bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Cat coughed out the last of the ash – cursing herself for not bringing some kind of water bottle to take away the taste. Being all boy-scout prepared for being in the woods though was not really her style. Cat was used to living in a world full of nearby convenient gas stations where you could just pick up that kind of thing up at a moments notice – or at least get a boy to run down and get stuff for you. 
She had a water bottle in her room, but spilling out the precious vodka she had managed to smuggle in to store actual water in it whenever she wanted to get some space seemed like a totally heinous crime. Though, the sudden realization of the lack of convenience of this stupid camp made Cat sharply aware of how precious short her supply of cigarettes was getting – and she didn’t even get to enjoy that last one – not to mention the joint BB had made her throw one of her even more rare joints into the garbage. God she hated this place.
Trying to fight back the urge to take out her general annoyance on this girl, Cat did her best to still play nice. It wasn’t like this girl had tried to bust her on smoking like some fucking narc – besides maybe the stranger knew a way to get more booze and cigarettes. She didn’t seem cool, but she did seem like a pushover. Cat put on her best smile, “No problem. I was just spacing.” She put out her hand to the stranger, “I’m Cat. What’s your name?”
Bibi didn’t remember seeing this woman before, so she was probably new, maybe... oh yeah! Right! Eats said his sister arrived at camp too, he hadn’t wanted to talk about her, but she was new, like Guru. So this must be Cat. She felt giddy all of the sudden having the pleasure to meet the little sister of their famed cook. She smiled and shook Cat’s hand, trying not to go overboard on her enthusiasm. 
‘Bibi Jane, but everyone at camp calls me Sizzler... well almost everyone. So go ahead and call me any of those names. I even answer to Firestorm,’ she joked. She guessed her name gave away her power, but if it didn’t, maybe her joke did. ‘You’re new to camp right? What’s your first impression? Great right?!’ 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Cat looked up and down the railroad tracks and saw nothing for miles in the dying sunlight. Good, she thought as she lit up a smoke. The fight with that Books bitch (she made a mental note to call her BB from now on) still bothered her. Not a lot of people yelled at her anymore – cops maybe but that was whatever. Cops yelled like fish swam – it didn’t mean she had to care about it. BB was just another cop in disguise – so why was Cat so upset? Cat’s parents never yelled, they would just get quietly disappointed and mope around a bit because god forbid they like – be parents. They always acted more like zoo keepers trying to not upset the tigers in case it took out their fucking throats. Fucking sheeple. As for Jay… that was a whole other fucking thing – fucking traitor. Cat took another puff. So why was she upset? She guessed cause as weird and messed up as this place was, it was better than Stoneybrook. Cat thought she would miss her friends, but it had been about a week now and she didn’t really – her friends were all just like her – hustlers, juvenile delinquents. They cared no more about her than they cared about their next score or hit, same as her. Ok, so no one had like, showed they cared tons about her up here, but no one had hit her up for cash or drugs either. So did she want to stay? Is that why she was so mopey? But behaving so she could fit in wasn’t in Cat’s vocabulary and BB could come at her again and Cat’d be goddamned if she’d take it like some punk – but then again – maybe Cat didn’t want to go either… It was a scary thought. She took another drag. All of a sudden, she heard a rustling coming up from the bushes. Cat panicked, pinched the end of the cigarette with her fingers and ate the cigarette whole. A move she hadn’t done since she was 14. Cat coughed and spluttered at the taste of ash and dying embers when the figure emerged from the bushes. It wasn’t BB, but some chick near her age. Cat’s face dropped with relief but also with a bit of disappointment. Cat never got along well with women (except Momma o/c). Against her better judgment she decided to be friendly and gave a little laugh and said, “Holy shit! You scared the shit out of me!” @bibi-jane-sizzler
Bibi really enjoyed the forest, it brought back so many amazing memories of the last years that she always felt like she needed a little time rethinking on those memories. It was amazing to be here again, her second home, the place where she could be herself to the fullest - although she didn’t go around making random fires, Silver wouldn’t appreciate that at all. 
She jumped from the bushes, suddenly seeing someone else roaming the woods. She was looking at a woman her age, with a very familiar face, a bit taller than Bibi was. “I’m sooooo sorry!” she said right away, instantly throwing up her hands to show that she was just a random girl emerging from bushes. 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Even a passing mention of music gave him a boost and quickened his steps. The guitar had always been the one bright ember of creation over destruction in his life. ‘’I play both but brought the acoustic along for obvious reasons. And I can absolutely lead the campfire sing-a-longs and shooting marshmallows out of the air, as long as you’re in charge of actually starting the campfire.. and making the s’mores.’’ 
