mithral is this rare metal that's very durable and lightweight; if you work it like steel it'll make extremely light weapons or armour
(its got like five spellings and i always have to triple-check which is the strictly accurate 1)
How to learn ways of the sword
How to swordfight in a wheelchair
Swordfighting for children
Can I sword fight with a muscle disease
Lightweight swords how heavy
How to get a spectral sword
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Bored so making an ask game.
Send 💥 and an ask to try and get a reaction from my character.
It could be positive or negative reactions.
Remember to send an ask to the person you reblogged from.
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ye u should not do that it is generally considered A Bad Time
How to learn ways of the sword
How to swordfight in a wheelchair
Swordfighting for children
Can I sword fight with a muscle disease
Lightweight swords how heavy
How to get a spectral sword
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i could maybe get you smth like a rapier or a shortsword made out of mithral if u rly want to try?
How to learn ways of the sword
How to swordfight in a wheelchair
Swordfighting for children
Can I sword fight with a muscle disease
Lightweight swords how heavy
How to get a spectral sword
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I would not be averse to sparring with you. You would make a fine opponent.
I have... thought on the matter further. I myself may have been little more than a weapon to be pointed at the enemies of others in the past.
But that has changed.
I have changed.
I am not who I was before. That much is certain. The past is... not gone, nor would I wish for it to be.
Without it, I would likely still be complicit in... any number of terrible things. What went wrong at that fishing hamlet was far from the first incident I would come to regret. It was... simply the burden that broke the beast's back, so to speak.
I would undo it all if I could. But it may be for the best that I cannot. That I know, firsthand, what must never be repeated.
There were two reasons that I became a Hunter. The first was rather simple, and far from noble: I had nowhere else to go, was desperate for some sort of purpose, and knew that I could hold my own in a fight.
The second came later. Though not much later.
I... desired to protect people. Those who could not, or would not, protect themselves. I lost sight of that, before the end, and it took something so drastic as... as Kos, for me to remember too late.
Too little, too late.
I'm honestly not sure if it is better to know that my presence here, that my being alive at all, was nothing but a cosmic accident. I suppose it is a reassurance, however slight, to know that I was not... meant to be here at all.
Yet I am.
I know better now. Far better than I did before.
I will not be complicit in a terrible thing like that ever again.
Nor will I stand by and allow others to do the same. Not while I possess the skillset to prevent history from repeating itself.
...When it comes to battle with Pokémon, I find myself reasonably confident. But when it comes to combat without... my skills, I suspect, are much atrophied without having practiced them lately.
It might be easier to select a different weapon to train in. But I know how to wield my own, and 'easier' does not necessarily mean 'better.'
In this particular case, I suspect it to be the opposite. I thought that casting my blade—the original Rakuyo—aside would allow me to move on. It did not.
That was the wrong decision.
...Last night, I was scarcely able to take it up, even for a few moments. Before that, I could hardly bear to look at it.
I will take this slowly. As slowly, I suppose, as I can manage without growing impatient. But... it would be nice, I believe, to wield my blade in the service of real, tangible good.
And I...
I did miss it. That blade remained a constant in my life for longer than any single person did. Casting it away was like tearing my own heart from my chest, yet I scarcely felt it then. I feel that loss all the more keenly now.
...I will take this slowly. Very slowly.
But perhaps, in the future... once I have at least regained some semblance of my former skill... well.
It would be nice to spar with someone.
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Happy birthday!
it’s cordia’s birthday
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[A short video is attached of someone, presumably the owner of the account, with their face blurred out, holding a similar twinned blade, two longsword blades extending from either end of an elaborate handle in the middle, each with a similarly elaborate handguard. With a sharp twist of the wrists, the blades separate into two distinct swords, and in an equally swift motion they are reattached, before the person holding them deftly and dextrously twirls the weapon in their hands, passing it around and behind them before letting it rest back in the position they had originally been holding it in.]
[A short video is attached. It shows Maria, who looks like she has been crying recently, hands shaking a little as she unsheathes her blade. She blinks hard, grips it tighter, and—with a quick motion, the twinblade splits into a katana and a smaller dagger, just as she said. With another practiced motion, the two halves find each other again, and Maria lets out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.]
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Among first words it's certainly an amusing one!
Thinking on it I am not sure I had a 'first word' in the traditional sense; I was developed with a full lexicon already, so I came into existence capable of producing and understanding full sentences, not needing to develop the ability to form and comprehend words. In the strictest definition of 'first word spoken', it would be 'hello', though, which isn't overmuch interesting.
so was anyone gonna tell me that little miss feather baby had an entire conversation on my phone while I was napping or was I just supposed to find out when I got a notif for a post I didn’t make?
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Ah! I was not aware you weren't aware, frankly. She's an interesting conversationalist but I didn't think I would be able to add much to the discussion, and I worried my propensity for verbosity would render me unintelligible to her.
so was anyone gonna tell me that little miss feather baby had an entire conversation on my phone while I was napping or was I just supposed to find out when I got a notif for a post I didn’t make?
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Hello, Cari! It is fine not to know everything; I have full unfiltered access to the internet and I still do not. There is always more to learn! I find it to be part of the joy of life.
[Video begins:
At first, only a ceiling is visible, painted with a geometric motif of five pointed stars. Then, a small feathery head pokes into view, with a pointed crest. It’s a togetic, a rather small one, who starts babbling at the camera. For those who can understand, she is saying:
“Yummy yummy, in my tummy…. Hi Ellie’s frens! She says nice gay people in phone. Hi! I eat rocks! Now I rumble! I like makin rock fall but Ellie says no indoor. If I see door then we indoors. I dunno everything yet. But lookit me! Getting to be a big Cari.”
Video ends.]
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mothers day has always been weird for me. my mother never did anything worth celebrating, she was just... there. at least my father taught me things, even if his methods sucked.
i guess i just never saw the point
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ive been doing battling lessons around the city for a while now and after this one someone came up to me and asked me if i'd be willing 2 do private lessons, and when i said yes she winked + gave me her number?
im not entirely sure what thats about but if people want me to teach them privately i must b doing something right, right?
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Pelipper Mail! Glitter bomb.
this is gonna suck to clean
at the very least im not suffering alone it got my housemate too
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I wouldn't advise it!
Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
You're so skibidi
You're so fanum tax
I just wanna be your sigma
None of those words are in the bible.
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i know part of improving as a person is looking at ur past actions and acknowledging u sucked but also im seeing someone be the kind of asshole i used 2 b and its not my favourite thing
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Regardless of her choice on the matter?
I will be coming to bring Tropius home next month.
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being Champion sounds cool and edgy before you actually become Champion and now you have to fucking answer emails
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