ambronite · 3 years
Pre-Order AmbroGreens for October. Receive free 30-serving jars!
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Dear Ambronite Tribe, We're making a fresh batch of AmbroGreens (whew, they sold out fast), and wanted to give our community the opportunity to pre-order and receive free jars.
All pre-orders made by September 12th 2021 ship on the 2nd week of October, 2021. This allows us to produce the right amount for you and ship the fresh batch directly to you. You receive free jars, on us. Sounds good? Pick your favorite amount here now.
The Benefits of AmbroGreens:
✔️ Daily all-in-one nutritional insurance
✔️ Support immunity and increase daily energy
✔️ Stop cravings
✔️ Daily greens and veggies to cover your needs without synthetic supplements
Click to Get Free Jars when you Pre-Order
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ambronite · 3 years
New pricing for US Subscribers - please update your credit card by December 2021
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Dear Ambronite Tribe, To simplify everyone’s experience, we’re moving to single pricing in Europe and North America. If you have a Ambronite subscription order in US dollars, we will contact you shortly. If you have a subscription in Euros (€), no action is needed. The good news is that for most customers who are currently paying in US dollars, the new subscription will be more affordable. Nothing else will change: shipping, your favorite products and everything else will remain the same. Unfortunately, we can’t do this automatically, and we will need you to update your credit card details in 2021, by December 15th. It’s simple: If you have a subscription from https://ambronite.com (in US Dollars): 1. our support team will contact you shortly and ask you to complete your checkout again. Your existing subscription will be replaced. The new subscription costs less for almost everyone. 2. Click on the link and complete your subscription checkout again. Done! If you have a subscription from https://eu.ambronite.com (in Euros): you don’t need to do anything. We know this is a bit of a hassle - but it will only take a minute on your end. If you have any questions, you can reach out to [email protected] at any time. Have a great day, Simo & Arno, Ambronite cofounders & Ambronite Customer Happiness team
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ambronite · 4 years
Complete Plant Protein Launched
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In hundreds of responses, we heard your wishes for a next generation protein that ticks off convenience, taste, completeness and stomach friendliness. You wanted a Complete Plant Protein. Protein made tasty, easy and stomach friendly. A nutritional insurance, for optimal overall health and muscle gain. This was definitely missing from the world, so we created it. I’m excited to introduce Ambronite Complete Plant Protein
Easy, tasty plant protein shake with complete amino acid profile 
4 grams of BCAAs per serving 
Fully absorbed with powerful natural digestive enzymes 
No added sugar, dairy free, and gluten free
Great-tasting berry flavour
To make life easy, here are the launch deals, shipped to your door. No need to leave the house:
>>> Complete Plant Protein Launch Deals
Stay strong and healthy and help others do the same this week, wherever you are!
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ambronite · 4 years
ACTUALLY Useful Tips and Links to Survive the Turbulent Weeks Ahead
In these turbulent times, taking care of ourselves and the people around us with small actions that make a difference is more important than ever.
Here’s what you can do to be useful, feel better and help the people around you, besides the ”wash your hands” -level no-brainers:
Call your elderly relatives instead of visiting them, and make sure they have what they need at home
Use mindfulness and morning priming to start your day with a calm, proactive mindset. You can use the simple Morning Priming audio and resources (created by mental performance expert and Yoga teacher Inka Immonen) for free here.
The news cycle can be intense and depressing. How do you feel when you don’t start the day by checking the news? Turn off the TV and news notifications and see how your mood and focus improves
People around you may need your support. Make sure older and younger family members understand the situation, know how to take necessary precautions, and feel safe
Have any extraverted friends? They’re having a really tough time right now. Cheering them up is easy: Call them!
Limit news consumption to avoid mental clutter and focus on uplifting things like your favorite music, or some of the most awe-inspiring documentaries ever made: check out the beautiful Planet Earth on Amazon Prime, enjoy David Attenborough’s soothing voice in Our Planet on Netflix, or in this wonderful and free David Attenborough HD Japan episode on Youtube
Listen to a positive and interesting podcast - eg. these Superhero Podcast episodes might tickle your fancy:
Learn how to use Meditation and priming for daily clarity with mental performance expert and yoga teacher Inka Immonen 
Learn how to Engineer Happiness with Dr. Ali Binazir
Listen to the story of an underwater freediving superwoman Kiki Bosch 
The podcasts can be enjoyed on any web browser and iTunes.
