atoneotome · 1 month
zayne’s waist ☁️ >>>
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atoneotome · 1 month
{Love and Deepspace}
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[ Collectible Obtained ]
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atoneotome · 2 months
I’m back,
but my wallet is crying…
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the back-to-back Rafayel events [his Birthday and this one] hasn’t left my poor wallet time to recover much.
so yeah…if the devs of Love and Deepspace end up giving us another Rafayel event within the next few months, my wallet will riot.
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for now though,
I don’t feel guilty about giving into the temptation of buying the matching player outfit so Raf and my MC can both match in photos and in combat!
(especially since they now look sooooo cute!)
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on the last days of the Sea Breeze Echo Event, I’ve finally obtained Rafayel’s new limited myth cards, ultimately unlocking his Sea God Form!
at the moment I am posting this, there is less than 10 hours left for the event, so I gotta go and buy the limited matching player outfit while it’s still available in the shop…brb!
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
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atoneotome · 2 months
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on the last days of the Sea Breeze Echo Event, I’ve finally obtained Rafayel’s new limited myth cards, ultimately unlocking his Sea God Form!
at the moment I am posting this, there is less than 10 hours left for the event, so I gotta go and buy the limited matching player outfit while it’s still available in the shop…brb!
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
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atoneotome · 2 months
I’ve decided to spend money and get the matching companion outfit for my in-game mc…
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…and they look so cute together! 🥹
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I think I’m now totally obsessed with their matching outfits! 🥰
(this is a continuation of a previous post…)
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atoneotome · 2 months
now that I look at the complete picture...I can’t help but feel miHoYo gave us this specific puzzle event waay tooo early.
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I mean, they named this puzzle Celebration Memories…and the in-game description of this puzzle’s picture in the puzzle archives confirm it’s not a coincidence that this puzzle is giving us these anniversary vibes.
the description, verbatim:
Celebration Memories
A City Anniversary celebration that everyone in Stellis can be a part of!
as you can see, the word “anniversary” literally appears in the in-game description, solidifying the assumption I initially had after taking a good look at the complete picture of the puzzle.
idk the logic behind releasing this puzzle about three months before ToT’s 3rd Global Anniversary, so I just wanna ask…do y’all have an idea?
if not, I guess we can be clueless together…
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atoneotome · 2 months
Love And Deepspace
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Bar scene
Kiss scene
I put a lot of work on drawing and writing, I hope you like it! 💛
You walk into the office in drowsy steps towards your desk and drop into your chair. It's too early in the morning. The sun is barely out, and everything is still dark.
Just when you short things out before you begin to work, a colleague comes over to your desk with a cup of coffee. Since he came to the office and you work together, he keeps bringing you coffee every morning, which is curious, but you appreciate the gesture.
Right when you thank him and he begins to walk away, you notice a different figure walking up to your desk with a bag on his hand. It seems like a busy day already. You blink in surprise.
"Xavier?? What are you doing here?"
Xavier lets the small bag on your desk.
"I was passing by for some intel, so I brought you breakfast. I...will probably have to stay here today."
He takes a small glance at the coffee sitting on your desk and looks up at the man that's walking away.
His presence made the day better already
You smile and drag another chair next to yours, the sound of the dragged chair legs draws Xavier's attention back to you. You simply pat the chair next to you.
"Be my guest."
Xavier's lips curl up. He brings a laptop and some books to his side of the desk. You spend some time eating together and talking about how you slept, You enjoy hearing about all the weird dreams he always has. Unfortunately, you have to cut the chase and work. You both drown in silence and focus on your tasks. Only the sound of keyboards and the book pages is heard all around. However, his presence is enough company.
The afternoon comes, the orange light hits through the window, and a lot of people leave the office. Your colleague comes to your desk once again.
"Hello, was the coffee good?"
Xavier just ignores him. He crosses his leg as he keeps reading his book.
You smile politely at the man on the other side of the desk and nod in response. He smiles back happily.
"I'm not here for that tho! Did you know that a team of hunters is gonna have a party going on tonight? It's at the bar on the next square. I thought I should invite you, I'll be there too."
Xavier subtly takes his eyes away from the book and side eyes him behind the pages, in a way that none notices. You agree to go and continue the conversation a little before he heads off.
"See you there, Trevor." You wave goodbye and finally close the laptop.
As you walk back home with Xavier, he's a little too silent. He's probably focused his thoughts on his research. The pink and peach shades of the sky eliminate on him beautifully, it causes you to daydream for a short while and grin like an idiot. You poke his shoulder softly. A cloud moves and casts its shadow against you both, hiding the light of the sky.
"Did you hear?"
He rotates his head to your direction, he's still in thought.
"About the party."
"Oh, what about it?"
You hesitate slightly before asking him, he probably won't accept, he's not the type to party, but you try anyway.
"Do you wanna come--"
His focus fully shifts to you.
"I would love to go with you."
He didn't even leave you fully finish the sentence, you're a bit shocked he agreed so fast, but it's a pleasant surprise, he looks eager to come.
