besure2ridethecyclone · 9 months
these posters are singlehandedly filling up every space on my walls and i love you for that. keep up the good work :)
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made a new poster 🫶
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besure2ridethecyclone · 9 months
June 30: CF Appreciation Day
Thank you Complete Fiction Pictures. Thank you for taking the time to make this show. Thank you for finding the perfect actors to play our Iron Trio and the rest of the characters that make up the world. Thank you for the details of Portland Row, thank you for making it feel like home. Thank you for bring all those Visitors to life (or is it death since they're ghosts?) and for the absolutely stunning special affects. I know it couldn't have been easy and no one would have batted an eye if it was simply subpar, but you didn't do that! You went above and beyond for our tiny little upstart agency and we of LockNation will be forever grateful to all of you for that.
Most importantly though, thank you for showing me this world. It's because of this show that I found Jonathan Stroud's books, that I've learned how to brave the dark, and it's because of you that I have this amazing fandom to be a part of.
So thank you, for everything.
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besure2ridethecyclone · 9 months
it started off with just the slightly creepy pirate clown guy which I could put up with but then I was fiddling around trying to get rid of it and it turned into this weird colourful skull and crossbones which is so big that I cant like posts without accidentally clicking on it and screwing up the background. people are saying right click and choose block element but when I right click it doesn't give me that option. can someone tell me how to get rid of it please???
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besure2ridethecyclone · 9 months
Y’know what? I'm curious.
Not necessarily which one aged the best, just the one you still get the most enjoyment out of.
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besure2ridethecyclone · 10 months
reblog this to absolutely hug the person you reblog from
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besure2ridethecyclone · 10 months
Internet and Phone technology can’t exist in the Lockwood and Co. universe because if it did, someone would have created a “Pokémon Go, but for Ghosts” and George would get nothing done because he’d need to catch all the types of Visitor to complete his collection.
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
“young adult dystopian novels are so unrealistic lmao like they always have some random teenage girl rising up to inspire the world to make change.”
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a hero emerges 
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
prompts list
a/n: my new and improved prompts list! everything is now compiled into one to make life easier for everyone teehee. please feel free to use any of these prompts <3
fluff prompts
"any time without you is far too long."
"let me kiss it better."
"i'm not moving. you're too comfortable."
"it's nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today."
"you look really cute in that jumper."
"you're a big inspiration for this, really."
"um... could i hold your hand?"
"star-gazing was a good idea."
"you both were practically made for each other."
"don't let this one go. they're perfect for you."
"just pretend to be my date."
"it's always been you."
"i want you. only you."
"i've been waiting all my life for you."
"stop being dramatic. it's only a tiny cut."
"why are you smiling at me like that?"
"please get home safely."
"you make me forget."
"here - take my hand."
"i know i need to go - but one more kiss."
"is that my shirt?"
"i don't want to just be your friend."
"I'll walk you home."
"of course i noticed. i notice everything about you."
"how do i look?"
"if i do it, you have to promise to kiss me."
"it's pointless to count stars." "it's also pointless to count your freckles, but i know you have 13 on the back of your hand."
"rules are meant to be broken. now, can i get that kiss i came here for?"
"i remember practicing how i was going to ask you out in the mirror. it hasn't really gone as planned."
"why would i want someone other than you?"
"i won't give up on you."
"my lipgloss is all over your lips."
"when i saw you, everyone else disappeared."
"i've been hopelessly in love with you since the day we met."
"it's okay. i couldn't sleep anyways."
"this is my home. you."
"did you slip that note under my door this morning?"
"i came here for you."
"you're not an inconvenience to me."
"this feels right."
"whatever the outcome may be, know you have my heart."
"let me hold you. you look cold."
"you're not alone, and you never were."
"are we... flirting?"
"you can hold me while you read."
"you're the best thing that's ever been mine."
"tell me you love me."
"you're what makes all of those worthwhile."
"i'd wait for you."
"don't forget my goodbye kiss."
angst prompts
"wait... something doesn't feel right."
"i wish i'd never met you." "no... you don't mean that."
"i've tried not to, but i'm always going to love you. and i need you to know that."
"is that really all i am to you?
"friends don't talk about each other that way."
"please. i don't know what i'd do without you."
"what's all this blood?"
"no, don't you dare touch me."
"i don't know who to trust anymore."
"what if i love you?"
"i think we need some time apart."
"if you leave now, you better not come back."
"no. no, you can't go. you can't."
"you left. you left, and now you have the gall to come back like nothing happened."
"i never should've expected anything different from you."
"you're trembling."
"who the hell did this to you?"
"do you ever mean the things you say?
"i'm supposed to hate you for what you did."
"how many times am i supposed to forgive you?"
"don't go on that date. "why not?" "you know why."
"would it kill you to be careful so i don't need to worry that you're safe all the goddamn time?"
"just be honest for once in your life."
"i just need to know if i've already lost the chance i had with you."
"i wish i'd been in your life sooner."
"you hurt me, and i still trusted you."
"i deserve more this."
"why can't you just stay?"
"i'm not like any of you."
"just play along. please."
" i told you not to get too close to me."
"i guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, huh?"
"i hurt people. it's all i'm good at."
"stop pushing me away!"
"i just... i thought you would've called."
"it's not that simple."
"you couldn't care less about how this all turned out."
"i don't know who i am without you."
"you couldn't even look me in the eye when you told me you were leaving."
"i don't know why i'm like this."
"i'm not going to take the fault for something you did."
"i almost believed you when you said 'forever'."
"we're not talking, remember?"
"i still love you. i promise."
"i just want to go home."
"you don't just get to turn around and walk away from this."
"maybe someday you'll find yourself, just not with me."
"we weren't right for each other."
"i'm - i'm happy for you. truly."
"you never called."
fandoms i write for:
-lockwood and co -percy jackson and the olympians -heroes of olympus -star wars -marvel -how to train your dragon -shadow and bone -six of crows -king of scars
i would write for others too, but fics usually aren't in high demand for them lol - but feel free to ask me and I'll let you know! my asks are open <3
here is my complete masterlist!
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
This is Charles. He wants to go on a journey around tumblr. could you show him around?
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
anyone wanna chat i feel lonely
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
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Fucking. Wow im gonna die
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besure2ridethecyclone · 11 months
the “pleasure to have in class” to overly active tumblr user pipeline
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Me to netflix
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so a little backstory before I get into whatever this is, I have struggled with depression for a while now, and I find it really difficult to handle and tell people, so its pretty hard haha.
so in Lockwood & co. episode 2, when Lucy says "sometimes I think id just be better off dead" it really affected me, because although I had only watched 2 episodes of the show, I had already come to really admire Lucy as a character (and lets face it, I was crushing on her pretty hard already) so when she said that, said the thing that I say and think more often than I probably should, it didn't fall short of hitting me like a goddamn bus. I mean, it makes sense, her entire team died, leaving her as the soul survivor, and then her whole town blamed her for it, it would make sense for her to feel like that, I just didn't expect her to say it out loud I guess. idk
inspired by @desos-records post about suicide representation in Lockwood & co.
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