bibiconstruction · 1 year
Home renovation: it is better to entrust to professionals in the sector
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Renovating a house is no small task, especially if it is an old building or very important work. When deciding to renovate, it's a good idea to start with a detailed plan of the works, know where and how to intervene and try to achieve the pre-set results.
However, many property owners often do not know exactly how to start the works or even how to plan them. In this case, it is good to rely on a professional in the sector in order to receive detailed and personalized advice and obtain an efficient, fast, and long-lasting result.
Let's see all the reasons why it is better to seek the assistance of a professional for home renovation.
The restructuring of the structure
It can happen, especially in old houses, that the foundations or other structures of the building are unsuitable or unsafe. In this case, you absolutely cannot rely on chance: it is necessary to request the intervention of a professional company that takes care of securing the house.
Firms of this type usually make use of professional masons, engineers, and architects who can plan interventions such as Room Addition Los Angeles according to the owner's needs. In these cases, depending on the seriousness of the property's state and the available budget, it will be possible to decide which modifications to insert.
Anyone who has no experience in the field and does not have the right tools cannot have permission to renovate the structure of a house, on pain of risk of damage to people and things.
The electrical and plumbing system
Everyone, at least once, has ventured into small home repairs. A leaky faucet, a blown light bulb, and so on. Even if these small jobs can be tackled with ease by an inexperienced person, the same cannot be said of large renovations.
Interventions such as the installation of sanitary ware, the reconstruction of the electrical panel, and so on must be followed by a professional such as a plumber or an electrician. Professional work guarantees efficient results, which can last for a long time.
Walls and flooring
It may seem trivial, but redecorating an entire house is a tiring and demanding job. For this reason, there are professional painters who can help the owner give a touch of freshness to all the rooms. This is particularly true in the case of old houses, which may have walls marked by humidity or mold, elements that can be eliminated thanks to the intervention of a professional.
The same goes for the floor, which should be installed or renovated by a tiler that can provide an excellent result without the risk of wobbly tiles or poorly sealed joints.
Interior design
This may seem the least important element, but it's actually essential, especially if you want to rent or sell a property. Finding the right furniture that enhances the house's strong points is very important. This is where Remodeling Contractors Los Angeles can help the owner find the right combinations to make a home pleasant and harmonious. 
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Know About Roofing Contractors
Know about roofing contractors: Importance, skills, and choosing the best
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To live in a healthy and comfortable habitat, it is necessary to ensure that the roof, as well as the whole cover of the house, is perfectly functional. The roof is a key position in a habitat, both in terms of insulation and protection, that must be paid special attention. Your roofing contractor gives you the opportunity to renovate or build your roof and your cover in complete safety. These professionals meet your requirements and your needs.
Why hire a roofer for your roof?
The roof is a very important element in a house. It protects you from humidity and bad weather and allows you to maintain an ideal temperature in all seasons. The roofers are roofing experts, able to carry out your roof renovation, creation, and maintenance work. By calling on Roofing Contractor Los Angeles, you are sure to obtain a properly orchestrated realization and longevity of your installations.
Undertaking roofing work on your home alone can lead to significant damage. It is therefore advised you always seek the advice and intervention of a qualified professional in the field.
The skills of your roofing contractor
The roofer has many skills in the field of roofing. As a carpenter roofer, he can remove, renovate, and repair the frame and the roof of your house. As a roofing contractor, he is able to assemble, repair, and clean the gutters and all of your zinc work. It will meet your various roofing needs in terms of configuration and various materials, such as the installation of slate roofing, ridge tile, mechanical tile, flat tile, etc.
Covering your home is his domain, and no one will be able to meet your expectations better than him. He will be able to guide and advise you on your project before any start of construction.
Find out about the selected company
If you are undertaking a construction or renovation project, you will have to trust a roofing contractor for the development of your roof. It is best to select a quality company to ensure the safety of your construction. But how do you tell a qualified professional from an amateur? Simply inquire.
Generally, the professional is recognized in his sector. You can even find reviews on their Facebook page or Google page. You will thus be able to have a first idea about the company.
Finally, look at his accomplishments. Take an interest in him. A qualified professional will be able to explain his work to you and will be able to advise you on your project. He will answer your questions as precisely as possible and will be able to guide you.
