animeguy-159 · 3 months
Strawhats x Fem Neko S/O that they protect PT 1
Hey guys! I'm back again with another one-shot for all of you! I really hope that you all enjoy this but I can't promise that it'll be good. But hopefully this ends up being something that you enjoy!
A young girl, about the age of 19, sat alone on a dark alley, her body covered in bruises and scratches, her torn rags that were meant to be her clothing were ripped and torn in many places. Tears fell from the small girl's eyes as she sobbed into her arms, holding her knees against her chest, her body shaking as rain fell from the sky, drenching everything around her. The water soaking into her hair and the fur on her tail and cat ears, causing her to shiver more from both the cold and her uncontrollable sobs. She didn't know what else to do anymore. She had lost everything. Her home, her family, her friends, she had nothing left. No one that she turned to would help her when she needed them. Most people would either ignore the poor girl or just call her a freak of nature, claiming that she didn't deserve to exist. And now, here she was. Starving and barley alive, her skin stretched tightly against her bones, making her ribcage clearly visible. She was sick and starving, not able to get any food for herself other than the few small scraps that she had to steal when others weren't paying attention. Thankfully that was just enough to keep her from starving completely, but even then it wasn't enough.
Y/n: "W-Why? Why doesn't anyone care about me? W-W-What did I do to deserve this? I-I just want to have a family that will love me." *sob* *sob*
The girl continued to sob quietly, hoping that someone, anyone at all really, would be generous enough to at least provide her with some food at the very least. She knew that it was wishful thinking though. Everyone out there in the world dispised her for being what she was. They called her a freak, they hated her zimply for being different than everyone else, something that she had no control over. She wanted all of this pain to just end, to wake up and find out that this was all just some nightmare that she could move on from. But she knew better by now. This was her reality. This was her life. Or rather, it would be in not for a certain blonde hard, curled browed cook that happened to be in the area. Sanji, the chef of the Strawhat Pirates, was going on a quick shopping trip to get some supplies. Most of the ingredients that he had left on the ship were almost gone, courtesy of Luffy for the most part, (We all know how much Luffy loves to eat) and as a result the pantry was starting to look more than a little but barren. The rain was a mild hassle, but Sanji didn't pay it much mind as he began to walk back to the Thousand Sunny, several bags loaded to the brim with food now hanging off of his arms. As he walked, he suddenly heard the barely audible sounds of crying. It wasn't all that noticeable, but he could just tell that's what it was. And he could tell that it was in fact a girl who was crying. (Man's got a sixth sense when it comes to this shit don't question it) Of course, being the knight in shining armor that he is, or desires to be, immediately began rushing to where he heard the sound. As he got closer, the sound became more and more clear to him u tilhe eventually reached a dark alley. He could hear it loud and clear now. As he began to walk down the alley, he looked and saw a small girl, who looked as if she could just barely reach his chest standing up, shaking and sobbing as her tears now mixed with the rain.
Sanji: "Hey, are you alright?"
The girl stopped for a moment and looked up at the blonde male now standing before her. She sniffled slightly, let out a few soft whimpers of fear and sadness as she resigned herself to whatever fate had in store for her. Whoever this man was, whatever he was planning to do to her, she wouldn't fight it anymore. All she could do was hope that it would be quick.
Y/n: "P-Pl-Please..." *hic* "D-Don't hurt me." *whimpering*
The girl cried softly again, tears streaming down ger face as the man knelt down to be at eye level with her.
Sanji: "Hey, it's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise."
The girl sniffled again before feeling a warmth against her body. Sanji had taken his jacket off and placed around the now shivering girl before gently picking her up in his arms. The girl flinched for a moment at this, but didn't try to move away from him or run away. Why would she? It's not like she had anywhere that she could run to or hide even if she wanted to. Anyone else would either ignore her or try to hurt her. She didn't understand why, but this feeling was something that was quite nice. Her cries slowly reduced to occasional sniffles and quiet whimpers as she snuggled into the man's chest, clinging to his shirt as she purred softly before slowly falling asleep in Sanji's arms. The last words she uttered before falling into a semi-peaceful slumber.
Y/n: "T-Thank you.."