Offer to bring groceries for your elderly neighbors next door to help them limit their exposure to crowds
List emergency contacts on paper and share them with family and neighbors
Clean commonly used surfaces such as door handles, keyboards, remotes and game controllers, kettles and phones. Alcohol-based disinfectant wet wipes or a damp soapy cloth work well
Create an emergency contact list and share the relevant contacts on the lobby message board of your building and with your neighbors: contacts for family, carpool drivers, health care professionals, teachers, the local public health department, and other community resources
Read that book you’ve been meaning to read for a loooong time
Learn a new instrument, or break out the instruments you once played. Now is the perfect time to rekindle your love for guitar by finally digging it out of the closet… ...and while you’re at it, this favorite free guitar lesson Youtube video has been watched by over a million people. This guitar lesson series by Steve Stine is also free of charge and a lot of fun - and just 5 to 6 minutes per lesson
Take care of emotional health - staying indoors is a great excuse to build a pillow fort with the kids. Maybe a relaxing DIY home foot spa is just what you need right now. Light up a candle, brew a cup of tea and use flowers and your favorite scents to zen out. Familiar smells and music (like this soothing forest soundscape on Youtube that sounds like those childhood summers) are the most powerful emotional modulators. Changes in familiar routines in times of uncertainty can stress anyone out, so use playful and relaxing activities to quickly defuse stress and negativity
Writing your thoughts down can be useful to calm the mind, especially before bed time
Crafts, board games, familiar hobbies and playful creativity support psychological safety and are a fun way to spend time at home. It’s a good idea to be present and reassure younger and older family members that they are safe
Choose nutritious, tasty and immunity-boosting foods high in gut friendly greens, zinc and selenium that contribute to the normal function of the immune system. You can find more ideas in this  ”Healthiest, Most Nutritious Snacks in the World” post
...and as you know, we’ve been committed to making the most powerful foods available to everyone ever since we started in 2013, and have packed our Complete and Balanced Meal Shakes full of zinc, selenium and other vital immunity-supporting nutrients.
Use fun bodyweight exercises to stay sane, in shape and energetic at home. With most gyms closed, weights, bars and kettlebells are more useful than ever. However, a simple bodyweight workout video like this one works just as well.
For kids, holiday traditions can serve as inspiration for fun at home. Now is a great time to let creativity fly: could you use crayons, paint, cardboard boxes and other materials to decorate the house together?
Stock up mindfully. Does your pantry have foods that pack a nutritional punch for peace of mind in case of an at-home stay for the whole family?
US and European experts and authorities recommend having a three-day supply of food at home. 
For “exceptional situations”, having enough non-perishable meals for 14 days at home is recommended. 
For the coronavirus COVID-19, the required quarantine time is 14 days as advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). For a family with several members, it could be more.
...however, don’t lose your marbles at the tissue section - avoid hoarding massive amounts of groceries and household items to ensure supply for those at risk. (Toilet paper, anyone..?)
Our team is here for you even in uncertain times. We made some REMOTE WORK SURVIVAL PACKS that include free shipping to your door with DHL to help simplify your life during these challenging times - hopefully, for many of you this can be one less thing to worry about. We’re actively looking for ways to support our community in any way we can to get through this together.
So, here’s one easy way to get peace of mind by covering food needs for stress-free stay-at-home meals for yourself, family and loved ones.
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ambronite · 4 years
Zero to Keto in 16 hours Experiment: Meals, Measuring Tools, Results
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Keto is not a miracle, but exceptionally useful for burning fat and losing weight without hunger and cravings. People have more success losing weight with keto compared to other diets, thanks to its powerful satiety effect. There are two problems with experiencing the benefits of keto in my everyday life: 1. Starting keto can be hard 
2. Finding keto meals that take me to optimal ketosis can be stressful and suck up too much effort, time and money So, with my cofounder and recipe mastermind Arno, we wanted to share the results of a simple experiment: Zero to Keto in 16 hours! In this post, we’ll tackle the tricky business of getting into ketosis without hours of planning, stressing out or breaking your bank. This is something you’ll obviously need to nail first. If you’re curious and want to try keto for the first time, or if you’re experienced with keto and want to make it easy and tasty, this one’s for you. “Easing in” VS Zero to Keto in 16 hours? In my previous newsletters, I’ve talked about taking it slow and not going “full keto” within 24 hours. Easing into keto gradually can be helpful, especially if you normally tend to eat meals high in carbs. Too fast a transition to a fat-heavy diet can upset your stomach and lead to loose stools, which can make social life the wrong kind of “exciting” for a few days. After eating carbs for a while, I’ve often preferred to prepare my body by gradually increasing the amount of fats in my diet for 1-5 days before going full keto (<20-50 g of carbs / day, 70-75% energy from fats, 20% from protein, depending on my goal). For me, this has meant adding more fats like extra-virgin olive oil and butter into my foods, preferring plant-based bowl foods like veggies and avocados with eggs and tuna, and leaving out potatoes, starches, rice and oats. However, a faster route is also possible: Simply enjoying a simple low-carb meal 2-3 hours before bedtime, and starting my day with an Ambronite Keto Meal Shake Chocolate. The last time I followed this simple method, my evening meal was an avocado with some cherry tomatoes, a handful of almonds and a salad with greens and veggies like spinach and broccoli with some tasty extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and tasty Italian balsamic vinegar. This “pre-keto” evening meal doesn’t even have to be ketogenic or too strict with limiting carbs: I’ve noticed that for me, it can easily contain 10-20 grams of carbs, although I’ll reach ketosis a bit faster if it has less.