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Home renovation: 3 fatal mistakes you need to avoid
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Time passes for everyone and spares no one; your properties are no different. The construction components deteriorate, and with them, the comfort and safety. Home Design Remodeling Los Angeles is a natural process essential for improving the quality of your life and preserving, or increasing, the value of your investment.
If you are thinking of modernizing your time-worn apartment and want to proceed with a building renovation, read on. You are about to discover, together with me, three fatal mistakes that you must only make if you want to renovate your home with surprises.
#1 Ignoring the extent of home renovations
The first mistake you must not make in building restoration projects is to ignore the extent of the building works. Before starting with the home renovation work, it is better to have clear ideas and define the objectives. As a result, you will know which works to carry out and which type of renovation awaits you.
Starting with a whitewash and then ending with the demolition of the internal walls can lead to a series of problems that should not be underestimated. Just like not considering building permits, timing and costs are to be faced. Don't be surprised; these are all mistakes you could have made in various building renovations.
#2 Not knowing how to choose the construction company
The second mistake not to make is choosing the wrong construction company to carry out your renovation work. In fact, depending on the work you want to create, there are companies that are more or less suitable for their realization.
An incorrect evaluation of the work in the estimate phase can lead to different costs in the implementation phase. Therefore, you should evaluate your construction company carefully by meeting them in person to see "the effect it has" and getting to know and discuss with the impresarios. A qualified technician can save you enough to pay for his own support.
#3 Home renovation: rely on expert professionals, don't just look at the price
As in choosing the company, you must also reflect on the choice of the professional who will accompany you in the home renovation. It may seem like a trivial reflection to you. In fact, most people see it as "just another unnecessary expense." In fact, it is of paramount importance to the overall economy of the jobs. Making mistakes in the management of practices can compromise access to benefits and put you in difficulty.
You must not see "the cost of the surveyor" as a cost to be added to what you will spend for the execution of the works. A professional's fee is an investment. He will allow you to draw up the necessary paperwork for the renovation and will help you with the execution and management of the works. He will be at your service to help you and not to "steal" your money.
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
The top bathroom trends for 2023
Do not neglect the bathroom design because every room in your home should delight you every day. If you are planning for Bathroom Remodel Near Me, then this article has revealed for you the main trends in the design of bathrooms in 2023; here, everyone will find what they like.
Metal effect tile/mosaic
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Many large manufacturers have launched collections of polished metal tiles - such a finish will visually make any interior more interesting, especially suitable for interiors in the styles of modern classics, minimalism, wabi-sabi, and high-tech.
In addition to polished and “neat” metal, porcelain stoneware looks cool with the texture of raw metal with a rust effect. Such materials will give the interior a "grunge" and are especially suitable for interiors in minimalist and loft styles.
Gold-effect porcelain stoneware also looks very relevant; such tiles will certainly become an object of attraction and the main focus in the bathroom.
Sinks made of glass, stone, marble, concrete
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Sinks made of unusual materials have different pros and cons, but they certainly replace classic white ceramics. Such a sink will become an accent of any bathroom; it will help to emphasize the style of the entire room.
Marble in complex shades with contrasting veins
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White marble has certainly not left the trends for several years, but for a change, you can consider marble in other interesting shades. For example, you can find both contrasting marble for accent decoration of one or more walls, as well as calmer but unusual shades of stone.
Increasingly, in the interior, you can see colored sinks and toilets. A similar technique can be used in monochrome interiors, where colored plumbing will act as an accent or, conversely, match plumbing to the color of surrounding materials so as not to highlight it too much.
Dimmed light scenario to create a spa atmosphere.
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A bathroom is a place not only for daily procedures but also for pleasant rituals. How nice it is to take a relaxing bath after a hard day's work! But bright spotlights are unlikely to help you relax, so it is important to provide warm light lighting, for example, around the perimeter of the space or place decorative lamps with warm light.