Sanji smiled slightly and held the girl close tp him, attempting to shield her body from the cold wind and rain, all while still carrying the bags of food and supplies that he was carrying as he made his way back to the Sunny, where the rest of the Strawhat Pirate crew were waiting. Little did Y/n know that this was the start of a brand new life for her. A life where she would finally have the one thing that she wanted more than anything else in the world. A true family that would live and care for her.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimen: Type B Wendigo
Threat level: Omega
The Type B wendigo is yet another varient of the wendigo species. However it is much more animalistic in its nature. This variant of the wendigo species tends to act more on instinct, however is still just as intelligent as its other more humanoid counterparts. This species of wendigo will act much more on instincts, preferring to hunt down its prey much faster and consume them. Whether or not they are alive or dead doesn't matter as they will feast on the living aswell as the corpses of those that have already become deceased. However it prefers to hunt living prey, especially humans. These wendigos are extremely territorial and will ruthlessly attempt to slaughter any other living beings that they see as a threat, even other wendigos, and will even devour them after killing them. This wendigo is even more voracious than others of its species. If you are spotted by this beast, put as much distance between you and it as possible. Use any sort of bright lights or fire to ward it off as this species of wendigo are much more susceptible to fire due to its fur that it has covering its body. Find a safe and secure place to hide and wait contact the police as soon as possible. Remain hidden until morning. Local law enforcement will be dispatched to your location and the area will be locked down and all specimens of type B wendigos that are found will be eliminated on sight.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimen: Makkapitew
Threat level: MAXIMUM
Very little is known of this specimen as it has rarely ever been seen or documented by anyone. Almost one who has seen it has ever been able to survive long enough to speak of it. However, there are a select few that have been fortunate enough to survive. Thanks to them, we have been able to find out more about this creature. Through contact with some native America tribes, we have also been able to vain information on this illusive and extremely dangerous monster. The Makkapitew is one of the most dangerous of all wedigo species. One of the reasons that it is so dangerous is that it's spirit can never be destroyed. Many people, hundreds of thousands, have all tried and failed using any and all means that they knew. Nothing worked. This being's spirit cannot be destroyed in any way and will continue to exist even after its physical body is destroyed, waiting to possess a new person. The Makkapitew is much more intelligent and aggressive than many other of its kind and will even consume other wendigos without any hesitation. This monster will feed on any living thing that it can. It will toy with its victims for days and even sometimes weeks before finally taking them to be consumed alive. Once they have finished with their victims they will leave the mangled and bloody remains, or whatever is left of them aside for someone else to find. From the information currently at our disposal, we can say for certain that this is intentional, sort of as another way for the beast to toy with its prey. If the Makkapitew ever chooses you as it's target, all you can do is prey that your death comes swiftly. There is very rarely any hope of escape for those who are targeted by the Makkapitew. There are no current methods of containment available at this time.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
(Not the alien species I've talked about in previous posts)
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Specimen: Tartarus Wendigo
Threat level: MAXIMUM
Although this beast has been spoken of by native American tribes through hundreds of years, the wendigo comes in many forms, each more dangerous than the last. Especially this one,known as the Tartarus Wendigo. This wendigo comes to be after the spirit of those that have committed the unforgivable act of cannibalism arrives in hell after said person has died. It is said that these wendigos are used by the lords of hell as a last resort for dealing with any threats that they deal necessary. The Tartarus Wendigo is feared by all denizens of hell, even by the the leading demons, up to and including Lucifer himself due to them being difficult to control. These beings are extremely intelligent and will often toy with their prey before eventually moving in for the kill, taking their time and consuming their victims slowly, oftentimes while the victim is still alive. The Tartarus Wendigo enjoys the suffering of its victims and will do anything in its power to ensure that their victims suffer a long and agonizing death, and will even sometimes purposefully drive their victims to insanity before killing them slowly and devouring them alive. If you are spotted by one, then it is already too late for you. You have become a target of the wendigo and it will stop at nothing to catch you. Local law enforcement will not respond to any calls about possible sightings of this beast. There is no satiating this monster. The only known weakness of this creature is fire and in some cases extremely bright light, due to them being nocturnal. As of now, the only known weapons capable of harming and killing this monster are holy, or blessed weapons. Even if you survive one night after the encounter, it will not stop. It will not rest until it has broken your will and shattered your mind. Once it has you, it willdevour you alive over the course of several weeks, if not a month, before returning back to the depths of hell. Your dissapearance will be noted by law enforcement, however, no attempts will be made to find you, or retrieve whatever may or may not be left. A cover up will be in full effect. If you are ever in this monsters sights, may God have mercy upon your soul.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimen: Hunter
