atraeris · 3 years
Happy Birthday Deku!
@mightiheart​ It’s a gorgeous day. The sun shining and brightening everything, making the world seem more happy and wholesome and bright. It’s a perfect representation of Izuku Midoriya really -- resilient bright sunlight there after several days of rain, just what everyone needs to feel better and happier. Ochaco smiles slightly as she heads towards the tree that they usually sit under when the weather is this nice. His birthday. A celebration of the day that the world was gifted with Izuku Midoriya. She loses herself a little in thought as she wanders down the sidewalk. Mind filled with memories and appreciation for a freckled green-eyed boy that inspires and encourages her. She twists her hands around in the the simple dark green knit scarf she’d made for him. It’s not enough. It’s not nearly enough to express the gift that is having him in her life, but it’s something, right? No, it’s ridiculous. A scarf? It’s July! Who needs a scarf in July!? Her steps falter and she catches the unmistakable sounds of an angry Katsuki Bakugou. Ochaco crests the hill and looks down to the tree she was aiming for to see the small tell-tale pops of explosions that signal the blonde is around. She watches for a moment as Izuku and Katsuki speak together. Of course. It’s his birthday. So, of course, Bakugou would be there. She smiles, an expression that is genuine and honest but lanced through with bittersweet disappointment. She looks down at the scarf in her hands. Kind of like a scarf in July, Deku didn’t really need her. Not right now. But one day, one day when the explosions stopped and it was dark and cold, then she would be there to repay the favor he’d done for her-- to hold out her hand and inspire and help him grow. One day, maybe, he’d need a scarf... and she could wait until then. But today, today was his birthday and he deserved the smile spread across his face as he talked animatedly to Katsuki. Ochako turns around and returns to the dorm rooms. She’d leave the scarf on the door to his room with a note. He’d come to her when he was ready... if he was ready... and if not, he would always still be just as wonderful as the bright sunny day outside. She’d enjoy him and his presence however it came. She hangs the little bag on the door, touching the door softly with her fingertips-- holding her pinky up carefully-- “Happy Birthday, Deku. I hope this can protect you, even if it’s just from the cold sometime... like you protect everyone else. I’m still not sure who helps heroes, but I promise I’ll be the one to help you, whatever you need.” She tells the door. 
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atraeris · 4 years
“Yes, exactly!” Tenya exclaims, enthusiastic now that she seems to be on the same page as he is, “This competition upholds a sacred vow my ancestors took. Anyone who would undermine the sanctity of it would be a poor leader for this kingdom.”
“There is a ball, yes. Multiple social events are held throughout the course of the competition. A future spouse to the prince would need to be adept at handling themselves in these sorts of gatherings. It also lasts a great deal of time, so it’s necessary to provide some entertainment to our guests. There’s also a horseback race, an archery competition, sword fighting competition, and many more tests of my future partner’s intellect, skill, and strength of character. It’s meant to find the best and most worthy leader, no matter what their background may be. And I will gladly give my hand to such a person, so long as…they…win honestly.”
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He trails off when she drapes herself across the chair again, but refuses to acknowledge the indelicate conduct. He won’t lose his focus. His eyes are on the ceiling as he continues. 
“Right. I’m decided.” he places a hand to his chest, taking a deep, calming breath before he continues. 
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“Honorable Mina, I wish for you to reveal the one seeking to undermine the sanctity of this competition so that they may be stopped before they can do any harm.”
She jumps up out of the chair, vanishing the rest of the apple in a small puff of pink smoke.
“Now we’re talking!” she says with excitement. “Ok...so,” She puts a finger to her chin in thought, mumbling to herself.
She flicks her wrist and a set of glasses pop into one hand and a pen into the other. She places the glasses on her face and the end of the pen in her mouth as a book poofs in to float in front of her and she shuffles through pages.
