bencficium · 3 years
connor & open
“i know, i know i’m a terrible human being.” a small smirk tugged at the corners of connor’s mouth. “please continue though - i love being degraded so early in the morning, it sets the rest of my day up for better things.” he blinked his eyelids innocently. “besides i get it we can all be a little moody before out daily coffee - but i just think you all should be made to wear signs to indicate whether you’re approachable yet or now, like a mandatory caution.” 
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“Hmm?” The brunette was a bit confused as to what the younger male was going on about, before he was shaking his head when it clicked into place as he heard the rest of the sentence. “Oh, sorry I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Deetoo, she was being very pushy this morning. Pretty sure it might be because I told her she could have an oil bath today.” The astromech unit made a noise in agreement with that, before she was moving to rest next to Cade with a warble. The Naboo native shook his head at that. “I know I said after my coffee, but I meant at like a reasonable time.” He shrugged, shaking his head. “I’m as approachable as a bunch of tookas, even without coffee. Besides, I have a droid who would alert anyone if I wasn’t in the mood.” And honestly, Cade was kinda glad that his family droid ended up with him, he would hate to know what would happen if she didn’t.
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bencficium · 3 years
clove & open
feeling the cool blade against her thigh was a comfort. if you asked clove when or why she started the habit she wouldn’t be able to tell you. but after everything she’d gone through and lost, the cool blade was a reminder that she was still alive - that she’d been given a chance, and she wouldn’t make the same mistakes she had in the past - she’d always be prepared, never again would she be so fragile. “the coffee is good this morning.” she admitted with a small smile. “i love when the barista knows what their doing - like they’re prepared for any order that walks through that door.” 
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Cassian looked as well put together as any member of the Beauregard family should look, which got him some looks that he just got used to ignoring. Or perhaps they were looking at the mark on his arm, thinking that it was a tattoo, instead of a pair of chains that kept him connected to a whole group of people, and ideals that he didn’t believe in. The brunette adjusted his sleeves, and made sure that his wand was still hidden where it was under his right sleeve in it’s holster. Bright hues rolled slightly when he heard someone talking to him, still a bit grumpy after having recently just woken up, and didn’t have any caffeine in. “This place always has good coffee. It might be out of my way, but I enjoy this place too much to go to the one closer to my apartment.” His lips turned up a bit, before it fell into his normal resting ‘one second away from an eye roll’ face. “I think that just might be because it’s their job, and they get paid to make sure the orders are right so people don’t complain.”
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bencficium · 3 years
max & open
jumping down from her skateboard the red head grinned widely. “c’mon.” she waved towards the other. “i know it’s winter but doesn’t mean we have to act so miserable - the sun is still shining, we’re breathing.” max shrugged at the thought. “we could be a lot worse off - trust me, i’ve seen how bad it can get and being a little cold is nothing in comparison.” a cheeky smile spread across her lips. “i can help you ride it if you want - you need to start somewhere.” 
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Ellis let out a slight laugh at the energy the redhead was exhibiting, while he shook his head a little bit. “Whose acting miserable, kid? I actually like the winter, it’s probably the most beautiful time of the year.” Yet, the blonde still got to his feet, figuring that she wasn’t wrong about just sitting and doing nothing. At the mention of the shorter of the two teaching him how to ride the skateboard, he was shaking his head again. “How about no. You ride that, and I’ll ride my broom, we can see who can go faster. What’s a little competition, huh?”
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bencficium · 3 years
belle & open
a soft hum escaped the brunettes lips as she pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail. lost in her thoughts she twirled around the library, tracing her fingers along various spines. “it’s beautiful isn’t it.” she admitted, not speaking to anyone in particular but admiring the atmosphere she was in. “i’m trying to find a book i haven’t read - but it’s no simple task, as i’m sure you can imagine.” 
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Peter pulled out another book, adding it to his ever growing collection, so he could figure out other things he could make his web fluid out of. The brunette paused when he heard the other brunette, slightly nodding along with her words. “It really is.” The superhero agreed, before frowning. “What kind of books are you interested in, maybe I could help you find some good ones?”
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bencficium · 3 years
brett & open
placing the candy stick between his lips he grinned widely at the other. “hows it going?” brett asked a brow arched as he glanced over the other. “i’d offer to share with you, but frankly i don’t want to - these are worth more than gold to me.” a small chuckle left his lips. “you could trade me for one though - depends whats on the table for offer.” a small smirk appeared on his lips. “so what are we thinking, are you going to trade me or spend your miserable day wishing you had.” 
