anonymousnancy · 28 days
The soft sound of birds chirping and the sun creeping through the blinds is how Nancy woke up on Saturday morning. It had been a long week of work and Nancy was extremely happy it was the weekend. She brought her hands up to rub her eyes, she was exhausted. Somehow getting eight hours of sleep was never enough. She reached her hand out to her right feeling for…well what she was feeling for wasn’t there. Nancy turned to look, the spot next to her in the bed was empty. She sighed. All she wanted was to stay in bed all day, do nothing and maybe watch movies. Alas she got up in search of something she wanted more.
The soft carpet hit her feet as she swung her legs off the bed. Rubbing her eyes once more to try to get rid of the tired she still felt, she got up and made her way to the kitchen of her apartment.
The smell of something burning caught her attention but she wasn’t worried, she was used to it. When she walked in she saw Robin, still in her pajamas, trying to make pancakes. Nancy tried to hold in her laugh wanting to sneak up on Robin. She walked as quietly as she could, trying to avoid the certain creeky spots on the wooden floor.
Robin was humming a song to herself as she tried to make breakfast, it wasn’t going too well. It was probably because she didn’t actually know how to make pancakes she just woke up wanting to try something new. Robin was by all means not a cook, she knew she was bad. Trying to flip over the pancake that was going well Robin ended up failing to flip it and it fell on the floor. She sighed. One day she’d be good at cooking breakfast. Nancy snaked her arms around Robins waist before she could lean over to clean up her mess.
“Nancy!” Robin exclaimed excitedly as she turned around and wrapped her arms around Nancy and pulled her into a hug. “Gosh I missed you” she squeezed her tighter causing Nancy to laugh.
“You just spent the whole night cuddling with me” Nancy reminded her but welcomed the touch Robin gave her. Sometimes it was difficult for her because she didn’t want touch but Robin was always so understanding and sweet about it.
“Yeah but I’ve spent the past hour failing at making breakfast” Robin gestured to the mess she created in the kitchen. The pancake on the floor was remembered as Nancy stepped forward to kiss Robin. Looking down she laughed, the pancake was close to perfection had it not been dropped. Robin looked at Nancy with a big smile and Nancy couldn’t help but smile back.
“Come on, forget breakfast. Let’s go back to bed” Nancy said, hoping Robin would come easily. Robin hated staying in late, she claimed it made the day too short and she felt unproductive. Trying to come up with a valid reason to drag her back to bed Nancy’s thoughts were interrupted by Robin kissing her neck.
“Okay. Let me clean up first. You go back and I’ll be right there” Robin pulled away and Nancy tried not to look visibly saddened by the action. She knew they’d be together soon. Robin watched Nancy walk back to their bedroom and thought how cute she looked with her matching shorts and top. Robin grabbed a paper towel before cleaning up the mess she made on the floor and the counter tops. Remembering to turn the stove top off this time Robin was done and she made her way as fast as she could to her bedroom with Nancy.
When she walked in Nancy was already fast asleep and she smiled at how absolutely adorable she looked. Crawling into bed next to her Robin pulled the covers over her own body and moved to intertwine her legs with Nancy’s. She grabbed her waist and pulled her against her chest. She breathed in Nancy’s scent and decided today would be a perfect day to spend in bed.
A/N: I’m not new to tumblr nor writing fanfiction I just wanted a place to write my silly short ideas. You can follow my main on here @ronancevibes . I’m going to try and write something new every week or every twice a week!!
If you’re wanting to leave requests for ideas I’m totally open to those as well!!
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