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A photo of the process me putting the video together. As soon as the interactive element was expressed within the model it took some time for the bubbly aspect (the jumping of the model) to settle down. Which funnily is a natural way that you would assume to see a bubbly personality in reality, not easy to settle down. To bring it back into its tension point the 3d print had to be held with great stability and tension in the air to aim to stabilize the motion of the model. The slight movement that the model always expresses even when not being interacted with I think adds to my overall model and personality traits as it expresses that moment of tension yet ability to bounce up and become bubbly. 
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This element once again shows the highly strung element of being tense both literally and figuratively. This element also has a lightness to it which is shown within the highlights of the 3D print. This photograph installs that element of potential surprise which stimulates that bubbly aspect that you feel would come along if you were to pull the 3D print down and let it bounce back up with its attachment to the rubber bands(and how we know as people how rubber naturally reacts when we interact with it) 
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The other end of the wire, in this photograph you can see the curvature of the wire and the potentiality for the rounded more bubbly aspect of the personality to come out. Yet, it also resembles the tensity with the plastic tightening onto it at this extension once again. Showing the plastic at both ends of the model was to show the feeling of being stretched tight in between the wire connection. This is a raw characteristic which one may even relate together with anxiety which I feel the formation of the plastic perpetuates. 
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The cast plaster at the bottom of my model was designed not only as a strong base but also to signify an element of the self and the being which holds all the traits and characteristics that make me who I am. The block like form was chosen to show how one can come across as this simple and standard design yet with the exposed and roughed up element on the end of the plaster shows how much complexity goes on in the interior. Being tense and bubbly are just two of these elements that come from within and are almost extending out of the being/plaster to signify these are the characteristics I am deciding to express. The melted plastic shows one of the connection point of tension from the steel rods and how the feeling of tensity is strung along a wide extension of the self (the wire). The plastic element shows this raw feeling and its not particularly pretty either. When one is tense they are not worried about what they look like rather they are more irrational and troubled emotionally.  
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My video is made to demonstrate my two personality traits - tense and bubbly. During the static point of the video, there is a slight background hum which flicks between the elements of my model all held in tension. This draws the viewer back to a raw understanding of footage and a raw account of the humming sound. Altogether the viewer feels a tense and nervous point as to what is to come and happen next. Once the button is pushed to activate the interactive element of my model where the next personality trait is demonstrated- bubbly. The entire model wobbles and bops up and down not only the 3d printed element. This is to show the bubbliness throughout the whole form and how this characteristic has a strong effect on people in a positive way, it is infections just like the whole model becomes affected by the bubbliness aspect shown through the motion. The sound is kept raw at this point to show the juxtaposition between when it is in a tense state to when it is bubbly. The sound has a liveliness to it which excels the sounds of the various materials showing its impact on other people and how much it livens up a space. I think stereyotypically one would assume to put light and sweet music ontop of a bubbly personality trait yet I wanted to show a more realistic accound of this trait. I believe that one can be a bubbly person by allowing a breakage in the awkwardness of various spaces in time and therefore the even cheekyness that this sound allows. The shift is shown from the black plastic around where the button is pressed, in the intial frames it seems like this increidbly rough, exposed and hard material that holds one at its limits. Yet, when the bubbly transition occurs the viewer sees how maluble and almost squishy and soft the material becomes as it is pressed. 
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My final photo for project 3. 
The materials I used were: Cast Plaster, Melted Plastic, Bent Wire, Rubber Tied String, PLA 3D print. 
The personality traits showcased were: Tense and Bubbly.
The overall form in this static image composition is a portrayal of these traits. The model is held together in strong tension with the wire being attached right at the end of the cast model, it seems as if it should just fall over yet it but it then wraps it self into a curved from to hold the rubber string at its very tip, which again resembles this intensity of tension. Being tense I believe to be an incredibly raw trait which is when a person is at their most vulnerable. Therefore, the use of raw materials is a design matter that I wanted to include within my model henceforth the plain rubber, the plain steel, the straight 3D print etc. Having my motor and button slightly exposed was a purposeful design decision of mine as I believed it showed this stripped back raw emotion, with the motor aspects being even in tension attached to the entire model showing its almost fragility and vulnerability.  The bubbly aspect is demonstrated with the bubbled up plastic which was executed with the heating of the plastic. The 3D print shows a potential tension that it will at any point perk up by the rubber band and therefore showing the correlation between the two traits of tense and bubbly. They may be two extrememly different traits but both makeup and aspect of my personality therefore it was important to be able to show that these two traits are both incompassed within this model form as well. 
