Greetings Commander, a big fan here. Not entirely sure if this message will get to you, the extranet on the Flotilla is spotty. I just want to say that I'm a huge fan, I bought a Shepard VI on my Pilgrimage and reprogrammed it to be my personal assistant. Love what you've done for the galaxy, and I'm glad that a Quarian is on the Normandy. Thanks, bye!
Ah, how pleasant! 
Thank you for the message, young quarian! It's much appreciated. It's nice waking up after 10 month coma to read such warm messages. 
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How did it feel to meet Jarvik? Was his "mind-meld" anything similar to the Beacon you encountered in your travels?
It was not as alarming as one would expect!
Javik is a hard person, there is nothing particularly warm or inviting about him, but when you’re in this business those people are not that hard to come by — so I've seen his type before, and just mix that with the whole ‘ I've been sleeping for the past 50,000 years what did I miss?’ and you've pretty much got that meeting in a nutshell.
His mind-meld was much more controlled, a lot less broken and sharp. When the Beacon on Eden Prime did it’s thing to my brain, it was not pleasant. Broken images jabbing in my mind, it felt like hot flames were trying to lick their way out. Javik’s, ‘mind-meld’ as you like to call it, was tolerable, like a wave pool sloshing around in my head, cool waves brushing against my inner mind. It was much more preferred.
Asari mind-melds however..��
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Ummm, I don't know if you're still alive...but are you?
I survived. 
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The UN Assembly has decided to declare war on the Reaper horde and temporarily repeal the UN Charter because the Reapers are attacking.We will send our entire military to defeat the Reaper Horde-Pravin Lal to Commander Shepard
The more fleets, the higher chance we have of surviving this thing. Thank you, your service and dedication is admiral.
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have you ever seen liara drunk?
She, uh, doesn't really like me bringing it up, as she's thoroughly embarrassed by the whole thing; but I don't remember it being that bad at all - in fact it was nice to see her 'let down her hair'.
I don't know if this comes as a surprise to you readers, but Liara can sing quite nicely, although she's only ever done it around me (she sometimes hums me a sweet tune to help me doze off, but don't tell her I told you that!). Anyways, on this particular evening of drunken Liara shenanigans, she started singing as per usual, but her tempo and everything else was completely different! It was like the alcohol was serving as a kind of 'liquid courage' and her barriers of self-conscience came down and she just sang her heart out while dancing about her quarters. It was one of my favorite moments I've had with her.
Liara is a pretty introverted being, so it was bizarrely pleasant to see her act so.. carefree. She spent the entire evening dancing, singing and giggling. 
It was nice.
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The Shepard, this one has returned with another letter from a reader, this one is anonymous yet asks one very interesting personal question, it reads "Commander Shepard, besides Liara, have you ever had another "other" before your time serving on the Normandy?" This one shakes with delight at such a intriguing question. This one is very pleased with the business that connects it with the Shepard, this one will heavily considering revealing it's soul name to the Shepard,
I've had a few. There was my first boyfriend that I had back on Mindoir when I was sixteen, followed by a woman named Jennifer. I was with her for a very long time, up until my enrollment in the N7 program.
I met her when I was only a year into the Systems Alliance military, so about 19. When things ended, I didn't really have time to mourn, as training for the N7 program was getting under way, so I guess I kind of beat the blues out of my system through blood, sweat and tears (that may or may not have been related).
By the time I was done my training, I hadn't realized how much time had gone by since her and I went our separate ways, so when we finally did see each other again, it was surprising how pleasant and... friend-like it felt between us.
I haven't spoken to her since being assigned to the original Normandy three years ago, although I do hope she is well.
Since then I haven't felt anything strongly for another being... well, until I met Liara, of course.
And to know your soul name would be such an honor, hanar!
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Your hoodie is acquiring too much bacteria. Please wash it.
But.. I don't have a hoodie. Last time I saw it, Joker was wearing it. It's his responsibility now.
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MissVasNormandy: Psst! Hello to all the viewers of Commander Shepard's blog! I see that she has figured out how the whole thing works. She might be a living legend, but she certainly does not know how the extranet works. Anyways, that's not why I'm here. She doesn't know that I'm here actually. I'm sure she'll see this post eventually, and wonder how I got in, but I am a tech specialist and I think hacking into a extranet webpage is one of the first things I learn to do in this trade.
BOOMheadshot: Tali, what're you doing?
MissVasNormandy: Hello Garrus. I'm just uploading some old photos that I found of Commander Shepard.
BOOMheadshot: How old exactly?
MissVasNormandy: Just from back on the old Normandy. I figure she'd like to see them.
_EDI: Commander Shepard has asked me to take over maintenance of her extranet activities when she is not around to do it herself. Under these regulations I should remove you both instantly from the system.
MissVasNormandy: bosh'tet! Please EDI?
_EDI: However, Commander Shepard fails to take me seriously, and I'm afraid she will until my day of reckoning. Perhaps this will serve as a warning.