"Then, I'll see you there?"
His expression becomes somewhat alluring, a smile forms on his lips, his head tilts, the cloud moves away and the light is even brighter than before, you can see the sky in his eyes.
"I'll come take you by 10pm instead. Let's go together."
You raise an eyebrow by his reactions but agree, you didn't wanna go alone anyway.
"Sure, let's go together!"
The night finally comes, and you're outside your door waiting for Xavier to appear. You wear a simple short, sleeveless, black dress and boots, not much. As he appears, you notice he's dressed in black for the first time since you met him, which makes you match. A buttoned top and fancy pants with a golden chain on his neck with a small star. It's as if he did it on purpose.
"You look really good!" You say excitedly and his face can't help but brighten up in satisfaction.
"Do you like it? I bought it today. You look beautiful Y/N." He says and softly reaches for your hand which you playfully take and twirl around as if you're dancing, you both chuckle.
"Did you buy this only for today?"
"Perhaps I need a change."
He looks down at your purse embarrassed.
"Let me take this for you."
He takes your purse and hangs it on the side of his shoulder.
"Why, thank you."
You lovingly wrap your hand around his bicep as you head towards the party.
You reach the entrance and you both notice that the club is packed and loud music is playing. Some of Xavier's old colleagues appear and begin to talk to him, he gives you a look that you know very well... he's pleading to be saved, however you do not submit to the request.
"I'll find a seat for us, it's not bad to socialize once in awhile, I'll be waiting for you alright?" He looks quite disappointed but agrees.
"I'll be back soon."
You get in, nuzzle your way through to find a place to sit. Trevor also finds his way to you. He reeks of alcohol, so you assume he's already drunk.
"Heyyy! You made it here! I'm so glad to see you."
"Well, I said I would come."
You are being polite but way colder than how you treat Xavier. You clearly don't trust him enough. He's sloppy and his voice is unstable. He approaches you, you take a step back in response. "I noticed I've never seen you fight! I'm pretty sure you're an amazing hunt--"
"She's an exceptional hunter."
Xavier's voice cuts him off from behind you. His hand wraps around your shoulder tightly as he towers over you. His voice is firm, his eyes darken, you could say he's a little...scary.
For a moment your thoughts wander again. You think to yourself that he looks crazy attractive in black. Trevor takes a step back this time, as Xavier continues, his voice sounds mad. He's rarely mad.
"If you wish to witness a fight, I could give you a demonstration."
He tilts his head with a frown, rising an eyebrow, an expression fill of intimidation.
The drunk man's gaze lower in shame.
"No, man, it's alright... I'll... I'll go now..."
He raises his hand in defeat and walks away in quick steps, almost running. You blink in shock, you look up at Xavier as he watches him go like a carnivore watching a pray.
"What was that?"
As his gaze turns to you, his eyes change immediately from threatening to sweet, you raise your eyebrows, and your eyes widen. Your expression communicates perfectly to him. Meanwhile, the music started changing towards the slow romantic kind.
"He was obviously drunk. He could have done something inappropriate."
"So tonight you're my knight in shining armor?"
Your expression switches to a slightly teasing grin. He smiles in response and bows as he extends his hand.
"Would you care to give me this dance, your majesty."
He could get into the role pretty easily. It's as if he's actually a knight.
"I would love to." You placed your hand on top of his in delicate movement. He grasped it tightly and planted a kiss on top of it before he pulled you close to him. You release a short gasp by the sudden pressure. Your heart doesn't just skip a beat but miltiple. Your chest touches his, and his hand lingers to your back as you begin to dance. You look up at him. He grins with an adorable gaze.
"The dance lessons we did back then seems to have worked."
Your face flushed at the reminder, you immediately look away.
"Did you get that black fit on purpose?"
You were meant to ask this for some time now, but now it was the perfect opportunity to avoid the conversation.
"We're matching, Xavier."
The expression painted on his face reveals it all. You could notice a tint of pink on his cheeks at the revelation of understanding his motive. You both keep dancing. He leans forward to the side of your face. You can feel his hot breath on your ear, but he doesn't immediately speak, as if he's hesitating. Your heart begins to beat faster, you hold your breath. Xavier tightens the embrace, wrapping his arms around you like he'd never let you go. You can feel the warmth of his body, hear his heartbeat as it grows in intensity. His muscles tighten around you. When he speaks, his voice is nothing like what you've heard before. The slow, sensual whisper leaks down your ear, like honey on fruit.
"What's wrong with showing others you're mine."
You would never expect him to say something like that, your lips part slightly as you stay in place. The thought he's jealous drives you crazy. You feel a spark down your nerves as you release the breath you were holding in fear it will reveal the overflowing emotions. You caress the hand which is holding yours and interwine your fingers together as you begin to slow dance, you sneakily kiss his neck as he still leans against your ear. His breath catches in his throat, he reactively jumps back to check your expression. He looks down and around in embarrassment. You giggle. Your arms go around his shoulders, closing the space in between. You tiptoe to reach his ear, to return the previous act. This time you are the one to whisper seductively.
