bastard-blackstone · 3 years
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bastard-blackstone · 3 years
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Takai Kitō, from “Telling a Tale as They Go,” featured in “The Penguin Book of Japanese Literature,”
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bastard-blackstone · 3 years
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bastard-blackstone · 3 years
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bastard-blackstone · 3 years
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Kevin from @toadressart. Thank you so much! It was really wonderful working with you.
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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Pirates of the Caribbean + delicious scenery
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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Lunar Eclipse | Zoltan Tasi
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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Kevin by AliceShmul: (https://artistsnclients.com/people/AliceShmul)
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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The action of 14 August 1761 off Cape Finisterre at which HMS Bellona captured French ship Courageux, by H. Fletcher c. 1890
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
The sun was low in the sky as Kevin was finishing up his last bit of work on his final ship of the day. The Sailor was coiling the last bit of rope he had finished with slowly, heaving a sigh as he turned his grey hues out over the harbor, the bright oranges and reds of the sunset mirrored on the calm water. The Kul Tiran was lost in the view for a few minutes before he shook his head and finished with the rope. Carefully, Kevin packed up his tools, taking up the bag and placing it in the small building on the docks, locking in his box, double checking to make sure it was in fact locked properly. This done, he made his way down the docks and into the streets of Boralus, smirk on his face as he began his trip home for the night. 
Kevin elected for a slower pace home, a vial pulled from behind his belt as he continued to stroll the streets. The vial was opened, the thin cigar dumped into his hand before the container was closed and placed behind his belt again. The rolled parchment was brought to life with a flame touched to the end, a deep inhale taken and held as he placed the lighter back in his coat. The smoke he held was blown out as his walk continued, a puff here and there taken, the process repeated until he was half done with the cigar. The vice was snuffed out and placed back in the vial, which was tucked behind his belt yet again. The lighting of a familiar building caught The Sailor’s eye, stopping him in his tracks. He turned to face the tattoo shop, smirk on his face as the sounds of Hook Point began to fill his ears. The door to the shop was open, the lone artist standing at a counter, going over drawings. Kevin made his way into the parlor, clearing his throat and leaning on the workspace, to the side of Lee, the other man turning his gaze over to Kev as he settled in. “Been a while, Blackstone.” Lee said, stowing away his current papers and turning his full attention to the Sailor, arms crossing over his chest. “What can I do for ya? Ya know it’s close t’closin’, be’er be a good piece a work y’comin’ in here fer, t’say the least.” “I got a well enough idea for ya, Lee, don’t worry there. Greyscale piece, on my chest. Start at m’sternum make it go out ta the tips a my shoulders, think ya can do that?” He asked, arching a brow and standing straight, thumbs tucked into his belt as he waited. “I’ll even throw in a couple’a cigars cause I know it’s late. Come on, Lee, it’s gonna be a great piece, can’t no one else do this one. Ya gotta.” 
“Ten pieces.” Lee said, not moving just yet as he eyed Kevin over, smirk on his face. “Seven and three cigars, tip included.” The sailor countered, already shrugging out of his coat and hanging it up nearby. “Come on now, get the paper out, ya gotta sketch it up, I’ll describe it to ya.” He quipped, pulling off his shirt, all his scars on display, the most prominent the three large claw marks that ran down his front, from neck to waist. “I even got guidelines for ya ta go off a, yeah?” He joked, motioning to the scars. “Fine, fine.” The other man barked, waving Kevin off, but looking at the scars and whistling. “Fuckin’ hells, Blackstone, how in the fuck do ye end up with somethin’ like that?” Lee asked, a bit of concern on his face. “Work might hurt at this point, Mate, ya sure?” 
“It’s better ya don’t ask those kinda questions, Lee.” Kevin said, shrugging his shoulder and moving over to describe what he wanted as the other man grabbed his sketching bag. “It’s gonna be an owl, a right fuckin’ big one, mate.” The sailor quipped, holding his index fingers against each of his own shoulders. “Highest points of the wings ta here, super detailed, every line a the feathers an’ all.” He told him, his hands moving to his sternum. “The feet and tail gonna be here, ya see, dead center. Then up ta bout here, yeah? The rest of the body?” He asked, moving his hand up, stopping a few inches from the bottom of his throat. “I wanna keep the coat a arms visible too, so ya can work it in however, maybe make it look like the feathers are weaved inta it. Whatever ya wanna do.” Lee nodded and watched as Kevin described what he wanted, a low hum leaving him here and there as the conversation went on. “Aye, I can do that, it’s no’ a problem Mate, can likely get it done in three hours or so, if ya wanna do it now.” “Aye, now is fine, Lee, that’s the point.” Kevin said, chuckling as he moved to the back and sat in the tattooing chair. “I’m gonna need an ‘X’ between my ribs, ya know the kill shot? That too.” Lee chucked. “I’ll do that one for free.” He told him, making his way back into the room where Kevin had settled in, preparing the inks and tattoo gun for use. He leaned over and quickly worked to clean and get Kevin chest ready for the work. “Here we go, Mate, just like old times, ain’t it?” He asked, turning the gun on and dipping the tips of the tiny needles into a small cup of black ink, pressing it into the stencil and starting the first of many lines. 
Kevin watched as the stencil was placed on his chest, happy with the placement. Once the tattoo gun buzzed to life, he seemed to relax at even just the sound. He continued to watch, even as those tiny needles were pressed into his skin and that familiar sting was felt, a smirk finding his face. “Aye, it’s good ta get work done again, that’s for sure. I look forward ta seein’ it.” 
Those three hours seemed to tick by slowly, but it was fine, the feel of getting the tattoo was enough to keep Kevin in the chair without a care. Once it was finished, he sat up, watching as the area was cleaned once more, happy with the result. Once the tattoo was cleaned and covered, Kevin shrugged carefully into his shirt, electing to carry his coat now. “Here’s ya pay, Lee, thank ya, I couldn’t ask for better.” He said, handing over seven gold coins and three vials, each holding a thin cigar. Lee smiled, nodding along as he reached for the coins and cigar. “No’ a problem, ya bloody Bastard.” he teased. “It was good ta see ya, Kev, come back soon and get some more done, yeah?” He said, giving him a lazy, two-fingered salute. I’ll see ya round, yeah?” Kevin returned the salute, nodding. “Aye, I’ll be back soon enough, it was good ta see ya too, old friend.” He told the man, turning to leave and finish his trip home for the night, ready for dinner and a drink.
(Picture for reference, it is not mine, I claim no ownership.) 
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