anherexik ¡ 4 years
Hard pills to swallow
Some of us will never have a thigh gap or a very large one because of our bone structure
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Some of us will never have a snatched waist because of our body shape.
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Your body shape wont change when you lose weight it will only become a smaller version of it
Some of us will never have the hollow cheeks, an obvious jaw line, slim face, high cheek bones, etc because of our face shape
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Some of us will never have the bony hands that so many desire because we werent made to have them
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Some of us will never have the obvious ribs or small ones because they come in different sizes
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Some of us will never have what someone else has!!
No matter how much weight you lose it all comes down to the blue print of your body.
No one is made the same, some of us are similar but never the same. Do not compare yourself to someone who is nothing like you. You will never be them and they will never be you. Focus on the best possible version of you that you can be. You know your body best, you know what you can and cant have you just dont want to admit it. Accept yourself and improve yourself with what you do have:)
You wanna know what i have?
I have boney hands but not a snatched waist
I have a thigh gap but not a slim face
That is normal and fankly every single person in life wishes they were someone else.
Stay safe
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
Here are some Medical Tips/Facts about EDs
1. If you are eating very little, make sure you are consuming some sodium (not too much) so that you don’t induce hypotension. 
2. Make sure you eat a banana or potassium. Many people with EDs collapse without it.
3. Learn the difference between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins. In short, water soluble vitamins are flushed from your system after it extracts the needed bits. In fat soluble, the extra unused nutrients from the vitamins are stored in your fat/body and can become VERY toxic to you if you contain too much of it. 
4. Do not exercise if you are fasting or have eaten very little. This can destroy your health so quickly. 
5. If you aren’t eating enough for a very long time and are underweight, there’s a chance you will lose the ability to have kids/ make someone pregnant. 
6.  Laxatives and vomiting completely diminish you of electrolytes. Electrolyte potassium plays an important role in helping the heart beat and muscles contract. Make sure you replenish them via sports drinks, pickle juice, etc.
7.   Your metabolism will crash. That’s why most former people with EDs end up rebounding into obesity. 
8. Food restriction and/or vomiting will cause gastroenteritis. This in turn causes bloating and nausea (plus a whole slew of other symptoms.) 
9. Severe binge eating has been known to actually rupture the stomach and cause a life-threatening condition.  
10. The brain consumes around 1/5 of your consumed calories. Lowering your calorie consumption damages/impairs the brain. 
11. You will lose your sex drive. The hormones, testosterone and estrogen, are produced by the fats and cholesterol we eat. If none present, the hormones fall. 
12. Make sure you have some iron. You can self induce Anemia if you don’t. 
13. Start recovering or encourage your followers to recover. We all know what damage we are doing to our bodies, so I don’t wish it on anyone else. Recover. 
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
“I say, ‘I am sick.’ They say, ‘No, you are an inspiration.’”
— Blythe Baird, "When The Fat Girl Gets Skinny"
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
BMI is bullshit
I just had an anxiety attack because my BMI is shown to be overweight but I am not overweight. I've struggled with anorexia in the past and have recently been falling back down the hole because of stress. To anyone struggling who sees this post, I want to let y'all know that BMI classifies Tyra Banks as "overweight" and Tom Cruise as "obese". Y'all are okay, and that mathematical number that was originally used for non-medical research doesn't define you.
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
Advice for people with eating disorders.... But like legit shit... Not the stupid things y'all repost. (No offense)
So... This is advice for losing weight, and trimming down because there's so much bs information out there and I feel like y'all lost af.
First of all let me start by saying that ED is dangerous. It can kill you. Your body needs food. It just does. Failure to eat, self starvation, excessive fasting and malnourishment will kill you, and that defeats the purpose of looking thinner, wouldn't it? How does it kill you? Multiple spontaneous organ failure. Often that death is long slow and agonizing. Not to mention the hair loss, zombie like eyes and skin. You'll die looking like shit. Probably not what you were going for right?
Secondly, you're beautiful exactly as you are. Seriously. Who ever said your body needed to look a certain way? You need to self examine and decide where this obsessive compulsive disorder originated in you, acknowledge it and heal from whatever trauma caused it. Plus it's 2019, ladies news flash, guys like ass and titties with some jiggle so the crazed obsession with weight loss, not making you as hot as you might think to the opposite sex.
Fasting and starvation is not an effective strategy for thinning down, and although it may seem the obvious solution, it's actually extremely counter productive, because basically you body goes into survival mode, locking up nutrients and packing them along with dangerous toxic materials into fat cells to be stored. That's where some of you experience plateaus in your trimming down, or even more fat around your thighs arms and tummies.