Threat level:
(Low when encountered alone)
(High when encountered in groups)
The hunter is extremely similar to the Scout, with the main difference being their size and strength. Hunters are slightly bigger than Scouts and are stronger than them aswell. Their main roll is to act as leaders to scouts, being a sort of alpha whenever they travel in search of new territory to claim or while they areout hunting for food to bring back to their hives to feed their young. Due to their enhanced physical strength compared to Scouts, Hunters are much more capable of taking down prey. Hunters are intelligent and will use their numbers to their advantage, but will also devise other strategies when hunting, aswell as when they are in combat eith other living beings. If spotted, inform local law enforcement. Law enforcement services will be called in to eliminate the threat. The area will then be locked down. All civilians will be evacuated and prohibited from entering the area until the threat is confirmed to be destroyed.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimen: Scout
Threat level: Low
(When encountered alone)
(High when encountered in groups)
Cryptids are a form of alien life that first appeared on earth after what was thought to be a meteorite impacted a suburban population center. The specimen seen here is known as a Scout. Though this creature can be easily dealt with when it is encountered alone, scouts usually remain in groups uf up to a dozen or more. They are extremely fast and agile, making them difficult targets. Scouts are slightly stronger than the average human and can overpower their victims with ease when in larger groups. Using their muscular limbs, they are able to leap over extended distances to reach their target. Scouts can climb most vertical surfaces without many issues. As their name implies, the Scout's main purpose is to seek out viable places for their species to live aswell as finding food for their young and bringing it back to their nests that are known as hives. Scouts are extremely aggressive towards any living beings that they perceive as threats to themselves or their nests and will do anything within their power tp ensure that the threat is eliminated. If encountered in the wild enform local law enforcement and leave the area. Local law enforcement will quarantine the immediate area and begin immediate evacuation of civilians from the area to prevent loss of life. Immediate termination of any specimens found is authorized.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimen: Scorpion
Threat level: Beta
Scorpions are a larger variant of the cryptid species. Much like its name implies, the scorpion has a long tail that it uses for offense and defense. It carries an extremely string corrosive acid like substance within four glowing sacks on its back which it can shoot with uncanny accuracy at their targets from up to ten to twenty meters. Scorpions attack from far distances and tend to avoid melee combat whenever possible, however it is more than capable of fighting in close quarters combat if necessary. Scorpions are larger than their smaller cryptid counterparts but are by far not the biggest of their species. Scorpions tend to stay close to large nests known as hives, and their main purpose is the defense of their young and the hive. When and if their hive is threated in any way, scorpions will become incredibly aggressive and will attack any nearby threats on sight without any hesitation and will not stop until said threat has been eliminated, or has been driven away. If encountered in the wild, inform the nearest law enforcement immediately and leave the area as quickly as possible. Do not attempt to approach them. If you are spotted and/or approached by one, do not attempt to fight it. You're only option is to run. However it is highly unlikely that this will succeed. Once law enforcement has secured the area, termination of any and all cryptids within the quarantine zone is highly advised along with any hives located in the area.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimens: Alpha Goblin & Lesser Goblin
Threat level: Beta
This grimm is not to be taken lightly. Hobgoblins are extremely intelligent and pose a great threat when encountered. Goblins usually attack their victims in groups. They are the size of an average child but have the physical strength of a grown adult man. They gather in groups of ten to twenty but their groups can be much bigger. The largest group ever recorded to date consisted of no less than seventy-five Goblins, lead by what is known as an Alpha Goblin. Alpha Goblins seem to have some form of control over lesser Goblins and groups of them live in a hierarchy system. Alpha Goblins are rather easy to tell apart from lesser Goblins as they have much longer horns on the top of their heads compared to the rest of their kind. Alpha goblins are also much more aggressive and have a slightly higher physical strength and cunning compared to their lesser counterparts. If a specimen is found in the wild, use extreme caution. Where there is one there will be many others aswell. Report the sighting to local law enforcement immediately. Law enforcement is to respond to the sighting immediately and inform the nearest Atlesian military forces. Immediate lock down of the area will be authorized. No civilians are to enter the area and any grimm within the area are to be immediately terminated on sight. Once the threat is confirmed to be terminated, security is to remain in the area at all times to prevent the appearance of more specimens. The public will be allowed to have access to the area, but will be monitored by security to prevent any potential loss of life.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Specimen: Wrathnid
Threat level: Safe
