Hey everyone! My friend is doing commissions! Here is their commission info.
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Please message me if you're interested as they don't have a tumblr. I'll get yall in contact!
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Sorry for disappearing! College has been kicking my ass and I've been working on another cosplay. Introducing @themilkiemooth 's Cult of the Lamb AU, Cove! I recently wore it to Galaxycon Richmond this past weekend. Had a lot of fun and got quite a bit of recognition! I didn't fully finish it, but I'll post the fully finished look when that's finished. I did both the simpler outfit and the fancier one.
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Listen i got back into cult after hearing of the update late last year and ive been gaming and thinking alot!!
So now its time to put those thoughts onto (digital) Paper and show you all!
i got a whole story for my Cult and i hope i can throw it here
honestly, there are many games I want to draw for, like Hades, Hollow Knight, Pokemon and so on, but we shall start slow and go with the biggest recurring fave i got! Cult of The Lamb!
So to start Take my Lamb and Narinder Designs >:D
Ps probably gonna have me vomit out images of the update and just mess around with photo mode in-game for tomorrows post or batch of posts :P
Sorry for my spelling.. and grammar leave me alone i struggle TvT
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Properly introducing Cove as the name of my dear Lamb (read Alts for small extra stuff uvu)
Some small doodles of him with the Red crown and Narinder
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Currently working on a cosplay of themilkiemooth / thesketchmooth's (on Instagram) version of Lamb from Cult of the Lamb. Their Lamb is called Cove! Here is a link to their sketches this and this. I've started on the ears and horns so far! I first built out the shape with aluminum foil, then covered it in airdry clay. It'll take 2-3 days for it to dry. I also might remake them. I'll see.
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Currently working on a cosplay of themilkiemooth / thesketchmooth's (on Instagram) version of Lamb from Cult of the Lamb. Their Lamb is called Cove! Here is a link to their sketches this and this. I've started on the ears and horns so far! I first built out the shape with aluminum foil, then covered it in airdry clay. It'll take 2-3 days for it to dry. I also might remake them. I'll see.
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Just got my commission from @moon-mpballz !
I love it so much! Their commissions are still open if you want one as well. They are an amazing artist and I love their art style so much. They were so patient with me seeing as I've never gotten a commission before. I highly recommend them!
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 10 months
My Crazy Love
Chapter 4 Preview
Daniel walked briskly after Elizabeth who was tearing into the other half of her lunch. Other patients who saw the two quickly made themselves scarce or quickly got out of the way of the two. Elizabeth didn’t seem to have a specific destination in mind Daniel noticed. She just seemed to be trying to get as far away from Jack as possible. Daniel also noticed that the two were getting close to the stairs leading downstairs. Daniel quickly sped up to get closer to Elizabeth and grab her attention. 
“Shadow.” Daniel quickly called out, but Elizabeth didn’t even seem to hear him. He called again, louder, “Shadow.” But Elizabeth still did not acknowledge him. Daniel looked and saw the doorway leading downstairs and quickly acted. Daniel sped up again and grabbed Elizabeth’s arm and dragged her into a nearby room. 
“What.” Elizabeth snapped at Daniel, seeming still out of it. Daniel looked around and was pleased to see that this room was empty except for the two of them. He then turned his attention back towards Elizabeth. Her mouth was covered in blood and she was glaring at the wall behind Daniel. She was refusing to look him in the eyes.
Daniel watched Elizabeth in silence for a minute, but Elizabeth still wouldn’t look at him. Daniel sighed, and raised his hands towards Elizabeth’s face. He waits for a moment, allowing Elizabeth the option to stop him. When she does not, Daniel starts to gently wipe her face with his sleeves. 
The two stood in silence while Daniel cleaned Elizabeth’s face. It only took a minute, but it felt like much longer for the two. When Daniel finished, he held her face in his hands and slowly brought her to look at him. 
“What.” Elizabeth repeated, though her tone was much softer now. Daniel thought for a moment before asking a question that had been on his mind for a while. 
“Why do you hate the sessions so much? You know it’s better if we keep our heads down and do as told.” Daniel calmly asked. Killing her counselor was never part of the plan. They were supposed to use him to get access to the records room. 
“I don't need to be fixed.” Elizabeth bitterly spat out, then roughly removed her face from Daniel’s gentle hold. Daniel was momentarily shocked by this and Elizabeth took this chance to push him away from her and move towards the middle of the room. Daniel watched as Elizabeth angrily passed back and forth while gripping her arms so tightly that she punctured her skin and started bleeding. This was something she did whenever she was trying to hide her emotions. 
“Elizab-” Daniel started before Elizabeth whipped around to face him. 
“I am not some doll that can be played with.” Elizabeth hissed before continuing her pacing. “I am not a rat that can be dissected to see what is wrong with it. I don't need someone telling me how I feel or what to feel.” Elizabeth ranted, digging her nails even harder into her skin and starting to rake them down her arms as well. 
“Elizabeth-” Daniel started again, trying to get her to stop before Elizabeth once again turned towards him. This time however, she stalked up to him and stopped in front of him. 