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Orion adjusted his jacket, making sure that it was covering his whole frame, rather than hanging down on one side. “It’s going fine, even with all of the crazy things that are going on.” And he thought the Isle was a bit crazy, what with all of the villains' being stuck there, but it was nothing compared to actual fears manifesting out of thin air. “What are they?” The blonde already knew that they didn’t have whatever those were on the Isle, and it was like his family here was anymore willing to indulge him in normal things that kids had. “I can’t wish to want something I never had, maybe if I had it before sure, but I didn’t so I think I’m good.”
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bencficium · 3 years
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                     sarah  was  wiping  down  the  tables  as  she  started  to  work  on  closing  up  when  she  heard  the  bell  on  the  door  meaning  someone  was  coming  in.  looking  over  she  gave  a  soft  apologetic  smile.  ‘  sorry  my  grills  are  off  but  ive  got  some  pies  and  couple  pastries  left  if  any  of  it  interests  you.  ‘
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“No, it’s okay. I was just looking for a --” Mira cut herself off before she mentioned that she was looking for a place to hide, because how could she hide from something that keeps haunting her every time she blinks, it’s not like she could hide from her sisters’ unblinking blank eyes as they stared at her from the alleyway that she just passed. “Sorry, I’m being foolish.” The blonde sighed, arms crossing over her chest before a brow was raising. “What kind of pie and pastries do you have?” The youngest Fjord figured she could at least buy something, especially since she just realized that she just probably disturbed the other brunette’s closing up routine.
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bencficium · 3 years
kendra & open
“the books in here aren’t all that bad.” the red haired woman admitted, a small smile on her lips. “kind of dusty but i suppose that’s to be expected in a place like this - dust accumulates over time.” kendra shrugged at the thought. “it’s almost like they have everything you could ever want - and then more.” a small laugh escaped the witches lips. “and what exactly are you looking for?” 
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“No I suppose not, they could be worst.” The blonde traced a finger over the front cover of the book, not sure if it could even give her the answers that she wants. “It seems like these books haven’t even really been touched for ages, it’s like they’ve been sitting on a shelf for longer than a month or two, and it’s a library so why wouldn’t people be touching them?” Narcissa sighed, shaking her head slightly at how bad the books are, before blue hues was looking at the red head after her question. “I’m just trying to figure out why two names are so familiar to be, and I know one of these books might have the answer to that.”
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bencficium · 3 years
maria & open
“yes - we’re open.” the brunette called out from behind the bar. “we’re basically always open - i live up there.” she points towards the ceiling with a small smile on her lips. “so i always hear the drunks banging on the door - wailing for more alcohol, complaining about how dry their throats are and how insatiable their needs for alcohol is.” maria rolled her eyes at the thought. “so what will it be this evening?” 
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“Good, I was hoping you were.” Not that them being closed would’ve stopped him, especially since all he really wanted to do was hide. “A twenty four hour cantina? Sorry, bar. That’s nice, I mean for you since you make the money, but bad for their livers.” The former thief sighed, eyes closing slightly as he leaned on the wall next to the door, before one peaked open to look at the woman, then back at the closed door like he was waiting for something to follow him in. When no one else came in, he perked up a bit more as he made his way over to the open barstools. “Sorry, can I just have a water? I think I already seen too much without the aid of alcohol.” He thought he would’ve stopped seeing the Grand Inquisitor killing Kanan by now, figured he would’ve left that behind after those first few nights after leaving the jedi temple om Lothal. But Ezra guesses that must’ve just been wishful thinking.
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bencficium · 3 years
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Karli couldn’t explain what she was seeing. And why she couldn’t stop running into those stupid things. And why she couldn’t stop staring into the hollow, dead eyes of her father. She kept trying to outrun them but every time that she happened, she would end up face to face with another one. She wasn’t sure why that was what she was seeing in the first place. She paused hiding in the darkness of one of the allies. She couldn’t go home, she frankly wasn’t sure if she could face him after seeing that. But the streets were dead, and as of a few hours ago… she knew why that was. She tucked out of the alley barely managing to avoid someone as her breath caught in her throat, possibly the only thing keeping her from screaming out. She leaned down catching her breath. “Fuck, why the hell are you walking so quietly at this time of night? You spooked me.” 
