askamorticianooc · 4 months
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askamorticianooc · 10 months
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askamorticianooc · 1 year
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[Image transcription: A screenshot of a Youtube video by Ask A Mortician, the host Caitlin Doughty looks into the camera as a graphic of ocean waves with colorful candies floating atop stretches across the bottom border of the frame. The relevant part of the caption reads, "Sea life and birds were like (What are these floating treats?)". The rest of the caption is the beginning of Caitlin's next sentence and reads, "This is all to say" before cutting off. End transcription]
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askamorticianooc · 1 year
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[Image transcription: A screenshot from a Youtube video by Ask A Mortician, showing a black and white photo taken of the Titanic in the water before setting off on its maiden journey in 1912. The caption of the host, Caitlin Doughty's, dialogue reads, "I'm not going to go too much into what the Titanic was because I think we are all pretty clear on that." End transcription]
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askamorticianooc · 1 year
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[Image transcription: A screenshot of a Youtube video by Ask A Mortician, the host, Caitlin Doughty sits in front of the camera with hands outstretched, humming "Nearer My God to Thee". The footage is edited to have a bluish tint, and the caption reads "*More Titanic music*". End transcription]
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askamorticianooc · 1 year
not to be grim or anything but if you are a young adult who does not have close family members you want involved in your healthcare decisions, make an advanced care directive. if you are a queer person and don’t want your estranged family involved if you are in a car accident, or experience a drug overdose, or fall down the stairs, or anything that renders you incapable of making those choices yourself, make an advanced care directive.
these decisions are often not made until people are nearing end-of-life care but  there are so many things that can happen in your life that can take away your ability to make complex healthcare decisions. if you are unable to do so and don’t have people in your life to advocate for you, an advanced directive details what decisions you think are appropriate for you. if you have a partner you aren’t married to, close friends or found family: include them in your directive. designate powers of attorney. designate emergency contacts. create a living will so your things have places to go and people you don’t want involved can’t fight over them.
i know this can sound scary, but it is so important. do some research into the laws in your state/province/country about what your options are. think about who you would want to advocate for you. i have seen so many people become injured or pass away and their loved ones were completely helpless because the decision making immediately went to their next of kin, but you have control over that if you create a plan.
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askamorticianooc · 2 years
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askamorticianooc · 2 years
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askamorticianooc · 3 years
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askamorticianooc · 3 years
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Caitlin Doughty expresses her adoration for Swedish death metal band, Repugnant
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askamorticianooc · 3 years
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Caitlin Doughty says trans rights
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