Using paint or decorative plaster
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The use of decorative plaster and paint in bathrooms and bathrooms remains a trendy technique to this day. If you are bored with porcelain stoneware bathrooms, then this technique will definitely not leave you and your guests indifferent. Of course, such a finish is not suitable for completely wet areas, but it will allow you to highlight one or more walls, for example, the sink area. And also, paint or plaster can be used for a combined finish, where the bottom of the room is finished with porcelain stoneware, and above the tile goes into a painted wall. 
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Do you need a Kitchen Renovation?
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Do you need a Kitchen Renovation? Then contact Bibi Construction; you will find what you are looking for here! Our design team is able to bring the most daring and non-standard ideas of the customer to life, and our business team is ready to do all the necessary work in the shortest possible time! All our renovation experts are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They are ready to quickly perform even the most complex tasks without sacrificing quality! In such cases, a professional kitchen renovation can be an excellent solution.
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Entrust pool construction to professionals
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Any suburban area can be easily turned into a favorite vacation spot. To do this, it is enough to order the construction of pools from professionals. But entrusting your swimming pool construction to a professional is a reassuring decision. A swimming pool project is designed as a whole, and having a swimming pool built is a large-scale project. The future swimming pool will become a place of life in its own right and must be integrated for optimal use. Once the type of construction has been defined (traditional pool, hull, or modular structure), all you have to do is choose the professional to whom the Pool Construction project will be entrusted.
Elements to consider when choosing a professional for pool construction
The selection of the company that will build the swimming pool must take into account four important elements:
The reputation of the professional and/or the brand,
The guarantee of the product and its installation,
The know-how,
And finally, the availability of the professional.
A good reputation is a guarantee of sustainability. A company's notoriety rate is a recognition acquired over the years and remains an indicator of reliability. Indeed, the higher the reputation rate, the more the company is known and recognized by the general public.
This gives real legitimacy to the concept and, therefore, to the brand. Conversely, a company or brand with a short lifespan has a very low awareness rate. It is, therefore, important to choose a recognized professional in the swimming pool market in order to benefit from tangible know-how and all the guarantees that must accompany the project. Choosing a recognized professional allows the customer to benefit from a contractual guarantee.
Building a swimming pool is a real art that is impossible without a creative approach. Originality and unique design will create an atmosphere of harmony around your home. In addition, a variety of finishing materials allows you to create a single interior composition, regardless of the area of ​​the site. The professionals have years of experience designing and installing pools of any complexity at any facility for a long time.
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Accessory Dwelling Unit: Why do you need it?
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Nowadays, the practice of building an Accessory Dwelling Unit on a land plot has become quite widespread. Its design is another residential building near the main house.
Why you need an Accessory Dwelling Unit
Why do the owners of suburban areas build additional structures for a living? After all, it takes up a lot of space and forces you to receive documents from state authorities that allow you to legally start construction work. Here you will be helped to obtain permission. You will also have to spend large sums from your personal budget to purchase materials, rent equipment, and order services provided by experienced craftsmen. But, despite the problems and obstacles that arise, an Accessory Dwelling Unit is being built to:
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- Receiving guests. If the owner of a country cottage does business with tenants or friends who have come to him for a long time, it is recommended to have a separate dwelling with a small kitchen, bathroom, bathroom, and other amenities of civilization.
- The older generation of the family. For example, it is difficult for older people to be in a separate house because they need to be constantly monitored. But the presence of several generations under one roof will be uncomfortable, as young people want to have fun; old people want to be in silence, and so on. and so a small house is being built called a grandmother's cottage.
- Arrangement of office, studio, or workshop. Such a solution is acceptable when one of the owners is working at home. In an additional building, you can work calmly without being distracted by the demands of other family members and household chores. It's just that a person will cross the backyard and find himself at his workplace.
Have you decided to utilize your space in Accessory Dwelling Unit? Then it's time to contact Accessory Dwelling Units Contractor California.
[email protected] Bibi Construction Inc
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Has preparing your meal to become a monotonous job in your daily routine? Then add some joy and fun by decorating your kitchen at your outdoor place.
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Backyard designers near me bibiconstruction
Many people are looking to remodel their backyard to provide an outdoor space to relax after work or school. With so many ideas for dramatic backyard transformations and renovations, it can be hard to know where to draw inspiration. In addition, many people try to make gardens that are low maintenance. Here's everything you need to know.
