azuremliam · 1 day
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Liam after the conflict with the beast, ran away from the group after a bit because they nearly hurt Finn and Jake accidently.
Had Scarab not been there they would kept on avoiding their family out of fear of harming them.
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azuremliam · 2 days
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Doing some more prompts for fun!
During their travels together, once they had become closer to each other, Liam was often the one to ask if they could just sleep/relax together longer than usual. They really like spending time with him in any way.
As for when being a Cosmic Being, it's actually Scarab's turn to do so lol. He's taking full use of his free time to just chill with them (and he needs it- this bug is full of tension and really needs to unwind from time to time).
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azuremliam · 4 days
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Part 1 - Previous of ???
Orgalorg has calmed down a lot in Bug World AU. Still a menace when they want to be though.
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azuremliam · 5 days
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Finally got around to designing The Boss! In Bug World AU they're a primordial who used to know Myriaxanthus.
Only Liam and Orbo have seen them up close and personal and not on their phone extension. They exist in their own pocket dimension that oversees the multiverses and they send their phone though portals like how Xanthus did when hunting down other primordials.
Liam respects them despite everything, but is somewhat annoyed with them for the memory seal. Which leads to them negotiating for Scarab to intern as Wishmaster after the events of Fionna and Cake.
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azuremliam · 6 days
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Got hit with wanting to do draw the squads and memes lol.
Lots of cosmic being shenanigans with this one, and finally drew Bug World Prismo (Liam can pull him out of the wall too thanks to their dimensional portal powers)
Scarab lets Cosmic Owl get away with things (within reason) because 1, Cos helped him and Liam get back together by bugging Orbo and The Boss to let Bug World Jake and Finn kickstart their memories. And 2, Cos is Liam's best friend.
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azuremliam · 7 days
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I haven't been drawing Bug World Finn and Jake much (Gramps Mr. Horrid too!)
Scarab always has his hands full when put in charge of them while Liam's away. He doesn't know how they do it, but when ever he looks away and looks back a them, they're doing something that makes his worry spike through the roof.
They're waiting at a Centipede station for Liam to come back from some deliveries. How Finn got the paint is a mystery that only him and Jake know (and Liam- they know their brother's shenanigans very well).
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azuremliam · 7 days
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Call back to this! Heheheh Scarab tries to be sly with flirting with them, but Liam almost always manages to unintentionally turn the tables on him.
Based on that "we're bros!" meme that I can't remember the origin of.
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azuremliam · 8 days
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A continuation of this! Liam has three favorite specific features of Scarab, and its his eyes, wings, and spurs.
This is during the timeframe where Scarab just accepted the fact they're friends. He wasn't expecting the compliment combo from them.
Liam as usual, says what they think without thinking to much about it. To them its completely normal to give compliments to your best friends right?
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azuremliam · 8 days
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Part 1 of ???
Ever since the Bird incident and the small Lizard beast, Liam includes Scarab in any hunting activity they do. He's a good hunting partner and they do enjoy seeing him battle lol
Finn and Jake aren't allowed to go on hunts yet- Finn being too young and both brothers haven't taken the necessary training for it yet. Scarab got approved for a hunter status quickly in Bug World- he aced all the examinations (There's a lot of rules- but being a strickler for rules he was in his element heh)
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azuremliam · 10 days
I need to get back to doing timelapses when I have the time for them.
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azuremliam · 10 days
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Liam basically: Why do you have a wasp waist???
This kind of thing happens a lot, to the point where Scarab just goes "Oh you're doing the thing again." and Finn and Jake make bets on what exactly Liam's going to do too.
Liam takes after Gemma in that they do like thinking about the scientific side of things and making observations. Especially with things that really interest them.
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azuremliam · 12 days
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Revisiting a few old doodles! It's fun drawing him all monsterous like.
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azuremliam · 12 days
Now for the lil guys! They're such creatures. Also enjoy how his main lil beetle self (with the crystal) can manage to kind of shout things lol
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azuremliam · 12 days
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a number and an OC, and I'll answer.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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azuremliam · 12 days
A compilation of Scarab noises (I'll do his little beetle forms later lol)
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azuremliam · 13 days
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A bit of a continuation of this! Both weren't planning for this kind of scenario. And Scarab wasn't expecting either of them to be able to have eggs honestly, he was more anxious and conflicted at the idea of them actually hatching for numerous reasons.
