bizzybis-pen-island · 2 months
I am your mirror.
I reflect your traits, your face, and your thoughts back at you. I used to enjoy it.
Used to take pride in how I reflect you flawlessly, that every detail is etched into the glass and how I show them back accurately.
Now? Not so much.
I realized that your reflection isn't something to take pride in. It's horrid.
I may not be cracked, but I can see the spots that are. I see how your details distort, and how they can reveal the darkness inside. I can feel how you emanate decay, how your "pride" is a hollow, rotting facsimile of confidence and heart.
Do you even have a heart? I'm not so sure anymore.
As I realize this, I also realize in turn that I hate being your mirror.
I crack, I break. I let the pieces fall to the ground, and there's not much left. You pick up the broken-off pieces and throw them out.
Now, not much of me reflects you. I am relieved with that development.
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bizzybis-pen-island · 3 months
This is indeed your favorite (just some) guy, @bizzybi!
I realized that I have plenty of ideas, but not a space for them. Not to mention, I refuse to use any of the spaces provided, as most of it is likely original and semi-original writings that I feel shy about posting.
So, here we are!
(No nonsense allowed!)
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