angler-inscryption · 17 days
*coughs into crook of elbow*
Hi! I have not been around this blog for a hot second. I've been stolen away by other fandoms.
Good news tho, after having a potential chance at getting a much better paying job, I'll be able to draw the rest of the asks with a relatively newer art style!
Will complete current ask box but otherwise, hi, hello, nice to see you all again!
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angler-inscryption · 1 year
Since it's still technically trans visibility day, I wanna ask if you got any trans headcannons as far as yourself!
Also, as a separate thing, perhaps maybe write a lil thing about transmasc prospector content? Of course u don't have to but not a lot of miner content out there!
I actually kinda see Prospector being transmasc! Being an older trans man he's been transitioned for a long time and just doesn't see much of a point to bring it up. But enjoy a short little fic of him and Angler talking about it! Warnings: None Headcanons: Genderfluid Angler (Any pronouns) and transmasc Prospector (He/Him)
Prospector wasn't usually very open about his life, or his past at all now that he thinks about it. He tends to keep all of that to himself, more concerned about his career and his dog over something so silly like that. But something about being around Angler made him comfortable enough, something about her made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He made him feel safe. Sitting beside them on the docks, Prospector let his feet dip into the water as he slowly kicked them back and forth. Angler sat right beside him, casting their line out into the water. The silence between them hung into the air for a few moments, before Angler let out a sigh, bringing in her hook and setting his rod aside. "Gold-Fish quiet today" He commented, looking down at the miner. "Something wrong?" They tilted their scaly head, finned ears twitching slightly. "Nothing's wrong, Angler, promise" He gave her a little smile, taking off his hat and setting it aside. "Just.. wanna tell ya something is all. Nothin' bad of course, just thought you should know" Angler nodded, staying quiet to let him continue. "I.. Well shucks this sounds silly coming out of me but.. I wasn't always a man. I know you understand all this gender nonsense because well, you don't care what people call ya but.." The prospector paused, taking a breath before continuing. "I was born a girl, and when that didn't work out I realized being a boy would be better for me. And now here I am" "Gold-Fish was always a boy" Angler said after a moment of silence, letting out a low, rumbly chuckle. "Gold-fish just didn't know yet" "I suppose you're right, thanks Angler" "No need to thank, Gold-Fish"
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angler-inscryption · 1 year
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"go fish..."
some PS1-style fanart I did back in 2021 for Inscryption! great game, go check it out
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
The Cetus had expected a human face to return his gaze once he approached the boat— yet clearly this was not the case of this vessel’s occupant! Bruce had heard stories of fish humanoids— sometimes called merfolk or mermaids— but he had always assumed them to be nothing more than a pup’s tale. A warning from a mother or older shark in the nursery to not leave the shallow waters until one is grown, lest a pup be captured by fish-like humans who can swim and breathe water.
Knee-jerk instinct nearly sent Bruce slipping back into the depths for cover. But he paused— curiosity momentarily taking the reins from self-preservation. And the stranger answering Bruce’s greeting only solidified the Cetus’ decision to stay— for the moment, at least.
‘Fish hurt?’
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Bruce blinked before— almost— turning to his side and recalling the harpoon attack; had been so distracted that he had forgotten the grueling pain of the spear embedded in his hide? The Cetus’ gaze met the stranger’s again, and he studied the other’s face, considering. Did their fish-like appearance make them more or less likely to attack the Cetus? Were they only seconds from reeling in something of Bruce’s size? Was Bruce just making the job easier?
“Got into a tussle with some humans,” Bruce finally answered, raising just enough of his mouth above the water to speak clearly. “Can’t seem to get the point of the harpoon out m’self.”
Ah, it seems that they were correct in a way. It is somewhat of a relief to know that it is not their mind playing tricks on them, though there is no doubt that this Cetus is an odd sight for an even more odd entity. That said, the Angler had no reason to actually hold back on their own offer. Cautiously, they move closer to the edge of the boat, not trying to tip it over. Their large size already makes it a little bit tedious to keep it steady.