“Mmmhmm, yes, yes… age old tradition… blah blah blah….” She skims through the pages at lightning speed. “Country of Ingenium...right… OK… yes here we go, rules… registration....I see…. Oh… alright....hmm well… that does make it more difficult… unless….”
She flicks her eyes up to him and her props vanish as she steps forward. “It seems from my research that while anyone can enter this competition, there are several events and items that will only be accessible by the royal family and the contestants.”
She places a hand on her hip. “If you really want to preserve the competition and get to the bottom of who it is, I’ll need to be able to speak to all the contestants and attend all the parties.. Er, uh, events!”
She grins excitedly. “So… I’ll enter the competition and we’ll get to the bottom of this no problem!”
She takes a moment to look at him to gauge his reaction before looking back at herself. She laughs a bit and says, “Oh, but don’t worry. I can blend much better than this! Let’s see… wow it’s been so long.. What did I used to… OH YEAH!”
She turns in several rapid circles creating a sort of cyclone effect as her appearance shifts.
Her skin changes to a golden tanned hue instead of the light pink, but her hair stays the bright vibrant pink as if she finds it in no way unnatural. Her bracelet manacles delicately thinning to lace wrist gloves, and her collar necklace becomes a more intricate jeweled choker. Her clothing shifts to a dress that dyes itself the deep blue color of his family crest as silver embellishments etch their way across it.
She bites her lip, “Hmm… still missing...OH!” She presses a finger to her forehead and a silver circlet crow wraps around her head and she laughs joyously. She does another more normal turn. “There! What do you think? Fit for a royal competition?” She flicks the bottom of the dress around a bit. “These are your family colors, right?”
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atraeris · 4 years
@heretherebeadventure She feels the sincerity of his comment in the tether between them. His intention for the competition to be held and judged fairly thrumming heavily against her, compelling her to grant his desire. She reaches up and shifts the charm on the necklace she is wearing back and forth across the chain, a nervous habit when the magic buzzes against her like this. “Ok, Ok. So you want to preserve the competition. We just need to find out who might not be playing fair and make sure everyone gets a fair shot, right?” A thought occurs to her on how this could be sooo much more fun for her and get her some much needed time out of the bottle. She stands up, meandering around the room a bit. She pauses at a bowl of fruit and plucks out an apple taking a bite and chewing before nonchalantly adding, “So tell me about this competition.... Is there a dance? A ball? You know like a party and things? What sorts of stuff do they get to do?” She takes another bite of the apple and smiles sweetly at him. “You know, so I can help fulfill the wish in the best way.... Oh! And you  have to use the words when you want to make it official.” She takes another bite of the apple her mind whirling on how she could use this to her advantage and potentially gain some of the fun and freedom she so desperately craved. Maybe this Master wouldn’t be so bad. And if she played her cards right, this one wish could last as long as this competition, meaning she’d be seeing sunshine and open air for longer than she had in... maybe ever. She drapes back across the chair, improperly, back against the arm and legs thrown over the other side. She waves at him easily. “No worries, take your time. Wishes are important. Gotta make sure you’re getting what you want.”
She looks at him kneeling on the floor there and her face flushes a brighter shade of pink. 
Ok, yeah, laying it on way too thick here. She reaches forward and hauls him up from his position. “Yeah, OK, none of that. I’m the servant here. And sorry to tell you but NONE of that was formatted in the proper way for a wish. Do I need to do the whole song again? Were you not listening?” She gives him an annoyed expression.
She twirls away from him skipping around the room as she talks. “But, I gather that’s what you’re aiming for in your first wish? You want to do something about this competition?” She halts her mischievous smile coming out. “OOooohhhhh,” she trills, “I get it! You have someone in particular that you want to win your hand!? Isn’t that whole competition-for-a-marriage thing usually done to Princesses? Good to see them leveling the playing field and making Princes just as miserable.” She takes a seat in one of the plush chairs and leans over to the table next to it, her elbow propped on it as she places her chin on her fist. “Sooo, tell me about her! Who’s the girl we’re going to help win the competition to become your lovely bride? Is she a Princess? Do you need her to be a Princess? ‘Cuz, I can do that!” She nods enthusiastically. “Come on now, get to the details. Let’s get wishin!”  
