avon-starlite · 3 years
You know that moment when you cried so much your eyes started to hurt but you couldn't stop the tears from falling and you started to have a headache and your stomach hurt from sobbing too much and you just wish you could stop but it was just getting even worse and you wish everything would just stop and you just wanted to erase yourself.
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avon-starlite · 4 years
Yes the queen has arrived now im not going to be the only ot4 daesung stan on that bird app
I did it. @distresseddae on Twitter because @daesungindistress was too long! 🤬 Don’t know how much I’ll use it but it’s there. It’s a start.
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avon-starlite · 4 years
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Soul Reapers
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avon-starlite · 4 years
Y'all need to stop. Hes gone. Let it go.
You are going to force the the band to make a blatant statement and then you’re gonna act like rabid wolverines toward anyone who agrees with them because you’re hurt.
We’re not talking about the american music industry where being a Teflon Don and the concept of “i got away with (insert list of crimes)” is admired. We’re talking about an industry where musicians are called idols and put on (for the most part) “innocent good boys you want to bring home to mom” facades. Once that facade is broken it’s pretty much over.
If y'all really want him back that badly, I suggest you hype him to move to the US as a solo artist and join Chris Brown in that whole cesspool where he can brag about what he did and be commended for it.
Because seriously even if he did try to come back. There is no image he could sell other than that. It’s exactly why robin thicke’s career tanked after Paula. Even tho thicke committed no crimes he was caught doing things that contradicted his public persona (which was at the time “a ladies man but for one lady only, his wife”) and people weren’t all about that. He then had a choice to make, he could own what he did and ride that “douchebag playboy” wave he stirred up (which might have worked for him) or he could actually apologize. Instead he took the third option where he “apologized” but made it all about him in hopes no one would notice and he could get his career back on track and it bit him in the ass.
The same applies to this situation this boy he was caught doing things that contradicted his public persona, but instead of atleast trying to apologize, he ran and the entire world saw it happen. There is no image in K-Pop that you can sell based on that.
You all are looking at this from purely a fan stand point. From a business stand point he is kryptonite, he is Jared from subway, he is jenelle from teen mom. And even tho bands love to throw that whole “we’re brother’s and will be together forever” stuff around it’s just simply not true. Hell, look at oasis, they actually were brothers and the hate each other.
The second a band signs a contract they become a business. If you do things that hurt the image that the business wants to portray to the world then your going to be booted (and pulling a “you can’t fire me, i quit” is not any different). It’s the same as being employed, and then being fired for making inflammatory statements on Facebook while having your employer on your profile. Your going on the “do not rehire” list even if there are a group of customers who complain about you being gone.
You people are literally hurting the band as a business by trying to advertise them with him included. Whether or not you believe or agree with it, as far as the world is concerned he is a dirty unreilable business man who hangs around a bunch of convicted serial rapists. That is not someone you can market to the public. Not unless he goes through a SERIOUS personality change and even then it would take years of continuous effort on his part for the public to trust him enough to support him. And I’m talkin efforts like setting up organizations for rape survivors, speaking out for womens rights…Etc. things that show that he is no longer the person he was. And considering that he still hasn’t even made any sort of statement expressing his remorse over what happened to those women, I can’t see that happening in a billion years.
So it’d be a damn good idea to seperate the idea/concept of him from the rest of the band because they’re still here and they’re ready to rock the house without him. And you can either accept that these are 2 seperate entities now and look forward to what IS going to happen or you can be bitter about it.
But if you gonna be bitter keep that shit to yourself and stop trying to not only rain on everyone esles parade but also pop all the floats.
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avon-starlite · 4 years
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3 pics of daesung in a day🤧👉👈 feels so great to see him enjoying his life
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avon-starlite · 4 years
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• like or reblog if you save • don’t repost
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avon-starlite · 4 years
seungri left bigbang can i not see him in the bigbang tag anymore thanks
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avon-starlite · 4 years
Do u think seungi's absence from the gpe gonna help daesung? definitely not. It will just brother him cause he will need to do all the mc/chat talk alone to communicate with vip and lighten the atmosphere for the huyngs to act the swaggy & get all the praise. Pff as if the leader will give him a shit, if you look closely you will see that all gd do is to secure yb ( his bff) and push the shit out him as the great vocalist ppl know him now. I hope you will have the audacity to address the issue
Anon, I can’t figure out from this ask alone if you’re a salty SR stan or an embittered Dae stan… but I’m gonna hazard a guess and say you’re not a Dae stan.
