aureliazaher · 7 years
Rowdy’s sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of a show floor, legs crossed and a grill next to him. There’s a bag of coals, a can of kerosene, and some grilling utensils, but it’s woefully lacking of anything to grill atop it. With his last bottle of moonshine in his clutches, he perks up a little when he hears footsteps coming closer, but seems to look altogether disappointed when he sees who it is. Like he’s desperately waiting for someone. With a loud, dramatic sigh, almost as though he’s trying to get the attention of the passerby, he uncorks his bottle of moonshine and starts to take long swigs of it, eyes fully on the newcomer to his little picnic area. 
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If she gives him a second look it’s only because his assortment of items could create a fire to rival those that her magic can create but hardly a care is given to his disappointed look when her mind is on getting back to the book that Helaine had given her to do some more practise. It’s not the sigh that gets her attention when other people’s feelings were never that high on her concerns but rather the pop of a cork that has her doubling back. A smile is painted over her lips as she makes her way over to the man. “What you got going on here, hombre, and do you have enough to go around?”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
If there was one item of clothing that she would never part with, it was the heeled boots that she’d stubbornly refused to remove from her feet since the world had ended. She was well aware that her choice of footwear was divisive, with most thinking that she was a fool to continue with her choice, but attention whether negative or not had always been something she’d relished. But even with years of wearing footwear like this, her feet more used to them than any kind of flats, it didn’t mean that the witch wasn’t taking full advantage of their new location and the opportunities that it provided for taking the weight off her feet every now and again.
Not for the first time she finds herself sinking into one of the sofas that were dotted around, shifting from side to side until she was satisfied. While she enjoyed the comfort of it, boredom frequently took over when sat alone so when she saw someone rounding the corner, she grinned at them after a flick of her hair. Lia patted the space next to her, best smile firmly on her lips as she invited them over. “I don’t bite.”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
“Then I sincerely apologize,” he gives her and it may just sound like he means it. He was used to this, used to playing this sort of game and feigning sincerity when he wasn’t sure if he really meant it. It was such a silly thing to dwell on that he didn’t, mostly just banter thrown back and forth and it was better than having a gun shoved in his face, so he was grateful to her for that. She mentions that she doesn’t know who put up the trap, but he can read into the words to know that there’s a fairly larger group somewhere behind her. With possibly some animosity between them, by the sound of her tone. People who were too serious for them all? He took note of it, unable to stop himself from analyzing the situation. 
She doesn’t confirm or deny that they were at least new here and it truly doesn’t matter, he supposes. He knows. He’s been in the area for a couple weeks now, had made a nesting area for himself to stay safe and sane, alone out there in this world and that was something new he’d been dealing with. It was good to have human contact again, even better that it was someone who looked well enough put together. At least in appearances. 
A small laugh escapes him at the question and he ducks his head like he’s flattered by the words. “A supply run. Ran out of D Batteries,” he gives her. He tips his head side to side. “There are probably more glamorous explanations out there, but I’m working with honesty here.” 
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“I’ll believe you this time but if you’re not careful then next time I might have to make you show me just how sincere you are.” Enough of her time had been spent around people who were good at twisting her words that Lia had trouble believing when people were genuine. Something about this guy seemed familiar and not because she knew him but rather because he seemed to be the type who always knew what to say and in her experience that made him far more dangerous than any of the men in her group touting guns. The charming ones were always the ones to watch. As it was, it was of little consequence to her when her newly developing magic meant that she had enough confidence in herself to know that she could handle him and if anything she was enjoying the almost novelty of having someone else play along with her.
There’s feigned interest on her face as he speaks, an innocence in her widened eyes that she’s pretty sure that it’s clear she doesn’t possess. But it doesn’t stop her from nodding along with the words before she can’t help herself any longer and the purposely suggestive words that leave her lips are followed by a slight giggle. “Oh those D batteries, vale.” 