“I. AM. NOT. BROKEN.” Elizabeth growled out and poked Daniel harshly in the chest with each word spoken. Elizabeth was about to turn back around and continue her pacing when Daniel wrapped his arms around her in a hug.
Elizabeth froze as Daniel held her for a few moments. It had been a while since either one had been given any sort of positive touch from one another, much less anyone else. When Daniel noticed that Elizabeth wasn’t immediately moving away, he slowly removed her hands from gripping her arms. He then brought her hands between themselves before hugging her again and trapping them between their chests. Slowly Daniel started tapping one of his fingers on Elizabeth’s back. 
One-two-three-four, then a pause, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven, another pause, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight, and another pause before repeating. It was a breathing technique that Elizabeth had taught him while they were in boarding school. Slowly, Elizabeth’s breathing turned from ragged breaths to only slightly shaky. But Daniel still held onto Elizabeth, just enjoying the closeness they rarely got to indulge in.
The tranquil moment was soon interrupted by an announcement blaring. “Patient 2495. It is time for your session. Please make your way to your session room.” The voice of Lilith sounded over the intercom. Daniel looked down at Elizabeth as her face darkened once again. 
“A reminder that force will be used if you do no comply." The intercom sounded again. Elizabeth's eyes flashed a dangerous red before she detached herself from Daniel. 
"Looks like I have no choice." Elizabeth chuckled darkly. Daniel looked at her curiously. 
"What do you plan on doing?" He asked cautiously. If she got into any more trouble, she might get the attention of HIM again. 
"Nothing too bad. Don't you worry." Elizabeth replied and walked towards the door. She rested her hand on the frame and glanced back towards Daniel. Her eyes were a blazing red, but Daniel could detect some emerald green in them as well. "Just gonna have some fun~ with our old friend." Elizabeth continued before walking out of the room. Daniel followed her and noticed she was heading towards the door downstairs. He quickly caught up to Elizabeth while she was opening the door and caught her arm before she could go any further.
"What are you doing?" Daniel asked anxiously. The therapy rooms were in the opposite direction.
"Going to my session of course. Mustn't be late." Elizabeth replies, her eyes now a more vibrant emerald green with red swirls in them. Daniel didn't release his hold on her arm. 
"The therapy rooms aren't down there!" Daniel stressed to Elizabeth. The smile on Elizabeth’s face looked dangerously mischievous. “I have a new special therapy room. It would be such a pity if the newest doctor was killed on his first day. It's just a precaution until I’m deemed obedient again. Or at least obedient enough not to kill my doctors.” Elizabeth replied with a mischievous grin on her face. However, Daniel did not loosen his grip on her arm. Elizabeth slowly raised her other hand to his cheek. “Don’t worry. I won’t get HIS attention. I know what is too much.” Elizabeth comforted. Daniel slowly loosened his grip on Elizabeth. As he did so Elizabeth once again opened the door and before it shut looked back at Daniel. “Besides” she teasingly started. “Our dear old friend has some things he needs to help us with. I wouldn’t want to scare him off.” she finished. Before Daniel could stop her, the door closed and Elizabeth was gone.
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 10 months
Regarding my last post on the subject:
ok at this point I'm mildly curious so i wanna ask
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
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Fools in Love ❤️
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
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Fear the Daycare attendants all you like, but say one mean word to their faces and their handler will swoop in at a moments notice with a silent rage fueled by the many months of mental and emotional rehabilitation these three went through to ensure they could handle being re-released to the public.
Fazbear Entertainment might turn a blind eye to the animatronic rights movements that their highly specialized world renowned technology is absolutely a contribution towards, but this stout little animatronic handler didn’t pour their blood sweat and tears into helping rebuild these bots’ self confidence from the ground up every single day, for over half a year, to just let some entitled prick try and stomp over all the boys hardwork and progress at the drop of the hat.
Faz.Co can deal with the consequences of letting their two most expensive animatronics bond to one specific emotional support human whose made of like 70% protective feral rage at any given moment.
A good fit for the daycare, to be sure, but also a solid reminder that humans are just as capable of being the danger so many others label animatronics to be. (Moon is holding onto their handler for a reason, you know.)
(Edit: second take here)
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
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Second take on that ‘y/n is also %70 feral’ au (first take here) and has no choice in the matter when their body goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode and only ever picks ‘fight.’ Certain mischievous animatronics were warned but lessons still had to be learned.
The only one with the determination to fuck with a stressed y/n is Moon, because he fears nothing and thinks its funny(up until y/n gets seriously hurt by reactively punching solid steel)
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
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I wonder who wrote this inscription after all...
Detective AU belong to @sunnys-aesthetic
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
I'm back from camping and I drew robots kissing humans while I was in the woods because no one could stop me
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
so i saw a post on tiktok, about snatching moons hat
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justified stealing
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
What would *moon* do to a beeg squeeze hug?
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Bonus: Sun!! vvvvv
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anonymous-nobody-ghoul · 11 months
The Joker(s) And The Queen
Warning: I write the Reader as female
Pairing: Ace x Reader x Deuce
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Keep reading
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