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bibiconstruction · 1 year
Remodeling Los Angeles Bibiconstruction-
You want to make some changes to your home but have no idea where to start. It is commonly known that home renovations may be time and money intensive as well as expensive. On the other hand, if done well, they may dramatically raise your home's resale price.
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bibiconstruction · 2 years
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Indeed, whether you want an in-ground, semi-in-ground, or above-ground pool, such an operation requires special attention. To do this, the intervention of pool construction and Remodeling Los Angeles professionals in the field is necessary.
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bibiconstruction · 2 years
The Home Renovation Guide: Who to Call for the Work?
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Every home needs a makeover, and there's no better person to ask than the people who know best. It doesn't matter if you have an outdated or perfect kitchen just waiting to be improved. In this guide, you will explore how to get the most out of your renovation project by hiring the right professionals. This blog will advise who to contact, what kind of work to expect, and what supplies you need. And once you have the right team in place, it's time for the fun part: Renovating!
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Who to contact for home renovations
Home renovation professionals are typically called in for alterations (such as changing floors, painting, and adding new walls), repairing roofs and windows, and home security systems.
As a general rule, it's best to contact a professional who has experience with larger projects, such as remodeling or rebuilding entire homes. However, there are also many people who can do home renovations quickly and easily without any prior experience. You can find these people through online directories or by asking family and friends if they know anyone who can help you with your home improvement needs.
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What are the requirements for making a home renovation appeal?
When deciding who to hire for your home improvement project, it's important to consider the specific needs you want to fill. For example, if you want an update on your property's electrical system, you can call an electrician rather than DIY it yourself. Likewise, if you want to install new windows but don't have any technical knowledge or equipment, you can call an installer instead of trying to do it yourself.
How to do home renovation.
Choosing a contractor for your home improvement project can be difficult. You may want to consider factors such as the cost of the work, the quality of the contractor, and if you have any questions about what will be done. You can also call to see if anyone in your area has home improvement experience.
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Check the cost of home renovation.
When planning your Home Remodeling Los Angeles, it is important to know how much money you will need to spend. To find out how much work is involved in a particular project, look at the total cost of renovations and then compare it to other similar projects. Also, consider any necessary permits or licenses that local authorities may require.
Address: 18750 Oxnard st, #403 Tarzana, CA 91356 Email: [email protected] Phone no: 844-841-8101
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bibiconstruction · 2 years
Outdoor kitchens: ideas for the perfect project
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Outdoor kitchens are more trendy than ever, especially now that the days have gotten longer and you can spend most of your time outdoors. So if you love to cook, eat and, most importantly, entertain, planning an outdoor kitchen in the garden or patio is essential.
For a functional and beautiful Outdoor Kitchen California, it is important to make sure you make the most of the space available, trying to combine this need with your needs, style, and, above all, budget.
Can't wait to start designing your outdoor kitchen? Here's everything you need to know.
Ideas for outdoor cooking
Be inspired by these outdoor kitchens; there is something for all tastes and for gardens of all shapes and sizes.
Uniform design
To connect the cooking area with the surrounding environment, combining the materials, the finish of the doors, and all the kitchen compartments with the patio furniture are advisable. It is better to opt for wood tones; they are perfect for an outdoor space and bring it back to the true essence of nature.
Yes to entertainment
Setting up a living room near the kitchen area allows you to devote yourself to the guests and always feel part of the party. To give a tropical touch (perfect for summer) to the outdoors, it is advisable to choose bright accessories in pastel tones. Festive lighting and elaborate potted plants are sure to help ignite the spirit of the outdoor kitchen. 
A creative touch is also for the archiving space
Using everything around you, you can discover decorative and simple storage options that will help keep your outdoor kitchen tidy. Adding a simple shelf can solve the problem of locating small but necessary items like salt and pepper mill, cutlery, and spices.
Covered outdoor kitchen
The use of walls and beams in an outdoor kitchen design creates a more formal and refined environment, able to protect even from the elements. Obviously, the cost to achieve this is higher, but if you plan to spend a lot of time in this space, then it is worth the investment.
Don't forget the minibar.
What is the point of an outdoor kitchen without cold drinks, especially during the summer? This is why it is imperative to include a mini fridge. It may seem like a whim, but there is no other way to add a touch of coolness to hot summer days.
