Thanks, CrackerJack. I actually figured the silly faces thing out already, but still. Thanks for being supportive.
I'm actually very scared I'm going to fail at this.
I remember my verison of you complaining that you had trouble getting BoJack to calm down when he was an infant sometimes…
A few tips! If trying to feed him, change him, burp him, etc, fails to get him to stop crying…
Rry making silly faces at him, or singing! Babies also like being bounced sometimes.
Also, sometimes babies simply want to be held.
If nothing works, well, I think sometimes babies simply need to cry themselves out a bit. I imagine going from the womb and being surrounded by comfort, to being out in the world, is a pretty difficult adjustment! Remember that babies are tiny little guys that have no idea what’s going on, and the only way they have to communicate or express discomfort is by crying. I know it can be pretty frustrating, but please try to be patient. Babies aren’t trying to be difficult, they simply are very needy and have no good way to express themselves. Remember that a baby is entirely reliant on you, and you’re his whole world!
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Don't speak to him like that! Don't you have some other idiot girl to go impregnate?
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There he is. BoJack Sugarman. He is two days old.
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Well, I'll certainly be taking a lot of pictures.
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There he is. BoJack Sugarman. He is two days old.
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You will not take my baby. I have an electric fly swatter and I'm not afraid to use it.
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There he is. BoJack Sugarman. He is two days old.
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Yes, it is a baby.
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There he is. BoJack Sugarman. He is two days old.
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Uh. That's a lot of questions, CrackerJack. Apartment. I have my own place but laundry is shared. The place itself is basically one bedroom (which is the nursery) a living room and kitchen combined (I sleep there) and a small bathroom. I have a job as a waitress. I can't really access anything.
The nursery is done. I painted it green. I think it's pretty cute.
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2024 LA
The nursery is done. I painted it green. I think it's pretty cute.
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There he is. BoJack Sugarman. He is two days old.
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I'm alright. It's been a quiet few weeks. I've been preparing for when the baby comes.
The nursery is done. I painted it green. I think it's pretty cute.
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hello crackerjack. how are you?
The nursery is done. I painted it green. I think it's pretty cute.
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The nursery is done. I painted it green. I think it's pretty cute.
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That's very sweet of you to say 💛
Fun fact, you were the most adorable baby ever! Seriously! No other baby has ever come close!
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Thank you, Crackerjack.
So, how many months along are you? With your pregnancy
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I know. Seems like just yesterday when I found out... Now I'm nearly at the halfway point. I don't feel ready. No other version of me has managed to do this right.
So, how many months along are you? With your pregnancy
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So, how many months along are you? With your pregnancy
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Maybe, but our family isn't so great either.
I love feminism.
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It's not your fault, Crackerjack. There is apparently not a single version of me who knew how to be a mother.
I love feminism.
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