This species of grimm is not particularly dangerous to humans or many other forms of life, existing mainly as scavengers that feed of dead or decaying bodies of once living animals, or the trash that people have left lying around for them to consume. Wrathnids are extremely easy to deal with much like any other insect. Simply use a heavy enough object to crush it, or step on it in order to kill it. Bites from Wrathnids are mostly harmless, although they will cause a mild burning and itching sensation on the affected area of the skin after several hours. This effect can be easily treated. Wrathnid often travel in large swarms and create massive nests, most commonly underground. If a nest is discovered, please get in contact with your local exterminator as soon as possible. It is not advised tp attempt to handle the removal or destruction of Wrathnid nests yourself as Wrathnids can get extremely aggressive when their nest is being threatened. But, as stated above, bites from Wrathnids are mostly harmless. This grimm is considered to be nothing more than a typical household pest.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Threat level: Omega
Specimen: Scalarvae
This grimm is extremely dangerous due to how easily it is able tp conceal itself once it obtains a viable living human host. If encountered in the wild, leave the immediate area immediately. Under no circumstances should anyone attempt to approach it. Do not allow it to see you. If you are in fact spotted by one your only option is to run. Despite its relatively small size compared to the average human, only being the size of a house cat, it is incredibly fast and agile, making it a difficult target. Where there is one there are most likely many more within the nearby area. Scalarvae will use swarm tactics to overwhelm their target and are incredibly intelligent. The beginning of the Scalarvae life cycle first begins within an egg. These eggs are kept within secluded locations such as caves or any dark and damp places that can be found. However nests can also be located within large underground burrows or dens. If a Scalarvae is spotted in your immediate area, contact your local law enforcement immediately and leave the area. A military quarantine will be enacted and all entry to the area will be cut off indefinitely. All who are still within the area during the quarantine are to be considered lost and will be terminated on sight along with any specimens of Scalarvae that are sighted within the area. If the Scalarvae have existed attached to a host for long enough it will cause them to mutate into a much more powerful and dangerous being. I'd one is sighted, the Atlesian military is to take any and all measures to ensure the complete and total annihilation of the Scalarvae and the host that it is controlling, by any means necessary. If mass infestations of Scalarvae have been sighted, termination of all life within the sight is authorized and will be carried out. Civilians will be considered lost or expendable. The surrounding are will be targeted and no one within the zone will be allowed to leave under any circumstances. Complete termination is fully authorized.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
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Threat Level: Alpha
Codename: Grimmzilla
This grimm is extremely dangerous and, if possible, should not be engaged using small arms fire. To date there has only ever been one confirmed specimen encountered in the wild. No others have been found and it is currently unknown if there are any others like it in existence. It has been assumed that Salem has created this grimm as a way to destroy large and more dangerous targets, mainly using it to attack military targets. However this grimm has also been seen to target cities with large civilian populations. If ever sighted near a population center, begin immediate evacuation of the area and report the sighting to local law enforcement. Do not attempt to engage it. Immediate military action is to be taken in order to eliminate the threat with extreme prejudice. If Atlesian military units are unable to stop Grimmzilla, a last resort is to be put into effect. Usage of high explosive WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) are authorized to destroy Grimmzilla, regardless of the damage it would cause to the surrounding area. Civilians are not to be allowed tp reenter the area until the threat is confirmed to be destroyed. Upon the destruction of the target, a relief effort will be put into effect by local law enforcement aswell as Atlesian forces to prevent further loss of life and aid in fixing any damage to civilian population centers that may have occurred.
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animeguy-159 · 7 months
Weiss Schnee comforting her touch starved S/O
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Weiss isn't exactly the best person when it comes to things like this. Since she's always so busy due to her being a huntress in training she's always out training to get stronger and get better to help keep her team safe. But that doesn't mean that she doesn't care about her S/O. Far from it actually. She puts you first no matter what, even when it comes to her duties as a future huntress. At first she doesn't realize that you're feeling touch starved and you don't like showing that side of you, so you try to keep that hidden. You know how busy she is and how seriously she takes her job, and you don't want to get in the way of that, so you put on a smile and tell her that you're fine when she first starts getting concerned. She believes you, at least for a while. But eventually she starts to catch onto the fact that something is definitely wrong. And, of course, since you were her lovely S/O she couldn't just sit there and watch while you were clearly upset for some reason. No no no, that just wouldn't do at all. The second she got the chance, she sat you down on the couch and gave you a somewhat stern look, causing you to get nervous. 'Had I done something wrong?' You couldn't help but think to yourself as the love of your life sat down beside you as her gaze softened slightly, but still remaining serious as she kept eye contact with you. She then asks the question that you had been somewhat dreading for what felt like an eternity.