Tenya is doesn’t understand why the genie pulls him up to a standing position, but he thinks the polite thing to do in this situation is to stand without objection, so he does so. He does note that her face is nearly the shade of her hair, though. Has he embarrassed her? He thinks he understands when she tells him that she is the servant in this situation. He takes affront to her suggestion that he wasn’t listening, though. He had most certainly been paying attention. He just fails to see why that would mean he should treat an all-powerful being anything like a servant. He was in desperate need of her powers or he wouldn’t have sought them out. If he’d learned anything from Tensei, it was that it did no one any good to treat those they depended on unfairly. Though his brother did have a bad habit of being too familiar with others.
“Yes, I do want to do something about this competition.” Tenya says, glad the topic is returning to the important business.
Except, then she’s speculating at his intentions and he is well and truly insulted. He draws himself up to his full height. Every inch of him is the second prince of the realm now. “I beg your pardon?” Tenya protests. “I would never wish for such a selfish thing. This competition is an important and sacred duty that I take very seriously. I would never attempt to corrupt the outcome just to serve my own desires. There are those who do intend to corrupt this even, though. And my goal is to preserve the impartiality and original intent of the competition. No. I don’t want anything for myself. What I wish for is your help in rooting out those who would seek to do so themselves. 
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atraeris · 4 years
“Tethered?” Tenya echoed in alarm. That didn’t sound good. That sounded unnervingly like a magical contract, and he never agreed to any contract, magical or mundane, without thorough investigation first. He’d thought summoning would be the start of discussing the contract, but now here he was magically bound by his rash actions in a contract he didn’t even fully understand. 
He stepped back in alarm when the chain materialized before his eyes and into his chest. He swore he felt a faint buzzing sensation at the point of contact, and reached to tug at the chain but his hand passed through, leaving pins and needles in his hand in its wake. His eyes follow the line of the chain to where it leads to the golden bands on her wrists and neck, his stomach twisting in alarm and revulsion.
He swallowed down his panic, falling back on the mental centering exercises Captain Aizawa had taught him so he could keep a level head in battle. Her calm listing of the simple set of rules helped keep him grounded, but his fingers itched for a quill and ink so he could take notes while she spoke. 
“I understand.” he said when she was done, breathing when the chains vanished from sight. Although now that she’d brought his attention to it, it was difficult to keep his mind off the faint buzzing connection under his ribs. Only years of etiquette training kept him from reaching up to rub at the spot while she finished her explanation. 
What would a prince want, indeed? Tenya muses when she returns to her original question. His wish. And in the end, it’s not as though much has changed. All things considered, his plans haven’t altered as much as his initial reaction had him thinking. He still needs the power the genie offers him, and there’s still some rules, even if they’re not the ones he would’ve liked. 
He inhales deeply and stands back up, then kneels. “Very well. Honorable Mina, I accept these terms.” he says, “In return, I ask for your help keeping my kingdom safe. You see, there’s an upcoming competition for my hand in marriage, and as we speak, someone is plotting to take advantage of this sacred tradition to do harm.”
She looks at him kneeling on the floor there and her face flushes a brighter shade of pink. Ok, yeah, laying it on way too thick here. She reaches forward and hauls him up from his position. “Yeah, OK, none of that. I’m the servant here. And sorry to tell you but NONE of that was formatted in the proper way for a wish. Do I need to do the whole song again? Were you not listening?” She gives him an annoyed expression.