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Frank was heading home, after promising Alice he would be back before it got too dark out, but that was before he finally got his new shipment of flowers in and just got so busy sorting them out. Now, it was at that point in the night where he was sure his wife would be worried, which was what got him rushing about. The brunette was happy that he remembered his wand this time, and already had the tip lit up since he began his trek home. A frown pulled at his lips when he saw someone ducking into an alleyway, while he brought his wand closer to him. “Nox.” The wizard whispered, hoping that he’ll be able to get past them without them even noticing, which died as soon as he heard the voice. “Lumos.” Frank figured it’ll be better to see who he was talking to, rather than just talking in the dark, and so he’ll know that it wasn’t a threat from his past. “Sorry, I honestly didn’t mean to. I guess I’m used to being light on my feet, it helps me get past my enemies easier.”
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bencficium · 3 years
tahiri & open
tahiri turned her blade in her hand as she looked around the street, a soft hum escaping her lips. “it’s different here - i’m not dumb.” she admitted, feeling her wrist turn in different directions as she talked. “i’m not sure if i like it yet- but i’m making do with the situation.” a small smile spread across the blondes lips. “i do miss home - don’t get me wrong, but sometimes i don’t miss or the negative emotions that were associated with it.” 
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Seamus was spinning his wand between his fingers, silently watching the blonde from where he was resting against the brick wall of the alley. “It’s probably a good different, at least for me it is.” He confessed, while putting his wand behind his ear before crossing his arms over his chest. “The only thing I don’t like about this place is that I’m worried about my friends, and family. I just want to know if they’re alright.” Silently, he hoped that they would make their way here, especially his family. “I agree with you, I miss my home as well. I just don’t miss the warzone that it turned into after a really bad person came back. I wish he just stayed in whatever hole he crawled out of.”
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bencficium · 3 years
Octavia liked this new place. It was the perfect combination of the very reason that she loved the ground with the technologies and survival abilities of the Ark in a way. And above all? She didn’t have to hide. She didn’t have to hide a part of her the way that she did everywhere she went. On the Ark, she was hidden. On the ground, she hid the true version of who she was whether it to fit in with the grounders or with the other 100. The one person she never had to pretend was… was Lincoln, and she still found herself missing and craving him with every fiber of her being everywhere she went. Her fingers traced over the spine of the novel in her hands grabbing it off the shelf. But… she had lost him, and maybe she had come to this library thinking, hoping and praying that these exact memories would bring him back to her in some way. She slid into one of the comfy chairs already cracking the book open before she heard footsteps among the book shelves. She stared up at the person who joined her in the area. “Would you like to join?” She asked softly gesturing to the chair next to her. “I don’t bite… much.” She teased.
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Matthias had wanted to learn about his mother, what became of her after she left the village long before he was ever truly able to remember her. The only thing he knew was that he reminded some people about her, yet no one seemed to talk about her besides an older woman who always looked out for the young male, especially after the other kids in the village seemed to always target him because he was different, because he was an orphan, or anything else they could find to make him hurt. A sigh escaped his lips when he finally found a book that mentioned his mom, before he was moving to find a place to sit so he could read the only book he truly cared about in the whole series. Blue hues looked up from the book’s cover when he heard someone talking, before they were following where she was pointing. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you.”  His words were soft, a hint of his accent coming through, until a light laugh escaped him. “I suppose I’ll take my chances.”
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bencficium · 3 years
       BRIANNA OPEN STARTER ! / @thebridgestarters​
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the redhead stared at nothing in particular, it was as she had seen a ghost from the past, but she didn’t understand why she saw the face. she didn’t know the person, yet their face showed up for her. at the sound of a voice, or whatever it was, she turned around to see another face, hopefully real this time “did you say something?” she started, pausing a brief second, a brow raised as she spoke again “did you see that person on the other side of the road? outside of the building there… ” she pointed towards the building she referred to.
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Buzz was still in disbelief by what he saw, he knew Woody, and he knew that he wouldn’t just leave him behind. They were friends first and foremost, which he thought would meant that the other male would at least tell him that he was leaving, or even thinking about leaving long before he actually did. He wouldn’t just take off, leaving the space ranger in shock, and maybe just a bit hurt as the words that were said finally processed in his head, words that didn’t even sound the slightest bit like the cowboy he knew. At least not like the Woody that became his friend, he sounded more like he did when he thought Buzz would take over his position of being the favorite toy, like he didn’t have a place with the others. The brunette shook his head, before blue hues landed on the redhead when she asked her question. “No, I haven’t said anything.” A frown crossed his lips, as he turned to face the direction she was pointing in. “What did they look like?”