Weiss: "Darling, I know that you've been keeping something from me. What's wrong?"
You tried to deny it at first, but you already knew that she wouldn't buy any excuse that you gave her, so you relented. A sigh escaped your lips as you told her everything. She immediately smiled and held you close to her, your head resting on her chest as she gently ran her fingers through your hair. You smiled and snuggled into her as she giggled. You lied down on the couch as she placed your head onto her lap and kissed your forehead.
Weiss: "Next time just tell me sweetie. I don't mind spending some time with you like this."
You nodded and promised to tell her next time. You were so happy that you were the lucky guy/gal to be with Weiss Schnee. That you managed to get lucky enough to be in a loving relationship with her.
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animeguy-159 · 8 months
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When Nora finds out her S/O is feeling down about themselves
Oh boy, where to begin? The second this girl sees that something is wrong, she's immediately trying anything, and I do mean anything, in her power to make sure her significant other is smiling again, no matter what it takes. She doesn't care if she has to go out of her way at all. This girl is immediately dropping everything she's doing to be by your side until she finds out what's going in and how she can help. In the middle of class? She's there for you. Finishing up homework in your dorm room? She's there for you. Out on a mission? Yep, you guessed it, she is there for you! As soon as she realizes what's causing you to feel unhappy, she is going to make sure that whoever or whatever it was pays for making her favorite person on the planet upset. If it's a person that upset you, oh boy. Especially if she finds out that it's Cardin and his team giving you grief. That's when she gets pissed. Anyone that even dares to think about purposely making you upset in any way, she is going to grab her hammer/grenade launcher and is going to find them. Of course she has to have her team hold her back because if they don't, you can bet that someone will be having their leg privileges revoked within the next five seconds. Once she calms down she is going to be there with you to comfort you in any way that she can. Because nobody messes with you! Not on Nora's watch!
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animeguy-159 · 8 months
Yo Yo Yo!!! What is up my dear readers?! It's ya boi back again with even more content for all of you today! I'm not really sure what to do for other posts at the moment so unfortunately this isn't gonna be another thing for headcanons. I'm having a bit of writer's block after the last headcanons I did and I am in desperate need of some requests from you guys. Feel free to send them in whenever you guys get the chance!
Seriously, I really do want requests from you guys for the next headcanons. Please send me some ideas!
Here's some of the main things that I know how to write headcanons for.
Monster Musume
One Piece
Avatar The Last Airbender
Highschool DxD
And that's just to name a few since there is a lot of stuff I can probably do. I also can do genderbend stuff. I'm down to write anything as long as it doesn't involve the following.
Rape/Sexual abuse
I absolutely REFUSE to write anything that involves incest!
I'm not comfortable with writing stuff about sexual abuse of any kind and the thought of having to write about it happening to someone makes me feel very uncomfortable. I know that it is wrong and it is important to address it as a major issue for people of all genders, but I just don't feel up to writing about it. I hope you can all understand that. Anything else I can probably do for the most part.
So yeah, once again feel free to send me some requests whenever you get the chance! And, as always, I hope that you are all having an amazing day/night depending on where you are in the world!
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animeguy-159 · 8 months
Monster Musume x abused S/O
This will be a series of headcannons that I've thought of based on ideas that I've gotten. BTW, forgot to mention it, but I am taking any requests that you guys have for me as long as I know about what it is you want me to write about here. Please feel free to send me suggestions!
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When she first found out that you were abused by your ex, she was mortified. As your girlfriend it was her job to look after you and protect you, so she felt horrible that someone had hurt the one that she loved more than life itself. She didn't notice the signs at first. It started off pretty small and wasn't noticeable to many people at first. You were sometimes a bit less talkative with everyone than usual and stayed quiet. Eventually you started to distance yourself from others and Miia started to get concerned. Then there was the fact that you didn't want to leave the house and often stayed home. Miia started to take notice that something was up and finally approached you to ask about it while you were both alone. You were very hesitant to talk to her about what had happened and the pain that you had to go through. What if she got angry? What if she didn't believe you or even hurt you?! You flinched slightly as Miia calmly put a hand on your cheek and looked at you with a loving smile.
