arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
ok so when i come back from my year abroad in england next week iā€™ll move out of my parentā€™s house. i already have an apartment but since itā€™s brand new itā€™s completely empty. my dad is redoing it right now (walls, floors, kitchen etc) and then when i get back iā€™m doing the furniture/decorating part because i didnā€™t want to burden him with that.Ā 
today he texts meĀ ā€œhey i bought a time machine for your apartmentā€ and i did a double take and was like what?? did he buy a giant clock or what
and he sends me a picture of an absolutely giant tardis. he doesnā€™t even know what doctor who is. he just knows that i like it and apparently researched how to decorate apartments for nerds. i donā€™t even know what to reply
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
Now that we know That Sceneā„¢ from Infinity War was improvised by Tom Holland hereā€™s my theory:
So Tom Holland is british, right? And like Doctor Who is an important british thing. So the ā€œI donā€™t wanna goā€ part was tottaly a reference to the Tenth Doctorā€™s iconic regeneration.
Thatā€™s it. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
creating the River Song Journal
Hello There,
a few years ago (dear lord, that makes me sound so old) I wanted to make a very special birthday present for my best friend who happenes to be a Whovian, just like me.
And I thought I could get a nice River Song Journal. But all those you can find online are either crappy or waaayyy to expensive.
So I decided to do what I can do best Save the day! caughing Sorry, it wont happen again. I decided to make one myself.
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The reason this post is coming now: I just found the old pictures and want to share my thoughts and the struggles I had trough the process. Maybe I can inspire others or help you creating your very own River Song Journal.
Lean back and enjoy the show:
First I did some research and stuff cuz I wanted to create something as accurate as possible.
(1) I googled around a little for the Color
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or this, same color code tho.
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But they didnā€™t sell that in my local art store so screw that I had to mix my own color! (a picture will appear later in the process, like a wilde bulbasaur or something)
Iā€™ll just get some shades of blue, a white and a black one in order to ā€¦ improvise.
I went shopping
A blank hardcover Notebook; the Colours; carton; glue; Tissue Paper. I already had a box cutter somewhere at home.
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For the particular kind of pattern I did some more research.
And found this nice thingy
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somebody else created that in order to also make their own Journal big thanks for that, it really helped me back then
but still I had to alter it in order to make it fit on the book I got.
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Lets get to Work then!
I would really recommend switching between cutting with the box cutter and the scissor because cutter takes longer but doesnā€™t really hurt while scissor hurst and is fast. But you have to be very careful with the scissor because I ruined some of the carton pieces.
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And now glue it on the Book!!
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This looks like something already!
carefully glue the Tissue paper on it in order to create a nice patina, haptic and optic. Use a brush and something wallpaper adhesive-ish. Itā€™s nice finish for the surface.
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Next step: Coloring!
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always let it dry properly and donā€™t color it too unitary. Uniqueness is beautiful.
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Try not to let THAT happen.
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Last thing: making it look more antique and used.
Google helps. Earl gray colors better than coffee or different things. So let me just brew some an put it in a spray can
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VoilĆ  !!
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Sidenote: She was very happy about the present. And I had fun making it!
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Have a nice day!
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
Stephen: fight me
Tony: . . .
Stephen: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
Stephen: fight me for the rest of our lives
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
tony: remember when you sacrificed half of the universe and yourself to save my life? that was gayĀ 
strange:Ā ā€¦. weā€™re marriedĀ 
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
Y'all think Thanos only wiped out half of the universe
Donā€™t you remember that helicopter crashing into the skyscraper from the post-credit scene? How many survivors of the snap died because of that?
How many pilots disappeared mid flight and doomed the surviving passengers?
How many doctors disappeared mid-surgery and thus sealed the fate ot the patient?
How many people perished because of the road accidents caused by drivers disappearing suddenly?
How many firefighters dissolved while putting out fires and helping the wounded?
How many kids were left alone at home because their parents or caretakers perished?
How many real-life superheroes did we in fact lose?
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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The Cloak of Peace
Requested byĀ @enulaz: ā€œSomething likeā€¦Tony and Strange had an argument, and the Cloak is making them hug it out by being wrapped around them?ā€
not as great as iā€™ve seen it in my head, but ok
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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A whole new woooorrrrllldddd~
After all those posts about how the cloak is like the magic carpet in Aladdin I couldnā€™t not draw this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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Avengers tattoo
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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Not all heroes wear capes.
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
Star-Lord: Where is Gamora?
Tony: Who is Gamora?
Drax: Why is Gamora?
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
I think Marvel misunderstood us when we said ā€œplease donā€™t kill Steve and Tonyā€ because we didnā€™t mean KILL THE REST OF THE FUCKING CAST
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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omg theyā€™re an actual father and son duo
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
Infinity war spoilers but...
did no one notices how everyone whoā€™s now gone just stayed quiet and turned into ashes? almost as if they accepted death? and then thereā€™s peter parker who clung onto Tony like he was clinging to Life itself while begging that he ā€œdidnā€™t want to goā€ if that doesnā€™t break your heart, i dunno what will
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arthentm-blog Ā· 6 years
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