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bencficium · 3 years
For Ben Florian, Buzz Lightyear, Cade Mordorc. Cassian Beauregard, Ellis Hufflepuff, Ezra Bridger, Frank Longbottom,  Henry Mills, Matthias, Melody, Mira Fjord, Narcissa Black, Orion Heart, Peter Parker, Ponyboy Curtis, Seamus Finnigan, Steve Harrington, Travis Stoll
❝ i’m not a savior, i’m a vampire; sucking the life out of all the friends i’ve ever known. ❞
❝ i’ve walked this line a thousand times before. ❞
❝ for you, i’d tear out my own heart, and write our names together. ❞
❝ i could be nothing but a memory to you. don’t let this memory fade. ❞
❝ let’s follow through with this reckless dream that’s tearing me up inside. ❞
❝ put the pedal to the floor, lay the seat back, lock the door. we’re gonna make this worth out while. ❞
❝ jealous hearts will leave us all in ruin. ❞
❝  your lips are a hot flame, baby, and our chemistry is kerosene. ❞
❝ you’re so infamous for leaving me a mess. ❞
❝ show me the skyline and i’ll show you decadence, a subtle reminder of hearts filled with loneliness. ❞
❝ don’t make this easy, i want you to mean it. ❞
❝ i’ve never told a lie, and that makes me a liar. ❞
❝ i’ve never made a bet, but we gamble with desire. ❞
❝ i’ve never lit a match with intent to start a fire, but recently the flames are getting out of control. ❞
❝ forever’s never seemed so long as when you’re not around. ❞
❝ can’t you see there could have been a happy ending we let go? ❞
❝ i walk a fine line between the right and the real. ❞
❝ i’m not coming back; i’ve done something so terrible. ❞
❝ i’m terrified to speak, but you’d expect that from me. ❞
❝ i’m mixed up, i’ll be blunt, now the rain is just washing you out of my hair. ❞
❝ i guess i’ll go home now. ❞
❝ there’s a ghost in this room; i think i’ll name it after you. ❞
❝ you were fake, i was great; nothing personal. ❞
❝ i’m gonna break your little heart. ❞
❝ we’re all part of the same sick little games. ❞
❝ i fell in love; she was the friend of a sister of somebody famous. ❞
❝ expensive habits and a taste for the town had be chasing down red carpets and watching all my friends slip away. ❞
❝ if i play my cards right, i can make the big time; i’d be a reason to stare. ❞
❝ i’ve been played a fool four, three, too many times and when did lust for you become an organized crime? ❞
❝ i tried to keep you honest, babe, but i was just a pawn ❞
❝ you played the part so well, it hurts to know you’re gone. ❞
❝ did you mean it? could you feel it when you broke into my head? ❞
❝ did you fake it just to break another stranger in your bed? ❞
❝ this bed’s an island made of feather down, and i’m stuck here alone with little else but memories of you, on memory foam. ❞
❝ i don’t sleep at all without you pressed up against me. ❞
❝ i settle for long distance calls, i’m lost in empty pillow talk again. ❞
❝ this room’s become a mausoleum, filled with relics of regret. paying dues to every moment wasted on words left unsaid. ❞
❝ if these sheets were the states, and you were miles away, i’d fold them end over end to bring you closer to me. ❞
❝ i’ll spend my whole life-time with your life-line wrapped around my throat. ❞
❝ it’s such a shame that we play strangers. ❞
❝ when will the princess figure it out she ain’t worth saving? ❞
❝ there’s a monster standing where you should be. ❞
❝ dirty laundry is piling in her room. she’s got her secrets; yeah, i’ve got mine, too. ❞
❝ i don’t care about what you did, only care about what we do. ❞
❝ sometimes i trip over your history. ❞
❝ she’s got a target painted on her back, and keeps a list of the qualities a good girl lacks.❞
❝ she lays her halo on the pillow where she sleeps. ❞
❝ won’t you pick me up and put my feet on solid ground? ❞
❝ stuck inside your hurricane, how’d it come to this? check it off your bucket list, and seal it with a kiss. ❞
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bencficium · 3 years
For Ben Florian, Buzz Lightyear, Cade Mordorc. Cassian Beauregard, Ellis Hufflepuff, Ezra Bridger, Frank Longbottom,  Henry Mills, Matthias, Melody, Mira Fjord, Narcissa Black, Orion Heart, Peter Parker, Ponyboy Curtis, Seamus Finnigan, Steve Harrington, Travis Stoll
amazon  prime’s  the  boys  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  seasons  1  &  2.  contains  non-contextual  mild  s2  spoilers.  some  have  been  slightly  altered  to  better  fit  out  of  context.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i’m supposed to be this hero, but i don’t know what the hell i’m doing.”
