switched blog
After nearly a year, I decided it’s time to make the Benn Blog into a main-blog. So this blog will be an archive now and I will go on rping with my new main blog @benn-beckman. Please follow this blog instead, feel free to unfollow the side-blog
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Benn will be happy if you continue to rp with him :)
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switched blog
After nearly a year, I decided it’s time to make the Benn Blog into a main-blog. So this blog will be an archive now and I will go on rping with my new main blog @benn-beckman. Please follow this blog instead, feel free to unfollow the side-blog
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Benn will be happy if you continue to rp with him :)
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switched blog
After nearly a year, I decided it’s time to make the Benn Blog into a main-blog. So this blog will be an archive now and I will go on rping with my new main blog @benn-beckman. Please follow this blog instead, feel free to unfollow the side-blog
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Benn will be happy if you continue to rp with him :)
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bullets and smoke
“Luffy, you should try and understand the captain’s feelings … he is our leader after all. He knows that being a pirate is interesting, but he also knows that a pirate’s life is hard and very dangerous.”
Indie Benn Beckman RP-Blog / OC-friendly / Multishipping / Mun and Muse are 18+
page // about // headcanons
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switched blog
After nearly a year, I decided it’s time to make the Benn Blog into a main-blog. So this blog will be an archive now and I will go on rping with my new main blog @benn-beckman. Please follow this blog instead, feel free to unfollow the side-blog
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Benn will be happy if you continue to rp with him :)
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bullets and smoke
“Luffy, you should try and understand the captain’s feelings … he is our leader after all. He knows that being a pirate is interesting, but he also knows that a pirate’s life is hard and very dangerous.”
Indie Benn Beckman RP-Blog / OC-friendly / Multishipping / Mun and Muse are 18+
page // about // headcanons
45 notes · View notes
switched blog
After nearly a year, I decided it’s time to make the Benn Blog into a main-blog. So this blog will be an archive now and I will go on rping with my new main blog @benn-beckman. Please follow this blog instead, feel free to unfollow the side-blog
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Benn will be happy if you continue to rp with him :)
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bullets and smoke
“Luffy, you should try and understand the captain’s feelings … he is our leader after all. He knows that being a pirate is interesting, but he also knows that a pirate’s life is hard and very dangerous.”
Indie Benn Beckman RP-Blog / OC-friendly / Multishipping / Mun and Muse are 18+
page // about // headcanons
45 notes · View notes
switched blog
After nearly a year, I decided it’s time to make the Benn Blog into a main-blog. So this blog will be an archive now and I will go on rping with my new main blog @benn-beckman. Please follow this blog instead, feel free to unfollow the side-blog
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Benn will be happy if you continue to rp with him :)
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„How stupid to really think someone like you could be a pirate.“ Benn laughed at the man in front of him sarcastically. After Gold Roger's execution everyone thought they could be a pirate now, sailing down the Grandline and make the quick money. What fools they were. As if just a mere percentage of the people who headed for Raftel would even make it to most dangerous sea – the Grandline – alive. They would fail, not even reach Reverse Mountain, as Gold Roger had failed, in the end.
“I will find Roger's treasure,” the man shouted, angrily, and pushed forward, to attack Benn. With ease he avoided the fist. It punched the air next to Benn's head, and he took the chance to grab the man's shirt, to throw him into the dirt of the small alley they were in.
“Ah yes, I see … and how do you wanna do that, not even able to beat me? You're just as much a fool as all these people, dreaming of gold and wealth. I bet the 'One Piece' isn't even real. A last prank by the king who wasn't even able to escape the marines.”
Yes, Benn was was angry at the pirate king. He was disappointed, angry, frustrated and annoyed he even cared. But Gold Roger had been the only man that ever came close to an idol to the young man and now he was dead. Beaten and killed by the marines. Benn had thought better of the pirate. He had thought the man would give him something, anything to yearn for, to look at, to give him a hint what to do with his own life. Instead he got himself killed, and left Benn at Louge Town, wondering what would become of the world. There was nothing he lived for. Nothing he dreamed to achieve. He just knew those fools who wanted to find the ‘One Piece’ would fail, and he knew he wouldn't be one of them. So he stayed in Louge Town, even though he didn't know why.
“The 'One Piece' is real,” the man hissed and Benn rolled his eyes, before he turned and left. Whatever … it was just one idiot who would be a dead idiot, as a lot of other people would be as well. As Gold Roger was now.
He wandered through the street, no destination in mind, when he saw a young boy with amazingly red hair, sitting in a dark corner, looking more dead than alive. Oh gosh ...
So the days since the execution had blended together. The boy curled up in an alley, his arms wrapped around his body to keep from the cold. Getting captured by the Marines was a constant fear, which was partly why he was hidden where he was- and why he hadn’t left that spot in a couple of days. But he would have to leave soon. Some were starting to notice him, they would alert someone, and then it would be all over. 