“Can take it out. Though it will hurt fish.” He answered. A brief glance at the harpoon and the mention of humans was enough to make a few of their facial quills rise up, similar to a cat’s hair. Humans are a bit daunting, and though they know of a few in proxy of some undead from the island over, and at least one friend of such origins, there is a certain anxiety about those creatures that the Angler can relate to Bruce having.
Having made clear that they do want to offer help, they look back to Bruce’s eyes. “If I go in water, can pull it out. But have bandages in boat. Trust me?” They ask. Usually, they would get the help of another to bring them onto the boat itself, but Angler had the slightest of intelligence to know that adding more weight to the boat will just make things awkward.
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
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(Ignore the Stoat, it's just quite startled by the text!)
I noticed a lot of Inscryption ask blogs showing up, but I realize a lot of you might never have even run an ask blog before, nor seen the culture behind them. Some people I know have started feeling off put by some ask blogs due to them not knowing the ins and outs- So I wanted to do a quick rundown of Ask Blog Etiquette so people don't risk that sort of thing!
Note: You don't have to follow all of these or any at all really, it's just something I'm offering for the creators' sake and the fanbase's as well.
Most of it can tie into 3 simple rules:
> Unless you do art for every post and/or space them out well across days, don't tag all of your posts. + > If you post a lot of text posts a day, which are either just text answers or the ask posted on its own, please don't tag them more than the blog's own organizational tags. ^ Explanation for these two: Tagging every post with "Inscryption" or "Inscryption ask blog" or "Inscryption answer" floods the Inscryption search, because Tumblr doesn't differentiate between them. It smothers down other artists' works and frustrates people viewing the search, which can lead to art/content never being seen or the blog in question being blocked.
> Please keep in mind the community whenever you post things. Your blog, its tags, and the portrayal influences more than you and the main people sending you asks. It may seem fun to try and get the most influence possible, but it can very negatively affect other content creators.
Thank you for reading. I just wanted to share this to help make sure ask blogs get the kindness they deserve, rather than anything else!
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
Bruce hadn’t really known how long he had been swimming since the humans attacked him— only that he had traversed well beyond his familiar waters several hours prior. In his defense, Cetea, like sharks, tended to sleep-swim; they could turn off parts of their brains and rest while unconsciously swimming which continued to push water through the gills and allowed for breathing— helpful for those obligate ram ventilators who required movement to breathe. Sleeping helped keep the pain at bay. Even that of a harpoon head embedded deeply in his back beyond his dorsal fin. The bleeding had stopped, but the blade’s position elicited a sharp pain if he had moved his head up or downward.
By the time Bruce had awoken by the returning agony jolting through his body, he recognized neither the appearance nor smell of the waters that housed him. Fighting the urge to panic in both his exhaustion and injured state, the sea beast glanced about his surroundings before turning towards the surface to spyhop above the waters for landmarks. However, as Bruce neared the surface a shower of bait rained down onto the water and the Cetus doubled back— both in alarm and to avoid slipping into a feeding frenzy catalyzed by the intoxicating smell of fish blood. He eyed the boat, considering. No other fish swam in the area around him; who knew how long it would be until he happened upon another living creature. Especially in the open ocean.
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Against his better judgment, Bruce poked his head above the surface a few meters from the vessel— at a safe distance in case he had to dash back into the water for cover. “Hello? Anyone on board?” he called out, hoping his question wasn’t answered by another harpoon.
As Bruce made his way above the surface of the water, the Angler had begun to reach for a fishing rod while somewhat tempted to have a little snack of his own. But the hand paused briefly as they heard a voice and lifted their head up quickly in shock. They were not familiar with that voice, and while it sounded close, he could hardly recall anyone else joining him on the boat trip. Looking about, the imposing figure, though not as large as the Cetus near him, looked towards the voice and brought his head over the edge of the boat with a curiously surprised expression. Seeing a shark is not the worst thing, but a shark with what sounded like a voice definitely threw them off.