“just remember who your friends and who your enemies are.”
“you can’t do this. you don’t have the fight, you never have.”
“my superpower is reading people. watching them when they think they’re alone. i see people for who they really are.”
“why have average when you can have extraordinary?”
“if i’m gonna make a difference, i just feel more comfortable doing it on a smaller scale.”
“i know a little about a lot of things.” 
“never let them see you like this.”
“just ‘cause you fall on your ass doesn’t mean you have to stay there.”
“since when did "hopeful” and “naive” become the same thing?”
“you need to unclench your asshole.”
“i can do whatever the fuck i want.”
"pardon my french: fuck those fuckers.” 
"you tell anyone what you saw or heard here today, and i’ll cut your hands off and shove them so far up your ass, your fingers’ll give us a little wave out your throat, yeah?”
“when they’re apart, they’re absolute fucking rubbish. but, you put them together, they’re the goddamn fucking spice girls.”
“sometimes you get further with people by treating them like people.”
“i really did want to make a difference. i really did care. i was just like you.”
“i started giving pieces of myself away and i guess i gave away everything.”
“you see, i know your secret.”
“you’re not a bad person. just a scared one.”
“what have you got to lose that you ain’t already lost?”
“i figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty.”
“here’s the truth. anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying.”
“you know, i managed to go my whole life without seeing someone die horribly, and now i’m up to about a half dozen, so i think i’m good.”
“we’ll cross that bridge when we burn it.”
“in a partnership, there is give and there is take.”
“i should’ve done a lot more stuff. because there is nothing up there. there’s nobody in the sky watching over us. not anybody. it’s all just lies.”
“i don’t know if they really want you to be a hero. i think they just want you to look like one.”
“he is too much of an asshole to die.”
“fuck this world for confusing nice with good. be a bitch if you want. be whatever. just drop the mask once in a while. feels good. you can finally breathe.”
“[name], how is it possible that you’re dumber than you look?”
“[name], you’ve done a murder. comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.”
“we didn’t bring him here for a fucking happy meal.”
“i’ve got my phone linked to the ‘find your shithead friends’ app.”
“i just had to pop down to the shop. i was running a bit low on ‘mind your own fucking business’.”
“you know something? on my first day, I, uh … well, i felt like a fraud. but the good news is, everybody feels that way.”
“you ever touch me again, i will burn your eyes out. understand me?”
“wou know how you have this… image of yourself? like, i thought i was strong. you know? like, made of steel. a fighter.”
“uf you’re the fucking reason i can’t finish that vermont country dollhouse, i will fucking end you.”
“you are dispensable, which means you answer to me.”
“you’ve been walking around for months like you want to kick my ass. so do it already.”
“i can be that person that nobody thinks is awesome, but it turns out, they’re kind of fucking awesome.”
“i’m sorry but we’re not anything.”
“my nana’s your biggest fan.”
“not even [name] would have dared to try and pull this kind of shit.”
“shouldn’t we all just be competent at our jobs?”
“we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us. that is a good feeling. a really good feeling.”
“you need to get the fuck out of my house.”
“you were right. i’m not gonna get bored and move on. i’m not going anywhere.”
“life isn’t actually a pr strategy. you can say what you think.”
“pippi longstocking would bite a d, that’s for damn sure.”
“you write all women as either unknowable hitchcock bitches or michael bay fuck dolls. i mean, i get that a lifetime of jerking off to transformers didn’t exactly make you popular with the ladies, but a little effort would be nice.”
“i don’t think we have to damage control your fuck up.”
“look at you. my girl.”
“nobody likes almond joy. – jeffrey dahmer. that’s it. he’s the only one.”
“jesus christ! those are like the three worst candy bars in the history of candy. that’s it, you’re sick in the brain.”
“i’m wanted and you’re kind of super famous.”
“he’s an actor who didn’t lie to my face everyday.”
“don’t lie to me, not again.”
“she was already dead when i blew her up.
“my son is the furthest fucking thing on this planet to a normal little boy.”
“this is a moment. girls get it done.”
“there is just no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.”