"I like it when you're jealous. I might even make you jealous on purpose."
You say teasingly, acting all tough. However your heartbeat is quickening. He's not immune to this either. He can feel his heart hammering against his chest and his face feeling hotter and hotter. His hand explores your back before it reaches your cheek, he continues by placing it under your chin. His expression overwhelms you with desire. His face flushed with passion and a little desperation. He meets your gaze and swallows. He's lost himself in all the feelings you give him. The look you have on your face is enough to satisfy him. The corners of his lips curl up in a slight teasing smirk. 
"I would not suggest that."
His gaze explores your face, slowly moving his pupils around, scanning you. His actions sends a jolt through your veins, your face turns red, you subconsciously bite your lip, but you decide to keep up the act.
"Is that so?"
He raises his eyebrow in amusement, the smirk grows larger.
"That is so."
He leans even closer, his blue eyes are shining against the dark environment beautifully, he doesn't break the eye contact, you slowly lean as well, your eyes are closing, blocking the view of his own,  till you feel his soft lips against yours. They taste like cherry, they feel like silk, his perfume doesn't go unnoticed either. His effords are shining like a bright star against a dark sky, and they totally win you over. His hand gripped on your back, pulling you against him. He deepens the kiss, you can't help but add your tongue to the game, so you lick his lips shyly. A short whispery gasp escapes his lips just before he deepens the kiss, and you feel his delicious tongue against yours. Your body reacts like a magnet to him. You melt into his embrace, not resisting anything he does. He has you in the palm of his hand when he claims you, he knows it, and he loves it.
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atoneotome · 2 months
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atoneotome · 2 months
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cat sitter
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atoneotome · 2 months
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this is the first special companion I’ve unlocked while playing Love and Deepspace..!
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atoneotome · 3 months
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my mood always
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atoneotome · 3 months
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how did y’all customize your MC..?
it took me hours to customize the MC the way I wanted, and I’m really proud of it.
although ik some people chose to make the MC look like themselves, I chose not to.
I don’t need want that kind of immersion ‘cause I’m taken irl and I’d be having an odd moral dilemma over hyper-realistic fictional husbandos if I made my MC look like myself.
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atoneotome · 3 months
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Love and Deepspace (恋与深空)
Release date (Android, iOS) English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean: January 18th, 2024
"As the brand new installment of the popular Mr. Love series, Love and Deepspace allows you to step into a sci-fi world where love knows no bounds. With immersive cutscenes, 3D storylines and interactions, love is truly within reach!
[First-Person Perspective] Dates via 3D cutscenes. Step into a 3D world from a first-person perspective, where romance and adventure unfold before your eyes. The unique viewpoint design brings you closer to those heart-pounding moments you share with your love interest, blurring the line between reality and fantasy.
[3D Interactions] Interact with him all you want. Real-time 3D rendering ensures lifelike interactions. Experience intimate moments like never before, watch as your actions provoke unique responses, and savor unforgettable dates, sweet voice messages, and more.
[24/7 Companionship] He's always there for you. Each day with your love interest is brimming with intriguing intimacy. Snapshots, Claw Machines, Kitty Cards... It's never a boring day in Linkon City.
[Fight Together] You can fully trust each other in battle. As a Deepspace Hunter with the superpower of 'Evol', you will fight against the onslaught of mysterious alien creatures, together with love interests. Along the way, your paths intertwine, and the secrets about your fates and humanity's future will be revealed.
[Profound Immersion] Choose your voice and look. Delve into an array of customizable features, from dozens of appearance details and hundreds of makeup choices to personalized timbres, all yours to explore."
This is a freemium mobile 3D visual novel / action rpg / gacha game! You can download it for Android or iOS here.
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atoneotome · 3 months
I’m Back!
it’s been three years…that’s right, three years!
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so much has happened in three years…so many new otome games, gacha game events, and other things I think are better glossed over.
(this is an otome blog…it’s not a blog for talking about and expressing the more personal things.)
although I have never stopped playing otome games, I had almost forgotten this blog of mine even existed!
now that I’m back, my plan is to revive this blog…
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atoneotome · 3 years
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I’m happy they finally fixed the CG, but I think it’s a pity that the quality in how the hand was drawn seems to have downgraded..?
Don’t get me wrong, the hand drawn in the new CG is not bad..!
It’s just that...even though the hand was originally facing the wrong way, I still couldn’t help but admire how well the hand was drawn in the original CG! In fact, besides it bothering my OCD, it’s what inclined me to make the Photoshop Edit (im reblogging) in the first place! But yeah, it is what it is though, so I guess it really doesn’t matter.
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Sol ♠️ Choi
Sub-Story 5’s CG...
...except it is fixed~!‼️!
{ Edit was done on Adobe Photoshop CC }
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atoneotome · 3 years
so here’s something i realized early on
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so zion is 5’9 right?
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and lawrence is 6’?
but when they’re standing
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zion is taller??? w h a t????
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atoneotome · 3 years
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