In addition, malnutrition will exasperate anxiety and depression, its a self destructive cycle that becomes increasingly more difficult to break free of.
So what is the solution? Getting you healthier. Your body is a machine. If you want too look your best and feel your best and trim your body down, you're going to want to give your body the things it needs to Operate at peak efficiency. When you replace starvation with food based not on calorie counting but actually nutrient intake (specifically micronutrients which is just a fancy way to say vitamins and minerals) you achieve several goals
You take you body out of survival mode
You cleanse your body of toxic materials your body traps in fat cells because it deems them unsafe to try and process
ALL Your organs become healthier, including your brain heart and digestive system
You will have more energy and motivation
Your depression and anxiety will lessen
You will start burning off unnecessary excess fat cells, trimming down to a healthy and attactive weight, without losing your lovely lady lumps
So how's that sound? Kinda resolves all your issues there huh? Better then just looking at pictures of super skinny bitches (who btw look gross, idk who decided that was hot, but no) and listening to your stomach growling, right?
Hopefully at this point you're ready to sign up for this shit? I'll come back to that.
If you've read this far i want you to know that those idealized thinspo girls is just not something you should be bending over backwards to achieve. I think it's sad that theres girls that are actually super fucking pretty and don't feel pretty enough, or get bullied or teased and this epidemic tears at the souls of young women. That something about our culture creates these unhealthy ideals for girls and a pressure to look a certain way or weigh a certain weight. It's just terrible. Everyone is worthy and valid and deserves to be loved. I am sending you a hug RN.
You are enough.
You have ALWAYS been enough.
Ok So...
How to actually trim down.
Things to strongly fkn avoid:
Trans and Saturated fats. (Fast food, junk food, fried food)
Hella sugars. (Ketchup, soda, corn syrup, candy)
Pork products in general
Processed/frozen/convenience food
Things to Limit, okay for sometimes:
Red meat
Potatoes and Pasta
Bread (whole grain artisan bread is better, never white bread)
If you got a sweet tooth try to use agave or honey or even brown sugar or white
Eat this shit as often as possible:
Fruits.. all day every day, every kind you can get. Stuff that's in season will be cheapest. Enjoy the harvest and all that.
Beans Nuts seeds and legumes galore
Leafy greens, especially chard spinach and spring mixes
Pickled everythings
Zucchini and squash especially raw
Mushrooms. From the grocery store.
Beets turnips and carrots.
Celery bok choy broccoli and cauliflower
Onions. Don't like onions? Grill em, or roast em til they're translucent with a bit of a char on the edge. Lil salt. You're welcome.
Rice. Chickpeas. Quinoa (go nuts on the quinoa, seriously its a complete protein. You could literally live off of it. In the harsh winter's of the Andes mountains, people do)
Olive oil. Fat is not your enemy. You need it. Your brain I like 70% fat. Ain't nobody trying to get dumber out here.
Tea. Green tea is awesome, but any tea with anti-oxidants is great, especially hot tea after a meal.
Distilled or alkaline water
Any other superfood you can get your hands on is a strong yes.
Oats bran granola of any kind.
Please Repost. Even if you don't suffer from eating disorders someone you know may, even if they hide it. Questions, comments, recipe help, please feel free to hmu
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
I'm 34 years old. If that makes any of you uncomfortable, I understand. Do what makes you feel safe. But my main point is that I have a lot of experience with this disorder. Ive had one since I was 9 or so (I think. Due to childhood trauma, things are fuzzy, but I was for sure in what we americans call elementary school). I can offer a lot of insight and advice, though be warned, I will tell you to recover or to at least stay safe. I wont tell anyone how to lose more weight. If you would like me to post more about my experiences with this disorder that has influenced most of my life, then leave a thumbs up in the comments.
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
there are older versions of you that only exist because other people give them oxygen, and you are not obligated to keep those versions alive to make other people happy
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
This user has a terrible relationship with food and weight that constantly controls almost every aspect of her life. But she doesn't support fat shaming. It's awesome if you are comfortable and happy with your body where it currently is, whether it be on the smaller side or the bigger side. I am just working to be happy with my body.