Miia: "Darling, you know that you can tell me anything. Please, tell me what's wrong. I promise, whatever it is, I won't judge you."
You felt yourself starting to tear up as you finally let out everything right then and there while Miia wrapped you up in her coils and ran her fingers through your hair. You told her everything about your ex and how horribly they treated you while you were with them. Miia was beyond furious and wanted nothing more than for them to pay for harming her darling. She would strangle them in her coils if she ever saw them. But she calmed down when she saw that you were getting scared. She took a deep breath before holding you close to her, your head resting gently on her chest as she said this to you before you fell asleep in the loving embrace of your girlfriend.
Miia: "I'm so sorry you had to go through that darling. You're safe now, it's all over. I won't let that monster hurt you ever again."
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Papi was painfully oblivious to it at first. She didn't understand what was going on, only that you were hurting for some reason and that she wanted to help you get better as soon as possible! She noticed almost immediately that you were feeling sad and didn't smile as much as you usually would and you stopped playing games with her and Suu. At first you tried to force yourself to smile for her sake and tell her that you were ok, and she believed you wholeheartedly. But she actually started to get skeptical after she saw that you always started to seem more and more sad with every passing day until seeing you smile was something that pretty much stopped all together. All she wanted was to see you smile like you used to. She also noticed that you started flinching whenever the other girls got into arguments over Kimihito, and hid yourself away in your room. She heard you crying after Miia got into a small argument with the girls over who would be his wife amd immediately went to check on you. The door to your room was locked when she tried to open it and she could hear you crying.
Papi: "Hubby, please open the door. I'm worried about you."
It took a minute before you finally git up and unlocked the door so that she could come in. The moment she saw your face she did the one thing that she could think of that always made you feel better. She wrapped her wings around you and held you close. You flinched at first and wanted to say something, but the words got caught in your throat as you chocked back a sob. Papi, being the loving girlfriend that she is, was worried sick as she held you close, wrapping her arms around your shaking body as you slowly hugged her and just let all of your emotions out right the and there. You just couldn't hold back your tears anymore.
Papi: "Hubby, what's wrong? You've been so sad lately. I wanna help make you feel better, so please. Tell me."
You told her everything in that moment. Every painful second that you had to spend with your ex, every single excruciating moment. It took a bit for Papi to understand, but when it did, it hurt. The concept of abuse was just so....alien to her. It didn't make any sense at all. She thought that hubbies/wives were supposed love their partners! Why would they hurt someone like you?! You were such a loving and kindhearted person that she loved and cared for more than anything! She felt more sad than angry and just sat there with you as you cried until you eventually fell asleep in her arms. Papi she'd a silent tear of sadness and kissed the top of your head.
Papi: "I'm so sorry hubby. I promise no one's gonna a hurt you again."
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Mero was the first of the girls to notice your changes in behavior. Especially how you would just look so distant and often tried to make yourself scarce whenever there was any sort of argument, or just any conflict going on in general and it worried her to say the least. Sure, she had the odd tragedy fantasy because of her fetish, but that didn't stop her from being concerned for the wellbeing of her S/O. She cared for you more than anything else in the world and wanted nothing more than anything eles for you to be happy and safe. And if there was something that was hurting you in any way at all, she wanted to know about it. It didn't help that you always just tried to keep up an act in front of everyone and smile through the pain that she knew that you were feeling. She knew that you definitely weren't yourself, and that feeling was only proven more valid when she saw that you had accidentally gotten caught up in an argument between Miia and Centorea as to who would be a better wife for Kimihito. You ended up flinching after one of the girls accidentally knocked over a glass that was on the table and let out a little scream before going up to your room. The two stopped fighting almost immediately and everyone was more than a little concerned for you. Of course, she was the first one to go up to your room. You hadn't bothered to lock the door so she just opened it and wheeled herself into your room. The lights were off as you were trying to hide yourself at the back of the room on your bed, your head in your hands as your body shook violently. You were speaking incoherently, but she was able to make out some words. 'I'm sorry' or 'Please, no more.' That was all that she needed to hear to know that something was definitely going on. She wheeled herself over to the bed and got into bed next to you, gently pulling you into an embrace. You flinched and tried to pull away before realizing that it was Mero.