Finally, with no better explanation, Luc laughed quietly while fessing up. ‘’Maybe I had a few drinks and was in a rush to come up something. Maybe you can help me come up with a new name and I’ll use it next year.’’
Sizzler seemed entirely confident and comfortable in her own skin. So he didn’t hesitate in asking. ‘’I’d love to see how it works sometime. If you’re up for it. You could come out on the field and we’ll shoot some flaming arrows or something’.’ He was itching to practice, to find the quiet space in lining up a target down the narrow of a bow. 
A brow raised. ‘’That sure about it, huh? Well, I can at least say I’m trying to be more of people person.’’ 
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Luc sounded like one of those music enthousiasts, she loved it. She listened intently and nodded with a grin. “I think that’s a plan. We’ll have a smores, music, campfire extravaganza! Now, what is your repertoire? Like, do you have sing along material?” Of course he probably did. She was so excited to have a guitar player around, camp fires sounded way more amazing. 
She laughed, coming up with names wasn’t really her thing, but maybe if Bale was alright with her and Pippa brainstorming the heck out of those possibilities? “Can I let Pippa help me? She came up with my name after all, and probably many more around camp. She’s good at those things,” Bibi promised. “And she’s my roommate, so know that we won’t take such an important task lightly.” 
“FLAMING ARROWS? OH I’m so in! We can go right now, I have nothing better to do, nothing, clearly. Let’s shoot some arrows huh?” she calmed down a bit. “Or later of course, really, doesn’t matter, there’s no rush. Just know, I would loooove to shoot flaming arrows” She snickered. “As one people’s person to an other, that was the best invitation anyone ever gave me.” 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
“That sounds just great. I might pop in and have to make a little robot myself - just a little one - only to help around the kitchen of course.”
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“Now, Miss Jane. Why ask a question to which you already know the answer…” He laughed. “I’m gonna go grab another drink… I’ll get you one as well… I need to hear more about these robots.” 
Eats got up and headed towards the drinks, eager to get back to her. Talking to Sizzler had been a great distraction on possibly the most depressing night of the year. He grabbed the drinks and Sizzler and he talked long into the night about many things - but nothing of importance… which may have been the best gift he had received all week.
The End.
Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
He could almost envision a younger version of herself tinkering around snapping blocks into place. His brother spent hours constructing elaborate creations which Luc often destroyed in an instant. It wasn’t out of personal satisfaction either, but to find his brother’s softest point of weakness. ‘’I play guitar, like to read. I only took up archery a few years ago.’’
A crooked smile formed as Bibi pressed for an explanation. ‘’Evil as a destructive force, yeah.’’ His laugh was light, gaze narrowing ahead of them while walking. ‘’I was clearly going for overdramatic and obscure. Guilty as charged. I like Sizzler though. Less of a safety hazard than yelling Fire around here for sure.’’ 
As much as he would’ve turned his nose up to spending time in a place like this way back when, there were distinct reasons to return. The world wasn’t slanted in automatic opposition towards him here. The only label Luc had was camp counselor. ‘’You better believe it, I was an absolute prick.’’
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“Guitar, awesome! Electrical or acoustic? So during the campfire you’re going to play some guitar? Or shoot some mallows into the fire?” she asked, grinning. Somehow the idea of him using arrows to shoot mallows out of the skin, brought a smile to her face. “But you’re good at archery right? Like Robin Hood?” Or Hawkeye, or Katniss, or so many other fictional characters. 
She laughed at his comment of being overly dramatic, maybe in choosing Bale he was being over dramatic, but then again, never ask anyone to make up their own nicknames, they would come up with the weirdest things, like Guru. “I think my power is enough of a safety hazard. I’m glad I have control over it, because else I figure I would’ve already sparked people to shout Fire multiple times.” 
“I enjoy the was in your sentence. Because you certainly aren’t an absolute prick anymore. I can tell, I’m a real people person,” she mentioned with a slight sarcastic tone. 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Eats ran his hand through his hair, “Yeah, she’ll be working with me in the kitchens…” He kind of trailed off not sure what to say next. That was what Cat was supposed to be doing, but getting her to work was really twice the work of doing it himself – and even if she did one or two of the tasks he asked her to do, they tended to need redoing. But being behind as he was, he just didn’t have the time to coach her. He planed to take a firmer hand eventually or at least he wanted to plan to take a firmer hand, but the first week of camp was just not that time. He hated himself for thinking it, but his greatest hope for Cat right now was his amazing fellow campers might just rub off on her – even if he felt selfish for pawning off the responsibility. It was a frustrating problem…
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Grateful for the change of subject, Eats broke into a smile, “Yes! I met Guru in the lodge. He really is a nice guy… I think you two will really get along. There are really going to be some lucky kids this summer… Tell me all about the crafts you have planned!”