Because if you think Daesung is going to be “bothered” then you haven’t seen him working the crowd like a pro during his solo tours – because he is a pro! Even during his Dome Tour in that massive venue (in which he said he couldn’t even see the fans on the upper levels) he had no reservations about interacting with and teasing them, so sassy and full of himself that even I was surprised. Pleasantly surprised. And what about DnaShow? As if he needed to prove that he’s more than capable of having fun with the fans with nothing but a mic, a tacky cape, some stage lights, and his own goofy off-the-wall sense of humor. He was one of Korea’s biggest up-and-coming variety stars for a reason before the accident took that away from him.
He’s more reserved with BB because 1) not all the fans in the audience are there exclusively for him and he’s aware of that, and 2) he isn’t comfortable stealing the spotlight from his hyungs out of turn. He can, he just chooses not to. Daesung is a phenomenal performer with a big personality when he wants to be. When he’s allowed to be. And I think he’ll step up and assume the role beautifully. That said, I’m hoping the loss of BB’s self-appointed MC will make room for all the members to speak up and be heard more. Not just Daesung.
And yes, to answer your initial question, I do think Seungri’s withdrawal from the group is going to help Daesung. Not only in terms of screen time and line distribution, but because it might actually be less stressful for him overall. He’ll no longer feel the need to act as “lubricant” (his choice of words, not mine) between the maknae and the hyungs, placing himself between them to minimize friction and keep the machine known as BIGBANG running smoothly… because he is the maknae now. The youngest member. In this “new” BB, with their new dynamic, he doesn’t have to be lube anymore.
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avon-starlite · 4 years
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"Get Ready to be D-LITEd VIPs!!! 🔥🔥🔥"
Oh I sure as hell would be D-LITEd. I miss him, but at the same time nowadays I'm too busy with works that I don't even think about missing him, anymore? Does that even make sense lol
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avon-starlite · 4 years
I'm moooore active on twitter account (you have probably seen my tweets lmao) and i want to tell you that yes it's most probably because of the "maknae line" thing. There were always have been a "hyung line" and "maknae line" thingy even from before, right? Now, everyone is out of their minds and act like seungri stans always bEEN there for daesung when IN FACT let me tell you this, there was an ot4, and im pretty sure daesung is the one left behind. Seungri stans thinking about other members? Pfft i have to laugh, even from the very first moment i stepped into twitter stan, they were always full of themselves and always and i mean always act like they are the ones who suffer the most.
Don't be so surprised about dae stans supporting seungri stans. In a way i kind of understand, because i always think daesung stans was somehow always left behind? Idk how to explain this properly SIGH
The way i left 2 or 3 group chats on twitter because I have told them THIS IS A DAESUNG STAN GROUP CHAT WHY ALWAYS FUCKING TALK ABOUT SEUNGRI and they kept doing that so I just left. And I don't really interact with them anymore because their reasoning for the support kind of not make any sense to me so I just was there, a daesunt stan, being blocked by both ot5s and ot4s,, got into both sides blocklists,, all because I couldn't bring myself to softblock my old mutuals,,,
I’ve kind of been wanting to say this but since I didn’t wanna talk about redacted anymore, though with news about him coming into topic again I just always thought...
Why do I literally see so many Daesung stans side with SR stans? I can’t follow many Dae stans because they’re OT5 and are right behind him. I don’t get it. Is it like a maknae line respect thing...? Because if you ask me Daesung stans should be the LAST stans to support SR and be on his side. I’m generally asking this I’m not saying it in a rude way. I’m curious af on this.
I’m talking about Dae stans on Twitter/Instagram Btw. Most of them are OT5. It’s disappointing...
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avon-starlite · 4 years
Gosh how much i miss this fic is sickening TT i hope Carnivores!Seunghyun and Carnivores!Daesung are doing fine TT
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Carnivores!Seunghyun and Daesung, on a late night stroll through their new mountain home, stop for a moment to admire the Milky Way galaxy lighting up the night sky.