She twirls away from him skipping around the room as she talks. “But, I gather that’s what you’re aiming for in your first wish? You want to do something about this competition?” She halts her mischievous smile coming out. “OOooohhhhh,” she trills, “I get it! You have someone in particular that you want to win your hand!? Isn’t that whole competition-for-a-marriage thing usually done to Princesses? Good to see them leveling the playing field and making Princes just as miserable.” She takes a seat in one of the plush chairs and leans over to the table next to it, her elbow propped on it as she places her chin on her fist. “Sooo, tell me about her! Who’s the girl we’re going to help win the competition to become your lovely bride? Is she a Princess? Do you need her to be a Princess? ‘Cuz, I can do that!” She nods enthusiastically. “Come on now, get to the details. Let’s get wishin!”  
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atraeris · 4 years
Ochako: What is so urgent that you called me and begged me begged me to come over at 7:22 in the morning?
Kirishima: I could tell you knew something was up with me and you're right. But I can't tell you what it is. I should tell you but I can't. I have to, I never will! I'm going to. Let's just drop it. What's up with you.
Ochako: Kirishima-kun, just say it.
Kirishima: I think I'm in love with Ashido.
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atraeris · 4 years
Tenya frowns, at a loss as to how to handle this all-powerful being’s reaction to his attempts to prevent disaster. It is apparently one of the most amusing things she’s encountered in her long life if her boisterous laughter is anything to go by. His indignation is steadily mounting even as the stack of papers finally curls under its own weight, looking almost dejected.
His jaw drops when she snatches weeks worth of labor from his hands and magically spirits them away in a puff of smoke. All that effort and research and countless drafting gone in an instant. His writing hand aches. “You can’t do that!” he sputters, horrified as she guides his shocked body to sit. 
Unfortunately, he doesn’t know enough to know if she’s correct or not. And he’s too busy mourning the waste of all his hard work to do much more than stare in shock as he’s given the most bizarre briefing he’s ever received in his short life. He thinks perhaps it’s a way to distract him from the particulars and does his best to pay attention, but it is a lot to take in.
She finishes with a flourish, draping herself across his lap and the chair he is in, and he’s suddenly all too aware of her exposed curves. Her form is much more solid than her initial apparition would have made him think, and his entire face heats when he realizes he’s been staring rudely at her body rather than meeting her eyes. He quickly jerks his head up, staring straight ahead and does his best to ignore the warm press of her against him. As a prince, close physical contact with strangers has been kept to a minimum, and he’s entirely out of his depth in the presence of someone so forward. How is he meant to negotiate a proper wish in this state?
It takes him a moment before he feels steady enough to speak again, though it takes an effort not to squirm in his chair. “I had it written down,” he says as factual as he can. He won’t let her strange ways distract him from his goals. “But first, I still have some questions about the proper format of a wish. Am I supposed to phrase it in a particular way? Can it be more than one sentence? I want to make sure we do this right and that there can be no misunderstanding. What I want is to help my people, but I won’t feel comfortable moving forward with this, ah, partnership without more information. If that can’t be done, then I’m afraid we’ll have to terminate this relationship and I can return you to go about your normal business.”
@heretherebeadventure​ She laughs again at his comment. “Oh, sweetness, there isn’t anything you can do now. You’ve opened the bottle and set me free. I’m tethered to you now.” She flips her hands over palms up, wrists held side by side, the flicking gesture creating a shimmering magic that shifts the bracelets on her wrists and necklace at her throat from jewelry to golden shackles. They shift and shimmer in the light, flicking back and forth between the innocent trinkets and the harsh chains, hard to see but clearly there. Gold ethereal chain attached to manacles on either wrist and a torc on her neck, flow from her and disappear into his own chest as if they are anchored somewhere inside. She shakes her hands a little and the image fizzles out, returning to show only the necklace and bracelets from before. “But, you seem to be a real stickler for rules, so here.” She sighs and swings herself off his lap to stand up, hands on hips. “The rules are mostly for me. For you, there are only really 3.” She holds up a finger as she counts them all off. “1. You have to make 3 wishes before our contract is done.”
