bedread · 29 days
Day 03 of Productivity: 05/06
More skipped days yay! I am still following my "post at least once weekly" and I sadly did not do anything in terms of schoolwork on the weekend. The way my school works is that there is no school on Mondays so I am actually going to do something I never do: Prepare for the week! This week is testing week so what I'm going to do is write down significant terms, formulas, etc. and put them all on one paper to study. Specifically math, I'm really struggling at math. For context I am a junior (in the English school system I know this is Year 12, first year of sixth form, but I'm not sure about other systems, I'll reference the English system for people not in America in case it's more familiar) and I am in Algebra I which is a standard for freshmen and sometimes even 8th graders (Year 10 and Year 9). I have state testing this week which is a test that will average out the general knowledge of a school and the overall state which dictates how much funding we deserve basically. Kind of sucks, but I'll do my best yay! My school gives an automatic full score in it just for doing the thing but I still want to improve.
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The unrelated image of the day is that I finally got the book I'll be using to commonplace! It's probably going to have a lot of mixed things, from cool educational stuff to "Here are the controls to Stardew Valley". I'm just gonna put things I will use and reference and that will make me happy.
More Thoughts Under Cut
Not much here besides that I think I missed one of the state tests that would be happening last week that was done over announcements so I might have to contact my counselor who I will luckily be seeing tomorrow. I'll note down any questions I have in my book so I can ask him.
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bedread · 1 month
Day 02 of Productivity: 05/03
I know I technically skipped a day but I never said this would be perfect! Today I worked on a little podcast project we had in class. I don't want to share any pictures of that since it's got some school info on it but the gist is to discuss climate change. My grades have been bad for the past couple of years so I am currently in classes that are considered very behind for my age despite in the past having been advanced.
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Instead of the podcast, I'll show my soon-to-be journal! I say "soon-to-be" because nothing is actually in there yet. I will absolutely be using it since I spent money on it, but I simply haven't decided the time I want to journal. I'm thinking a tiny little sentence marked "Morning" to say how I feel the day will be, then an entry labelled "Evening" that explains how the day actually went. I won't obligate myself to write every day starting out because that's pretty unrealistic for me right now, I'll do it on days that have a notable feeling to them.
More Thoughts Under Cut
I'll only put my grade under the cut if they've changed. So far it is the same since nothing has been graded yet.
Alongside my notebook in the picture I have my mess book which was in day 01 and is basically very quickly jotted down thoughts that I either won't use again or will format nicer later. Soon I will also have my commonplace book! I'm going to write down any information I want to have that's I guess educational for lack of a better term? Quotes, notes on languages, notes on programs I use like Blender or Krita which tie into my art, etc. Anything I will actually use as a new tool in my head.
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bedread · 1 month
Day 01 of Productivity: 05/01
I sort of alluded to this in my introduction my grades are suffering horribly, I won't get into things too deep but it's very much mental health related. Today I got two assignments done! It might not seem like a lot but in the order my list is in one more missing assignment already bumps Child Dev. up to a C- from an F.
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My pictures aren't particularly "pretty" yet, but I don't think that matters all too much. I'll learn to make them all pretty sometime, not due to expectations but because I simply would like to scroll through something all pretty. This is also not "pretty" because it's a picture of my mess book where I put any thoughts rapidly rather than focus on making things all cutesy and Pinterest-y.
Grade Progress Under Cut (+ Thoughts)
Math: F
English: F
Science: F
P.E: F
Child Dev: F (After today's progress is graded this can jump up to a D!)
Psychology: B- (I don't know how this one is this high.)
History: F
I do feel shame listing these grades, but I want it to be here to show progress. I don't think it's a good goal for me right now to say "I will get straight A's". My goal right now is to pass and give my mom grades she'd be proud to see.
I'm turning 18 this year, I want to pull myself together after almost 4 years of being seemingly incapable of staying on task, 4 years of focusing so much on small dopamine rushes that I neglect things that are important to my life in the long run.
My days of productivity may now be every day, but at the end of the month I'll post a visualization of the days I worked and days I did not.
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bedread · 1 month
Hello! I'm Miles.
I'm going to try to update this blog at least weekly. I'll be posting about school or things I am learning about on my own time. I'm only ever going to be logged in on my computer, forcing myself to get up to post.
Under this cut I state my goals and some other info, but bare minimum about me is that I use any pronouns.
I have some goals:
Stabilize my grades
Read at least one book a year outside of required reading
Begin journaling and commonplacing
I will be posting a variety of things and my actual posts will be labeled with the first tag below, "chats per hour" (because miles per hour). All my reblogs will begin with a particular tag I use to organize them, feel free to block any tags you don't want to see.
Tags (Actual posts):
chats per hour = ALL actual posts
miles of productivity = All of my logs of daily productivity
miles' little somethings = Small random posts I make
Tags (Reblogs):
miles loving art = Random art reblogs
miles writing tools = Writing or writing adjacent tools and such that I think would be helpful
I want to try to be a bit aesthetically pleasing in my own way, not putting other expectations onto myself - it's just that things looking nice give me motivation to actually work on them, and I often am a victim to the sunk-cost fallacy so the highlighters, pens and notebooks I bought have to do SOMETHING.
Interests (That I'll bring up here):
Reading (Majorly classic literature)
History (Notably Europe and US 1600s to 1950s)
Art (Things like character design myself, but I love to view all forms of art)
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bedread · 1 month
I just discovered foodtimeline.org, which is exactly what it sounds like: centuries worth of information about FOOD.  If you are writing something historical and you want a starting point for figuring out what people should be eating, this might be a good place?
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bedread · 1 month
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