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avon-starlite · 4 years
Every Kpop fan pls take note:
When people you idolized in the past turn into criminals. And you start feeling remorse, disgust and even hate towards them. For a second you even feel regret and tell yourself “If only I wasn’t so blind”. I just wanna tell you: “Dear, it’s not your fault as a fan, it’s THEIR fault as twisted humans. They showed you what you needed to see and hide all the filthy reality. The entertainment industry is like the moon. We only see its a bright side but it has a VERY dark side”. So you will ask me now “What should I do then? unstan everyone? live in doubt and fear? The ones who gave me smiles are now giving me tears of pain. I don’t want to relive this again. To this my answer is simple: “Support whoever you like and enjoy the music but you don’t have to support them when they make unforgivable mistakes. Yes, we defend them against scandals but we need to know too when to stop and let the law do its job? Also just because they are idols don’t believe that they are some unhuman celestial creatures. (Most of them) They are not THAT innocent even when they look cute on camera. They might not be THAT single just because you didn’t hear a dating scandal. They might not be that THAT image they played in front of you … Just, don’t be so naive but at the same time don’t assume things. Enjoy the ride and let time reveal it all. The good ones will stay good and the evil will show itself. ”.  
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avon-starlite · 5 years
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Bigbang Japan Dome Tour "X" 2014~2015.
Fun fact: I was so surprised when I opened the package for the first time and saw that I got a Daesung postcard😆
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avon-starlite · 5 years
Hi I hope ur doing well. Idk if ur still active on this blog but do u know what ended up happening to bbvipchannel? Seems the tumblr, Twitter and forum are down. Have a good day regardless
Hello, sorry for such a late reply. I barely use Tumblr now =/ I don’t think I’ve addressed this out publicly to anyone other than the people who personally follow me on my Twitter account, but BBVIPChannel isn’t coming back to sub videos anymore. I’ve spent 6 to 7 years subbing BIGBANG videos and I subbed them because I wanted to make sure that VIPs can understand what BIGBANG is saying and to enjoy watching them. I spent prioritizing on subbing so much that it had taken a toll on me. I completely lost motivation to sub because I never took a break from it. Most of the team members and I have been busy with work, school, and life so we haven’t been focused on subbing for the last few years and the majority of us have moved on. A few of the teammates have branched out to sub on their own, but they’ve also taken a break. 
I did not shut down the forum. Upon being away from subbing, I just wanted to leave the forum up and running so that people can go on it whenever they want to, but the hosting site that the forum was under changed hosts & merged with another company. I tried to retrieve the forum, but I somehow didn’t have access or permission so I wasn’t able to get the forum back up. Trying to get the forum back stressed me out. It really sucked to see that no one can go on there to get links to watch any subbed BIGBANG videos anymore. I still have all of the subbed videos we’ve done, but I don’t have them with me since I’m away for college and don’t want to get caught uploading so many videos on the school’s server. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to re-uploading them all because there were so many videos and many uploading sites have become more strict nowadays.
To anyone reading this and have most of our subbed videos, you are more than welcome to re-upload them. Just don’t crop out our logo and credits from the videos since my team and I spent time subbing the videos for everyone to watch.
Thank you, everyone, for supporting my team and me, and I also want to personally thank my subbing team as well as the volunteer translators/subbers who all helped me make BBVIPChannel last this long. It was a pleasure subbing for you, the VIP fandom.
- Julie
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avon-starlite · 5 years
kang daesung after his military discharge be like
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avon-starlite · 5 years
Just a note everyone! They changed Dae's english hashtag to #.DaeWeWillStayByUrSide and youngbae's hashtag event is already starting now!!!
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avon-starlite · 5 years
For you to say something like that... If you know nothing you better just keep your mouth shut, daesung WAS NOT drunk, the motorcycle was. He almost had suicidal thoughts because of the likes of you. Daesung literally has nothing to do with whatever your idol had done, if he wanted to stay like daesung and still have the job then he could, but he chosen not to. Stop blaming others for the choices your idol made.
So the bigbang member who killed someone still has a job but wonho doesn’t?
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