Lia shrugs her shoulders lightly, making it clear that while some would believe honesty to be something essential she’s always been one who saw no harm in being far more liberal with the truth. “Some would say that was the best policy but I’ve always liked people’s stories. They at least make things seem a little more interesting.”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
Aurelia doesn’t give her much chance to answer initially, and perhaps that was a purposeful thing when she seemed too concerned with just getting the words out. Helaine’s preoccupied with an aged tome she never much looked into before – never had the chance to with all that seemed to go on at once – when her student arrives with features contorted, a seriousness to her that practically foreign in the space of time they’d known one another. She couldn’t even claim to have seen it when they began practicing together, intermittent as the task typically was. With Lia, it was better to promote a self-study, to get her used to her abilities and progress in her own way, rather than a full on training regimen by her hand as she had with Violet. The girl was too impetuous, for one thing, and not always a headache she was willing to deal with, honestly. More importantly, magic was different from any physical weapon. It required a different set of tools to master properly.
She doesn’t shut the book she’s reading at the question, instead offering, “You mean defenses or something else, perhaps?”
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Eyes fall onto the book in the other woman’s lap, immediately wanting to take it to read for herself. Most of her life had been spent locked tight in the jaws of some sort of addiction, it had started with the adrenaline that had come from getting away with robbing someone and had ended up with her sliding down the rabbit hole to whatever drugs she could get her hands on. Now it was magic, the thing that had always been a part of her but had been deprived of the knowledge of. Lia wanted to know everything, to make up for lost time, as though that would  somehow fill the void in her life where a family had always been. A part of her knew that you couldn’t replace that kind of love and affection all that easily but it didn’t dampen her enthusiasm when it was perhaps the most productive thing to ever hold her attention. So when asked her answer is as honest as she’s capable of. “Just anything else really. I’ve read the last book you gave me and I need something new.”
Then she pauses and realises that Helaine is the key to all this and she’d be foolish not to extend some kind of common courtesy her way. “How are you feeling?”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
what is your 'golden rule' for life?
“You can’t call it the ‘Walk of Shame’ if you don’t have any shame.”
“But I guess I subscribe to the whole ‘don’t let other people tell you what you should think of yourself’ type of thing. At the end of the day the only person who has to be happy with what you’ve done is you and if you can sleep at night then mission accomplished.”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
It’s not all that often that Lia finds herself actively seeking someone out, most of the time making do with whoever was near enough to her for whatever form of entertainment she wanted to indulge in to stave off the boredom. Except this time she has more of a purpose than to simple pass the time when the brunette is craving to know more about magic almost as much as she used to crave the drugs that always left her feeling high enough that the void in her life was barely visible. It had almost the same effect, its distraction so thorough that the rest of the world was so easily drowned out. After her heels clicking along the floor for a few minutes trying to locate the woman she was after, Lia finally spots her and approaches with an almost uncharacteristic tentativeness. “I was wondering if you had a minute?” There isn’t a lot of pause given when she’s keen to carry on with her request when asking for help has never been something that came easily to her after years of independence and only relying on herself. “I think it’s safe to say that I have firepower covered but there’s more too, verdad?”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
Christian feigns innocence, his hands coming to his chest like it’s not a question she should be asking him. “Hey now, I’m versed in the ideology of when to keep my mouth shut and when a woman asks if she looks like any type of girl, I know this is an occasion to abstain from comment,” he tells her, a playful look crossing his face as he lowers himself to try and get the wire unwrapped from his leg. He still watches her, because even the pretty ones are prone to try and stab him in the back. She even comments on how caught up he looks and he doesn’t miss the nickname she tacks on the end. While not fluent in Spanish, he’d taken six years of it through high school and during his undergraduate. It still brought a smirk to his face, despite the situation. 
“My regards to the craftsman,” he tells her, still pulling on the wire and eventually he gets his leg free, all the while banging the cans around to create noise. It was a good warning system, though it still makes him think he should have been on the lookout for it. 
As he stands back up, he looks in her direction again. “Didn’t know anyone was home. Recent transients?” 
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“Smart move but you’re spoiling all the fun I could have had with your answer.” A pout finds its way on her lips in a show of playfulness of her own even though it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d indulged her or not when she’d never had enough shame to alter her words for anyone. The brunette tilts her head to the side and watches with feigned rapt interest as the stranger beginning trying to untangle himself before she gives a disinterested response when she’s hardly paid enough attention to know who exactly would have been paranoid enough to bother setting up a warning system. “I have no idea who they are, hombre. Just look for one of the ones who act like they’re all too serious for us all and you’ll probably have a winner.”
“Something like that.” There’s a roll of her shoulders to signify the dismissal of the question when she wasn’t prepared to go into details about what exactly they had all faced to get to where they were. She might have liked putting her own spin on things but that was one story she was in no hurry to tell when it lacked any aspect of fun.
