Last Update
So it’s been about half a year since the last update and a lot has happened. 
The mod has been really busy what with education and other social commitments. There’s a tablet now, but there’s no more planned updates for this blog any more. Thanks for sticking around, all 1000+ of you, even though the fandom’s gone to shit. 
I’m going to open up all forms of ask, but I won’t answer asks directed at the guys any more. 
As always, I’ll be on my main sparingly. 
If anyone is interested in whatever the hell happened to the planned story for this blog, you can read under the cut if you want.
The plot is that DE created his own universe from the fragments of the dimensions he’s travelled through and subsequently shattered. He did this out of guilt and a need for rest (he’s been travelling for about 3 years straight by that point). 
He erases the memories of everyone he places in his dimension in an effort to give them all a ‘happier life’, away from the constant fighting that happens in canon. Finally he erases some of his memories (the ones related to how to time-space travel and how his residents died, etc.) but saves a copy buried deep in his universe, so they’d return to him if it becomes unstable. 
Unknown to him, Glave locks DE in his made dimension as a way of caging and punishing him for making a wreck of his job. 
The universe inevitably becomes unstable from the effect of having so many alternates in the same reality and DE begins to remember his memories. However, other people also begin to remember bits of their histories. 
MM’s history:
Mastermind killed the majority of Elgang for Empress’ Nasod code but found out they were useless to him. He was stabbed by RF just as DE destroys the dimension. The same Raven also survives in DE’s dimension and before MM regains his memories, he used to have a bad feeling about him whenever they met. The CE his works with is one from a different dimension.
LP’s history:
Psyker’s dimension was a bit of an anomaly. He had a twin brother who grew up to be MM. Unfortunately, when DE destroyed their universe, LP was the only one of the two to survive. Not only that, the mother that DE lives with initially is the mother from Psyker’s dimension. He’s also the first person to catch onto DE’s secrets. 
DE’s secrets eventually come to light while they all visit their mother, the main inconsistency in this built universe. By this point, everyone has regained their memories. LP is furious about the lies while MM wants to return to how things were in this dimension. DE is torn between destroying and fixing the dimension, and their mother is heartbroken. It comes to a head when LP shouts at MM and DE.
“How can either of you possibly understand? You’ve never had anyone before this joke of a world!”
From here, anyone who’s still reading can decide on the ending. 
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Why does everybody want to pat my head??
[ it’s because we love you (◕‿◕✿) ]
[ click on picture for better quality ]
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Let’s see how this goes…
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Commissions are open bc I don't have much time for this blog and I want to be able to have enough of a living to work on this blog again!! So please, message my main if you want some commissions for anything!
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Stuff I’ll draw:
OCs (i’ll need good references before I start work)
Any Fandom (exceptions see below)
Monsterboy/girl/person + Anthro (<– pls check with me first)
Gore/tasteful NSFW
Comics (I’ll give you a quote)
Character reference sheets (also will quote)
Stuff I won’t draw:
Mecha + Animatronics + Furry
explicit NSFW 
You can contact me on tumblr or through my email: [email protected]
I accept only Paypal in Australian Dollars (I can help walk you through payment if you’re not sure how) before I start any work. 
Commission Slots:
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
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Sorry for being dead and missing the November update;; I've just got a job in retail on a casual basis plus my tablet is really dead for realsies so I need to get another one //sobs Hopefully I'll have the money to get another tablet by around mid-November and from there I'll try to update! Hang tight everyone, there is stuff in the future!! :)))
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just a normal day...?
Happy Halloween guys!
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MM: Actually, he’s been teaching me how to make them. He gave me the recipe a while back but they’re just not the same…
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MM: I’m not properly awake until about 8am. It’s LP that’s the most early bird of us. LP: Work has ingrained a regime into me, but I don’t have to like it… DE: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……
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Thanks for the questions!
closing the askbox in 1 hour!
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30 mins left!
closing the askbox in 1 hour!
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closing the askbox in 1 hour!
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Haven’t actually done the drafts yet but i’m gonna open the ask box and let in some Halloween asks today
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Sorry, but it’s an overall no right now.
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DE: Actually, I get treated like a little brother more... Even by people younger than me.
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I’m gonna open the ask box again soon when i have the next two months drafted out for the serious updates. 
normal asks are being answered or cleared out now
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