Eats seemed grateful for the change of subject, he didn’t waste too many words on her from then on, and she would have to find out about Eats’ sister by herself. Couldn’t be hard, if she looked anything like Eats, or she would just have to go to the kitchen. 
“They’re going to have lots of arts and crafts, which is amazing!” She said filled with enthousiasme. “I got some scraps thanks to Books from the nearest dump, and I brought some stuff of my own, so what I’m planning is having all of them creating their own little robots, or more than one of course, and then I’ll hide them all over the forest, and we’ll have a big search finding them, but they can only find their own.” She was still thinking about the final part of the plan, but luckily, she could change it all if she wanted too. “And you, have any awesome recipes lying around?” 
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Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
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Here’s the takeaway. You have to be willing to die really live. I am.
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Little Bittles || Self Para
A small group of eager eleven and twelve year olds gathered around Bibi’s self created camp fire. It was so easy to sway her little campers into paying attention to her once she had revealed her mutation. They all swamped to the fire like a group of mosquito’s to a light. She was already planning on giving them some dumb nickname, like the Sizzlers, or the Little Lime Lights. They were adorable little kids, sitting there in the brightness of the day being impressed by a little fire. 
She kept them focussed on the fire a little longer until they were all seated with their tiny backpacks on the floor or in their hands. One of them was particularly obvious: the little slimmy guy called Maxwell, who was a little withdrawn. And one a little less, although there was an obvious sign of him never breathing, obvious was the kid with the gills, who had decided to sit next to her right away. 
“Okay kids, we’re going to do a little introduction game, and afterwards we’ll go for a hike and I’ll show you around camp,” she said lovingly, and found that the little campers still looked at him with a sense of wonder. 
She presented the kids with a ball, and for safety precautions - Books would hate her if she set anything on fire that wasn’t grass or twigs - dozed the fire. They were a bit sad to see it go, but still gave her their absolute attention. She had these kids in her pocket, at least after the fire. It was better to give them a buzz of activity. 
“The game goes as follows,” she told them, and stood up from her little circle. “We all move a bit back, then I’ll ask a question and I’ll throw the ball to one of you. The person that catches the ball, answers the question, and then asks a new question before throwing the ball to someone else. Is everyone with me?” 
The campers nodded. 
“Do you have any pets?” Sizzler asked, before throwing it to one of the girls. She gasped when suddenly a second ball appeared, less vivid, but very present. The ball flew straight to a blonde girl, and she grinned. “Nice trick, but there is only one ball in this game, Kathy.” The girl made the ball disappeared and hit her face behind one of the boys; Max - not at all confusing with Maxwell there as well. Bibi smiled as well, with a little shake of her head. 
“I have a parrot,” the girl who got the ball said when the second ball disappeared. This had to be Sammy, a girl who could manipulate dreams. She could probably do great things with that power. “What is your power?” 
She threw the ball to Max, who caught it with great difficulty. He seemed a little withdrawn as well. “I can talk to mammals,” he said quietly. 
“Humans are mammals too, so I guess you’re power isn’t that special,” the red haired girl said with sass in her voice. 
“Bailey, that’s not nice,” Bibi said. The girl was probably going to be a hand full, with her Supersonic Scream. “Everyone’s power is special, no matter what it is,” she told the group. “Max, you can ask a question now.” 
“What is your favorite color?” Max asked before throwing the ball to Sandra, who took the ball with a sad face. She seemed to have the weight of the world on her shoulders. Bibi had to find out what was bothering her. “I like all colors,” Sandra explained in a small voice. “I can manipulate them.” She quickly came up with a question to pass the ball. 
“What is your favorite animal?” And she threw the ball to Benjamin, but in a bad angle, which made the boy fall against her as he caught it. These kids had seriously good answers that seemed to be based on an idea of their powers, she was impressed by some of them already. “Sharks!” Benjamin said with a big grin. 
“What’s your favorite food?” Maxwell, the slimy kid, seemed to have no problem catching the ball, at first that was, until it he dropped it again, and made all the other kids laugh. It was going to be hard to give this kid some confidence. He picked it up and held it to his slimy chest. It was pay back for the kids laughing because she didn’t have an other ball. “I like pancakes.” 