On two wheels
It's a win when style meets functionality, especially in an outdoor kitchen. Equipping hobs and outdoor spaces with wheels is a great way to keep the environment versatile. Particularly useful if space is limited, it is also the perfect solution for those who live in rent and do not want to invest in a vacuum. 
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bibiconstruction · 2 years
Outdoor Kitchen California Bibiconstruction
Whether it is an indoor kitchen or Outdoor Kitchen in California, remodeling is important for both aspects. Well, in this blog, we are trying to cover up all the potential benefits related to kitchen remodeling.
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bibiconstruction · 2 years
What Are Your Options for the Outdoor Kitchens
The moment you decide to start a kitchen makeover is when the fun and excitement are likely to begin. Before getting too far into the process, you will need to choose a kitchen remodeling contractor to carry out the job. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the unlimited possibilities of better workflow, more cabinet and counter space, open-concept living, and exquisite finishes.
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The contractor you choose will affect how happy you are with the final product and how much money you make back. Applying this knowledge can help you choose the best company for the job and get the desired outcomes.
Obtain References
Getting personal recommendations for a kitchen remodeler in your area may be a great help, so talk to people you know and trust, such as colleagues, friends, family, and neighbors. One of the best ways to identify a qualified expert is by word of mouth; in some instances, you may even be able to see examples of their work. For that, choosing Outdoor Kitchen California is a wise choice.
The Magical Triplet
Get estimates from at least three businesses to compare costs, timeliness, and quality. You could be tempted to settle with the cheapest option, but keep in mind that prices that are much lower or more than the others may need closer inspection.
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References Should Be Checked
After narrowing down your list of prospective contractors, you should ask for and follow up with at least three recent local references from each one.
Consider Acquiring Some Work History
When a contractor has been in operation for some time, community members have had the time to create an opinion, for better or worse. They may also have better relationships with their suppliers, leading to additional options at reduced costs. In comparison to smaller companies, this is just another one of their advantages. You can depend on the Pasadena ADU Contractors for this task.
Verify Their Qualifications
Do not take the contractor at their word; verify that they have the necessary licenses, bonds, and insurance. Collect the required data and double-check its veracity by contacting the relevant organization or government office directly.
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bibiconstruction · 2 years
Renovation Tips for the Kitchen
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Kitchen renovations command the highest budgets among home improvement projects, and for a good reason. Kitchens are the focal point of any home and a source of great pride for their owners.
If you decide to renovate your kitchen, you may be able to recuperate a significant portion of your investment via the rise in property value. The overwhelming majority of homeowners have expressed their approval of the initiative. The study participants rated their level of happiness with the newly refurbished kitchen as 9.8 (out of 10!).
Make sure you adhere to these seven guidelines if you want to get a good return on your kitchen renovation investment:
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Your kitchen remodel should take far longer to design than to build. If you're prepared, you may be able to minimize the length of time the construction chaos inconveniences you. Your chances of successfully following your budget are increased. For kitchen remodel Los Angeles service, the best services are available now.
Here are a few tips that can be useful while making preparations
Check out your current cooking setup: The doorway into your kitchen, how wide is it? Many homeowners make the mistake of buying an extra-large refrigerator before realizing their doorway is too small to accommodate. If you want to prevent this kind of mistake, draw out your kitchen layout on paper, including the sizes of the doorways, the walkways, the counters, and everything else. Don't discount height as an element, either. You can search by Kitchen Remodel Near Me and get the right results here.
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Honestly Assess Your Household Electronics
It's simple to become overwhelmed by the variety of possibilities available to you when planning your new kitchen. A six-burner industrial range and a premium brand refrigerator could look great in a kitchen, but you need to think about whether or not they are practical for your cooking needs and daily routine.
Maintain the Current Stepping Routine
The cost of a remodel might significantly increase if it requires structural modifications, such as moving plumbing or electrical lines or demolition of walls. This is often when problems appear that weren't expected.
Because of this, keeping the walls, the water fixtures, and the appliances in the same general region is preferable. Decrease the amount of debris and dust your project produces, and you'll cut down on the costs of demolition and reconstruction.
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