But at the same time he's curious about it and eventually decides he wouldn't mind this experience with them. Liam is more chill about it- and was 100% ready to just get rid of them at any moment he asked.
The egg Liam almost ate was Goliath's and the smaller was Cole's.
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azuremliam · 14 days
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Aaaaaugh, this took so long and its only 15 of the 53 kiddos aaaaaaa- Oh boy, alrighty, this right here is Scarab's batch of hatchlings right out of their grub forms!
More info about each of the funky bug lizard kids underneath the readmore 👍
First off, Kroko! (Name ='s Crocodile)
The friendliest and most out going of Scarab's batch, and often seen darting around Liam's legs when they're walking around their dimension.
The most curious about things too, often asks Scarab about the multiverse and about their grandparents. Despite being the friendliest, wants to be like Scarab and help him with God Auditing.
Timsah (aka Tim) (And another word for Crocodile)
Unlike Kroko, Timsah is very, very shy. And feels comfortable the most in either with a group of their fellow clutch, or in the presence of their Scarab and Liam.
They're best buds with Guster and be seen tagging along with her often. Likes to sort things to calm themself down or clinging onto Liam's tail.
Guster (aka Gus) (Name ='s Lizard)
Very artistic of Scarab's batch of hatchlings, and also outgoing and a bit of a troublemaker! She really loves painting, and just making a mess with it too.
Usually seen with Tim, but also just roams about by herself. Has painted many things on one side of the Tree Stump house. Almost always asks Scarab to tell her stories about his Auditing missions.
Ogle (Another Word for Lizard technically)
Enjoys watching Liam judge the cosmic entities and other beings. Wants to one day be a cosmic entity that essentially keeps records of other being's past deeds.
Also really loves detective stories and has dressed up as a sleuth on numerous occasions. Despite sticking around Liam a lot, Scarab is their favorite parent.
Bille (Named after Bille the Hero from Liam's Homeworld)
A sweetheart and doesn't really care for fighting. Really wants to be a crystal architect like his grandparents. Gets along really well with Merid and Maxi, both of which also want to become crystal architects too.
Has a collection of crystals in his room that Scarab has picked up for them in other worlds. Loves spending time with Liam the most and is often seen falling asleep on top of their head.
Carri (Named after a Carrion Beetle)
Thinks Fionna is just the coolest much to Scarab's dismay. It's because when they first saw her they got really excited that they have the same teeth. When visiting OOO with Scarab one day, they became best friends with Astrid.
Often asks their parents to bring sweets back from Fionna's world and is a big fan of Gary's treats. One of the main reasons for Liam's frequent visits to their world in particular and also OOO.
Goliath (Named after the Goliath Beetle)
Lil guy is often put in charge of keeping an eye on all the other 52 kids when Liam and Scarab are away and no one else can watch over them. Quite, but not timid, or a stick in the mud.
Most of the other hatchlings do find comfort in his presence just like their parents. He's also the biggest of all the 53! Also molted out of his grub stage first too.
Has the deepest voice out of all of them. Likes making sure everyone is safe and helping people. Gets along pretty well with any visiting Finn, especially Uncle Finn (Bug world!).
One day, wants to go adventuring just like Liam used to in their homeworld.
Sargantana (aka Ana) (Yet another word for Lizard)
Really looks up to Scarab and tends to mimic his no nonsense attitude. They're also pretty hotheaded- and that worries Scarab sometimes.
Often copies whatever he's doing when he's back home like a little shadow. It used to confuse him when they first started doing it.
Loves taking naps on Scarab and Liam and often relaxed around their shoulders like a boa. Also wants to be a God Auditor like him and studies for it in secret (Both Liam and Scarab know about their "secret" studying though- they aren't very discreet lol).
Lagarto (aka Gar) (Yep- Another word for Lizard)
Really, reaaaaaaally loves gardening and working with plants. Often with Scarab when he's in the garden and insists on helping him tend to the plants.