“What is your superhero name?” He threw the ball to Bailey, who seemed to be annoyed by the slimy ball, but the question interested her. “The Scream,” she said with a grin.
Last but not least was Kathy before they could start a second round. “Are your parents still alive?” 
“Kathy,” Bibi said as a warning, giving her an irritated look before she could even throw the ball. She felt a moment of tension before the twelve year old gave in. 
“Have you ever had coffee?” she threw the ball and Kathy caught it. The little girl shook her head and kept the ball close to her chest. “Do you like us?” she asked, and threw the ball back to Bibi. 
Bibi just smiled, a sort of grin. Yes she liked her little band of kids, how could she not. They were all adorable. Her little slimy guy, who was hopeless catching a ball, the sassy sonic screamer, the withdraw girl who could project balls, the restless dream manipulator, her sad color changer, the little guy who could talk to mammals, and the affectionate kid with the gills. They were adorable. “I think you’ll have to figure that out. It’s my turn now.” 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Eats laughed then pondered her comment. He hadn’t really been taking in the group gathered around the bonfire. "Well there’s…” He started pointing to people he could see close by “Rugrat, Leaf, Otter, Ghost… hmm I think about the only people you may not know yet are Guru…very nice guy…and umm…my sister…” Eats cleared his throat awkwardly “ Cat.”
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He loved his sister technically but he liked his business private. Not all of the Councillors knew he had a sister, let alone a ‘troubled’ one, and he had preferred it that way - it was probably for the best for him to get this kind of thing out of the way, though.
“You have a sister? At camp?” She was surprised, she had never heard Eats talk about a sister, so maybe he wasn’t very fond of her, but then why would he bring her to camp? If she was anything like Eats, she was probably a very nice person. “Is she going to counsel groups? Or work with you?” The idea of a brother-sister duo in the kitchen thrilled her. 
“Guru is actually the person I’ll have to work together with, he’s doing Arts and Crafts as well. I’m wondering what kind of person he’ll be.” Bibi decided to go into the other subject as well, just in case Eats didn’t feel about talking about the sister he had avoided talking about in the first place. 
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Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Anyone with that kind of mind could not possibly be lazy. He envied her, wondered what might’ve inspired her to chart such a path. ‘’How did you get interested in that, building stuff?’’ Luc loved a good story. And sure, the one of how Bibi aka Sizzler discovered her mutation might prove to be more interesting. Maybe he hadn’t quite relaxed enough to pry– even his third year there, he didn’t always ask outright. Not yet, at least. 
And then he laughed. ‘’Is it not obvious I had zero help with mine?’’ There had been no one to bounce ideas off of, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to be completely embarrassed about a shit name. ‘’Well now I want to hear the other options, DJ Sizzler. ’’ Luc glanced over at Bibi. ‘’If my campers are anything like me at that age.. I might need some back up.’’ 
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Bibi started thinking, she couldn’t remember where it had started, she blamed Lego, so that was probably what had pushed her into that at first. “I’m going with Lego, I did that way too much as a kid, and I was always building stuff that wasn’t on the package.” She grinned. “Do you have any hobbies?”
“But how did you get it? I mean... from what I can remember from my extensive memory of the dictionary” - which she didn’t have “it means something like great evil. Right?” She laughed. “ I think other options were Combustion, Sparkler, Torchic, Fireworks, Katty Perry, we discussed Fire, but Silver would probably hate us for shouting that around camp the whole time.” 
“Maybe if they were like you, you would be a great example, because I can barely believe you were one of those hot-to-handle kids.” 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
He listened, grin sparking up broader as Sizzler comes to the realization that maybe her place does resemble something seen in a movie. ‘’Hey, anything to make life more efficient, right? Or.. really, I see no shame in using technology to indulge laziness. Not that you are– I’m speaking about myself here.’’ His head bobbed, ducking under a tree hanging lower over their path before speaking up again. ‘’I might take you up on that, I’d love to see what you come up with.’’
It wasn’t such a surprise that Pippa had passed on a nickname. ‘’I like the name, she chose a good one. It suits you somehow too. If I’d had known I would’ve asked her for help on mine a few years back.’’ Sizzler sounded sort of like a character in the retro comics he’d read as a kid. It painted an image in his mind which made it also fairly easy to remember. Luc smiled to her joke. ‘’Absolutely, we need to share notes. Especially with the age group we have. Already got that emo angsty attitude going, combined with their mutations. But that’s what keeps it fun, isn’t it?’’