BOOMheadshot: Uhh...
_EDI: That was a joke.
MissVasNormandy: Alright, I'm uploading the images now. They're from an old camera feed that I managed to salvage. She'll love them I promise. 
DrTsoni: Goddess!
MissVasNormandy: .. is it okay that I upload these, Liara?
DrTsoni: Yes, of course. I just..
BOOMheadshot: A lot has happened since those days.
DrTsoni: Yes, very much so. Tali?
MissVasNormandy: Yes?
DrTsoni: Thank you for uploading these. I needed to see them.
(All artwork done by HumanGrotesque~)
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What's your favourite kind of music?
I haven't had the time to really listen to music, so I usually settle with whatever music is channeled through the Normandy's comm channels.
Back when I was younger, a senior in high school, I used to really like burlesque tunes. Some call them 'show tunes'. I just loved the power house vocals, the beats that would just make me wanna move about the place in a promiscuous fashion. Not that it did me much, as it's common knowledge that Commander Shepard can't dance, haha.
You can't really find the burlesque style of performance on any other planet besides Earth, even though Liara and Samara have both mentioned that there's a form of dance on Thessia that is strongly similar to it.
I've asked Liara on several occasions to give me an example of said dancing, but to no avail!
This here is a group of ladies depicting the modern burlesque dancer, and it brings me joy to note that they've still maintained a bit of that classic burlesque fashion!
This is just placing me in a land of nostalgia! I think I'm going to ask the crew if they feel up to some dancing...
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who was your 1st significant other?
Oh, um, well I guess telling you the answer to this wouldn't do any harm.
It was a boy. I was sixteen, and.. well, we were young. It didn't last long, as he died shortly after. He was murdered actually. I grew up on Mindoir, which was the small farming colony that was raided by batarian slave pirates back in 2170.
He was killed during the raid. I'm not sure how or exactly when, but I had the unfortunate responsibility of identifying his body, alongside the bodies of many other relatives and friends I lost then, including my father.
Ah, my apologies! I went deeper with that question than originally intended! It's a wound that has healed over since then. I have Liara now, and that's all that matters.
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This one has returned with a request question from one of the many readers that enjoyed this one's article on the Shepard, A Japanese human boy by the name of "Kat-Ly-Nist", He asks "What is your opinion on the N7 Special Tactics Squadrons that have been deployed to fight enemy forces including Cerberus, Reapers, and Reaper controlled Geth. Have you seen any of their operations first hand and or served with them on any fronts?" This one is surprised at this question yet eager to hear,
I like seeing your messages in my message box, hanar!
I think they're great. They're a task force consisting of some of the strongest and most passionate humans Earth has to offer. I've went through the N7 program, that stuff isn't exactly a walk in the park. It's filled with rigorousness training, which serves basically as a method of weeding out the best of the best (although just being considered for the N7 program in itself, is honor enough).
Before I was made a Commander, there wasn't really any threats made by Cerberus, nor were their any Reapers or Reaper controlled entities that would need attending to, so during my time with other N7 squad members, the most we'd have to worry about is a strong vessel of space pirates. Everyone I worked with just flowed together so nicely. We were strong and reliable and we got the job done in quick and clean fashion.
It fills me with hope to see that N7 special tactic squadrons take arms against the galaxies greatest threats. I believe with strong squadrons like this, we'll defeat the Reapers.
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Liara and I are grabbing a bite to eat with her father, Matriarch Aethyta, the next time we're at the Citadel. Should be fun. That lady is hilarious.
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Journal Entry #1
Tali suggested this time that I use this blog as a personal journal. Growing up as a child, I never kept a journal, or made notes of any kind, even in school; it's funny that I've listened and read many voice logs and journal entries throughout my career as a marine, as it's often a means of gaining specific information during missions; but never had anyone invade one of my own - so I guess that ends today! You're all welcome to read every word of how my day went and comment on it as you see fit (Tali also informed me that this is how online journal entry works).
I have no idea what day it is. I don't sleep well enough. The whole cycle of sleeping during the night and existing throughout the day ended a long time ago for me (also flying through space, you're often faced with 'nighttime' more so than not).
But I did have an awesome sleep recently..
_ EDI: Shepard, in case you're wondering, and for your readers to keep track, I've gone through the liberty of retrieving the specific day, and time of this entry: Wednesday, May 9th, 2186 CE, 1:37:58 AM.
The turian primarch is still on board, which is fine, he's a good man. Wreav is also still on board though, which is making this situation a whole lot more unfortunate - but that's not really something I want to get into right now, not too mention that it's probably something I'm not allowed to get into, right now.
Liara asked that I meet her at some point last night, just for some time together. Seeing how a Reaper Destroyer could find it's way to our ship at any given moment, she understands that I will either show up late or not show up at all. Fortunately, no Reaper Destroyer's have been in sight, so I managed to walk into her quarters at a time that I thought was relatively decent.