He had lost weight, yeah, but that had started before the execution. Food just wasn’t appealing to him. Drinks sure, but he couldn’t really afford anything anymore. Sleep was definitely off the board. For a couple of reasons as well- one, being asleep made him vulnerable. If he fell asleep he’d be open for attack. For arrest. And two- every time he got to sleep, or even closed his eyes, they started. The nightmares. If not of what had happened, of what could happen. 
So that left him with little energy, but when he needed to his adrenaline was enough to get him up and moving. Honestly, he wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to be able to keep this up. How much longer he could stay alive. But the only thing more terrifying to him than the things that haunted him in his dreams was the prospect of death. He wasn’t ready to die yet. But he didn’t see how his life could avoid it for much longer.
A cold breeze came harshly through the alley and he felt himself shiver, holding himself close. Maybe the cold would take him?
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Do you like to cuddle afterwards? Are you passive or aggressive in bed? Do you like shy people or do you want those with more confidence or self-esteem?
// It’s Sexual Sunday //
“I’m honestly not the cuddly kind of person. Depending on the situation I would avoid it, especially if my partner is just a fleeting affair. Other than that if I’m in a longterm relationship and my partner enjoys cuddles, I’m up for it and probably enjoy them as well.
I guess I’m neither passive nor am I agressive. I would be passive if it’s a special occassion but normally I like to take part in the action. I would never be agressive as this is something I think doesn’t belong in bed. When I share a bed with someone I either clarify the source of anger before it or just refuse the sex.
Confidence is a huge turn-on. I love it when people know what they want and don’t find my presence intimidating. People with self-esteem usually have a certain kind of sexyness surrounding them, and that is something I like.”
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Terrible pick up line 2: you can go to the store and get them 40% off or you can come to my place and get them 100% off :)
“Or I can stay at home, drink some booze and have a great night with my captain. I choose option 3. There is no money involved, thank you very much.”
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No promise the clothes will stay put on, though.
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Terrible pick up line 1: Are you from Tennessee because you are the only ten i see!
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“Honestly? What is Tennessee actually? I never heard of it? Is it an island, or a city on an island?” he asked a little confused and surpressed the urge to roll his eyes. What a bad pun, even though he didn’t now that place. “Thanks for the ... uhm, compliment, though I guess.”
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Does looks, size and weight matters to you?
// It’s Sexual Sunday //
“It would be a lie to say it doesn’t. As most of the men do, I also like someone who is pleasant to look at. Though, it’s not like I have a favourite type of person I prefer over the other. Many people become beautiful when they feel so and a smile can change a whole person’s appearance.
A little exception maybe is the weight. I do not care what people weight in general, though I like my partner to be in shape. I guess it’s also only healthy to do so.”
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“You certainly do have class, miss,” Benn stated, still smirking. He eventually lit his cigarette, taking a drag before he went on speaking. She was so fierce, he hoped they never had to fight her. Though, he would if necessary. “But don’t assume we mistreat the women, that decide to share our bed for a night or two. We may be a lot, but we’re no rapists ... and we normally don’t pay, my dearest.”
Which was indeed true. It always amazed Benn how many women, but also men, were attracted to the dangerousness and adventurousness that came with a pirate. It seemed even the marines couldn’t pull themselves out of this aura of venturesomeness. Though, Benn hadn’t lied when he had said they were no rapists. If he ever found out one of the men had used force, the man wouldn’t see the next day, that was for sure.
Hina was not too keen on using his name. To do so would breed familiarity, something that Hina did not wish to create with any pirate at all. Shanks had been a surprise; she did not want to do the same with anyone else. 
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She gritted her teeth and answered, “I’m not going to discuss intimate relations with you. I’m not a seaport whore that you pirates picked up as you usually do to bed as a part of a bet. I have class. If you wish to discuss anything of the sort, keep it to yourself and Shanks. I will have no part in it.”
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What turns you off?
// It’s Sexual Sunday // 
“Force, obviously. I would never ever be attracted to someone who uses force to get someone to do something. Not in bed, not anywhere else.
Other than that, a huge turn-off is playing a farce. I enjoy people who are themselves and do not hide behind masks.
For the rest, I think it depends on the situation. If the chemestry is right, I may be in, if not, then not.”
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Do you like it rough, soft or something third?
// It’s Sexual Sunday // 
“You’re so generalizing things ... why should I prefer one thing over another, when I can have all of them? I like soft, tender sex when I’m feeling a little down, or had a hard day. It’s reassuring to have someone touch you with gentle hands, caress your skin and make you feel good. Sweet kisses can be wonderful and I wouldn’t want to miss them. But I also love rough sex, especially when I know my partner can take it. I’m a pirate, I can be greedy and when I am teased I claim what is mine. I can be forceful, I can take what I deem mine, when I know it feels good to my partner. But I also enjoy being claimed. Shove me against a wall, claw fingers into my back, take me and mark me and I’m a sweet, hot mess.
What is important is that nothing is done to hurt the other. To be coherent while having sex is important and when I notice it’s too much for my partner I stop immediately. I want sex to be something fun and enjoyable, so when it isn’t like this anymore I will stop. I detest people how use force to release their desires.”
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