askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Cloud, Can you tell us a spooky ghost story???? Ooooo
I know a couple of ... odd fairy-tails my mom used to tell. You’re into that?
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Aeris, tell us some cute things you bought for the baby?
We focused on buying the essentials... I’m not allowed to move around a whole lot, so I didn’t do any interesting shopping lately... The things we have are the things I’ve mentioned on the last ask. I’ll quote it for you ;)
Yes, I have! In fact, I think I’ve been like this since day one lol Cloud too. Cloud and Denzel already painted the room yellow, and Cloud got this cute chocobo stickers for the walls. It has the alphabet and everything, it’s super adorable. In January we built the crib and we got more chocobo themed furniture: a mattress pad and waterproof covers, diapering supplies, a tiny baby dresser, and a changing table. Mother’s giving me tons of tips.
Tifa got us a baby monitor, a nightlight and a carbon monoxide detector, but we didn’t visit her yet this month to grab it, and she’s been really busy to come visit. Barret got us a room thermometer, too, since the baby is due July.
I’ve read tons of books so far, right now I’m reading about feeding. 120 days to go, it seems like it’s right around the corner! I want to be prepared, but I’m scared!
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Cloud & Aerith: Your wedding anniversary is coming up pretty soon. How do you plan on celebrating so close to Lily's due date?
I know, right? I was thinking of taking her to Gold Saucer, where we had our first official date... But since it’ll be so close to Lily’s due date, we won’t be able to. But we couldn’t be happier, so it’s alright. Anyway, there’s a new pho restaurant in town... :)
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
missed you guys!!!!
We missed you too! Sorry we’ve been away 3
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
What do you mean you don't speak Japanese? Isn't Kalm in Japan?
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Baby news!!
So, we’ve been MIA for awhile, but we are alright, don’t you worry. We have all we need to welcome our baby girl into this world. Thank you guys for helping us with the naming. We’ve decided for Lily Claudia Strife.
Baby Lily is a very healthy girl, and she’s super energetic. Yes, I’m 31 weeks pregnant... Which means I’m huge! I feel huge, at least. Cloud says it looks like I’m glowing, but I don’t know. Gotta trust him on that. I’ve been having trouble sleeping because she’s soooo active. Doctor said it means she’s healthy, so I’ll leave it at that.
Cloud can actually calm her down, though. Sometimes when she’s acting up, she puts his hands on my belly and just concentrates. I feel like his soul transmits this calmness to her, and before you realize it she’s calmed down.
I can feel her soul really well. When I’m alone, with my plants, I just close my eyes and feel her. She’s this warm, cozy light. It feels like her soul embraces mine. I’m so excited! Perks of having a baby cetra?
Um, any questions? Ask away!
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Cloud do you speak Japanese?
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
... I don’t think I know what you’re talking about.
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
How've y'all been? It's been a minute.
We’ve been pretty busy lately, sorry. Denzel and I finished the baby’s room and I’ve stopped the deliveries, since we only have two more months to go before the birth. So I’m taking care of the flower shop and commissioning deliveries, but not always because I don’t trust people that easy.
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Cloud & Aerith: How did Cid take the news that you chose him to be one of the godparents to your child? And will you keep a Swear Jar for him to remind him to tone down his language around the little one?
He cried, but we pretended we didn’t notice ;)
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
So... have you two picked out the godparents for the baby yet? If so who? Or will you choose after the baby is born?
Yes we did. It was tough because we have really close friends who could be great parents if anything happened to Aerith and I. We wanted to give it to Tifa, but we don't want our children to be raised in Midgar. We decided for Nanaki, he would be the godfather. If anything were to happen to us, the babies would be raised by him and his community. Since the baby's going to be a Cetra, we would like it to be educated on Cetra heritage and the Planet’s history properly.
If anything also happened to Nanaki, we asked Cid and Shera. They have both the sternness and kindness parents should have to raise a child. Transportation to Cosmo Canyon wouldn’t be an issue.
So we... sort of have two godfathers and a godmother.
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Will you breast feed the baby?
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral That's an Irish Lullaby
Yeah. Mom used to sing to me. Aerith, somehow, knows it too.
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Aerith: They say every expectant mother goes through a period of "nesting" to get ready for her baby. Have you reached that stage yet, and if so, what have you been doing to get ready for your new little one?
Yes, I have! In fact, I think I've been like this since day one lol Cloud too. Cloud and Denzel already painted the room yellow, and Cloud got this cute chocobo stickers for the walls. It has the alphabet and everything, it's super adorable. In January we built the crib and we got more chocobo themed furniture: a mattress pad and waterproof covers, diapering supplies, a tiny baby dresser, and a changing table. Mother's giving me tons of tips.
Tifa got us a baby monitor, a nightlight and a carbon monoxide detector, but we didn't visit her yet this month to grab it, and she's been really busy to come visit. Barret got us a room thermometer, too, since the baby is due July.
I've read tons of books so far, right now I'm reading about feeding. 120 days to go, it seems like it's right around the corner! I want to be prepared, but I'm scared!
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Don't be mad Papa Cloud! The Anons are just helping you practice for the baby!
Yeah, I know. I think I’m a bit anxious.
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
So, the big day is just around the corner. We already know the gender of our baby, and we have an idea of how we want to name it. But we would still like to know what are you guy’s choices and preferences... It might change our mind, if y’all prefer something else. And even if it doesn’t, it will help us with... future babies.
So, please, participate in this poll and help us!
- C
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askcloudnaerith · 6 years
Barbie anon (!!!) Mama Aerith my favorite movie is Barbie as Rapunzel, it's so pretty (!!!)
Ohhh I might just watch this. I love Rapunzel themed things, hehe. One of my favorite Disney movies was Tangled. I used to throw my hair out of the window and pretend a knight or a bodyguard would come and rescue me. But then I stopped because it would hurt my scalp, lol.
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