becomingshq-blog · 6 years
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diversity, representation, open-mindedness and personal growth are a few things that have always been very important to me. unfortunately, it’s also something that the rpc can improve on in momentous ways. so i’ve decided to create a group to start improving it, breaking down the boundaries of difficult topics or types of people we tend to ignore in writing and in media. becomingshq is simple, informal, super lax in terms of rules and activity, but a great place to start. to practice, to grow & learn and expand your horizons as a writer. here we not only encourage, but thrive off of diversity. disabilities, body diversity, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, age groups and mental illnesses will all be represented here.
answering questions!
accepting apps!
open for plotting!
critique, corrections, advice and tips encouraged!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
it is our goal at becomingshq to represent all types of people that we hardly ever see represented accurately, or represented at all, in the rpc. we aren’t restricted to the resources that only certain fcs have, nor are we going to make you squint and turn your brightness to its highest setting to see what’s happening in a gif icon, because we don’t have fcs! our rules are very chill and flexible in order to be accessible to those busy with school, work, and the general stresses of life that gives no one a break. it’s a very interactive, ever-changing, inclusive and open environment for everyone. come have a look around, and send us an app!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
what’s stopping you from hopping on over to becominghqs and sending us an app for a character you’ve never tried to write before? say, a gender non-conforming muse. a muse in a wheelchair. a muse with autism. a muse with dwarfism. a pagan character. we aren’t bound to the confines of limited fc resources or complex plots and settings. we’re just set in a city, a city full of other diverse characters whose backgrounds and personalities and ethnicities all vary vastly and beautifully. come join us! we’d love to have you!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
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diversity, representation, open-mindedness and personal growth are a few things that have always been very important to me. unfortunately, it’s also something that the rpc can improve on in momentous ways. so i’ve decided to create a group to start improving it, breaking down the boundaries of difficult topics or types of people we tend to ignore in writing and in media. becomingshq is simple, informal, super lax in terms of rules and activity, but a great place to start. to practice, to grow & learn and expand your horizons as a writer. here we not only encourage, but thrive off of diversity. disabilities, body diversity, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, age groups and mental illnesses will all be represented here.
answering questions!
accepting apps!
open for plotting!
critique, corrections, advice and tips encouraged!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
becomingshq is an appless & plotless tumblr rp set in the city. we’d love, love, love to introduce some new muses here. we’re tackling topics that are rarely talked about or regarded or encouraged in the rpc, and we value everyone’s knowledge base and background here in a safe, friendly, and accessible environment. this includes sexualities, genders, mental illnesses, disabilities, body diversity, ages, ethnicities and religions!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
at becomingshq, we're just a small group so far, but we are powerful with so much diversity already. we cannot wait for our list of beautiful, representational muses to grow evermore! we’re set in a city, with people of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, body types, classes, religions, disabilities and mental illnesses. we’re tackling topics that are rarely talked about or regarded or encouraged in the rpc, and we value everyone’s knowledge base and background here in a safe, friendly, and accessible environment. come join us! we’d love to have you!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
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diversity, representation, open-mindedness and personal growth are a few things that have always been very important to me. unfortunately, it’s also something that the rpc can improve on in momentous ways. so i’ve decided to create a group to start improving it, breaking down the boundaries of difficult topics or types of people we tend to ignore in writing and in media. becomingshq is simple, informal, super lax in terms of rules and activity, but a great place to start. to practice, to grow & learn and expand your horizons as a writer. here we not only encourage, but thrive off of diversity. disabilities, body diversity, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, age groups and mental illnesses will all be represented here.
answering questions!
accepting apps!
open for plotting!
critique, corrections, advice and tips encouraged!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
have you ever been in an rp with a character who has endometriosis? or schizophrenia? or identified as mahu? we have each of these things with such a small number of muses, imagine how many more groups of diverse people we can represent with more wonderful members like yourself! come join us at becomingshq, we’d love to have you!!
