awholelottachulada · 10 years
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Michael Chulada
Tristan Kolkhorst Photography
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awholelottachulada · 10 years
Here is where it all started!  Celso's wonderful film The Nancy Boys.  This is the trailer I did VO for.  It's so funny.  My favorite line..."who's killing all the divas?"  Hilarious.  Enjoy.
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awholelottachulada · 11 years
Here is the extended version of the ad I did with Baker Street Advertising for Honda.  It was a fun day with some great folks, and I got to drive a car next to a camera car which was totally fun.  My “daughters”  were a lot of fun to work with too, and the one in back was hilarious.  After working with the stunt drivers she told me she didn’t want to work with the stunt driver anymore, and that she wanted her “real fake dad.”  Hilarious.
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awholelottachulada · 11 years
Here is Bulbman!!!!  My mascot gig for the California Energy Coalition.  This assembly was in July of 2013 at Fruitvale Elementary School in Oakland!  The kids were great.  I got mobbed like crazy at the end of this assembly.  Bulbman needs bodyguards.
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awholelottachulada · 11 years
Richard Ross and I have created a new and improved greatest hits demo!  Have a listen.  I hope you like it.  Richard did a fantastic job with the SFX, music, and mixing!
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
Announcing demo
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
Characters Demo
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
Narration Demo
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
Imaging Demo
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
the first gig
I met Celso Dulay at The Gold Cane on Haight street.  I was visiting my good friend Jason, who bar tends there, and I over heard someone next to me mention they needed a voice actor for a movie trailer.  I turned to him and said, "I can do it."  Then I did that movie trailer voice, you know the, "In a world..." voice.  He thought it would work, and we made plans to go to the studio to record the trailer.  I had such a blast.  Celso's film, The Nancy Boys, is a hilarious spoof of the Hardy Boys mysteries, and was such a fun and laid-back initiation into the voice over world.  I was hooked.  This kind of thing, I thought, was right in my wheel house. The sound producer for the film, Richard Ross, was such an easy and friendly guy to work with, and it turns out, we would work together again, and again. Check out the trailer to The Nancy Boys at: 
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
After the movie trailer  with Celso and Richard, I felt I should take some classes to help expand my abilities as a voice actor.  I went to Voice One, in downtown SF, and took a "stepping out," class, and a "getting started," class.  The classes were informative, and the school is cool, but expensive, and I couldn't really afford the program, so I looked into CCSF.  They have a broadcasting program, and a theater program, so I thought I would take classes in both. I started with an amazing class called "announcing and performance."  taught by Dr. Cecil Hale.  Dr. Hale is a  super cool guy with tons of radio experience.  Many of the scripts in my demo were written for this class.  We did PSA's and radio spots,  we worked on camera, and with a teleprompter.  I learned so much in that class.  Currently I am taking a wonderful storytelling class, where we write and perform stories. I am also taking an audio production class, which will help me with my own voice recording, and putting spots together.  Next semester hopefully it's going to be "acting for camera," and "radio production. I believe it's important to learn as much as you can about what you want to do.  CCSF is an amazing place for going back to school, it is affordable and the classes are taught by wonderful professors who have a lot of real life experience!
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awholelottachulada · 12 years
The journey begins
Hello friends!  I'm Michael Chulada.  This is a whole lotta Chulada.  Here I will be keeping a journal of my journey as a voice actor.  I have already had some wonderful experiences, with some fantastic folks, which I want to share with you, so I will be backtracking into the recent past a little first, and then forward we go. 
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