animalfactsfornoreason · 11 months
“shark infested waters” bro they just live there 
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animalfactsfornoreason · 11 months
Camel pee is as thick as maple syrup
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Hello. If anyone is able to help us with even 5 dollars or any amount please. We really can't afford any of this and we need this in order to shop,get my brother to work,get us to appointments and such. I have seizures and need a car to get to and from my appointments.
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Funfact:my cat sicily will NOT cuddle me when anyone else is around BUT you let her come in my room with me and she is the cuddliest damn cat ever. I also make the joke that she doesn't cuddle around other people cause she has a reputation to protect
That's it. That's all this post is
Is a fact bout one of my cats
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Ok your last answers were so cute now you have to do the rest: 1, 3, 4, 7 for the animal asks pretty please!!
1:my favorite bird!well easy it's a crow. They are highly intelligent even able to mimic human speech well sounding oddly human,can remember faces for years and so much more.
3:my favorite snake. Well this one is so hard because i personally ADORE snakes but i will say it's a tie between the malayan pit viper,the jumping viper OR the eastern diamond back rattle snake!
4:my favorite crocodilian?well i think that has to go to the largest crocodilian!the saltwater crocodile. They are just beautiful really and have owned my heart since i was a kid!
7:my favorite animal fact:i have allot BUT i think that my favorite is that cats will bring us dead mice and things cause they think we don't know how to hunt and stuff SO they get worried and are trying to teach us as well as feed us. They worry bout us man and we act like they are so mean for bringing us this stuff.
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2, 5, 6 for the animal ask please! 💖
2:my favorite amphibian is the Japanese giant salamander!scientists actually believe it's what inspired the legend of the kappa
5:my favorite big cat?that has to be jaguars !i find them beautiful and incredibly skilled hunters!they are unique in how they kill their pray as well since they go for the skull not the neck.
6:my favorite bear?well that's the sloth bear!they are pretty badass and have been known to go toe to toe with tigers!tho they seem to have more in common foodwise with anteaters then other bears ironically!they tend to eat Beetles, grubs and other insects!they also have been known to raid crop farms which usually doesn't end well sadly.
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Sooo funfact about blackwidows:
They aren't all that aggressive at all. They like too be left alone! They are very calm and pretty!
So long as you are careful and don't put your hand on it,don't step on it,ect you'll be fine
They also like secluded places such as mailboxes,under trailers,that bush you haven't touched in YEARS,ect
Also all blackwidow bites are accidents. Some one will accidently put their hands on it or scare it and get bit.
They will only get bit if they are provoked.
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The male giant water bug take care of the eggs! They are amazing single dads as they'll carry 100+ eggs on their backs and make sure they are not too wet or too dry. They'll do this for 1-2 weeks!!
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So a long time ago we used yo have what is called "false sea floors" BECAUSE
We would use sonar to measure how deep the ocean was AND there are so many lantern fish at the bottom of the sea that schools of lantern fish would be registered AS the ocean floor.
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Animal asks
1:Favorite birds?
2:Favorite amphibians?
3:Favorite snake?
4:Favorite crocodilian?
5:Favorite big cat
6:Favorite bear
7:Favorite animal fact?
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Malayan pit vipers local name is the axe snake. It's venom is a necrotoxin which means it'll destroy any cells it comes in contact with. They are beautiful creatures and their venom can cause swelling, hemorrhage and necrosis. They usually prefer to retreat and be left alone.
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Do you have any colugo facts??
I actually don't shockingly enough
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Honestly idk how bad you could ruin it for me. I'd really love to have a pet snake but I'm already way too paranoid and afraid to ever make that decision. Plus I respect them way to much to trap them in a place with me as their caregiver 😹
Well aside from the fact some species can "fly" aka glide i don't actually think i have any way to ruin them aside from showing you what an emerald boa yawning looks like
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Rhinos don't see well so this tank unicorn has a tendency to attack ANYTHING that moves because if you can't see it properly where there are lions,hyenas,elephants and hippos you might as well ASSUME it's a threat and put it at heavens gates
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If you have a favorite animal don't ask bout them it'll quickly turn to me ruining them.
I know.way to much and frankly am not against telling you what i know when asked. If you wanna hurt yourself mentally ask bout em but otherwise just like ask random animals and keep your favorite animal's pure and innocent of all crimes in your mind. Just keep in mind that this is a informational blog BUT im not a scientist,im NOT in these fields and some facts may be wrong!i try my hardest to fact check everything but if i get something wrong or i word something in a way you don't understand send an ask OR message me!
And feel free to give me your own facts that you know!
Also i know mostly morbid facts because that is the stuff I'm into knowledge wise. I like learning about the good AND the bad because it helps me form better connections to these animals.
I try to make how i present these fun and lighthearted BUT if I see some one claiming that "*insert animal/bug* deserves to be wiped out" or anything similar i will not stand for that. They are valuable to our ecosystem and they all play a role. From the annoying mosquito to the "scary" sharks to the beautiful giants that are elephants. They are ALL important. Just because they carry certain diseases or maybe come off as scary or "useless" doesn't mean they ARE or that they aren't important!
So please know this is all in love and fun and these fact don't mean i hate or dislike these animals. Infact i adore all animals even if i have a fear of them.
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Feed me pony facts pls
Love u 💙
Their bones are heavier then horse bones
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Desert Golden Mole, “Night on Earth” Episode 1, via Amp
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