“So what’s a nice boy like you doing in a place like this?” A smirk dances across her lips once more as an eyebrow raises to echo the query.
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aureliazaher · 7 years
He doesn’t see it. In retrospect, he probably should have. Probably should have been keeping his eyes open more, watching for traps and danger. But mostly, he’d been heading towards the Lowe’s to restock on some supplies. His own little hidey-hole wasn’t too far away from here. Eventually he’d have to branch out, and he knew it. For right now, he’d just been after some batteries. What he’d found instead, was some sort of tripwire trap that had gotten tangled in his legs and maybe he should be thankful it was attached to tin cans turned into noise shakers instead of some sort of explosive. Either way, it had drawn the attention of someone and Christian stands there for a moment, looking down at the mess of wire still tangled in his leg before he sighs. He can handle this. He was a goddamned lawyer, after all. 
“Yeah, I fell for it. So…I’m guessing this belongs to you?” he looks up slowly at the person who’d come out to investigate the noise. 
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While her magic was something that she was endlessly proud of, especially when it had only proved useful so far, Lia had taken to finding some sort of privacy while she poured over the spellbook that Helaine had given her. Perhaps it was some sort of vanity that she didn’t want others to watch her learning and instead being able to impress them later but she told herself it was to eliminate any distractions when she had a habit of indulging in conversation with almost anyone who came her way. Except her hunt for a distraction-less area is dashed when a noise reaches her ears from a precaution set up by someone who cares more than she does. Snapping her book closed, the witch tucks it under her arm before heels click along the floor until she comes face to face with the would be intruder. A little snicker is given at his words as she tosses her hair. “Hombre, do I look like the type of girl who spends their time making little traps when there’s far funner things I could be doing with my time?”
“You look a bit caught up there, guapo.” It’s not an offer of help when the smirk on her lips shows far too much enjoyment of his predicament to begin getting him out of it just yet.
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aureliazaher · 7 years
There’s been a rising violence in Eli since he was told just what happened to his brother. Likely longer, because it’s been creeping up on him in slow degrees. That urge to reach for his knife in any confrontation, imagining that sensation of blood on his hands whenever that bitterness starts to rise up in him in a dark wave. That moment in the Hampton’s hallway only solidified it, and there’s a violent sort of glee whenever he thinks of how easy it was to cut that man open, the rush that followed that’s better than any high. It’s easier not to think about the addiction that used to cling to his back like a black dog when there’s an increasing urge to replace it with another kind. Something destructive and brutal.
There’s an opportunity for him to vent that now. Every fear he’s struggling not to acknowledge, the thought that somewhere on this lot or in the building behind them, his brother’s already dead. And it reminds him of when he left for the Marines in every awful away possible, that terror for him, that he might be among the reports of every dead soldier in Afghanistan, conflicting bitterly with how much he wanted to hate him for being gone at all.
Easier to shove it all aside, to concentrate on nothing except the weapon Naomi passed on to him. A machete she stole from the body of one of the painted dead, and he carries it as he walks next to Lia, waiting for their signal. And when it comes there’s a manic glee looking back at him that he’d like to echo, and would if he weren’t carrying so much rage.
“Let’s kill these motherfuckers,” he answers back. Less joy in the words, but no less intensity. And that chaos she asks for erupts in the next moment, the sound of shouting meeting his ears, followed swiftly by the sound of gunshots. The lot in front of them is filled with their attackers, a lot more than simply two, and he knows that he should be terrified. He knows he shouldn’t carry himself with so much confidence when it’s the woman next to him that swore to him he’s still nothing but a junkie, but the thought doesn’t factor in.
Only how satisfying it is to swing that blade down when a man comes charging him, sinking it into the side of his neck before kicking him off the blade.
The two of them were usually in tandem before the world ended. Their moods always up when alcohol and drugs were such a fixture in their lives, commitment to their vices far greater than to any person except maybe each other. And then there had been the lows, all those come-downs that had left her irritable and by far at her worst until one of them had managed to secure the next hit. Through it all it was as though they’d been linked, their addictions ensuring that they were bound in some kind of more toxic version of a blood brothers ritual.