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She turns and starts back in the other direction. “And 3. No wishing for more wishes, must be within my abilities, one contract per customer per lifetime, no tradesies or takebacks. Contract can be overwritten if a new master speaks the words and rubs the bottle.” She stops her pacing. “Make sense?” She poofs a single sheet of paper back that has this written on it and hands it to him. “Now, rules for me?” she says with a roll of her eyes. She holds up another piece of paper that appears in her hand and unrolls to trail across the floor. She scans it with a small frown. “Must return to the bottle every 3 days minimum, Can’t venture further than 5 miles from the bottle’s location, must fulfill contracts once they are initiated, yada yada yada” she disappears her own list. “Lots of boring stuff. But I assure you, this is my normal business. If you’re worried about that whole rogue genie bit, that was more my predecessor's thing than mine. The tether forces me to fulfill what it is you truly intend with the wish. I might take a few creative liberties, but trust me, it’s from experience more than anything else.” She looks around the luxurious room and then back at him. “So what could a Prince, who already has all this, want?” She smiles at him saucily as she walks around his chair, her arms coming around the back and her hands running down his chest as she leans in to say the next part in his ear. “So, Ten-ya...What is it I can give you that no one else can?” 
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atraeris · 4 years
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Tenya drops the lamp when a thick pink smoke begins billowing out of the top. Luckily for him and the lamp, it lands with barely a sound on the plush blue carpet of his bedroom floor. Not that he notices really, because he’s certain that he’s just doomed himself to a painful death by toxic mist. He just hopes it only affects those foolish enough to try using its powers. This is exactly what happens when one steps outside the rules, he thinks, berating himself while he covers his mouth with his embroidered handkerchief. 
Rather than spreading outward to clog his airways and send him choking to meet his maker, though, the mist billows and builds into a column until it’s at least as tall as a person. Soon it’s not just moving to be as tall as one, but it begins to solidify into the shape of one too. 
He blinks, bewildered as the newly-materialized woman exclaims excitedly before beginning to circle around him, and he’s so stunned by her unexpected appearance and mannerisms that he doesn’t object to the scrutiny. From what he’d been able to translate in the writings on the subject, the genie inhabiting the bottle had always been described as an ‘ancient, all-powerful being.’ In all his imaginings, he hadn’t once considered such an entity might be…this.
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When she finally stops in front of him and begins her slew of questioning commentary, he stands at attention out of habit, shoulders back, chin tilted at a slight upward angle. Captain Aizawa would often line Tenya up with the rest of the students. The jaded warrior also had a similar disregard for decorum and Tenya’s station that he could never properly acclimate to. Although the captain had never done it with quite so much…energy. 
And in any case what is ‘the usual type’ supposed to look like?
Either way, he would rather not offend the being he would soon be depending on, so he clears his throat, adopting the same respectful tone instilled in him since birth. “It is a pleasure to meet you…Your Benevolence,” Tenya stumbles over what form of address to use, scolding himself inwardly for not considering this beforehand. “I am Prince Tenya Iida, second in line to the Ingenium throne. I’ve summoned you here today to humbly request your assistance in a matter that could have major consequences for my people. But first, I believe it would be important to go over some ground rules, if you’ll allow it.” he said, untucking the carefully folded stack of parchment from the waterproof envelope in his vest. 
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The pages were filled with his neat handwriting outlining said rules in minute detail. Most of them concerned protections against interpretations of his wish that might hurt any innocents. He’d read genies were notorious for tricking their summoners, and he’d done his best to make sure no bad would befall the kingdom because of him.
@heretherebeadventure​ She can’t stop the gleeful smile that spreads across her face as he addresses her. “Your Benevolence!” Ho, boy this one was laying it on really thick. Although she couldn’t remember the last time someone tried the soft hand approach to winning her over. Usually they were well aware of their station and authority over her, and treated her as such regardless of her wealth of abilities. After all, every ounce of magic she contained was leashed to their wishes, their desires-- she could do nothing without a master. His posture is stiff and rigid like a soldier, which is curious to her as he introduces himself as a Prince. Surprise flashes over her features and she takes a cautionary step back. But she doesn’t let her suspicion show beyond that gesture, the smile quickly returning to her face bright and welcoming. 