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A video showing how the motor would make the 3D print move together with the rubber bands allowing for the bounce to occur. In this attempt I only used two rubber bands which meant that the 3D print would bounce to high and the rubber bands would get caught around the motor. Therefore, within my final design I lengthened the rubber band string extension from my wire rods so that this problem would not occur. Due to the height of my models form that the steel wire, this allowed me to make the rubber string very long that the bounce and motion of my 3D print was able to work perfectly without disruption the motor with entangling.
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I considered the idea of adding an element to the bottom of my 3D printed element that would be moving up and down to potentially enhance the movement that occurred. Yet, I found that most materials were not that successful to play in this role as it took away from the natural movement of the 3D printed form and did not allow my character trait to come through in the way that I wanted it to. I found that stripping it back and using just the 3D printed element created a much more raw and realistic account of the natural motion of the motor on the material. I thought there was actually a strong beauty to the simplicity of my model rather then cluttering it with a whole lot of other pieces of material. 
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A panning video of the height of the entire project before changes were made to the wire and the cast had not set yet. I use tape to be cable ties for the two rods along the extension of the steel as this would mean that the wires would not bend over while the cast was drying in the mould and the wire would still have a large ability to move around within the cast. This kept the wires more steady and stream lined during this drying process. I used a large amount of tape at the bottom of my mould were the wires were being set into the cast plaster as i could then weigh the two wires down and hold them strongly in place while still creating a couple centimeters of barrier and difference from the steel elements so the circuit would work. 
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Poured the plaster into the cardboard mould to create a strong base for my model, while this started to set, I made two incisions within the mould and placed two long steel rods with a couple centimeters apart to act as the wiring mechanism for my model. It was fundamental that these steel rods would not touch as that would therefore break the circuit and would not allow my motor to run when I attached those aspects of the model onto the overall form. I allowed this to set for around 4-5 hours to get the desired hardness of the plaster that it was therefore safe for me to bend the wire without it moving out from the cast mould and was strongly enough held within the plaster cast. 
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Final submission video for experiments 9 and 10. This was looking at the response of my two phases in this experiment in terms of my chosen personality traits. I chose for my initial phase to demonstrate the trait : over-zealous, this means to be excessively eager. The melted plastic element around the looks over-worked and almost run-down as it incapsulates the 3D print(which also holds my motor, wire and battery pack). The next phase as one interacts with the switch is the trait : determined. This is demonstrated with the fast pace spinning of the the timber piece at the top as it exerts speed and strikes through the air, lifting above everything else and any other feeling. You can see that the whole model jiggles together with this showing the interaction between the two traits that even though I am excessively eager even when completely dismantled and destroyed to keep persisting and determined to keep on going. 
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Other photographs of the material moving with the motor in experiment 8. I used shreds of paper and applied these to the spinning motor which made a twisting motion which I was then able to capture with a slow shutter speed. By using a light material allowed the motor to have enough control over the paper to move yet also strong enough that it would still holds its structural integrity and form. This was a good process for me to understand what materiality I should aim for and how it would react when I apply techniques to my final project handin
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Final submission photograph for experiment 8. This photo resembled the interactive response of a moving material - paper. Playing with shutter speed on the camera meant that I was able to grasp the action of the spinning material within my photograph which I found was a success for this experiment and learning how I could capture the way a material moved with camera settings
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Other various photographs of experiment. 
I believe the character traits of intimacy and unpredictability are expressed strongly in each material singularly, while when they are placed together it advances the demonstration of the traits even further. 
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Photograph of overall form, demonstrating the intimacy and unpredictability of the two materials 
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Final submitted photograph for experiment 7, whereby I used the 3d printer to create my first form with brown PLA and then melted white fabric onto this to demonstrate my two chosen personality traits : intimate and unpredictable. The intimacy is shown between the correlation of the two materials and how the 3D print nestles into melted fabric. The fabric incapsulates the 3D model and embraces it to become one united form. Both the fabric and 3D model show movement in their construction this relates to both the intimacy and unpredictability of the entirety in how they twist and turn together as well as in an organic and free way. The unpredictability is shown most evidently by the fabric as it melts over the 3D model in various directions showing its stagnant mannerism.
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Midway through the process of my 3D model being made in the printer with Brown PLA
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