Except now it felt as though they were diverging from each other at times, the two of them embracing different emotions to get themselves through the world that had been pulled out from under their feet and flipped on it’s head. She’d never been used to stability before it but even now she found herself wanting something that resembled normality to cling to. Maybe that was why her magic had become some sort of anchor to her where Eli seemed to have chosen to embrace his rage.
His response is darker than the words she’d given him, far more intent weighing them than hers had possessed. But she doesn’t make any move to try to take that out of him when she’d never been one to censor him and it would lead to him picking up the slack that she would leave while she set about creating the fire to stop any escape of the men who had taken people from them.
Lia can’t help but watch as her friend’s blade cuts into the first man, a harsh blow severing his neck before a rough kick dismisses him as though he was nothing. It’s something she instantly regrets when she’s never had much of a stomach for violence. Dragging her eyes away, she calls out to him even though he’s already familiar with their plan as vague as it was. “All yours for now.” Raising her hands, the witch hurls a man out the way who came a little too close for her liking and then turns her attention to building a makeshift bonfire that will burn for long enough to keep all those who had crossed them caged in long enough for them to meet their end.
Chaos, Chaos || Lia & Eli
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aureliazaher · 7 years
Chaos, Chaos || Lia & Eli
Waiting was never something she did well when she’d always been for more reactionary and impulsive. Even when she was still getting by on stealing and it wasn’t her calling the shots she’d never managed to just wait, filling her time with drugs, drunkenness or other petty crime rather than sitting twiddling her thumbs in anticipation for her next move. She was too impatient to sit still for long, every muscle in her body tightening as they waited for a signal. A pout of sorts was forming on her lips even though she knew it had barely be more than a few minutes since the rest of the group had split off for them.
Even still, the brunette couldn’t help but tap her foot impatiently stealing glances at the man to her side as she did. They didn’t do much talking about feelings and she’d barely seen him since they’d lost half of their group but she knew enough to know that his brother had been among those taken and that alone is enough for her to draw the conclusion that he’s itching for this just like she is but perhaps for a completely different reason.
For Lia it was that if there was one thing she was good at it was causing a scene or drawing all eyes to her. Being the centre of attention was always what she craved and even if it brought danger with it now, it hardly factored into her mindset when she was impatient to use the magic that had apparently always been flowing through her veins. The airport had given her a taste of what she could do and with most of her time since then spent practising the witch was keen to put it into action.
Finally their signal comes and she’s bouncing on the balls of her feet with enthusiasm. They’d been given some instructions by a woman she hadn’t bothered to learn the name of but also didn’t want to argue with and with that in mind she was prepared to channel most of her energy into starting a fire that would run down the east side of the lot where the other group had set up camp. But before all that she turns to face Eli, with a glint in her eye and a smirk on her lip.
“You ready to cause a little chaos, hermano?��
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aureliazaher · 7 years
Patty just continued to gape at her at first, like she was just saying gibberish, nonsense. It wasn’t optimistic, but she couldn’t fathom honestly how anyone could look at this situation and not see a total fucking distaste.
“There’s nothing…there’s nothing to ration, Lia,” Patty whined, and she hated herself already. Always the crybaby. Always. She shook her head in disbelief, arms opening to gesture to the empty room, the handful of boxes left to share between them. “We searched the area for weeks to get all this. We cleaned out that hospital. Who knows when we’ll get more?”
She turned around briefly, one hand over her mouth, one hand on her elbow as she stared at the empty shelves. She blinked away tears, sniffing, then faced the other woman again. “How do you do that? How do you never feel scared?”
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“Then we find more.” If she’d been out of her depth trying to work out logistics of any sort she was drowning now with how ill-equipped she was to deal with the other brunette’s emotions and worries. But what threw her off kilter even more was the fact that she wanted to help and she wanted to find the right words where she’d usually shrug it off or tell them to get a grip.
The whole situation felt a little too close to her when in the past she’d struggled to even bring herself to care about the people that she lived with that were supposed to be her team. Except she’d felt nothing and yet bee shocked when they’d left her high and dry. This group wasn’t like that though, that much she knew was true.
Patty asks her the million dollar question and Lia hasn’t got an answer that isn’t completely damning. Selfishness was the main part of it and she knows it but it’s too much to admit it out loud. “Guess I got that used to putting myself first that if I’m alive anything else is a bonus. Always figured I’d go out in a blaze of glory rather than end up in a rocking chair on some porch somewhere.”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
The situation was familiar. Patty was used to having nothing, to having to ration things, or go a couple days without a nibble. She could do it. But the water and the medical supplies, those were priceless right now and all she could think about was how many people were going to suffer without them. She looked over her shoulder at Lia, still in disbelief. “For how long?” She gaped. “For how long without water? Or gauze?” 