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
Alternatives to Self Harm
Alternatives for when you’re feeling angry or restless:
Scribble on photos of people in magazines
Viciously stab an orange
Throw an apple/pair of socks against the wall
Have a pillow fight with the wall
Scream very loudly
Tear apart newspapers, photos, or magazines
Go to the gym, dance, exercise
Listen to music and sing along loudly
Draw a picture of what is making you angry
Beat up a stuffed bear
Pop bubble wrap
Pop balloons
Splatter paint
Scribble on a piece of paper until the whole page is black
Filling a piece of paper with drawing cross hatches
Throw darts at a dartboard
Go for a run
Write your feelings on paper then rip it up
Use stress relievers
Build a fort of pillows and then destroy it
Throw ice cubes at the bathtub wall, at a tree, etc
Get out a fine tooth comb and vigorously brush the fur of a stuffed animal (but use gentle vigor)
Slash an empty plastic soda bottle or a piece of heavy cardboard or an old shirt or sock
Make a soft cloth doll to represent the things you are angry at; cut and tear it instead of yourself
Flatten aluminium cans for recycling, seeing how fast you can go
On a sketch or photo of yourself, mark in red ink what you want to do. Cut and tear the picture
Break sticks
Cut up fruits
Make yourself as comfortable as possible
Stomp around in heavy shoes
Play handball or tennis
Yell at what you are breaking and tell it why you are angry, hurt, upset, etc.
Buy a cheap plate and decorate it with markers, stickers, cut outs from magazines, words, images, what ever that expresses your pain and sadness and when you’re done, smash it. (Please be careful when doing this)
The Calm Jar (Fill a mason jar or similar with colored water and glitter. When feeling upset or angry you can shake it to disturb the glitter and focus on that until the glitter settles.)
Blow up a balloon and pop it
Alternatives that will give you a sensation (other than pain) without harming yourself:
Hold ice in your hands, against your arm, or in your mouth
Run your hands under freezing cold water
Snap a rubber band or hair band against your wrist
Clap your hands until it stings
Wax your legs
Drink freezing cold water
Splash your face with cold water
Put PVA/Elmer’s glue on your hands then peel it off
Massage where you want to hurt yourself
Take a hot shower/bath
Jump up and down to get some sensation in your feet
Write or paint on yourself
Arm wrestle with a member of your family
Take a cold bath
Bite into a hot pepper or chew a piece of ginger root
Rub liniment under your nose
Put tiger balm on the places you want to cut. (Tiger balm is a muscle relaxant cream that induces a tingly sensation. You can find it in most health food stores and vitamin stores.)
Alternatives that will distract you or take up time:
Say “I’ll self harm in fifteen minutes if I still want to” and keep going for periods of fifteen minutes until the urge fades
Color your hair
Count up to ten getting louder until you are screaming
Sing on the karaoke machine
Complete something you’ve been putting off
Take up a new hobby
Make a cup of tea
Tell and laugh at jokes
Play solitaire
Count up to 500 or 1000
Surf the net
Make as many words out of your full name as possible
Count ceiling tiles or lights
Search ridiculous things on the web
Colour coordinate your wardrobe
Play with toys, such as a slinky
Go to the park and play on the swings
Call up an old friend
Go “people watching”
Carry safe, rather than sharp, things in your pockets
Do school work
Play a musical instrument
Watch TV or a movie
Paint your nails
Alphabetize your CDs or books
Make origami to occupy your hands
Doodle on sheets of paper
Dress up or try on old clothes
Play computer games or painting programs, such as photoshop
Write out lyrics to your favorite song
Play a sport
Read a book/magazine
Do a crossword
Draw a comic strip
Make a chain link out of paper counting the hours or days you’ve been self harm free using pretty colored paper
Knit, sew, or make a necklace
Make ‘scoobies’ - braid pieces of plastic or lace, to keep your hands busy
Buy a plant and take care of it
Hunt for things on eBay or Amazon
Browse the forums
Go shopping
Memorize a poem with meaning
Learn to swear in another language
Look up words in a dictionary
Play hide-and-seek with your siblings
Go outside and watch the clouds roll by
Plan a party
Find out if any concerts will be in your area
Make your own dance routine
Trace your hand on a piece of paper; on your thumb, write something you like to look at; on your index finger, write something you like to touch; on your middle finger, write your favorite scent; on your ring finger, write something you like the taste of; on your pinky finger, write something you like to listen to; on your palm, write something you like about yourself
Plan regular activities for your most difficult time of day
Finish homework before it’s due
Take a break from mental processing
Notice black and white thinking
Get out on your own, get away from the stress
Go on YouTube
Make a scrapbook
Colour in a picture or colouring book.
Make a phone list of people you can call for support. Allow yourself to use it.