“mom says being lonely makes you know yourself better.”
“i just want you to think about me when you are getting your skin peeled off your face, bitch.”
“you don’t fuck with the money. you never fuck with the money.”
“you’re my second wind.”
“it doesn’t matter who made us, or how we got here, the point is we are here. together. family. you guys, you are my real family.”
“oh, is it so hard to believe that i want you two to be happy? and in love? honestly [name], i am really, really happy for you.”
“the hate that you carry and the warpath that you’re on, it started so long before me.”
“we can’t afford to feel good or to feel safe or to let our guard down.”
“we’re all alone. that’s the truth.”
“i don’t need anyone but myself.”
“you’re so special, that most special man on the planet. everybody loves you. everybody. their love is your strength.”
“where’s the closest atm?”
“you let your canary die, how you gonna know when you’ve gone too far?”
“you know what i thought? i thought who fucking cares?”
“fuckin’ diabolical.”
“i’m a motherfucker with a heart.”
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bencficium · 3 years
esme & anyone
“i genuinely thought as time moved on it would get easier, that my heart would heal.” the brunette placed her head in her hands. “but it doesn’t the pain doesn’t lessen, you just notice it less and less.” a small sigh escaped esme’s lips at the thought. “i was foolish to think immortality would heal all wounds like some superglue - but the ache is still there, no matter how hard you try to patch it up and move forward.” running a hand through her short hair she glanced at the other. “so i’ve only allowed myself one day a year for my emotions to break me, otherwise i would waste all my valuable time.” 
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“Time doesn’t heal all wounds, I learned that one the hard way.” Especially since both times, he lost his family. Sure, he knew that the Ghost Crew was alive, at least they were when he disappeared with Thrawn, the blue haired man still hopes that’s true. But it doesn’t mean he didn’t lose them, it just wasn’t like how he lost Kanan and his parents. “I spent ten years without my second family, longer without my first, and I still feel that sharp sting of pain whenever I think of them,” Or even when he just brushes against the bond that he had with Kanan, the one that shattered the moment he saw him die in front of him. “Maybe you do notice it less and less, but I don’t think I reached that point yet.” Ezra sighed, a hand pushing his hair back. “Just once per year? Why not once every few months? That way you’re not bottling it up for a whole year or anything, and maybe it could help a bit more with the healing?”
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bencficium · 3 years
davina & anyone 
“i’d like a caramel latte please.” the brunette smiled sweetly at the waitress, resting her head in her hands as her eyes trailed the room. “it’s a beautiful day outside - considering how cold it’s been lately i think we all deserve to enjoy the sun when it decides to make an appearance.” davina admitted, nodding her head at the other. “what are your plans for the day? i’m thinking a coffee to start the day and possibly heading to the book store, maybe i’ll read in the park until the weather snaps.” she shrugged at the idea. “just a thought though.”
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“Just another hot chocolate for me, please.” The blonde smiled when the waitress turned to her, before going back to finish her first cup of cocoa. Bright hues glanced up when the brunette began speaking, a hint of a smile playing on her face while she nodded. “I agree, it’ll be nice to enjoy the sun a little bit again.” It wasn’t like a little bit of cold weather was going to stop Mira from hanging around the beach, it reminded her a bit of home, just more quiet instead of the normal chattering of her older sisters. “Some more hot chocolate, and then I’m going to head to the beach to relax for a little bit until the sun goes away, or I might stay there until it starts to rain.” Which the youngest Fjord was sure she heard someone mentioning it. “It sounds like a good plan, especially since not many people would be there just because they don’t want to take the risk.”
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bencficium · 3 years
connor & travis 
“i think you’re starting to get grey hairs.” the brunette admitted, a wide grin on his face. “i think you should start going to the hairdressers and getting a dye - we don’t want anyone to think you’re any older than you actually are.” connor grinned at the other, resting his chin on his hand. “just a suggestion of course, who knows maybe miranda is into all of that - i doubt it though, you don’t have the necessary looks that go with being a silver fox.” 
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“Are you sure we’re talking about me? You’re the one who is looking like the older twin, not me.” Travis laughed, reaching out to inspect Connor’s hair before plucking a strand out. “Sorry, I was just taking your grays out so no one calls you an old man. People still think I belong in high school, and are always asking for my id.” Hazel hues rolled  before he was lightly kicking his brother. “Maybe, I’ll ask her, either that, or I just dye my hair a silver gray and go home like that? Think she’ll get a kick out of it.”
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