androgynous-fox · 4 months
I don't know about you, but I think the fact that whump community is shifting into an actual torture fandom, and not just in jest, kind of makes the community a bit stale to me. It's almost like a race to come up with the most fucked up and gruesome intentional tortures between each other, and I feel there is also a sense of competitiveness and desire to outdo each other's messed up torture methods for their whumpees.
It's like whump community is becoming shittysawtraps submissions, but taken too seriously somehow.
I think people forget that putting a blorbo into suffering doesn't only include chaining them up and lashing them in a dark underground dungeon with metal bars (with no descirnable reason and context too, mostly). It can be sickness. It can be innocent injury. It can be accident (natural or manmade setting). It can be group of explorer with one member separated and getting lost while trying to survive on their own.
Even if you still want whumper-hurt-whumpee tropes that includes violence, it can be outside elaborate torture dungeon setting, like being ambushed and outnumbered and having to go back on their own, maybe collapsing once they arrive home or collapsing in front of caretaker's house or something.
I understand that people have their own taste of whumps, and maybe torture fandom not just in name but in spirit is what whump truly means to you, but I think it would also do you some good to take a step back once in a while, and ask yourself.
"Is it really something that butters my bread, or am I getting swayed more and more into this trope by the sheer amount of torture-based materials that I keep seeing, making it echo-chambery?"
Edit: add a lil whumper-based trope as example bc I don't want people to mistake this post as please-remove-whumper-from-writings-and-arts post, because that's not the issue I'm talking about.
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androgynous-fox · 4 months
So when trans people take chemicals that radically change their body in order to live happier and freer lives it’s fine. but when I, Henry Jekyll—
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androgynous-fox · 4 months
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androgynous-fox · 4 months
Attention Whump Community!
Clogging disability tags is a massive problem that we need to address. Many tags, especially those surrounding permanent injuries, paralysis, vision loss and certain illnesses have become unusable due to being flooded with unrelated things. Yes, that includes your writing. Those tags are not for you. It's isolating, frustrating and depressing to try finding a community and other people who share your issues but all that comes up is whump, fandom shit, gifs, headcanons, etc.
I'm newly paralyzed. I have looked at many tags surrounding paralysis, trying to find support, a community, anything of people struggling with the same thing. Nothing. There's barely anything for us in the general disabilty tags. I am BEGGING you to understand and recognize how AWFUL it is.
So, I have a proposition. A tag you can and should use exclusively for disability content in whump writing. Not any other tag surrounding disability, lest you'll clog it up.
#disabled whumpee
It's tempting to use more specific tags, I get it. Due to being in the whump community myself I know #medical whump is already a tag. You have those tags. Use them. Don't use the disability tags. Don't clog up the few spaces us disabled people have.
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androgynous-fox · 4 months
thinking about a stubborn man falling unconscious. the fight still on his pained, twisted expression, in the furrow of his brow, until the very last second, when it ebbs away. whether he's been sedated or has passed out from sheer pain, there's a certain bliss to it. the lines in his forehead start to smooth, his breathing slows.
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androgynous-fox · 4 months
Death Note AU where hbomberguy makes a five hour long video about youtuber Light Yagami that's initially completely unrelated to the murders (Light would probably plagiarize or have really unhinged right-wing political takes if he was on youtube)
but halfway through he reveals that while researching he stumbled upon evidence that Light might be behind the Kira murders, and then spends like fourty minutes explaining the concept of a shinigami, an hour explaining how he thinks Light used one to commit murders, and then another hour explaining Light's ideology and why the concept of criminals being inherently evil is flawed
He finishes the video by addressing Light directly and telling him that he (Hbomberguy) had his name legally changed before uploading the video, to something that only he knows, making it impossible for Light to kill him
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androgynous-fox · 4 months
like okay if we're talking about this anatomically the ear holes on a human skull and a cat are actually in the same spot it's a difference in the shape of the cranium. you can see what's happening if you look at hairless cats
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ears is big. so you can put the cat ears wherever you want if you start them at the same point as where the human ears would go.
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just like. pull the sideburns back a little and it's fine. it's fine.
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it's the best way to catify your blorbos with visible human ears. but that's just my........ purrsonal opinion..............
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
Is it wrong that I’m cool with “sex” being removed from the pride flag? They should bring back “magic” though.
Personally I think you’re wrong and an idiot but that’s just my opinion.
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
i get where we’re coming from with the phrase “women and femmes”- it’s an attempt to categorize both women and people who are perceived and treated as women wile not disregarding trans men or female-passing nonbinary people, but the association between womanhood or passing female with femininity pisses me off. you guys can just say “people perceived as women”. im actually begging you.
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
shoutout to tboys with zero swag. pathetic losers with not a dime nor damsel to their name
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
Hey I'm transfemme and wonder what your opinion on trans mascs like Buck Angel actively being hostile to trans women, I don't know what to think of this blog yet, but I don't assume the worst in you yet.
i think that what they do is awful and inexcusable and that it's awful that buck angel in particular gets so much media attention despite how horrible he is. i hate that people like that exist in our community at all, and i hate that we live in a world where the easiest way for a marginalized person to be given a voice is by openly shitting on other marginalized people.
i also think the fact that they do that doesn't say anything about the how much power or privilege trans men&mascs have as a whole, and that their behavior is an expression of how common transmisogyny is as a whole and not some sort of problem with trans men&mascs specifically. trans men&mascs "have a transmisogyny problem" because the society our community exists in has a transmisogyny problem.
trans men&mascs being actively hostile to trans women is fucking horrible because anyone being actively hostile to trans women is fucking horrible, and because other trans people being actively hostile to trans women is especially unjustifiable when we're supposed to be in this together. they're shit people and i actively oppose their behavior because i actively oppose transmisogyny in general, and i hate that so many people's first exposure to trans men&mascs is through people like that.
bottom line: trans women are wonderful and i would rather be in community with trans women than with transmisogynistic trans men&mascs any fucking day because there should be no place for transmisogyny in our (or any) community. trans men&mascs have a responsibility to shut down transmisogyny within our community because everyone has a responsibility to do so within the communities they're a part of.
and it's honestly heartbreaking that to so many people, me just talking about the issues trans men&mascs face makes me somehow more likely to support or excuse transmisogynists. the mark they've left on our community and the way other people see us is truly fucking devastating to me.
i can't tell you what to think of my blog, but i do hope that you walk away with the impression that even though this blog in particular focuses on my experiences as a trans men, i as a person deeply love and value trans women (as we all should). and yeah, fuck buck angel and every other person like him.
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
the nature of being a trans man in feminism is constantly seeing people go hold on guys. groundbreaking feminist analogy. what if men experienced misogyny. can you imagine if– in a fictional world– men experienced women's oppression? imagine, if you can, a man who, for fantasy reasons, is treated like a woman. truly there's a lot to (conceptually) chew on here, in this hypothetical scenario where men (metaphorically) are oppressed by misogyny similarly to how women are (this does not happen in real life). this is some deep transgressive feminist thought i'm doing here. and they say this to your face with zero self awareness
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
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femme comics by Gerard Donelan
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
where is my t4t bf :((( where is my trans bf :((((
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
part of being an ally to trans men is not being a dick to cis men for their appearance btw
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
"oh you're bi too? haha attracted to every woman and five men amiright" don't put words in my mouth. don't put your baggage on me. if you saw the men i wanted to fuck you'd hurl.
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androgynous-fox · 5 months
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