Hey, just wanted to say this blog will continue, it's just gonna be on a hiatus rn I guess. It's gonna require some more work than the other blog and I'm currently stressed and going to be even more stressed because of upcoming classes. @askdigidash will be my main focus for a while because it's less intensive overall. This blog is planned to be a bit more broad compared to DigiDash, which does have its lore but a lot of it's more compact.
Apologies, I really do want to continue this world sometime because I have a lot of ideas planned that I find super interesting. If I half to, I might just post webcomics not directly surrounding asks themselves sometimes. The problem is a lot of it is just not feeling like drawing stuff related to Necessity rn and these blogs were made for me to get more comfortable drawing what i want to more often. And it's just not been what I want to draw.
Have a great day :]
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Here's the new ask blog!
Boy, haven't you been gone a long time! I hope everypony can forgive your absence. They were made to please you, after all.
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Ponyville has felt really empty without ya, kid!
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Merry Christmas everypony!
There likely won't be any Christmas themed updates since I've been working on a gift for a family member and also the start of the new ask blog, but that isn't to say this blog is going to be abandoned at all!
I hope you all have a great time opening presents with your families, and if you can't afford gifts or aren't that close with your relatives, I hope you can sit down for a while and watch or read something that gives you joy anyways!
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Since this blog is more story oriented and this needs more build-up (and me practicing with art) so it'll need more work between updates, I am working on another less intensive ask blog. I was wondering if yall would want me to link that once the first post is up, it's still going to be darker but have a different vibe overall, at least that's what I'm thinking
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Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza, mod?
I'm very late to this but...
No. And I'll kill people who say yes.
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So I didn't consider the fact I'd be waiting so long for my ride home after school and I'm dying of boredom, go ahead n ask more random shit. Maybe about worldbuilding and lore I'm feeling silly
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I have to return to class now but don't be afraid to send in more asks! I'll get to them once I'm out and/or available :]
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Im curious if all the mane 6 will have their own grimdark qualities to them or if the grimdark aspect only applies to the story/world as a whole?
The world is overall a more semi-grimdark leaning into grimdark (potentially even more in the future) setting. While not all of the mane six are at the same level of grimdark (which for this context I'm considering horror like violence, mental, physical, traumatic) certain members are a lot more stereotypically "dark" but they all have issues that make them different from the Canon mane 6 and really... Not great ponies.
So far, two specific members of the mane 6 have a plot line planned that is a lot more directly grimdark.
The main thing with the mane 6 in this world is that they are all assholes in their own rights, and aren't technically the good guys overall, but are more or less pushed into the role. Most of the time they aren't just the stereotypical Horrific murderer type grimdark (despite me enjoying that type of story too), at least not at first.
They will not (all) like each other at first, (other than 2 duos within the group).
Ironically, the focus will still be friendship. Just not... healthy friendship.
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Ey, mod.
Which is more edible, Pizza or Spaghetti?
Personally? It depends on my mood. Both are really tasty but sometimes my ND brain gets in the way of eating different types of meals. I'm a dude who is REALLY into pasta most of the time despite that, but my FNaF hyperfixation has a tendency to sometimes hit me and give me a co-occuring craving for pizza, lol. So I'd say technically spaghetti is more edible for me nine times out of ten.
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Fuck it, it's Wednesday and the next answers are gonna take a while, if you have any questions for the mod (me) go ahead and ask them, I'll try to get to them all unless they're too personal :] you also could ask about potential bits of the plot but I probably won't reveal Toooo much, maybe just thing about how the world works and even then maybe not a lot
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Hey! I didn't think I'd have to say this but please don't use my artwork without credit! I don't mind if you share it around as long as you don't make it seem like you drew it and/or mention me as the original creator
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Did you miss her?
Just a style test thingy that lowkey got out of hand but ended up looking nice!I did end up changing her eye color, though. I'm going to attempt to work on some asks again along with drawing more ponies, but just be warned, the art style might start mixing around n shit bc I'm tryna figure out what I wanna do, but until I make an official drawing consider this my thanks for 120+ followers!!!
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Do you have a mod blog?
Yep, it's @intrusiveinks ! I kinda just fuck around on there tbh
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Open to try some mlp doodle requests if yall wanna send em in, can't promise I'll do all of them but I need excuses to draw ponies that aren't ask blog related.
Bc if u don't give me ideas I might post Cringe..........
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Sorry about lack of updates, family is currently trying to get back to being steady and I've been kinda sick lately and now it's hitting me hard. Hope you're all having a good day <3
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New updates are going to be very late due to family issues. My brain just can't handle a lot right now and I'm struggling to even function and care for myself properly, so I'm sorry about that. I do wanna thank everyone for 100+ followers, I'll try and get a celebration image out sometime soon, but I genuinely can't promise it right now.
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