Pay attention to your breathing (breath slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth)
Pay attention to the rhythmic motions of your body (walking, stretching, etc.)
Learn HALT signals (hungry, angry, lonely, tired)
Choose a random object, like a paper clip, and try to list 30 different uses for it
Pick a subject and research it on the web - alternatively, pick something to research and then keep clicking on links, trying to get as far away from the original topic as you can.
Take a small step towards a goal you have.
Re-organize your room
Name all of your soft toys
Play the A-Z game (Pick a category ie. Animals, and think of an animal for every letter of the alphabet
Have a lush warm bubble bath with candles!
Do some knitting
Do some house hold chores
Alternatives that are completely bizarre. At the least, you’ll have a laugh:
Crawl on all fours and bark like a dog or another animal
Run around outside screaming
Laugh for no reason whatsoever
Make funny faces in a mirror
Without turning orange, self tan
Pluck your eyebrows
Put faces on apples, oranges, or other sorts of food
Go to the zoo and name all of the animals
Color on the walls
Blow bubbles
Pull weeds in the garden
Alternatives for when you’re feeling guilty, sad, or lonely:
Congratulate yourself on each minute you go without self harming
Draw or paint
Look at the sky
Instead of punishing yourself by self harming, punish yourself by not self harming
Call a friend and ask for company
Buy a cuddly toy
Give someone a hug with a smile
Put a face mask on
Watch a favorite TV show or movie
Eat something ridiculously sweet
Remember a happy moment and relive it for a while in your head
Treat yourself to some chocolate
Try to imagine the future and plan things you want to do
Look at things that are special to you
Compliment someone else
Make sculptures
Watch fish
Youtube funny videos!
Let yourself cry
Play with a pet
Have or give a massage
Imagine yourself living in a perfect home and describe it in your mind
If you’re religious, read the bible or pray
Light a candle and watch the flame (but please be careful)
Go chat in the chat room
Allow yourself to cry; crying is a healthy release of emotion
Accept a gift from a friend
Carry tokens to remind you of peaceful comforting things/people
Take a hot bath with bath oil or bubbles
Curl up under a comforter with hot cocoa and a good book
Make affirmation tapes inside you that are good, kind, gentle (Sometimes you can do this by writing down the negative thoughts and then physically re-writing them into positive messages)
Make a tray of special treats and tuck yourself into bed with it and watch TV or read
Write words in the sand for them to be washed away
Alternatives for when you’re feeling panicky or scared:
“See, hear and feel”-5 things, then 4, then 3 and countdown to one which will make you focus on your surroundings and will calm you down
Listen to soothing music; have a CD with motivational songs that you can listen to
Meditate or do yoga
Name all of your soft toys
Hug a pillow or soft toy
Hyper focus on something
Do a “reality check list” – write down all the things you can list about where you are now (e.g. It is the 9th November 2004, I’m a room and everything is going to be alright)
With permission, give someone a hug
Drink herbal tea
Crunch ice
Hug a tree
Go for a walk if it’s safe to do so
Feel your pulse to prove you’re alive
Go outside and attempt to catch butterflies or lizards
Put your feet firmly on the floor
Accept where you are in the process. Beating yourself up, only makes it worse
Touch something familiar/safeLeave the room
Lay on your back in bed comfortably (eyes closed), and breathe in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2. Make sure to fill your belly up with air, not your chest. If your shoulders are going up, keep working on it. When you’re comfortable breathing, put your hand on your belly and rub up and down in time with your breathing. If your mind wanders to other things, move it back to focusing ONLY on the synchronized movement of your hand and breathing.
Give yourself permission to…. (Keep it safe)
Create a safe place for yourself and take yourself there
Lay on the grass and watch the clouds. You can try to make pictures with them too.
Light a candle and watch the flame
Alternatives that will hopefully make you think twice about harming yourself:
Think about how you don’t want scars
Treat yourself nicely
Remember that you don’t have to hurt yourself just because you’re thinking about self harm
Create a safe place to go
Acknowledge that self harm is harmful behavior: say “I want to hurt myself” rather than “I want to cut”
Repeat to yourself “I don’t deserve to be hurt” even if you don’t believe it
Remember that you always have the choice not to cut: it’s up to you what you do
Think about how you may feel guilty after self harming
Remind yourself that the urge to self harm is impulsive: you will only feel like cutting for short bursts of time
Avoid temptation
Get your friends to make you friendship bracelets: wear them around your wrists to remind you of them when you want to cut
Be with other people
Make your own list of things to do instead of self harm
Make a list of your positive character traits
Be nice to your family, who in return, will hopefully be nice to you
Put a band-aid on the area where you’d like to self harm
Recognize and acknowledge the choices you have NOW
Pay attention to the changes needed to make you feel safe
Notice “choices” versus “dilemmas”
Lose the “should-could-have to” words. Try… “What if”
Kiss the places you want toSHor kiss the places you have healing wounds. It can be a reminder that you care about myself and that you don’t want this
Choose your way of thinking, try to resist following old thinking patterns
The Butterfly project- draw a butterfly on the place(s) that you would self harm and if the butterfly fades without self-harming, it means it has lived and flown away, giving a sense of achievement. Whereas if you do self-harm with the butterfly there; you will have to wash it off. If that does happen, you can start again by drawing a new one on. You can name the butterfly after someone you love.