Mero: "My beloved, what's wrong? I know that you've been acting strange lately, so please. Tell me what's wrong. I want to help you."
You slowly calmed down as your sobs soon became sniffles and soft whimpers as you told her everything. She was furious. Beyond that even. She called Ms Smith almost immediately after your explanation and made sure that she put her behind bars for good. You never once tried to protest against it as she held you close to her and kissed you.
Mero: "It's alright now my beloved. They will never harm you again. Not as long as I'm here with you."
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Suu....well, she knew nothing about it and had a fair bit of trouble understanding just what was going on with you at first. It all started out mostly ok with you occasionally taking a bit of time away from everyone and spending time alone, but that was normal. You needed to take a break and get away from the stresses of life every once in a while. Suu would always be the one that stayed with you just to keep you company whenever you needed it and you were always so happy to have her around you. But eventually, little by little, you started to get distant from everyone including Suu. She was confused and sad, but she was able to tell at that moment that there was definitely something very wrong here. Where you would once be so happy and cheerful with her, you started to just get more quiet and reserved and it was becoming more and more of a rare occurrence to see you smile. Well, at least not a real smile. You tried so hard to convince Suu that you were fine and put a smile on your face just for her so that she wouldn't be worried about you any more than she already was. One night you and Suu were asleep in your bed when you started to whimper quietly in your sleep, accidentally waking up Suu as she yawned and quickly looked over to you and saw the tears forming in your eyes. She calmly placed one of her appendages onto your head and read your mind. What she saw was nothing short of mortifying. Your ex S/O yelling at you, hitting you, treating you as if you were nothing but dirt. She knew everything about them now. What they looked like, where they lived, you name it. And she was pissed. Suu had to physically hold back from going on a rampage and trying to go and teach the a lesson on what happens when someone hurts the one that she loves. But despite her anger, she took a deep breath and slowly calmed herself down, holding you close to her and wrapping her body around yours while she lapped up the tears that fell from your face. You slowly calmed down, your whimpers slowly fading to occasional sniffles.
Suu: "I love you. I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise, you'll be safe here with me S/O. Now and forever."
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This girl knew that something was up almost immediately. She spent a lot of time around you and knew you al to well, so when you started to act strange, she was the first one to notice. Of course she was immediately concerned, but she also knew that it may be a sensitive topic that you didn't wish to talk about. However over time she began growing more and more concerned for your well-being. You would flinch every time you heard a loud noise and there would be times that she would catch you trying to avoid others. You eventually just chose to stay in your room, refusing to come out even to eat or drink. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and went to confront you about it and finally get some answers as to what was going on. She was in complete shock when she found you in bed, knees to your chest as you cried your eyes out into a pillow. She is by your side holding you close to her in an instant as you leaned into her, your cries slowly becoming whimpers as she caresses your cheek and looks at you.
Lala: "My love, what's wrong? You can tell me anything. I promise, I won't judge you for anything you're going through."
You finally spilled the beans on everything that had happened. Needless to say, she was very pissed off the anyone would even think of treating her S/O that way. She was already planning on different ways she could plot theor demise. Of course she stopped after she noticed how scared you were. Lala sighed as she held you close to her in a loving embrace. The two of you lying together in bed beneath warm and cozy blankets.
Lala: "I promise you my love. No one will ever harm you like that again. Not while I'm here.
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She knew almost instantly that there was something off about the whole situation. It started off small and wasn't all that noticeable to anyone else, but she could see it. You slowly started to seclude yourself from everyone and it became rarer and rarer to see you smile about anything. You would always look so upset or down no matter how hard anyone tried to help chear you up. Although you still put on a smile, or at the very least try to, when others were around as to not worry them to much. Unfortunately that only made things more concerning for Centorea. One day you two were the only ones at home as everyone else had left to go and do some shopping. She was in the process of cleaning her sword and ensuring that it was sharp and ready for use (Even if it is fake. What can I say? The girl loves that word) when you had come into her room, looking as if you were about to break down crying as tears flowed down your face. She immediately dropped everything and was by your side immediately, asking you what had happened and if someone had said or done something to harm you.
Centorea: "My dear, what happened? Did someone hurt you? You can tell me, I'm here for you."
