askgawyntrakand · 8 years
I hardly feel I deserve to be grouped with such great people...
WoT Cross-stitch: The Warders
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(The Wondergirls) (The Imperials) (The Headache) Inspiration
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What a lovely depiction of my wife and me!  I really do miss her dreadfully...
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Gawyn and Egwene, my favorite ship
(happy april fool’s day)
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What is the best embarrassing/awkward story you know about Egwene?
I don’t know any.  Egwene ( @askegwene ) simply wouldn’t tell me anything embarrassing, but I could believe any such stories don’t exist.  She’s practically perfect, you know?  But maybe Rand ( @askrandalthor ) could fill us in some.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What, in your opinion, was Elayne's most awkward/embarrassing moment? What about Galad?
You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?  Well, I suppose she can’t get me here.
Elayne ( @askelayne ) has had more than her fair share of embarrassing moments.  My favorite…  Well, remember that I said she used to try on my pants?  She did it quite a lot when she was younger, but she had to stop.  The one time she put a pair on and said they were fitting quite snugly around her hips.  I laughed it off and told her that “your royal heiney is getting too large,” and we continued on.There’s a huge tree beside the stable, and the two of us had contests to see who could climb the highest.  On this occasion, Elayne reached for the first branch, started climbing, and immediately ripped the breeches all the way down the seam.  Of course, ALL of the stable hands were watching!  She didn’t wear my clothes much after that.
As for Galad, he has few enough awkward moments.  Even as a child, he was far more dignified than most.  There was once, when Galad was very little, when Father left his great sword lying out in the practice yard.  Galad decided to use it to practice his forms that day.  The sword was far too heavy, and the moment he tried to move from Heron Wading in the Rushes to Threading the Needle, he fell face first into the dirt.Of course, he managed to make even getting up from the spill look graceful.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What was your most awkward/embarrassing moment?
I swear to you, there are far too many for me to recount.  I was hardly the dignified prince everyone expected me to be.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What is your earliest memory?
I believe I’ve mentioned before that my first clear memory was Gareth holding me over Elayne’s ( @askelayne ) cradle so I could swear the oath of the First Prince.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
If you had to write a book, what would you write about?
I would love to write an historic account the Last Battle.  I believe a friend of Rand’s ( @askrandalthor ) is already doing so–and Ogier, I believe?–but my perspective would be very different.  Focused on the military aspect.  Of course, I’d never finish such a project.  Far too easily distracted.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What is your favourite kind of bird?
Do you truly believe that I can distinguish between different kinds of birds?  I do prefer the larger one’s used for hunting, but I can hardly be more specific than that.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What was your favourite childhood toy?
Does a sword count as a toy? No? What about baby sisters? I’m joking! Probably the soldier set Gareth gave me on my 8th name day. It’s hand painted and beautiful. It’s a little worn now, but I kept it and even used it to plan attacks.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
If you could be guaranteed to not be harmed in any way, would you rather visit Shara, Seanchan, or the Land of the Madmen?
Well, if I’m guarenteed no harm, the Land of Madmen.  There would surely be great glory in being the first to search that place.  And maybe I could help.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
Would you rather travel the world with the Tinkers, or sail the seas with the Sea Folk?
Sea Folk, all the way.  While it would be interesting to live with Tinkers for some time, I feel that their Way of the Leaf is incompatible with my own lifestyle.  Besides, I hear the Sea Folk women sail topless…
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
Of all the non-Westland cultures in the world (eg Aiel, Sharan, Atha'an Miere, Seanchan, etc.) which culture do you personally find the most interesting? Which one do you find the least interesting?
I’ve always been fairly fascinated with all of them.  As a kid, Shara was probably the most interesting because I knew the least about them.  Now, I’m much more interested in the Sea Folk.  They’ve seen so much that I can only imagine!
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
Have you thought about taking up any hobbies with all your infinite free time?
As I’ve said, mostly just practicing my sword, though I have branched out to improve my skills with other weapons as well.  It’s hard to start a new hobby when there’s no one to teach you.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
Are there any upsides to being dead/stuck in dream limbo?
Infinite free time.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
Who did you look up to the most when you were a child?
Gareth was the one I looked up to the most, but I also tried to follow Galad’s example.  Elayne ( @askelayne ) found it quite disconcerting when I spent a day following Galad and mimicking his every move.  She kept asking questions to try making me lie, and it was very difficult not to give in.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
Do you prefer being in a city, or in the countryside?
I prefer to live in the city.  After all, Caemlyn was my home all of my life.  I do, however, love visiting the countryside.  Sometimes, it’s good to get away from everything.  Too long in the country starts to feel very lonely.  Kind of like this isolated hell I’m lost in.
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askgawyntrakand · 8 years
What was the worst advice you ever gave?
Probably my advice to Egwene ( @askegwene ).  Pretty much any advice I gave her, but especially anything I told her in regards to Rand ( @askrandalthor ) or the schism in the Tower.  Luckily for me and the world, she is far too bright to ever blindly listen to me.
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