autobot-scout-riella · 2 months
"Yes, baby?"
"I get to say one bad word a week, right?"
Blackout stops and unplugs his headphones, giving his full attention to Ky. "I mean, yeah, if it's necessary."
"And I didn't say one last week, right?"
"I don't got the best memory anymore, but I don't think so. Why?"
Kyan scuffs a foot. "Skydive made me mad at school today. Can I say two?"
"...Well," the tyton looks around. "Riella's out, so, sure. Take a crack at it."
The youngling takes in a deep vent.
Blackout blinks.
"...Feel better?"
Ky nods. "Yeah."
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autobot-scout-riella · 2 months
how in the wolrd did you do an evil boop??????
Hold down the boop button on someone's blog until it spins three times! It only works on desktop though, not mobile.
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autobot-scout-riella · 2 months
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Ladies and gentlemen... THEM
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autobot-scout-riella · 2 months
If you're reading this...
go write three sentences on your current writing project.
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autobot-scout-riella · 4 months
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AAAAAA. Riella/Blackout kisses are MY FAVORITE THING and this is such a pretty one–I love the style, the colors, the lighting, THE FACT THAT IT EXISTS OMG. I may be staring at it for a while.
Posted with permission from the artist @the-odd-job; the full kiss post is here and you should definitely go check it out! Thank you so much for the lovely art!
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autobot-scout-riella · 4 months
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Chill Sunset.
These organic backgrounds are such a challenge! But I’m always happy to kake them! Commission for @thesoundlessvoid @autobot-scout-riella check their tumblrs! theirs OC’s Are amazing!❤
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autobot-scout-riella · 5 months
If you're reading this...
go write three sentences on your current writing project.
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autobot-scout-riella · 5 months
i love when characters don't get to die
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autobot-scout-riella · 5 months
❝ I don’t care that you run away, I care that you do it badly. ❞ From Optimus.
"Look, Prime, if I wanted to talk, I'd talk. If you want to call avoiding you running away, I can't stop you."
Never mind that she does, actually, keep running away, and last time she ran into a curb.
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autobot-scout-riella · 6 months
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AO3 Link
Summary: In Cybertron’s war-torn southern hemisphere, Elita One and her team prepare to defend the final Autobot outpost in Sector S-19 – if they can learn Shockwave’s plans before it’s too late. In the ruins of an ancient city, Shockwave creates what will be the last weapon the Decepticons ever need – if he can control it before it turns on him. And deep underground, an Autobot spy far out of her league makes contact with someone so old the planet has all but forgotten him…  
Continuity: AU Transformers Bayverse (not including BB18) Rating: M / R Relationships: Greenlight/Lancer, Hound/Mirage, Chromia/Elita One Characters: Elita One, Chromia, Firestar, Red Alert, First Aid, Prowl, Shockwave, Mirage, Riella (OC), Electron (OC) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (canon-typical for Bayverse but treated as people damage and not robot damage), Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Dubious Medical Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, Bittersweet Ending
Now complete, after eight years of work! I haven’t had time to crosspost it to Dreamwidth yet (that’s a project for later), but all thirty-one chapters are finally up on AO3, with a nice shiny new summary that reflects the fic a little better than the original and some updated tags.
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autobot-scout-riella · 6 months
Nick: “Can you stop yelling at me? I’m small, and sensitive, and only stabbed one dude!”
Out of Context Skyrim Reactions | Accepting
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"Yeah, that's the problem here! Stab more people! I won't always be around to pull your aft out of the fire. And get a bigger knife while you're at it, that one's tiny even by my standards. I'm not usually a 'size matters' kind of girl, but trust me, knife size matters."
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autobot-scout-riella · 6 months
Out of context things I’ve said while playing Skyrim  {Sentence Starters}
“You blocked me? Really?”
“So… you WANT to get robbed?”
“Aw, shoot, I’m being kidnapped.”
“For my hands only? I doubt that.”
“See, this is why we don’t jump off cliffs.”
“Let’s settle this with fisticuffs! And magic!”
“I need a drink…”  *downs 10 bottles of wine*
“You’re on fire, why are you still fighting me??”
“I’m gonna steal from a guard, just to prove a point.”
“Wow, it’s almost like you regret shooting at my head!”
“Get out of my house, I didn’t even want to talk to you!”
“Yeah, you signed up to carry my burdens, deal with it.”
“Please stop popping up behind me, that’s so unnerving!”
“I can make poisons… but not alcohol? This is bullhonkey.”
“Oh no, I’ve come down with a terrible case of BLOODLUST.”
“Can’t a friendly neighborhood assassin do her work in peace?”
“Keep sassing me like that and I’ll give you an arrow to the knee.”
“Staying safe? Well, I just got into a fistfight with a dragon, so, no…”
“If you’re sneaky enough, you can stab someone and they won’t notice.”
“Can you stop yelling at me? I’m small, and sensitive, and only stabbed one dude!”
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autobot-scout-riella · 6 months
First Snow
Riella wakes up to a chill in the air and near-total silence from outside the aerie. The wind has died down, but so has the fire, and while her spot cuddled up against Blackout’s chest is warm and cozy, she can feel the drop in temperature the moment she sits up.
Keep reading
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autobot-scout-riella · 7 months
Misc. Ask Meme | Accepting
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Liquid energon, with copper flavoring. Her universe doesn't really have much in the way of culinary options.
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autobot-scout-riella · 7 months
(How do they feel about rain?)
Misc. Ask Meme | Accepting
Riella is a motorcycle. Ergo, Riella is not a big fan of rain. She can deal with it, but she doesn't enjoy it.
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autobot-scout-riella · 7 months
Misc. Ask Meme
❣️ - What are their love languages? 🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like? 🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general? 🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself? 🍷- How do they feel about alcohol? 🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking? 🎮 - What’s their favorite game? 💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection? 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? 🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer? 📱 - What social media do they use the most? 👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like? 🐒 - What’s their favorite animal? 🧳 - What countries have they been to? 🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? 🎨 - What’s their favorite color? ☂️ - How do they feel about rain? 🎶 - What’s a song they really like? 🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies? 💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep? 🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride? 🗺️ - What languages do they speak? 🍳 - How well can they cook? 🍪 - How well can they bake? 💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)? 👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress? 💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side? ☕ - Coffee or tea? 💀 - How do they feel about horror movies? 🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them? 💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them? 🍽️ - What’s their favorite food? 🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? 🐾 - Do they have any pets? 💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.) 🏳️‍🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns? 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings? 🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them? 🌳 - What’s their extended family like? 🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
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autobot-scout-riella · 8 months
"Look alive, soldier." (From Elita!)
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Riella's never come to attention so cheerfully in her life.
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