However, I wasn't met with a familiar greeting, or even the sound of her fingers moving furiously across the keyboard interface. Glyph didn't even speak up when I entered. I wasn't alarmed, because as I walked further in I knew I'd find her sleeping, and I did. She was sitting in a chair, her head buried comfortably in her arms, a datapad was at her feet, which I assumed fell from her growing unconscious grip. Glyph was probably hidden away somewhere as to not disturb her.
Something that I love about Liara is her passion; and especially during times like these her passionate spirit is deeply appreciated. My eyes fell on the screen, where I saw images of Reaper technology, detailed graphs, her notes containing every single detail.
I moved in closer, touching her arm slightly as to maybe stir her awake, but she didn't budge. Glyph, however, rose out from wherever he was hiding to see what I was trying to attempt. He was glowing dimmer than usual, again, probably to not disturb Liara's slumber. He said nothing, scanned my face quickly, and retreated back. I smiled at the VI's quirky behavior and made to pick Liara up and carry her to bed.
Asari are surprisingly lighter than humans, or so I figure. I've carried many humans in my military time, so having Liara secure in my arms left no excretion on my part. I was nimble and quick carrying her, setting her down gently atop the bed spread. I kissed her on the forehead and turned around to leave, but stopped suddenly at the feel of her cool hand on my arm.
I looked at her, her sleepy eyes meeting mine, "Stay," she whispered through hoarse drowsiness, "please."
So I did. I snuggled in beside her, and she fell back asleep sprawled comfortably across my chest. I eventually fell asleep to the sound of her breathing. Some might find that a little weird, but it works for me! Slept like a baby!
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That comment made me smile, thank you humble01!
This is something that I try not to think about to often. I've been a witness to many indoctrinated people, and to lose control of yourself to the Reapers, I feel, is a scarier concept than death.
I feel as though will power has a lot to do with it, and also being in the right place at the right time - I've had several friends speculate that having synthetic implants helps a bit against it too, but seeing how it's a brainwashing process and my brain is completely organic, I doubt this is true.
Although I've been around a lot of Reaper technology, I've made it a priority to get away from it as quickly as I had found it. Evidence shows that the closer and longer you're involved with Reaper tech, the higher chance of indoctrination.
Admiral Anderson and Admiral Hackett have both placed a lot of faith in me, almost every human, asari, turian, salarian, volus and a slew of other species all believe that Commander Shepard is the key to saving the galaxy from the Reaper threat. The loyalty, compassion and dedication of my squadmates only further solidifies that fact. A lot of sacrifices have been made, as is the nature of any war, but I can't afford to have my mind lost to the Reapers; and it won't be.
I fight to preserve time, so that people like you both can continue on living happily with your family and friends. I fight to see another day spent with Liara, to see days where the quarians can take back their home world, and the krogan no longer have to face the pain of stillborns.
With reasons like these to keep me going, there's no way the Reapers are going to penetrate my mind. I'll destroy them all before that happens.
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What did you think of aliens when you first saw them?
Well, I was born a few years before the First Contact War, where humans essentially learned the presence of other galactic species - I think I was about four when I started seeing vids and images of turians, and then asari, followed by salarians and every other species found on the Citadel.
Initially, I was fascinated! And I have to say that it played a part in me joining the Alliance. It gave me a chance to meet and even work with other species.
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What's your preferred set and or combination of gear, consisting of armor, weapons and tactical powers, this on wishes to know the mighty Shepard's combat style for a report regarding a possible enkindler ancestral genetic connection,,
I love shop talk!
Biotics are my speciality, so I usually throw together a combination of armour and gear that would cater to that. I always get my chestplates, arms and shoulder padding from Rosenkov Materials, so they really help in recharging after a couple of successful biotic shots. I get my leg padding from Serrice Council, to give a little bit of boom to my biotics. 
On the off chance that my biotics don't finish off my enemies for me, I wear a Kuwashii Visor, as it helps with my head shot accuracy. On that note, I only ever carry a Mantis sniper rifle (the Widow is far to heavy and it takes longer for my powers to cool down), and a heavy pistol (model or type doesn't really matter to me, as long as I mod the gun to carry more ammo and gain superior accuracy).
As for my tactical powers, that depends on who I have on my squad during missions. I usually bring Liara when I can (Stasis is a godsend), as we compliment each others biotics, but in situations where there's a lot of hostiles with heavy shielding, I'll bring EDI or Garrus. 
Liara and I start battles off by throwing up a couple of Singularities, as it leaves the unshielded completely vulnerable and prevents the shielded enemies from closing in on us. I might get a couple of head shots in, or have a tech specialist on my squad use Overload, Shield Drain, or something of equal value, and then finish them off with a heavy biotic slam, throw, or I'll pull them in to have my allies finish them off with a couple of well placed bullets. 
However, if I were on my own, I would use a combination of Singularity, followed by biotic warps, throws and carefully aimed head shots. Cluster grenades are also a useful thing to keep on yourself.
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