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becomingshq-blog · 6 years
it is our goal at becomingshq to represent all types of people that we hardly ever see represented accurately, or represented at all, in the rpc. we aren’t restricted to the resources that only certain fcs have, nor are we going to make you squint and turn your brightness to its highest setting to see what’s happening in a gif icon, because we don’t have fcs! our rules are very chill and flexible in order to be accessible to those busy with school, work, and the general stresses of life that gives no one a break. it’s a very interactive, ever-changing, inclusive and open environment for everyone. come have a look around, and send us an app!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
i am probably fast asleep right now, but i can guarantee you i am dreaming of you sending in an app for a beautiful muse to join is in our diverse, inclusive rp that is faceless and super lax in terms of rules, for the purposes of being accessible & providing representation for groups that don’t get that a lot in the rpc. this includes sexualities, genders, mental illnesses, disabilities, body diversity, ages, ethnicities and religions!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
diversity, representation, open-mindedness and personal growth are a few things that have always been very important to me. unfortunately, it’s also something that the rpc can improve on in momentous ways. so i’ve decided to create a group to start improving it, breaking down the boundaries of difficult topics or types of people we tend to ignore in writing and in media. becomingshq is simple, informal, super lax in terms of rules and activity, but a great place to start. to practice, to grow & learn and expand your horizons as a writer. here we not only encourage, but thrive off of diversity. disabilities, body diversity, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, age groups and mental illnesses will all be represented here.
answering questions!
accepting apps!
open for plotting!
critique, corrections, advice and tips encouraged!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
we’re super excited over here at becomingshq to welcome new members and start interacting! so far, we are just a small group, but we are powerful with so much diversity already. we cannot wait for our list of beautiful, representational muses to grow evermore! we’re set in a city, with people of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, body types, classes, religions, disabilities and mental illnesses. we’re tackling topics that are rarely talked about or regarded or encouraged in the rpc, and we value everyone’s knowledge base and background here in a safe, friendly, and accessible environment. so, take a chance and send us an app!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
we’re super excited over here at becomingshq to welcome new members and start interacting! so far, we are just a small group, but we are powerful with so much diversity already. we cannot wait for our list of beautiful, representational muses to grow evermore! we’re set in a city, with people of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, body types, classes, religions, disabilities and mental illnesses. we’re tackling topics that are rarely talked about or regarded or encouraged in the rpc, and we value everyone’s knowledge base and background here in a safe, friendly, and accessible environment. so, take a chance and send us an app!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
diversity, representation, open-mindedness and personal growth are a few things that have always been very important to me. unfortunately, it’s also something that the rpc can improve on in momentous ways. so i’ve decided to create a group to start improving it, breaking down the boundaries of difficult topics or types of people we tend to ignore in writing and in media. becomingshq is simple, informal, super lax in terms of rules and activity, but a great place to start. to practice, to grow & learn and expand your horizons as a writer. here we not only encourage, but thrive off of diversity. here are just a few aspects of diversity that we embrace here.
body diversity
mental illnesses
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
have you ever been in an rp with a character who has endometriosis? or schizophrenia? or identified as mahu? we have each of these things with such a small number of muses, imagine how many more groups of diverse people we can represent with more wonderful members like yourself! come join us at becomingshq, we’d love to have you!!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
we would love to see some trans muses, religious muses, muses with disabilities or older muses! we want all the representation at becomingshq, and we would love to have you join us. check out our aspects of diversity page if you’re stumped on ideas for a character or send one in if you have this uncontrollable urge for a specific muse. we are currently open for plotting and interactions!
0 notes
becomingshq-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
diversity, representation, open-mindedness and personal growth are a few things that have always been very important to me. unfortunately, it’s also something that the rpc can improve on in momentous ways. so i’ve decided to create a group to start improving it, breaking down the boundaries of difficult topics or types of people we tend to ignore in writing and in media. becomingshq is simple, informal, super lax in terms of rules and activity, but a great place to start. to practice, to grow & learn and expand your horizons as a writer. here we not only encourage, but thrive off of diversity. disabilities, body diversity, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, age groups and mental illnesses will all be represented here.
answering questions!
accepting apps!
open for plotting!
critique, corrections, advice and tips encouraged!
0 notes