You hugged her tightly, burying your face in her breasts as you explained everything. Telling her every single detail about how your previous BF/GF had treated you and all the horrible things that he/she had done and said to hurt you. Centorea was livid by the end of your explanation, but remained calm as she knew that getting upset wouldn't help make anything better. She took a deep breath before lying down with you beside her, clinging to her tightly as you eventually fell asleep in your girlfriend's loving arms. She whispered to you as you snored softly.
Centorea: "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to protect you my dear. I promise you, I shall never allow another to harm you in such a way again. I love you."
She kisses your cheek before falling into a peaceful sleep beside you.
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Rachnera didn't even wait for you to explain things yourself when she noticed your strange behaviors. Always keeping your distance from others, flinching at even the slightest movements, even looking downright horrified when you so much as heard the girls getting into an argument over Kimihito. You had just decided to remain in your girlfriend's room alone, only coming out to eat or get some water to drink. Only a few days after she noticed this, she was quick to ask you about it as she hugged you, holding you tightly as you broke down crying in her arms.
Rachnera: "Honey, tell me what's wrong. You've been so upset lately and I need to know what's going on. You can tell me."
You explained everything and by the end of it she wanted nothing more than for your ex to be burning in hell, living in an eternity of endless pain and suffering for the rest of their pathetic existence. She held you tightly as she made the two of you a nice hammock from her silk to sleep in for the night. After several hours you managed to fall asleep beside the love of your life. You snuggled into her, your head resting against her breast as she smiled and kissed you gently, not wanting to wake you from your peaceful slumber.
Rachnera: "I'm so sorry honey. You deserve so much better than them. You deserve to feel loved, and you are needed. Because I love you. I always will. And nothing will ever change that.
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animeguy-159 · 1 year
Wild Wild Pussycats x Nomu Reader Pt 1
This is my first post ever here so please don't judge me if this ends up being totally shitty. This is also probably gonna end up being short. This is also a one shot, but I may make it into an actual story later on if people end up liking it more than I expect.
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When they first found out about the fact that you had gone missing, of course they were concerned. You had grown to see them as family over the time that you have known them, and they've been good friends with you. They knew that you were out on a mission when you had disappeared and they put all of their time into finding you. Other heroes helped aswell, as you were well known and kinda popular. Mandalay was like a sister to you and Pixie Bob had a bit of a thing for you that she made painfully obvious, Tiger was always the guy you went to for sparring and just hanging out whenever you weren't out doing hero work, and Ragdoll was your best friend for a long time. She was the most affected by your sudden disappearance, crying nonstop over the fact that you could be dead or worse at the hands of God knows who. Tiger was angry at himself for not being there to try and help with whatever had happened. One thing that they all knew well was that this couldn't have been some accident, and it certainly was not a coincidence that you disappeared during one of your routine patrols. They had been looking for you ever since you had disappeared, choosing to not give up on you no matter what. To them you were like family, amd they would not allow anything like this to happen. They shouldn't have allowed it to happen. They had no idea that they would indeed end up finding you. Just not the way they'd hoped. The Wild Wild Pussycats had managed to find a lead as to where you might be, standing outside of what looked to be an abandoned warehouse that hadn't been in use by anyone in quite some time. Other heroes and police had arrived aswell, surrounding the building.
Tiger: "This is the place."
Mandalay: "Let's go get Y/N back."
Ragdoll and Pixie Bob both nodded as several other heroes, Eraser Head, Present Mic, All Might, and Mirko walked up to the door. All Might easily ripped it open as police stormed in, checking everywhere for any signs of you. However, everyone froze in a mix of fear and shock by what they saw. Inside, there were dozens of glass containers that held what looked to be nomus that were recently being created. Each one had a designated number labeled on the container, most being completely unrecognizable as the human they once were.
Ragdoll: "Oh god....all these people..."
Ragdoll had to look away from the horrible sight of it all for a moment, not wanting to think of all the pain that they had to suffer through up to this point. These were all innocent people at one point. People that had lives, families that they had to love and care for. But now they were being made into weapons. Living weapons. However, there was one container that held a special nomu that was being designed to fight against even the strongest of heroes. A high end nomu. That wasn't the shocking part though as Ragdoll's eyes widened upon seeing a name engraved on the container that was holding it, tears slowly forming in her eyes as she reads it.
Ragdoll: "Y-Y/N.....No...."
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