Everything from the hospital. Everything from the surrounding stores. They didn’t have their leaders, or rather, most of the headstrong people that gave them direction. But Patty didn’t need to be pointed in any specific way when so much as on stake. She pushed herself to her feet again and stared up at her friend with wild eyes. “We’re going to start running out of what’s left tonight when everyone gets hungry.”
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The other brunette turns to her and she reminds herself that whatever reaction she gets isn’t personal. Building up the people she was close to had been a learning curve when she used to take everything as a slight against her but if the worry she was feeling was anything to go by then Patty was no doubt worse than her if only because she lack compassion. “For as long as we need to.” Her usual detachment and self absorption had its benefits and she was quickly learning that keeping a calm mind after a disaster was one of them. Except even she wanted to get back those members that had been taken. “Until we get them back.”
Logistics had never been her forte when there’d always been someone else figuring out the moves of the crime ring she’d been part of, with her simply following orders and reaping the benefits. So Lia knew she was out of her depth but she’d always been far too stubborn to admit such a thing. “Then we ration and prioritise. We get by. If anyone knows what it’s like to get by on nothing I figure it’s us.”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
“I’m not a junkie,” he spits again, and he doesn’t care if it’s a lie. He doesn’t care if that’s what she’ll label herself, that he might belong there too if that’s the case. None of that matters because he just can’t stomach the word, an awful, stubborn refusal to believe that’s all he is. He wasn’t arrogant enough to call himself an artist, but guitarist, musician, anything other than junkie when he can feel it eating him alive from the inside out.
But the rest of it, anything else he might say, dies on his tongue. Apologies he thinks she deserves because somewhere he knows it’s not her fault. She isn’t wrong, it is bullshit, and the resentment he’s placing on her because she has more power than he can dream of isn’t anything she’s earned. A better day, he’ll just appreciate what she can do, something smug in the thought that one of his only friends is a god damned witch. It just isn’t a better day, too much pressing down on his chest until he can’t breathe with it, and his gaze falls away.
Except there’s nowhere else to go but to the scar on his arm. There are still thin, white lines etching out exactly where teeth sank into his flesh, but they stopped mattering a while ago. It’s the blackness that’s taken over, the way it spreads across his flesh in black lines, and if he can lie about it, he doesn’t think anyone will believe they’re simple tattoos now.
“’M sorry.” It’s not something he offers often, to anyone, but he does now. Even if the words mumbled quietly, half beneath his breath, it still carries too much regret. For the sharp words he offered her, for the fact that he showed her at all.
It’s accompanied by fear, a selfish kind that she’ll turn around and tell someone. He doesn’t know who, he hasn’t paid attention, and he hates that ignorance. Even worse, the thought that whatever friendship they’d tried to dig out of the wreckage of New York, it wouldn’t hold up against the proof of his cursed existence. His fingers tug at his sleeve again, dragging it back down over his arm before they both curve around his waist in some protective motion. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”
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There’s a scoff that leaves her lips as he denies what they both are again and while at any other time she’d have enough bitterness and anger to continue her argument that he was one just like she was. That they had always been tied together by their addictions and that made him exactly the same regardless of his attempts to claim otherwise. And perhaps if it was someone else she’d have had little issue in bursting their bubble but it was Eli and he was still protected from the worst of her even if he wasn’t a stranger to it.
It’s the apology that stuns her more than anything, the word sounded as strange from his lips when it’s not laced with some sort or sarcasm as it does from hers. With the words murmured she’s not sure she heard him correctly but there’s just enough in his posture to suggest that she hadn’t dreamt it.
A part of her wants to hold a grudge, to hold him responsible for the things he said and the way that the words had cut like knives and threatened to sever their friendship. Except instead she finds an odd feeling of forgiveness settling on her and it leaves her at a loss of what to say or do when she hadn’t thought that she was capable of such a thing. The last people who had slighted her had ended in her wishing for their deaths after all.
But there was none of that with Eli, only a frown on her features that was filled with both confusion and concern. So instead she just speaks softly enough so she doesn’t interrupt her train of thought as she tries to work out the marking that was curling its way under his skin. “I know.”