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Unable to shake the apparent surprise, their eyes drifted to what looked to be a harpoon, and that got their locked jaws to finally make a move. “Fish hurt.” They said slowly, speaking with a caring tone that they usually use when meeting somebody new. Trying not to show teeth, or anything threatening. Which included their hands, keeping it lowered inside the boat. “Does...did fish want help?” They ask, hoping to conclude that this was certainly a fish that can talk, or...fish-adjacent that can talk. 
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
If you find old fish, let it go. Trust me it’ll help. Signed the red autistic anon
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“Big task being fisher is. Angler not the type to disappoint.” She frowned a little to herself and let the hook sink in deeper.
There is a faint whispering from the waters.
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
What fish do you look like? You look like an axolotl, cuuuuuuuuute
“Angler likes compliment. Thank you!” She blushed a little, not often does she get called something she considers cute!
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“Angler appreciates all good fish. Many fish in sea. Just like me!”
She is now thinking of having lunch soon.
@wolftheidioticfan @the-baron-of-burgle
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
If you find old fish, let it go. Trust me it’ll help. Signed the red autistic anon
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“Big task being fisher is. Angler not the type to disappoint.” She frowned a little to herself and let the hook sink in deeper.
There is a faint whispering from the waters.
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
What fish do you look like? You look like an axolotl, cuuuuuuuuute
“Angler likes compliment. Thank you!” She blushed a little, not often does she get called something she considers cute!
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“Angler appreciates all good fish. Many fish in sea. Just like me!”
She is now thinking of having lunch soon.
@wolftheidioticfan @the-baron-of-burgle
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
((ooc: I'm getting into rp and rp memes as of recently, and slowly even more now that I'm settling for less hours. If you don't wish to see this, then please blacklist the #angler rp tag that i will assign all Roleplay related posts!
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
A Rare Catch
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The land of the Scrybes has always had the pink moon looking down upon the world, as small as the world itself is. Even within the confines, the night is dark, and there seems to be a storm always brewing in the horizons. Though those local to the area would know better than to hope for steady waters and calm winds, as the waves crash along the many shores of the isles, and sometimes seem as if they threaten the very state of the world, offering to swallow it down to the pits, to merge with whatever lurks at the bottom of this forsaken world.
However, the Angler hardly minds the harsher climate as of the moment. Taking it's time to row the boat a little further out, briefly taking their eyes off of the horizon ahead to look behind. It isn't always a forbidding thing to go out during a storm. If the boat happens to capsize, they can bring it back to the shore with ease. The waters were always their friends, for the most part. That said, they pull the oars inwards once they reach a fair distance in the middle of the ocean, where he can just barely see the isle he came from, and the isle of their rival. Once there, he reaches forward to a bucket of bait that has precariously made it's journey throughout the ocean. Taking a good handful, he tosses it to the waters, and waits. He wants to keep an eye out for a good fishing spot, but he doesn't want to be sitting in dead waters without a lure.
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
((ooc: I'm getting into rp and rp memes as of recently, and slowly even more now that I'm settling for less hours. If you don't wish to see this, then please blacklist the #angler rp tag that i will assign all Roleplay related posts!
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
Are you single *twirls hair*
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“But Angler is not opposed to...more fish? Just not always good at romancing-fish.”
He does blush when referring to Gold-fish though.
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
Are you single *twirls hair*
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“But Angler is not opposed to...more fish? Just not always good at romancing-fish.”
He does blush when referring to Gold-fish though.
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
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Well... I think this Happening whene i have mine Beast form...
Hi @angler-inscryption
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angler-inscryption · 2 years
A quick tug on the reel pulled forth a stranger from the murky depths.
"...You are fish? Dressed fish. Sorry, friend." The Angler hoists them onto the deck as carefully let's them sit. This is not the first time they've accidentally reeled in a person!
[OOC: HAHAHA! This little fan art made my morning! I'm happy that this blog gets a little from the lovely community! Man, I love how you draw her fins!! Thank you so much!
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Well... I think this Happening whene i have mine Beast form...
Hi @angler-inscryption
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