Addressing the ATLA fandom drama
Hello, Avatar Fandom. I really did not want to get involved in any of this drama, hence why I made a throwaway account.
I really don’t believe in callout posts, but I feel as though this is important.
Tumblr user @appatastic​ recently made a post about NSFW fan art/incest in the Avatar fandom and people who consume this kind of content. Honestly, I think it’s DISGUSTING that people would reblog this kind of content, especially of minors. It’s...basically child porn. There’s one user I’ve found, BlayLxck, that seems to be doing this as well. NSFW images under the cut.
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This person was confronted about some kinda sexy Maiko fan art they reblogged recently. After being confronted, they deleted the ask and the reblog of the art...
They also reblogged some beastiality:
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Again I hate to make callout posts but I believe this person is also a threat to minors in the A:TLA fandom. :/ Please be safe guys.
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