ask-blue-team · 2 months
John: boop.
Fred: boop.
Kelly: boop.
Linda: boop.
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ask-blue-team · 3 months
Hi guys!
Would any of you consider to take part in a costume (cosplay) contest? If yes, as what (or who) would you dress up?
The prize would be a month’s worth of sweet treats 😏
Kelly: Hmm. Sweet treats, you say? Could be worth it, but i think I'm too big to be a very convincing rabbit.
Fred: I guess I'd try, but I don't think I would win. Maybe I could go as a Jiralhanae?
John: Nope, I'm out. Unless I can dress up as myself, in my armor, I prefer to stay in uniform.
Linda: I'd compete. I have a very convincing bush costume.
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ask-blue-team · 3 months
whats your guy's favorite colors? :)
John: I like blue.
Kelly: Probably red?
Linda: Green, like old growth pines.
Fred: Orange, like explosions.
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ask-blue-team · 3 months
what was yalls first word?
John: Misriah Armory 5B Assault Rifle.
Fred: Mine was C-12 shaped charge.
Kelly: Mine was M41 SPNKR!
Linda: They're joking, of course. We lost our parents when we were young, so we have no idea.
Linda: My first words were SRS99 Sniper Rifle, of course.
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ask-blue-team · 3 months
Do you guys ever get colds?
Kelly: What an odd question.
Fred: Especially considering that I don't remember getting a cold.
John: I don't think that's something we can tell people, Fred.
Linda: Hmm. Yes, we definitely get colds like regular humans, because we are regular humans.
Kelly: You'd think we'd be better at lying about this considering that we've done this for so long.
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ask-blue-team · 3 months
Hey, it’s me again, the ODST from before. Not sure it’ll help but I do intent on being on my best behavior. And if I’m not.. well then just throw me out the airlock :)
John: Good to know! I will!
Linda: John, calm down the date went fine.
Kelly: Yeah! The formal sucked as much I thought it would, but then we stole a mongoose and rode it around the hallways!
John: That is not fine!
Fred: I think you're just jealous. We can go steal a mongoose right now, if you want.
John: ...
John: Yeah let's go.
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ask-blue-team · 3 months
Evening Spartans,
Do you like to read? Any favorite genres/authors/specific books?
Fred: Yes! I like to read warthog repair manuals.
Linda: I have a digital subscription to Sharpshooters Weekly, if that counts?
Kelly: I like those ancient books with like, dragons and wizards and stuff in them.
John: I'll read historical accounts of old wars most of the time, but right now I'm working on The Impossible Life and Possible Death of Preston Cole.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
(I accidentally deleted this ask, here's my best recreation)
*The team is hanging around the gym doing spartan things when Veta Lopis sashays in*
*She storms over to him and pokes him in the chest*
"I have had enough of this nonsense. Everybody's seen your group texts from when you were high on painkillers, and everybody knows you're sweet on me. So! I am providing an ultimatum. You WILL accompany me to the upcoming Valentine's dance in your finest dress whites, and show everybody once and for all that you're mine."
*she pauses to take a breath*
"If not, find yourself spread across four different boxes in four different landfills. Am I clear?"
*She leaves before Fred can say anything, winking at Kelly and Linda on the way out*
Linda: Good for her.
John: No saying no to that.
Fred: *blushing furiously* Looks like everyone but John has a partner for the dance now.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
A glossy envelope with gold lettering addressed to “Linda” writen in cursive sits on her desk along with a freshly picked rose and a box of exquisite chocolates that are molded into hearts.
The letter opens with:
“Dear Linda,
”With your gorgeous red hair and stunning green eyes, would you be mine this valentine?”
The card then goes on to give her a formal invite to the Valentines Day dance in a couple weeks. It is signed by one of the male civilian contractor MJOLNIR armor techs that they casually know. He’s not in her chain of command, nor is there any obvious issue with fraternization per regs since he’s civilian.
What is Linda’s and Blue Team’s reaction to this invite?
(4th wall break I’ll be doing one for each member of Blue team so don’t let them worry)
Fred: Ooh, a secret admirer!
Kelly: Well, Linda? He seems nice enough to me.
Linda: I agree, and the chocolate doesn't hurt. Sure.
John: Have fun, I guess.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
(Last but not least, the head honcho, the main show, the big cheese, the big boss, the cream of the crop, the GOATed one and only, John-117’s Valentine’s invite)
:: John-117 opens the hatch and the hallway is far as far as the eye can see stunning ladies of approximately his age from all walks of life and of all different backgrounds. They’re each one holding a Valentines card, a rose or other gift. The girl in the very front is wearing a “I ❤️John-117” t-shirt and most of the rest are wearing some kind of Halo memorabilia ::
They all speak in unison:
“Never make a girl a promise if you know you can’t keep it.”
