bellyburstinbabe · 17 days
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bellyburstinbabe · 17 days
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Haven't been on in forever but I got this new cow print dress and collar and felt really cute in it so I wanted to share it!
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
Where you can find me!
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
Let me know if that link works please!
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
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So for whatever reason my gain this month has been super slow, even tho I've been eating plenty and even did another week of cream shakes I only gained 7lbs! 😭
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
I just wanna be bullied
I just want a big strong person to pin me to the wall and call me thier fat little bitch, then make me eat until I pass out. I want then to call me names and spank me and make me wear pig ears while I est my self to immobility
I want to be groped and rubbed and jiggled. I want my fat ass to get stuck in doorways, and my feeder to wait for me to beg them to get me out. I want my feeder to mock me in public, when I get my 5th plate at the buffet. And again for the 6th. And 7th. And 8th. Until I'm so full I can't even process that I'm being mocked and they have to practically drag me home
I want my feeder to grab me by the belly roll and pull me to the fridge, then tell me to empty it. And if I can't, I want them to force me.
I want to get bigger anf bigger, ubtil I'm too fat to stop them from doing whatever they want, and too hungry to not eat every scrap they bring me.
I want to lay in my bariatric bed and grow until I can't get any bigger. I want my gut pumped as full as it can physically be at all times of day, no matter how much I whine and complian about the pain. I want me feeder to stradle my chest and force me to keep eating until I pass out.
I wanna be so huge I get winded swallowinf. I want my tits to lay on either side of me, my arms the size of bean bags, my legs so fst you can't tell what they used to be. My gut would ooze across the bed, probably hanging off the end as I am filled to rhe bursting point every single day for the rest of my life
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
I Love The Word "Fattened"
Or “fattened up.” It just seems so… I don’t know, like the subject of said fattening is owned and is meant to be fat. You’d fatten up an animal, for example. So saying you’re fattening up your girlfriend or whatever just has this air of dominance about it. Like she’s a hog waiting to do her duty and grow for you.
I wanna be fattened up.
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
Most recent fantasy involves laying a feedee on the ground flat on their back and stuffing them until they’re so full and weighed down by their belly that they can’t even sit up. Just laying there panting, overfed and powerless to resist the next sprinkled doughnut I’m holding to their lips while I remind them that my roommates could come home at any moment and find them in this state because they’re just so addicted to busting out of their jeans and shoving junk food down their throat that they can’t even do something as simple as get up off the floor... bonus points if I stuff so much into them that their shirt becomes a crop top and I can make a big deal out of trying to pull their shirt down to tease them.
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
Those jeans looking extra tight on you, i'd say with a few more stuffings you'll not need to unbutton them the usual way but with the button pop way
I've tried popping the button on my jeans before but it's near impossible with out being very painful, jean buttons are notoriously stubborn! 😤
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
To think I've always had a small crush on you for the longest time. And to see you're so active in the community again. Just nice to see such a cute piggy on my dashboard
Aww thank you! v///v
I'm glad to BE so active in the community again! I really missed it! 😭
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
You should try one last workout video before you’re too big to get off the floor without help
That requires me to willing exercise again tho and that sounds awful! 😫
I'm sure plenty of people would love to watch me struggle and sweat tho. 😥
Maybe I can save it for a punishment video...
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
Influencer to live piggy
I was browsing tumblr, looking through the same pages I followed, wishing the feeder in those stories and images was feeding ME into a food coma
I mean, I'm already gaining steadily by stuffing myself as much as I could, last time I weighed myself I was 225 lbs and that was a year ago
That's when I got the idea, why not make my own blog showing off my body, this will surely get the attention of a feeder who would like to stuff me silly
I instantly created my profile and decided to call myself deathbylard, thought this would be pretty clear as to what my blog would be about
After a couple of months, everything was going well
Everyone was loving my big belly, thickening thighs and fat juicy ass, I was now 274 lbs and was finally getting noticed, that's when he messaged me
His profile name was feedyoutodeath, little did I know it was literal
We began chatting and the more we talked, the more we discovered we had tons in common and when we decided to ask each other where we live, we surprisingly lived close by
We decided to meet at an all-you-can-eat buffet, I was waiting at a table when I heard the door open and recognized him instantly
He got to my table and told me how beautiful I looked and if I was ready to eat
I told him to fill me up while rubbing my belly
He instantly got to the buffet and came back with four plates full of the greasiest food he could find
He sat in front of me and began feeding them to me
There wasn't a lot of people, but the staff had a full view of someone getting fed mouthful after mouthful, getting messier from each bite
After I had miraculously ate everything, I was so full I couldn't get up from the chair and my big belly was in full view, bright red and hard like a bowling ball
He helped me from my chair, but not before whispering in my ear "I hope you enjoyed this little lunch of yours, because there's only going to be even more each time we see each other my little piggy"
I was so fucking turned on
We kept seeing each other at least twice a week if not more and he had me on a strict diet consisting of the most fattening and unhealthy food he could think of
After a year of this, I had BLOWN UP, I was so fat I needed a cane to walk the few hundred meters I could do without sweating and getting out of breath, my belly was going to my knees and my ass needed two chairs to support it
We decided to put me on the new scale he had bought me, it had a capacity of 750 lbs
When I got on the scale, I could hear it creak under my weight and after a moment, it beeped to signal it had finally weighed me
My feeder got under my belly and gasped, I asked him how much and he got behind me while groping my fat ass and whispered "614.57 lbs, you're officially my prized hog and only going to get bigger you massive pig"
He slapped my ass HARD, grabbed me by my hand and got me to the bedroom where I knew I was going to need another shake and a good fucking
During this time, my tumblr had exploded in popularity, I was getting so much attention from my huge body and they simply couldn't get enough of it
Some would even say that they wanted to be my feeder and would make me even bigger, but I knew they were only words and not actually fattening me up, I already found the one to do this perfectly
I told my feeder and decided it was time for him to take care of me and my blog while I relaxed and let myself go completely
I knew I was in good hand, being able to pig out while gaining as much weight as I wanted and getting fucked anywhere at anytime, what's not to love
I moved in with him and was surprised by the setup he had for me, bariatric bed with every life support machines I could need including a heart monitor, a fridge beside my bed, a 5 gallon jug high up from where my head would be and a trough !?!