Magic was still too new to her for her to have any idea of whether whatever had happened was something to do with the powers she could now command. The black lines stayed etched in her mind even after he covers them over again and the witch chews her lip absentmindedly as though that will help her solve the problem at had. But it doesn’t and she admits as much. “Me neither. But we’ll figure it out.” It’s as open a declaration as he’ll get that she’s there for him. That she isn’t going anywhere and if he wants her help then he’s got it.
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aureliazaher · 7 years
Patty stood in horror in front of the room they’d stashed their supplies in. The door had been broken down and the inside was remarkably bare. Some small boxes of things were left as though they’d fallen out of sacks during an escape but it was barely enough to last them a few more days, if that. She stepped inside and blinked as if expecting it all to reappear, then lowered herself to her knees on the floor and took up one of the boxes.
A one-serving cereal box. The cartoon character on the front grinned up at her with so much joy, it felt insulting.
“They…took everything.” 
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Walking the corridors, she’s not quite sure what she’s looking for until she comes to a halt in front of a doorway when she sees a familiar and welcome face.  For a moment she hesitates, too used to having nothing and comfort too foreign a thing for her to know what to say.
So she tries a smile but it’s a shadow of her usual one when she even can recognise it’s a time to be sombre. “We’re still here, chica.” The words are said softly, supposed to be something of a reassurance rather than an attempt at gloating like she usually would about her own resilience when it feels like more of a burden than something to be proud of now.
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aureliazaher · 7 years
All Shook Up || Lia & Sai
Once again she was feeling restless. In her life before the world went to shit she’d moved around constantly, never staying in one place long enough to form ties or have people recognise her as familiar, and she’d loved it. The mystery and the anonymity of it. Being an enigma or an idea. Except now she’d been with the same group of people for months which perhaps shouldn’t have been so strange to her considering she had spent years with the same group but they had been like-minded and just as tainted and corrupted as she was. The rest of the people that were around her now were far better than she could ever claim to be and while she’d had little issue being herself and probably never would, it still left her at a loss of how to spend her time when her usual pastime of shooting up was denied her. 
Walking aimlessly through the hotel corridor, having been through enough of the rooms to grow bored of what had been left behind, Lia’s eyes wandered as she looked for someone to pass the time with just about willing to accept the first person who came her way. When they finally land on someone, a smile curves over her lips when she recognises the man to be someone who just about managed to handle her flirting. Or at least didn’t tell her to stop. With a new spring in her step and an added sway to her hips, she can’t help but toss her hair slightly as she makes her way towards him. “Hola, guapo.” She never did get his name though it wouldn’t have made a difference when she had little intention of using it. “Long time no see, do I need to worry about you avoiding me?” 
There’s a grin on her face to show her teasing as she looks up at him but it quickly fades only to be replaced by a frown when their little exchange is interrupted by noise from the outside. Undeniably human noise which should have been reassuring but she’d been around enough of the lower tiers of humanity to know that they could be just as evil as the creatures that had posed so much threat to them recently. With the slamming of car doors and shouting among the men, her blood ran cold and a string of swear words in her native tongue left her lips.
Looking up at the man once more she tries to keep it light even though she’s sure her reaction has already made it quite clear how she feels. “I don’t know about you but I’m not hanging around to find out if these guys are our friendly neighbours or not.”
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aureliazaher · 7 years
“… It’s very likely they had other concerns, dear.” Helaine states with all the practicality one may come to expect, taking in the sight of her protege digging around another’s things with so few cares to speak on. Seating herself in a chair nearby, she soon asks the obvious, “You’ve found something to enjoy, I take it?”
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“Claro but it still seems something of a shame.” Swinging the dress once more, Lia tries to picture herself in it before wrinkling her nose at the image and shoving it back in the wardrobe. “At least for the next half hour.” Shoulders roll as an unapologetic grin sits on her lips, rummaging through it once more. Trying to keep her voice nonchalant, the witch finds herself itching to talk about what had happened the last time she’d seen the other woman. “It’s been a while since I last saw you- the airport, no?” 
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aureliazaher · 7 years
Hearing footsteps behind her, Lia turned from the wardrobe that she’d been ransacking with an unashamed grin on her face. “You wouldn’t believe some of the things people have left behind. Or maybe they just decided it wasn’t their colour.”
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