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“Oh, I’m totally lazy,” Which wasn’t really true, Bibi just enjoyed doing way too many things at the same time that she needed to drop some things in favor for others. People always called her lazy, and she knew what it felt like, she didn’t want Luc to feel bad about being lazy. She smiled like a little kid who was told her drawing was beautiful. 
“Did you pick your own?” she asked. “I’ve never figured out why she picked it, but she had all these different ideas, and we agreed on this one. I think it would make a great name for when I start my DJ’ing career,” she said jokingly. “Oh yes, that age group is the best, way more fun. I remember me at that age. If they are anything like me, I’ll all think they are amazing.” 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Eats tentatively touched his face to assess the damage. Not as bad as it could have been… He reached into a nearby cooler and grabbed a beer to roll the condensation on his face, then wiped what he could with his shirt. “Any better?”
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“So, what have you been up to Sizzler? Besides becoming a world champ?”
Bibi laughed at Eats’ weird ethnics on getting the mallow of his face. Beer, sure why not. She nodded while trying to keep it together. She wasn’t going to reply to his question in words. 
“And roasting mallows for almost everyone!” she stated, although few people seemed to notice her huge stack of mallows. “I’m trying to figure who is who, some people I know by face, some I don’t. How about you?” 
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Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
He laughed again, “It had to happen eventually right?”
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Eats pointed to his sticky mug, “So? How bad is it?”
“Obviously, I was bound to get that price, bound to win it!” She announced, laughing still. But mostly grinning, grinning like a fool. 
“If I were you, I would hide behind a rock, but other than that, you’re safe.” 
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Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
“You totally did,” Pippa agreed companionably, and applied as much pressure as she could as Sizzler’s hand met hers. She was glad no one was around, because they must have looked ridiculous, both the picture of maximum concentration as they wrestled. Finally, Pippa watched rather than felt her arm inch slowly towards the wood surface. She let out a hiss of air as she knew she’d lost. “Good one, Sizzler!” She offered a companionable high five to her roommate, who‘d won the top bunk fair and square. “Maybe this year we need to be careful that you don’t throw anyone into a coffee table. Let’s get your stuff into the cabin.” Without waiting for a response, Pippa was on her feet again, reaching to scoop up a few of Sizzler’s bags.
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Bibi almost jumped up when Pippa’s hand hit the board, and she was the winner. She instead smiled about her win, but felt a little bad about it as well. Pippa was such a great person, why did she have to win? She high-fived back, despite her feeling she almost didn’t want the top bunk. “I’ll try,” she laughed. “Do we even have a coffee table!” She pronounced to cover up her feeling of guilt. She scooped up her own bag and followed Pippa to their cabin. Their cabin. Her top bunk bed? Yeah, chances were she would be trading off her top bunk halfway through the week. 
At least she had gotten the best bunk mate anyone could wish for. 
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The end. 
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Eats continued catching the marshmallows with his face till he held up his hands in protest laughing, mouth still full of mallows, “Mstop, mstop!”
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He then swallowed his last mallow and started laughing again. “Ok…ok…you win the international best mallows award!”
Bibi laughed along as she stopped throwing the mallows and just held them in her hands not afraid that they would start sticking to her skin. She took a mallow herself as she watched with great delight how Eats finally swallowed all the mallows and pronounced her the winner. “Thank you, thank you, I knew you would get to your senses.” 
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Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Eats did his best to catch each Mallow as it flew by his face. He caught the majority of them, but a lot ended up getting stuck to his face. Eats tried speak with the fluffy mess in his mouth.
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“Mhat mmall youm gmot mrookie?”
Bibi kept on laughing as she threw the mallows. She threw the last one and watched him eating it horribly. He looked ridiculous with all the mallows sticking to his face, well at least it meant they had been real mushy. 
“Eats, no talking with your mouth full!” She called at him, and held up the next few mallows - being a Pyro made it easy to make new ones in mere seconds.
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Having a Mallow Time
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bibi-jane-sizzler · 7 years
Eats laughed at the comment, “Oh yes of course…you didn’t hear? But you are right. The best were all pyros.” He took the marshmallow from her and gave her a big gooey grin. “It’s very good Sizzler…”
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“But maybe I need just…one more to test your skills… The kids will be expecting consistently top notch marshmallows and I need to see if you can repeat your success.”
“One more, really?” Bibi asked with a grin. She took the four she was making at the moment from the fire and took them off one by one. “Catch!” She started throwing all four one by one at his face. 
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Having a Mallow Time
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