blackdigitalrose · 1 hour
Two things.
1. Why is everyone so shiny?
2. Just how many hoodies does Hiro own?
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Truly a gift. Augh. Thank you Toei.
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blackdigitalrose · 2 days
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25 posts!
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blackdigitalrose · 2 days
let's put this aside and see if we have time when it rolls around.
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That is another challenge for me and for the fans of Digimon and its artists on the first of August as the day the chosen children arrived in the digital world, you know which one I do, I hope someone is interested in this or not, but hey, the selection is yours. I hope you are interested. On the first of August, without further ado, I say goodbye, chiao.
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blackdigitalrose · 2 days
The disappointment is unreal (and in a way surprising)yet another week so far with no Tōsōchū: The Great Mission update! That's a month now -.- I miss my weekly Sid antics fixes.
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blackdigitalrose · 3 days
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Ta-da... if you follow on DA, here's the origin of the outfits I often draw the pair in, designed for this comic/story.
Hiro with a more traditional goggle boy style and Kiyo sharing his with another well known squid partnered hacker.
And as intended, Chapter 2... well what is currently done so far, I'll add the other pages individually once done. (Pg 1 - 6 out of 17!) (Thanks Tezuze for telling me how! Chapter 1 below.)
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blackdigitalrose · 4 days
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Keisuke beat Shota to it, it's complete scene rehash!
And Haru beats Keisuke by a margin
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blackdigitalrose · 4 days
I hope they do him justice! I am really liking the look of his digivolution line!
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blackdigitalrose · 4 days
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Likely late but saw this doing the rounds on my travels My Digimon OC - Melfina Rose and her partner Auroramon. They were for an RP back in the day but I can't recall what the digivice was for it, so Savers one it is! Yay for Digisoul. These two have existed since I was at school and have come a heck of a long way, I probably don't have a more detailed OC, ask anything, I've likely already got it covered.
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blackdigitalrose · 5 days
Egads, who knew Tentomon could look that adorable 🥰
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Tentomon ST4-03 Alternative Art by Itohiro from the Official Tournament Pack Vol. 3
This is a reference to an older illustration of Tentomon from an artbook.
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[Text: I love flowers ♡]
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blackdigitalrose · 6 days
Chapter 1 of Digimon Liberator is out (Comic) and, it's a strong start, Mr Navitt has returned to us once more but are we sure that some former Sonic Team members aren't working over at Digimon currently? The last few projects and even designs over the last few years have had some very strong Sonic vibes.
(Pulsemon, Herissmon in GG, Betelgammamon and now Pteromon... that's entrance! Arrgh! I can't put my finger on what Sonic entrance it's reminding me of >.<) Shota and Arisa are not seeming too terrible so far but it's still early days.
However, not a fan of that layout, all that scrolling got tedious and did interrupt the flow slightly.
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blackdigitalrose · 6 days
And just because I have five mins while waiting; expanding on the poll by with the will, my actual fave partner Digimon from the shows because I'm really not that much of a fan of our Dino leads. (Mostly)
01 - Tentomon
02 - Armadillomon (I'll be honest, I think this is solely for it's dub voice)
Tamers - Terriermon (Momentai lives rent free 😆)
Frontier - Does it count? It's Frontier related but not exactly in Frontiers... Could I default Strabimon? It's design is so snazzy!
Savers - Kudamon 💛 (Gaomon is a close second)
Xros wars - N/A
Applimon - Musimon
Tri - Gommamon (Tentomon also has some amazing scenes again)
2020 - o.O they had personalities? Seriously they're all so forgettable. It's technically more an Angemon storyline so by default Patamon.
Ghost Game - (Jellymon, I love you, you were amazing but did get a bit testing later) so by a narrow margin, I'm still going to give it to Gammamon!
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blackdigitalrose · 7 days
Make up your mind, Appmon yes or no? The goal post is always moving with those guys...
Also Agunimon...? Strangest looking rookie I've ever seen, be a different story if you hadn't given the guy an actual rookie, you know seen in the show. (In which case, I actually quite like Flamemon)
Never been the biggest fan of the Dino leads, they've never caught my appeal. However, Savers Agumon was fun for Masaru and the rest of the cast to bounce off but unsurprisingly, the vote just has to go to Gammamon!
🥰 egads he's just so darn adorable, how can you say no?
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blackdigitalrose · 8 days
Digimon Series Rankings!
Because I can and because I've really done nothing but comment about Ghost Game, it does give a slight misleading impression on where it stands. So in brief, I may go into more detail down the line, we'll see how I feel out the blue one day. Worst to Best of all 10 Digimon series.
(got to keep up that suspense XD)
And yes, Dubs are going to be a factor, I haven't watched both Sub/Dub of all shows.
10 - Xros Wars This is solely by default because it is the only series I haven't watched, I don't have much inclination to either. Digivolution method really can make or break a show and Digimon lego sets with no actual way to gauge power besides from more sets you stick together the stronger you apparently seem to be, does not hold much appeal. Plus what I've seen of X7/X8, it just looks so messy. Although, I'd like to be able to weigh in on the Taiki debate, some say he's one of the franchises best Goggle boys, others say he's too perfect he's not interesting.
9 -Digimon 2020 For a modern day reboot it had all the action, zero the charm or personality. Those snazzy, action filled fight scenes mean nothing, when there's no story, no characters and just flat out laziness all-round. The Diaboramon movie got rehashed 3 times. The significance of the crests forgotten until a rag tag added on arc at the end and even then they weren't really earned. Izzy just ruined everything, unless you were Matt and Tai, you were basically useless and Tai… I could rant about this series all day, it ticks me off so much!