I knew I was a pig, but that was a whole new level and I was simply loving it !!!
I was getting so turned on, that's when he got in front of me, put a pair of pig ear and a pig nose, he began force feeding me two boxes of donuts and said
"this will be your world from now on, you'll be in this bed or on all four eating like a true pig, only able to eat, get fatter and be my personal at home piggy
I've put cameras in your room for everyone on your blog to enjoy, they'll be able to see what a real fatty looks like and witness your disgusting diet, you'll be the star like you wanted from the start
I will make you the fattest person on earth and will continue making you fatter until that little heart of yours gives out for good, that's the only moment I will allow you not to stuff yourself until you pass out from eating too much
You better be ready because all of this starts right now"
I answer by putting my walker to the side, struggling to get on all fours and oinking like a real pig
He got into the kitchen and came back with a trolley full of my favorites, took all of them and throw them into the trough no matter what it was
"eat" is all he said
I obliged and began to stuff myself while moaning and grunting
He got behind me and forced my head deeper
"I don't want you to only eat at a normal speed, real pigs finish all of this in not time no matter what, so you better eat more before I force this funnel down your throat again"
I gulped and began eating faster, I didn't care if my mouth was full, I needed to eat faster to satisfy my feeder, that's what I was always best at and I wasn't going to disappoint him, not now or ever
Six years have passed and I was now permanently planted on my bed, hooked up on life support, my blood vessels being clogged up even more by each fattening feast that entered my greedy mouth and needing multiple pills for my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol medication just for me to be able to live a little longer each day
I was so fat now my ass was almost reaching the side of the massive California king size bariatric bed, I needed a crane fixed to the ceiling to move me so I could be taken care of
my body was now slick and sweaty all the time from the exertion of being in this massive body, my love handles, rolls of fat, underboobs and my swollen fupa were always sweaty from having lbs after lbs of fat creating a crease of unable to support all the humidity my body was creating, my three massive chins were coated with grease and crumbs from the multiple meals and shakes I needed in a day, it was the same story for my massive chest and enormous belly that now reached my toes all made it hard for me to breath, all my fat was ridden in cellulite all over, especially in my massive juicy ass and my belly was also covered in bright red stretch marks showing my feeder's technique of feeding me the trashiest food with no mercy for my weakened body while crushing my organs and I was really struggling to breath now, even my oxygen mask was barely able to feed me air and if I wasn't huffing I was wheezing like a pig while sweating like I had run a marathon
My feeder as kept his words, he made me the fattest person alive and we couldn't be happier about it, last time we checked my weight via the built in scale it said 1658.93 lbs
And just because I weigh this much doesn't mean we don't have sex, on the contrary
With the help from the crane, he would lift me up just enough to go under me and begin fucking my hearts out until I came again and again
He would also let me know how much he love me and my massive body, he would go on top of me while trying is best to avoid my massive swollen fatty liver that has gotten no rest in my years and unrelentless feeding and kiss me all over, sometimes he would concentrate a little more on my thighs, other times it would be my sagging ass, enormous thighs, my belly of course, he couldn't get enough of it and any other parts of my body really, he truly loves all of me
That doesn't stop him from teasing me by saying something like "look at what we did to your body, you surely are the fattest fuck anyone would have ever seen and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it" or "you know you're going to die on this bed and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, all you can do is enjoy yourself while it last until your fat coated heart is tired of supporting your body and you get your fourth and final heart attack" he loved to tease me in the meanest way possible and couldn't simply get enough of it
Although, when I was horribly full, feeling like my stomach would explode at any moment, he would get mad and play with my oxygen tube until I agreed to getting stuffed even more
And if I was being an extra good hog, he would up the pressure on my feeding hose so more and more delicious lard shake would go to my stomach and make me even fatter by the second
Oh speaking of which, my viewers also couldn't get enough of me
I now had millions and millions of followers who would log in just to see myself get pumped even more full of lard and get even fatter by the day
I was able to watch all of this happening on the TV my feeder put in front of me
He wanted me to see all the damage we had done to my body and everytime I looked at myself from the live feed, I still couldn't believe I was this impossibly, enormously fat blob who was only good at swallowing lard shakes and letting it all transform into new fat cells that will make me even bigger and unhealthy than I already was
By the way my heart was slooooowly beating, I knew I wouldn't have long until my body gives up
I had reached pretty much all my goals but don't think for a second I don't have any objectives
I still need to get fatter and keep growing for my feeder
I'm always going to be his personal pig and only live to satisfy his need to force feed me the most unhealthy and greasiest food and shakes imaginable
I'll always want more and more and EVEN FUCKING MORE !!!!
Oink Oink !! 🐷
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
You can hear the fabric creaking! 😫
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bellyburstinbabe · 1 year
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