ask-face-families · 4 years
Alfred, do you have anyone you like to hang out with? Do you have any friends??
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"Oh well! Still counts, dude! I could keep going, but then we'd be here for, like, forever!"
(( just answered "Do you have anyone you hang out with?" for this one since i couldnt find a way to make both compatible! ))
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ask-face-families · 4 years
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(( hi!!! im admin arcade! ill be doing all the asks for alfred and allen, and sometimes james and mattie! its a pleasure to meet you!! please keep in mind that this is a human AU, so the canadas and americas (both teens) are the frances and englands kids! with that, thanks for checking out the blog, im super hype to be modding here! be sure to specify who youre asking things, whether it be the admins or the characters! with that, happy asking!))
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[Hello! I'm Mod Chintz and I'll be answering asks for Matthew, James, Arthur and Oliver! As well as handling backlog whenever it gets too high or certain long posts! I'll also probably be handling a lot of asks for the Non-FACE Family characters, so don't feel discouraged to send in asks for them! Human AU is in play here! So feel free to ask about whomever and I'll get to it right away!]
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{Hey! I'm Mod Ghost and I'll answer the asks for Francis and Francois! I hope you'll enjoy your time while you're here!}
[Ask box is currently Open!]
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