8 - Frontier This is one of many examples of Digimon not being to do the long run story, a tolerable first half, an unbearable second half full of holes and flaws, it makes you wonder if multiple teams were writing eps apart from each other. This series wrote itself into a corner it could have wrote itself easily out of but chose not to and suffers greatly for it. There is so little to actually talk about in Frontier, none of the cast are actually likeable, not to the extent that you can really get behind them. The only one you feel for slightly is twin 2 but they don't do alot with him after. The only thing it has going for it is the Intro's both sub and dub are amazing!
7 -Tri Such a strong first half, first 3 vols, amazing! Stakes, emotion, understandable dilemma's occurring from being so much older and once more they fail the landing. Tai never got is pay off over his fears. Matt's future plans literally come out of nowhere. Mei and Meicoomon out stayed their welcome so quickly they got in the way in the second half. However, the biggest crim is Daigo and Maki and what we could have had as the first Digidestined team… their partners being the four sovereigns actually makes so much sense! They won but failed, there was an amazing story set up to be told there and they just went, nah, bin it -.-'' Abridged Daigo though is the most relatable character ever and hilarious to boot
6 -02 Let's be honest, this series, I couldn't care less for and some one punch Davis! (He's not so special anymore mind you.) However, despite the not so exciting team, it had it's moments, the Wizardmon ep was very touching, the idea of passing to the next gen, with the originals to help guide them, nicely done with the right mix of original and new but what really gives it, it's place and you all saw it coming. The Digimon Emperor arc! Such a good villain, the contrast against the team, against Wormon, the ongoing subplot over Chimeramon and then our Digimon Emperor gets turned back to normal and show becomes so boring and with more holes in it than swiss cheese.
5 - Appli Monsters I did put this off, I was one of those people… however, I was pleasantly surprised. This show is quite solid, all the characters get their own arcs, the story actually has progress from start to finish, the end boss narratively is good as an actual end boss, it couldn't have made a stupider play if it tried. With social commentary right on the nose, it was a show definitely released before it's time, if they tried it now, I think it would have done a lot better as it would be so much more relatable to people. Why only 5… well, there's nothing that overly stood out; like a moment or ep that is a must re-watch. I watched it the once and haven't gone back to it.
4 - Savers Savers has so many of my faves, my fave digivice in the IC, digivolve style with Digisoul, fave rivals with Masaru/Tohma (love me some two halves of the same coin), some of the best looking Megas you'll ever see, even my fave mon is from this series! Looking at you, you double agent, traitorous, snarky scarf! This series even has the best villain, well human anyway out of all series and the best part, he remains a prick and gets no cheap redemption! Just a guy you love to hate. The downside, like so many others, the doesn't stick the second half. I mean it's alright, no where near as good as the first half and becomes too much of the Masaru show for my liking. (And no, I don't dislike the Digimon punching gimmick per se but it is overused and gets ott in parts that kind of takes you away from it.)
3 - Ghost Game This actually took some serious debating and the bottom line, what do I just openly go and re-watch and despite it's many, many flaws; Ghost Game was just so much fun! It lived up to it's reputation, it gave you horror, surprise, creepiness, you did run through the emotions with it. The major selling point though, it has to be the cast. Tamer and Digimon alike, all 6 are just so likeable with great dynamics and you don't get to say that about many. I also like how Hiro, Ruli and Kiyo represent the three common reactions to the paranormal, the sceptic, the enthusiast and the fearful.
2 - 01 Surprise! Or not potentially and yes, this is heavily the dub, fight me, it's amazing! No bad will be said about dub Apocylamon. Nostalgia likely plays a part in it to but all our digidestined team a great, they all get little arcs and for the most part, all get to play a part, even at the end where only two get megas, however, narratively this works. The story has good progression, in character and difficulty, there's obstacles which don't seem to impossible for kids to tackle, stuff actually feels earned and the villains are just as memorable as the heroes. To top it all, it's such an easy series to just re-watch from any point.
1 - Tamers Ha, yes, I am one of those to. I stand by it, this is peak storytelling for Digimon. What starts off quite light, becomes mature, gritty and a real good coming of age story despite still being kids. Our main trio all get good character arcs, they bounce of each other well and a bonus point for at least trying with the card game. why yes, I do consider Rika as the rival in Tamers, it just makes more sense due to conflicting beliefs about digimon with Takato On the other hand, it's End boss is by far the worse on so many levels but also contains one of Digimon's best character arcs with Impmon. With Tamers, I could only plan to watch one or two eps but before I know it, I'm half way into the series again and still not bored of it.
And this really didn't stay as short as I initially intended ^^;
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blackdigitalrose · 8 days
Vanguard G Next planted the seeds, Vanguard G Z...
so many scenes... so, so many! And it isn't even one sided, they are both at it! ( ^◡^)
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I cant! Omg i love these two and their friendship ❤💙
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blackdigitalrose · 8 days
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Sid becomes self aware! (The games are less interesting when he isn't in it) The Superstar needs to win a game, he's sacrificed too many times not to get a win!
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blackdigitalrose · 9 days
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Behold the rookie-ness of it all! Chapter 1! Combing the fun of two worlds because GG is such an easy universe for these sort of shenanigans and we never really got a size ep in the show... somehow???
That and I need more Kiyo/Hiro bro bonding, they are such opposites their dynamic is so much fun! Eccentric, flamboyant Senpai, grounded and reasonable Kohai. Chapter 2 is in progress! Out of something like 7 so far ^^;
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blackdigitalrose · 10 days
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10 posts! That didn't take long. At least something was keeping count.
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