Write the name of a loved one [a friend, family member, or anyone else who cares about you] and write their name where you want to self harm. When you go to self harm remember how much they care and wouldn’t want you to harm yourself.
think about what you would say to a friend who was struggling with the same things you are and try to be a good friend to yourself.
Make a bracelet out duct tape, and put a line on it every day (Or any period of time) you go without self harm. When it’s full of lines, take it off and make a chain out of all the bracelets and hang it up somewhere where you can be reminded of your great progress.
Alternatives that give the illusion of seeing something similar to blood:
Draw on yourself with a red pen or body paint, or go to a site such as this, where you ‘cut’ the screen (be aware that some users may find this triggering, so view with caution)
Cover yourself with plasters where you want to cut
Give yourself a henna or fake tattoo
Make “wounds” with makeup, like lipstick
Take a small bottle of liquid red food coloring and warm it slightly by dropping it into a cup of hot water for a few minutes. Uncap the bottle and press its tip against the place you want to cut. Draw the bottle in a cutting motion while squeezing it slightly to let the food color trickle out.
Draw on the areas you want to cut using ice that you’ve made by dropping six or seven drops of red food color into each of the ice-cube tray wells.
Paint yourself with red tempera paint.
‘Cut’ your skin with nail polish (it feels cold, but it’s hard to get off)
Use red food colouring on your skin
Alternatives to help you sort through your feelings:
Phone a friend and talk to them
Make a collage of how you feel
Negotiate with yourself
Identify what is hurting so bad that you need to express it in this way
Write your feelings in a diary
Free write (Write down whatever you’re thinking at that moment, even if it doesn’t make sense)
Make lists of everything such as blessings in your life
Make a notebook of song lyrics that you relate to
Call ahotline
Write a letter to someone telling them how you feel (but you don’t have to send it if you decide not to)
Start a grateful journal where everyday you write down three: good things that happened/ things that you accomplished/ are grateful for/ made you smile. Make sure the journal is strictly for positive things. Then when you feel down you can go back and look at it.
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
reminder: you are allowed to feel
reminder: everything you feel won’t always be nice or easy to understand or something you want to deal with but it’s important that you do that you allow them to visit that you listen to what they are trying to tell you because feelings make you human
reminder: you’re human you can’t expect yourself not to cry or be angry or feel afraid 
reminder:  you are allowed to feel you are not weak for feeling all that you do (in fact it makes you incredibly strong)
(cc, 2019)
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
Reblog if you want to be skinny to feel pretty but you believe that others don’t have to be skinny to be pretty
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
stop fucking using the word psychotic to describe bad behaviour and violence already god fucking damn it
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.”
Ace Atkins
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
to those with eds!! who workout !!
guys this morning I had a really scary incident, i went to my morning workout i have to do every weekday for basketball, but I was in the middle of a 24 hour fast, (yes I relapsed). We ran sprints and apparently after we got done I threw up everywhere, all that came out was water, and I blacked out. i honestly don’t remember it much because I was kinda like out of it my friends described what happened, but it is so dangerous having an eating disorder. I’m thankfully okay because I was surrounded by like 50 other girls and 4 coaches, but a lot of you in this community push yourselves on your own. Please understand this. Do not fast while excersizing or doing any strenuous activity. Even if you’re gonna be standing in the hot sun all day, water isn’t enough, you need to do more than that. you need to eat. I learned my lesson today and I got very lucky, but some of you may end up in situations where there is no one around you. I know it’s hard, but you need to try to at least have a small snack, preferably a healthy meal, before you do something like this. Pls reblog this for your followers to see because I’m so shaken up right now and wondering what would’ve happened if was by myself, this is so important and you need to understand the consequences
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anherexik ¡ 5 years
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