annykapoor · 1 year
Omnigel Spray | Best Pain Relief Spray in India | Fast Relief Spray
The Omnigel pain relief spray is a fast-acting topical analgesic designed to provide quick and effective pain relief for a variety of conditions. It is formulated with active ingredients such as menthol and diclofenac that work together to soothe aching muscles, joints, and tendons. The spray is easy to apply and is absorbed quickly, making it ideal for use on-the-go. Whether you suffer from arthritis, back pain, or sports injuries, Omnigel pain relief spray can help to alleviate discomfort and improve mobility. Additionally, it has a cooling effect that provides instant relief to the affected area. The spray is safe to use and does not have any known side effects when used as directed. With Omnigel pain relief spray, you can say goodbye to pain and get back to doing the things you love.
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annykapoor · 1 year
Tips and Tricks to Eliminate Back Pain at Work - Omnigel
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Back pain is a growing problem in India and all over the world. Many occupations like nursing, teaching or routine office work can be held responsible for back pain. Let us understand what causes back pain and how to treat it.
Causes of back pain
Exerting Force: If your work requires a lot of physical activity, including lifting heavy objects frequently, it could cause back pain and injury. For example, if you are working in a store where you need to shift and transfer heavy goods without support from machines or trolleys, this can harm your back and cause pain.
Repetitive Movement: If your work involves repetitive movement of twisting or rotating the spine, back injuries are likely. For example, if you are in the nursing or teaching profession and need to bend, turn and twist, making your actions almost repetitive, it can trigger backache. 
Inactive Desk Jobs: If your job requires you to sit at your desk continuously and your activity level is low, poor posture can contribute to back pain. For example, if you are sitting at a desk for a long period without taking breaks or standing or walking, it could gravely injure your back and cause intense back pain.
Tips to reduce back pain
Back pain comes naturally with aging, obesity, and a poor lifestyle. Let us look at the best possible ways how to reduce back pain.
Eat healthily: Your diet should be calcium and vitamin-D-rich. Adding these nutrients to your diet will prevent bone degeneration. Bones tend to get brittle and weak from osteoporosis which causes bone fractures easily. This also leads to back pain. 
Exercise regularly: Including some form of exercise in your daily life is healthy. It could be anything from yoga to aerobics, swimming, walking, or any exercise that stretches the muscles of your back and abdomen. By exercising regularly, you strengthen your muscles and bones, and decrease the risk of falling and injuring your back. 
Quit smoking: Smoking causes your blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow in the lower spine. This leads to the weakening of the spine disk, which in turn results in slow healing from back injuries. Coughing, which goes hand in hand with smoking, further aggravates the problem. 
Maintain correct posture: Be conscious of your posture when you stand. Ensure that the weight in your feet is evenly distributed. Do not slouch. While sitting, a good posture comes from a chair that supports your feet and lower back. Adjust the chair's height so that your feet touch flat on the ground and your thighs can be parallel to the floor. While sitting, your wallet and phone should be removed from the back pocket to relieve extra pressure on the lower back.
Lift correctly: Lifting posture should be maintained strictly. You should tighten your stomach muscles and bend your knees. Lift the object and hold it close to your body. When standing up from the lowered posture, use your leg muscles to lift yourself. Keep the natural curve of your back and do not twist when you are lifting the object. Ask for help while lifting heavy objects. 
Improvise repetitive tasks: If your work involves lifting, use a lifting device. If you work on a computer, ensure that the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and chair are positioned at the right height and distance. If you need to be on call while working on the computer, use Bluetooth speakers to replace the handset. You should avoid unnecessary bending, twisting, and reaching. If you are required to carry your laptop home regularly with your purse and briefcase, don't overdo it and try lightening your load.
Periodically change posture: If your work demands prolonged sitting hours, change your posture periodically by taking walking breaks, or stretching muscles to relax and relieve tension.
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annykapoor · 1 year
How to reduce knee pain while walking - Omnigel
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While knee pain is more common among the elderly, the younger population is also falling into its grip due to a sedentary lifestyle. Knee pain can cause serious damage that can cripple your movement so diagnosing the condition and cause early can help you come a long way in healing. The most common symptoms of knee pain other than feeling intense pain when you walk are swelling, stiffness & numbness due to the pain.
The Causes of Knee Pain
Obesity: Lack of regular exercise, eating unhealthy food, and not including a high-fiber balanced diet in your routine increases weight, which adds more pressure on the bones and joints.
Deficiency of vitamins: The deficiency of vitamin D3 and B12, and low levels of calcium in the body make bones weak and causes pain and degeneration.
Overuse of the knee: If your work keeps you on your feet, you may find yourself needing to sit up and down often, adding further stress to your knee. Strenuous exercise and sports are other common causes of knee pain.
Ruptured ligament or torn cartilage: Small injuries can cause a ligament tear, resulting in damage to the knee. A common fall can also cause irreparable damage to the cartilage.
Osteoarthritis: This is a severe condition that causes knee pain and needs medical attention. It can be managed with exercise and treatment if diagnosed early.
Tendinitis: This is caused either by injury or aging. Diseases like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis are also responsible for this condition.
Meniscus tear: This is a common type of injury that often affects athletes. Those engaging in sports such as football, basketball, soccer, and tennis are likely to get affected.
Incorporating some lifestyle changes as given below can alleviate knee pain:
Rest: Rest helps you to take a break from the routine activities and repetitive tasks that strain your knee. By resting, you are giving time for the injury to heal, preventing further damage. If the damage is severe, longer rest will be required. 
Cold compress: Ice is one of the most effective methods of managing for any form of muscular injury or joint injury. Not only does it relieve pain, but also reduces inflammation. Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the injured area. However, avoid using ice for more than 10 minutes at a stretch as it may damage your nerves and skin. 
Heat: Hot water bottle or heat pack can provide temporary relief to the pain-aggravated area. The heat helps to loosen the stiff muscles in the joints. The muscle spasms and pain are relieved.
Elevation: Prop the injured leg on pillows or try sitting on a recliner. Elevating the knee will reduce blood flow to the knee, reducing inflammation and discomfort. If possible, elevate the knee to a level above the heart. Lie down with your knee and calf propped up on pillows.
Topical Pain Relief Treatment: If you want a sustainable solution without side effects, then try out a Diclofenac-formulated gel or knee pain spray. Targeting the affected area, the gel or spray easily absorbs into the skin and causes relief from both pain and inflammation, leaving behind a soothing sensation.
One of the most effective gels for knee pain is Omnigel. Omnigel is a topical analgesic that relieves all kinds of pain. It helps in lessening inflammation, tenderness, pain from arthritis and other forms of joint trauma like sprains and spasms.
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annykapoor · 1 year
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Omnigel Pain relief gel for adults
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annykapoor · 1 year
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Omnigel Pain Reliever
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annykapoor · 1 year
Avoid Neck Pain while Studying | Omnigel
Get that much-needed neck pain relief with Omnigel. Available at pharmacies online and offline. Spending long hours at desk are likely to have neck pain while studying. Here are some simple tips you can try to get relief from this discomfort with Omnigel pain relievers. Visit at - https://www.omnigel.com/blogs/how-to-avoid-neck-pain-while-studying
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