxic part of the gaming community is the Retro Gaming Community the most homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist community I have ever seen, these people go around calling people that they don't like all sorts of things that can considered slander, most of them dislike the LGBTQ Community, and would pick on people who have mental health issues or mentally handicapped. These people don't care about the well being of others and how the stuff they say can affect people on a mental basis, several of these channels would call people things that can be life ruining. This community should be avoided because of how hypocritical they are and how this community are a bunch of insufferable a**holes who believe in women are nothing but sexual objects and they don't mind telling women that they deserve to be raped for being a female.
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