Wants to research the entire multiverse's worth of plants, so essentially wants to be a botanists.
Also enjoys cooking with Liam (who essentially has it as a hobby now so they won't be bored when Scarab's away- and also so they won't forget Gemma's recipes she made for them and Finn. Leads to a lot of food being made) and really loves making dishes focused with fruits and vegetables. 
Scarab and Uncle Finn bring him plants and he has his own little collection of plants in a corner of the "greenhouse" room.
Sisalik (aka Sal) (Yet again, another word for Lizard)
Likes to bite! A lot. But is another softy who just really likes to gnaw on things. (Scarab jokes that they inherited the urge to gnaw on things from Liam). When they don't have anything to gnaw on- they often resort to biting Liam's tail.
Along with Gremxula, gets very sad when they inevitably tear their favorite toys and pillows and Liam often sews them back together again. Speaking of, the duo are never far from each other.
Liam is their favorite parent, and they'd never bite Sir Ducky. Has told Liam and Scarab that "if their ever was a job for biting we'd (Gremxula included) be the best for it!" which made them both have a good laugh about it.
Gremxula (aka Xula) (Once again, another word for Lizard)
Best buds with Sisalik, they even hatched at the same time! Also loves to bite- but unlike their sibling they love to gnaw on Scarab's ankles lol. Doesn't do him any damage, but ends up with him dragging his leg or walking awkwardly with them latched along for the ride.
He gets slightly annoyed with it but it makes Liam laugh every time it happens so he lets it slide.
Scarab suspects Xula does it to make them laugh specifically. They have their own favorite plush toy, and they named it "Sir Petals". Sir Petals has been through a lot.
Like Sisalik, Liam's their favorite parent, and Vera is their favorite grandparent. They want to be as tall as Deargadaol one day.
Lucy (aka one of the Lucertola kids lol- which was yet another word for Lizard)
Loves to bake and cook with Liam too! But Scarab's his favorite parent, and more often than not, the treats he makes often look like him.
Has told Liam and Scarab that he wants to be a baker one day. Occasionally gets teased (not mean-spiritedly though) by his siblings for looking a bit like a rat but doesn't care.
But eventually grows to like it, especially when Scarab tells him about how Fionna had a prophetic dream and he was essentially at rat bus.
Scarab somewhat regrets telling him about it, because more often than not Lucy makes new treats with his face slapped onto a rat shape. He (Lucy) always gives Liam the first batch of his food, and Liam was the one who encouraged him to make Scarab rats lol.
Wants to work with Gary and learn from him (yet again much to Scarab's dismay but he lets his kids do what they want for the most part).
Vandu (Named after a Jewel Beetle)
Loves helping with anything really, and has a real sweet tooth for Scarab's homeworld foods. Helps out Goliath take care of their other siblings with things a lot.
Doesn't like the feeling of certain textures like fabrics on their underbelly. Wants to be a librarian and often asks Scarab if he's ever been to libraries in the multiverse and what they were like.
Very chatty and loves sharing things they've learned with their siblings and parents. Also helps Lucy find new recipes to try out frequently.
Driezas (Lizard name here we gooo)
She loves flowers, and enjoys planting them and especially eating the edible ones. Along with Lagarto, has a little corner to herself in the "greenhouse" room where she tends to a patch of flowers.
Fascinated by Liam's stories about their homeworld's giant plants and wants to visit there one day.
Loves sleeping in Liam's hair and hugging onto their horns. Is good pals with Eidecshe and the two siblings garden together a lot.
Doesn't like to sleep, and either Scarab or Liam have to essentially cradle her in their arms to get her to knock out. Another surefire way to have her fall asleep is in a bug pile with a big group of her other siblings.
And finally Eidecshe! (Aaaaand name means Lizard)
Doesn't really care for plants, but enjoys spending time with their siblings and dad so they help out anyways. Second biggest of the hatchlings, right after Goliath.
Often naps in the garden right after helping out. Will 100% climb on Scarab's back while he's working on his plant collection and knock out. Scarab's gotten used to it.
Also will climb onto Liam's tail to take a nap, it's their favorite place to nap actually- really comforts them.
More often than not seen sleeping in the oddest of places.
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