anyowuvs · 4 days
I wasn't trying to be confrontational. In the first response it seemed like you had taken my ask to mean I was saying that I thought only self dxed people could and should benefit from resources, so I sent the second ask to try to explain my words better. I'm sorry if I came across as argumentative or confrontational; it wasn't my intention. I can struggle to explain things sometimes, which can sometimes make my tone come across as harsher than I meant it over text.
It's fine, I just found the initial ask gratuitous.
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anyowuvs · 5 days
My point was that you didn’t mention transID in the actual post itself, which led me to think it was being considered the same as self diagnosis.
I’m not saying that both can’t benefit from certain resources; I just found it strange that only one was mentioned in the post when it was tagged with both
The first half of the post specifically mentions self dx. The second half of the post doesn't specifically mention anything, rather expressing the view that ANYONE can benefit from these resources and should be able to. It's not that deep.
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anyowuvs · 5 days
Please don't conflate self-diagnosis and transID together. I don't know that that's what you intended in this post, but it was the way I interpreted it and if I interpreted incorrectly I'm sorry.
The reason I came to this conclusion was because the body of the post talks exclusively in regards to self-dx, and I agree that self-dxed individuals should get access to resources if they need them. But then you added the tag 'transautistic', and transID labels are in no way the same, or even comparable to self-dx, so to me it felt like you were treating the two as being basically the same or basically interchangeable when they aren't.
Transid people deserve resources just as much as self diagnosed people. I was advocating for both in my post.
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anyowuvs · 6 days
Please stop posting your triggers (trauma or plural related)!! It's very unsafe and people can use that information against you :(
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anyowuvs · 7 days
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anyowuvs · 9 days
I think that my blog is shadowbanned so on thcbeholder I reblogged your post with some archive links to some of your terms.
Yeah you were shadow banned cus I didn't even get a notification lol. Thank you <3
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anyowuvs · 9 days
If anyone has any reblogs of my flags, or saved them and their descriptions please DM me with them </3 I lost a bunch of them due to the t3rm
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anyowuvs · 9 days
To ascend is to release
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anyowuvs · 9 days
Piquerism 💉 Flag
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✷ Piercing the flesh of another person, most commonly by st∆bbing or cμtting the body with sharp objects
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anyowuvs · 9 days
If anyone has any reblogs of my flags, or saved them and their descriptions please DM me with them </3 I lost a bunch of them due to the t3rm
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anyowuvs · 9 days
seeing transid people for like transeyecolor and stuff disown the rest of the community is so sad like . they hate you too. they think youre almost if not just as bad as the rest of us.
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anyowuvs · 9 days
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[ TransAAVE! ]
transaave, a transaccent term for when someone wishes to speak more/less of the African American Vernacular English dialect.
colors + symbol picked from the soulaan flag, flag base is the transaccent flag
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anyowuvs · 10 days
Maybe a hot take but you shouldn't need a diagnosis to get treatment for mental disorders. If I self-dx as autistic and want resources to help me as an autistic person, that should be allowed. No "sane" NT is going out of their way to join programs for autistic people because there's no gain for anyone who's not autistic in some capacity. There's no gain for an NT person to go to group behavioral therapy for people with BPD. There's no gain. Even if some do go, I doubt they'll stay when they realize these resources aren't """fun""".
You cannot waste mental health resources unlike medications and such. You can take up space, sure, but I like to go by good faith and assume if someone needs help finding a job, fitting into society, just surviving in general, they actually need that and it's not my right to call them a liar. We shouldn't be gatekeeping mental health resources behind what is essentially a diagnosis "paywall" (not that we should have a paywall on healthcare at all).
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anyowuvs · 10 days
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They just shut down the eShop too lmao
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anyowuvs · 11 days
A SpiteID where one identifies as transplural out of spite.
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A SpiteID where one identifies as transendo out of spite.
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anyowuvs · 12 days
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A term for one to describe their age when their age is in relation to teen years (teenfluid, mutoteen, teenageless, etc).
EX: "I'm actually xteen years old!"
Pronounced EKS-teen
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anyowuvs · 14 days
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Banner by @radioactiveblight
Trans Malkavian Symbol by @absolutelybatty
Webcore Blinkies by @malk-vibes @nadineross
Immunity Cat by @shitpostingvevo
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