arcanisluna · 2 years
you can find me over at @bikkidou.
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arcanisluna · 3 years
Marie Kondo is full of anecdotes about the weird ass shit that she not only lets people keep but encourages them to elevate in their lives. She says one of her clients ended the process with a bedroom full of vintage pinball machines because what sparks joy in that particular woman was basically sleeping in the middle of an arcade.
Marie Kondo would never make you throw away your weird shit! She wants you to pare down to just your weird shit.
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arcanisluna · 3 years
It goes without saying, that waking up in the arms of a stranger, is always going to be an unsettling situation for someone to find themself in, and you yourself were no outlier. The fact that said stranger, also just so happened to be inhuman, only made the whole thing even more nerve wracking.
Whilst it might have been possible to mistake this person as human, from a distance, up this close, there was no denying that they were anything but. From your position in their arms, you could actually feel the unnatural, and almost otherworldly, air, that surrounded them, the power rolling off of their body, almost overwhelming, up so close.
Truthfully, it was only the gentle way they were cradling you, despite their obvious strength, that was keeping you from panicking fully, your sluggish mind seemingly torn between the contradicting feelings of safety, and danger, that were warring within you.
Much to your dismay, you quickly realised that your consciousness was fading, just as swiftly, and abruptly, as it had returned, your head lolling weakly against the strangers shoulder, as your brief flare of strength, petered out. The look of genuine concern in their intense gaze, was the last thing you saw, as you once again succumbed to the darkness that was calling you, leaving you completely at their mercy.
Hopefully, when you awoke, you would be able to ask your strange protector, what it was that had originally led you into their tender grasp in the first place.
….Though something told you, you weren’t going to enjoy their answer.
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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this is the funniest tweet i’ve seen in months bye
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arcanisluna · 3 years
Callout post just for me on this beautiful monday morning
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arcanisluna · 3 years
Hot take: people who argue that saying “mood,” “same,” “F,” “oh worm?” etc. add nothing to a conversation don’t realize that they function the same way as aizuchi, i.e. signalling that you’re still paying attention to what the speaker is saying, which is harder to do when you can’t see the other person.  In this essay, I will
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arcanisluna · 3 years
you know what i don’t see enough in books and media in general?
and no, i don’t mean the n-nervous b-b-b-blushing st-stuttering, i mean actual, clinical stuttering. stuttering that doesn’t just appear when you’re doing a presentation or talking to someone you like. stuttering that shows up in everyday conversation.
i’ve had a stutter for as long as i can remember, and even though it’s something that seems so minuscule, it really isn’t. i got bullied because of it. bullied. can you imagine that? people still make fun of me for it to this day, and i think that it was a factor in my severe social anxiety and stage fright. seriously, it’s hard.
so i want to see a story that includes a character who stutters, even a minor one. it might get a little annoying, but it doesn’t even have to be that big! just the occasional slip-up, a nervous tic. it would make a lot of people feel better.
and if their character arcs surround their stutter? even better! it shows that we can learn to overcome our stutter, and that we shouldn’t let it hinder us from doing the things we want.
TL;DR, stuttering and similar verbal and physical tics are severely underrepresented in media.
(if anyone has any questions about stuttering at all, please don’t hesitate to ask! i would love to talk about it!)
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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Updated prices and made it look as best as I could. If you have any inquiries, please contact me on @cinserilin, as I’m easier to reach there.
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arcanisluna · 3 years
gonna post a controversial take alright are y’all ready??
actually typing out emoticons like XD and :D and :V never should have gone out of fashion and you can pry them out of my cold dead hands okay I know emojis are fun but THEY DON’T CAPTURE THE EMOTION IN THE SAME WAY
so like
…yeah that was basically it, thanks for reading
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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sir, you do not belong there
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arcanisluna · 3 years
Sometimes I say self loathing things to my therapist and he looks at me dead in the eyes before saying “You fucking moron.” and tbh same
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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original thread by @pukicho and several other users
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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they know their priorities
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arcanisluna · 3 years
Me, an artist:
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arcanisluna · 3 years
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Updated prices and made it look as best as I could. If you have any inquiries, please contact me on @ofauris, as I’m easier to reach there.
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