any-queers 1 year
Matthias & Maxime (2019)
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Are there any queers? Yeah.
Matthias and Maxime are lifelong friends. Then they end up having to kiss for a movie that another character is making. And of course this awakens feelings in them both that they both have to deal with. The crisis, here, is very much about how a relationship dynamic is changing and not a crisis of sexual orientation. Not really. Plus there are other personal issues they're both dealing with that are impacting their relationship. And it's also got this underlying theme about Qu茅b茅cois French and the generational and class differences in how people use and perceive French and English in Quebec. It's honestly my favorite Xavier Dolan movie.
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any-queers 1 year
Rope (1948)
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Are there any queers? Yes. Hays Code be damned.
Rope is an adaptation of the play Rope's End. And it's loosely inspired by the real life story of Leopold and Loeb, two men who were lovers and who killed another man because they believed they were superior beings and thus entitled to kill people. The movie starred two queer men, John Dall and Farley Granger, as the main characters who kill another man in the opening shot. And boy howdy, that opening murder looks almost erotic. Throughout the movie Dall and Granger lean way into the queer subtext, and somehow managed to get it all past the censors.
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any-queers 1 year
The Menu (2023)
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Are there any queers? No. But don't let that stop you from watching it.
The Menu is part skewering of the restaurant industry and part satire of ultra rich 'foodies.' There are twists and turns as the patrons, and the audience, try to figure out just what the hell is going on. The whole cast is doing great work portraying absolute assholes who could charm the pants off you. From the jump this movie establishes which character is our hero and how everyone else is an asshole. And as the movie goes, everything just gets more twisted and more unhinged.
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any-queers 1 year
Interview with the Vampire (2022- ) (AMC series)
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Are there any queers? Hell, yes.
Interview with the Vampire, the series, is, unsurprisingly, a show about a an interview with a vampire. The series bounces back and forth between 2022(ish) Dubai and 1910s(ish) New Orleans as Louis (the vampire) recounts his life to a journalist, Daniel Molloy. Expect blood, drama, sex, drama, explorations of identity and even more drama. The relationships are toxic, the vampires are murderous, and it's all entertaining as hell.
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