(Yup, it’s the fangirl horde)
:: John then wakes up with a startle and in a cold sweat. It was just a dream. He warily goes to check the hallway, nobody is there. However, there’s a single card and rose at the doorstep with a scent of perfume ::
The card reads:
“Ever since Admiral Osman made the Spartan-II’s records public, I just knew you were one of them.
“And I was right.
”Many years ago, you saved my life on Eridanus on lake Gusev. You then promised to protect and marry me. Then you were gone. Now you’re back. Baby steps, but the Valentines Ball is in two weeks and I need a date.
“You’re it. I’m asking. Please don’t make me order you.
“Written by my hand with love and affection that’s never faded across the years,
”P.S. Never make a girl a promise if you know you can’t keep it.”
Fred: Poor John. So surprised he got invited that it fried his brain.
Kelly: John? You okay?
John: Yeah...
Linda: Well, who was it?
John: An old... an old friend.
Fred: Are you gonna say yes?
John: Wouldn't miss it for the world.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
(I accidentally deleted this ask, here's my best recreation)
*The team is hanging around the gym doing spartan things when Veta Lopis sashays in*
*She storms over to him and pokes him in the chest*
"I have had enough of this nonsense. Everybody's seen your group texts from when you were high on painkillers, and everybody knows you're sweet on me. So! I am providing an ultimatum. You WILL accompany me to the upcoming Valentine's dance in your finest dress whites, and show everybody once and for all that you're mine."
*she pauses to take a breath*
"If not, find yourself spread across four different boxes in four different landfills. Am I clear?"
*She leaves before Fred can say anything, winking at Kelly and Linda on the way out*
Linda: Good for her.
John: No saying no to that.
Fred: *blushing furiously* Looks like everyone but John has a partner for the dance now.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
Another Valentines ask, this time from a gunnery sergeant in the armory for Kelly. He’s military, yes, but not an officer nor in her direct chain of command so no regs broken if she says yes.
There’s a card, also glossy but with silver lettering, a little gift assortment of some fancy coffees (26th century equivalent of K-cups) and creamers packed into an insulated mug that has the Blue Team S-II Eagle logo engraved on it.
The card reads:
“Dear Kelly,
“I’m a gunsmith, not a wordsmith so I can’t shower you with rhymes. I am a man of action, and I’ve seen how your morning coffee at the gym is a religious experience. Please, accept this modest gift from a modest man to an incredible woman who deserves so much more. Also, would you do me the honors of being my date to the dance coming up?”
Kelly: Woah!
John: He did his research.
Fred: Seems like he really likes you!
Kelly: Yeah...
Linda: You should say yes
Kelly I think I will!
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
Hey you, Fred, I need help smuggling 458 Huragok out of a ONI Section 3 site for a dare. Give a guy a hand, huh?
Fred: So, I'm always up for a good dare but to be completely honest I think you will be killed if you do that.
Kelly: I didn't know we even had that many hurgarok.
Linda: Sounds fake.
John: Send a picture if you do pull it off though!
Fred: Yeah! Don't do it, but send pictures!
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
what's better? the beach or the mountains (idk if this is a good question (I tried))
John: I like the mountains. Better cover.
Kelly: And there usually isn't any sand. Sand sucks.
Fred: Yeah, gets into everything. Terrible to clean up.
Linda: I enjoy every environment equally.
John: Sure.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
FRED!!! Did you tell blue team about the Veta hug?
Fred: I did not, but I think they found out anyways.
John: It was because of one of these question things, right Linda?
Linda: I do not remember.
Kelly: Fred and Veta, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Fred: Shut up.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
Opinion on birds?
Would you rather birdwatch, own a bird, or eat a bird?
Linda: Birdwatching, to be sure. I've often considered taking it up if I ever retire.
Fred: Owning a bird sounds fun, but those Moaburgers we had once were so good...
Kelly: Yeah, I'm with Fred on this one. I love turkey!
John: I think a pet bird would be nice. I could teach it your names.
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ask-blue-team · 4 months
John: Yeah, we were busy
Kelly: Too bad, it sounded like fun
Fred: Good for them, though.
So after the events on planet Genesis just how many rounds did blue team owe Osiris for getting you out of the cryptum?
Kelly: Owe? Twenty or so, I'd say. Unfortunately, we didn't get to give them any.
Linda: Kelly, they were asking about rounds of alcohol not ammunition.
Fred: I think Buck mentioned something about buying him a beer?
John: We didn't have a whole lot of time for drinking after the mess on Genesis.
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