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If he wants to play the friendly vibe, she’s more than happy to go that route. Hey, maybe she can even draw this out, keep him from using all his wishes too quickly and get to spend some much needed out-of-the-bottle time. 
He takes a sheath of papers out and she can’t contain her laughter. How cute! He thinks he can write the rules! Oh, sweet sweet Mr. Formal, that is not how this works. The rules are bigger than him-- bigger than her. They are ingrained in the ether and magic, inscribed in her soul and the bottle and now feathered into his own as he has released her. 
She doubles over in her laughter for a moment, the sound joyous and unbridled, before she steps into his personal space and plucks the set of papers from his hand. 
She tilts her head to the side as she looks at the papers. “Tenya, is it?” She says. “You can just call me, Mina.” She shrugs. 
“Or you can give me a new name. After all, I’m yours to command.”
She throws the pages of parchment into the air, each one disappearing in a puff of smoke.
“And we don’t need these. The rules are simple! Just some wishes and some magic between friends, right?”
She grins as she steps forward and presses him to sit in a chair. “Oh! Wait, wait… yeah… I haven’t gotten to do this in a while!”
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She dances away from his place, arms twirling magic through the room to set the stage and before he can protest or react, she’s launched into song!
[If you’re interested, I recorded a version of her song in Smule :P
She ends her dramatic magic number, draping herself across his lap and the chair he is in. “So what is it that you wish for, Master Tenya?... And remember… be specific.”
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atraeris · 4 years
The world was cruel irony really. Nearly limitless power, the ability to take someone anywhere, create almost anything, but only under the conditions set forth. All that power, all that potential and capacity quarantined inside a tiny bottle that only those who knew the words were capable of harnessing. Words probably long forgotten, long extinct if the amount of time she’d been trapped was anything to go on. Mina rolled onto her stomach and let out a sigh of weariness. Was it better to be trapped here in the small confines of the bottle free to do whatever she wanted but alone with the limits of her world the walls of the blue glass, or to be summoned-- her magic and being tethered to a master, but with the potential for seeing and doing more? Always a toss up, but ultimately trading one set of shackles and prison for another. Still, she did hope she was wrong, that the words weren’t long forgotten and that the monotony could be broken at some point by those ancient words. Words capable of shackling and binding her to a master, but also releasing her from the glass prison. So sue her, she preferred the bigger prison with more potential for party. “Vahl t’nash-veh istaya,” the words reach into her prison and her dark yellow-black eyes light up with intrigue, feeling the vibration of the words through her, shifting her to smoke, freeing her from the bottle and simultaneously binding her to the speaker. She emerges from the bottle.
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She lets the smoke coalesce into her full body, starting at the top of her head, long pink hair and skin materializing from pink mist until she’s standing before her new owner. She smiles and claps her hands together excitedly, walking a circle around him and taking him in with a giggle. “Oh goody! I’d thought the words had been lost! I’ve been in that bottle for ages.” She stops in front of him, her hands behind her back as she leans forward with a bright smile. “Hiya there, Master,” she greets. She tips her head to the side and adopts a slightly confused expression, looking around at the room empty of anyone but the two of them. “You are my master, right? Funny, you don’t look like the usual type. Sorta, um, stuffy? Hmm” she shrugs in nonchalance the smile coming back easily. “So... what can I do for you? Your wish is my command and all that.” She rubs her hands together excitedly. “I do hope you’re ready to have some fun!” @heretherebeadventure​
[Art credit to Genzoman on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/genzoman/art/Slave-Genie-Crystal-322551672 for the original genie pic! I just manip’d colors for Mina.]
It would come as a surprise to no one that Prince Tenya wasn’t used to breaking the rules. On the rare occasion he broke one as a child, even if he thought no one else was aware, he’d stew in disappointed guilt in himself until he couldn’t stand it any longer and would out himself for his infraction. On one memorable occasion, he’d burst into his older brother’s room in the middle of the night with the tearful contriteness of a confessing murderer. He’d held out the crumbled remains of a cookie he’d secreted into his pocket earlier that day as he gave a prepared speech about why he knew what he’d done was wrong and could Tensei please tell Mother and Father that he would never do it again? The crown prince and castle staff were particularly fond of retelling that one, despite Tenya’s increasingly embarrassed requests for them to stop.
All this to explain why, when he was spotted sweating outside the royal treasury by the royal guard, no one suspected him of any wrongdoing. No matter that he had no discernible business being there. He was merely trying a new route for his morning run, he explained, despite the fact that neither his dress nor his footwear was suitable for trekking out in the boggy grass outside the building. It was inconsequential that it was in the small hours of the morning. And that there were plenty more designated areas for such a thing.This was Tenya they were talking to, and he never broke the rules. 
When he reached his royal chambers, he made doubly sure both his outer and inner doors were locked securely before he pulled his prize from inside his vest. He set the item on his desk, just staring at it while he collected himself. To the uninformed observer, it simply looked like a well-crafted bottle. Sure, it was decorated lovingly with intricate golf paint patterns accented with brightly colored jewels, but the only value it had was perhaps monetary. Tenya knew better. It was the solution to all his problems. All he had to do was rub it. 
He hoped. 
He swallowed as he picked the lamp bottle up again, careful not to rub the surface as he did so. This was it. His last chance to pull out and abort this ridiculous scheme. Hell, perhaps he should just stuff it into his wardrobe and wait for a better time to sneak it back into the treasury from where he’d stolen it. Its absence wouldn’t be noticed for months, possibly over a year. But if he did that, he’d still be stuck with the same problem he’d been sitting with for weeks. Right back where he’d started with nothing to show for all the planning and effort he’d gone through to obtain the lamp.  The thought was enough to push him past the last barrier. Taking one deep calming breath and rub the lamp, the magic words spoken beseechingly. “Vahl t'nash-veh istaya.” Grant my wish. “Please.”
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atraeris · 4 years
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Lolaliner on Insta is my all time fav face claim for AU!Mina
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atraeris · 4 years
Uraraka: I like it when you make tiny explodies with your quirk. [attempts to imitate Bakugou’s hands]
Bakugou: It’s supposed to intimidate and threaten people for when I’m about to kill them.
Uraraka: …
Uraraka: [continues imitating] They’re like these little fireworks in your hands.
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atraeris · 4 years
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Ocha floating people accidentally is an aesthetic I never get tired of. Art credit to Archvermin on Deviantart! Thanks for helping me identify the artist!
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atraeris · 4 years
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Credit to @nmr_yo78 and KacchaMHA
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atraeris · 4 years
Uraraka: [shivers]
Bakugou: Hey. You cold?
Uraraka: N-No... [sneezes]
Bakugou: ...
Uraraka: Maybe a little...
Bakugou: [taking off jacket]
Uraraka: K-Keep your jacket, Bakugou-kun!
Bakugou: Shut up. The jacket looks shit, that's why I'm removing it.
Uraraka: It looks fine to me...
Bakugou: Then fucking wear it if you like it so much. [tosses]
Uraraka: It's not that I- [jacket falls on her head]
Uraraka: [removes and sees him walking away]
Uraraka: [smiles and holds it to her chest] I'll wear it. Thank you!
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atraeris · 4 years
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Uraraka Badass
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atraeris · 4 years
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❤ 10 Favorite Female Anime Characters - with @ayumiko ❤ ↪ 09: Uraraka Ochako ❀ from Boku no Hero Academia ↩
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atraeris · 4 years
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Hope you like it!
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