With Arno, we’ve turned our salad game into an art form. Here’s Arno’s simple yet elegant recipe for the first evening of Zero to Keto in 16 Hours. It’s ketogenic and packed with gut and stomach healthy fibre to aid with the transition, so it’s a great choice for any keto meal.
Arno’s Big Keto Dinner Salad
Calories (kcal): 600-650 kcal in total (scale to half for smaller appetites!)
Prep time: 10 min
1 avocado (~300 kcal)
1-2 boiled eggs (~75 kcal each) and / or handful of nuts (e.g. macadamias are great)
2-3 cups of spinach (~7 kcal per cup, 30 g) or other greens
Half cup (50 - 100 g) cherry tomatoes (~15 kcal)
30 g olives (~30 kcal)
Optionally add feta cheese on top.
Preparation: Mix spinach and greens in a bowl, add avocado, add eggs. Voila!
Top it off: Extra virgin olive oil (1 tbsp), balsamic vinegar, squeeze of lemon juice, salt, pepper.
Pro tip: You can add more olive oil for more keto-friendly calories: 1 tbsp is ~120 kcal. Also, you can add more eggs or nuts for more protein.
The role of this evening meal is to aid with the fast zero-to-keto transition while being stomach-friendly.
In the morning, I’ll have a full Ambronite Keto Meal Shake. Then I’ll just wait for a few hours. Normally when transitioning into ketosis, I’d go for a long walk or easy jog while listening to music or podcasts or take calls on work days, but with the keto-accelerating mix of premium fats and MCTs in the Ambronite Keto Meal Shake, this isn’t even required. Before dinner on the same day, I’ve reached ketosis. Often my ketones pop to over 0,5 mmol/L roughly during the time I’d normally reach for an afternoon snack, around 3 PM. Within 4-5 hours after my Keto Meal Shake breakfast, a simple CareSens blood measurement from my finger tip reveals that my blood ketones are at 0.6-0.7 mmol/L. With very little effort, I’m now in ketosis, and already enjoying many of the benefits - including fat burn, weight loss and satiety. Cravings and hunger are a common question at this stage. Hiding high-carb treats can make everything easier. Personally, I don’t even feel the need to hide the high carb treats and snacks in my house anymore, because the craving-stopping effect of keto is pretty strong for me once I pass the 0.6 mmol/L threshold. Don’t try this at home if it’s your first time though, or if you know you love your high-carb treats A LOT. It’s weird to look at your favorite treats and not feel tempted to munch on one! This shouldn’t be too surprising though: blood ketone levels of around 0.6 mmol/L and over seem to suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin that’s partly responsible for the cravings we normally feel. Optimal ketone levels for weight loss: 1-3 mmol/L What’s the optimal keto level to lose weight and burn fat? The optimal level of ketosis is best measured by the concentration of ketone bodies in blood. When we restrict carbs, fast, or exercise intensely for several hours, ketone bodies are produced by the liver from fatty acids and used by our body and brain for energy. Ketone bodies consist of the water-soluble molecules acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB, popular in exogenous ketone products) and acetone. The sweet spot and optimal ketosis for weight loss is between 1-3 mmol/L. When I’m above 1 mmol/L, I start to feel the satiety effect keto is known for more clearly. It’s a strange feeling of clarity to be free of the “urge” to snack on something. Reaching the optimal ketone level for weight loss typically takes 2-3 days for me, but can be achieved within a single day with meals that are designed to not only support, but accelerate ketosis. How I measure my blood ketones affordably at home The best way I’ve found to measure my level of ketosis is a blood sugar and ketone level measuring device like the KetoSens Ketone Monitor Kit. This is the one I use to measure my ketone and blood glucose levels. I’ve also tried the Precision Xtra Blood Glucose and Ketone Monitoring System and the KETO-MOJO system, but prefer the KetoSens for convenience, price, and the fact that it needs less blood to get a reading and wastes less of the expensive ketone strips. A kit for blood glucose and ketone measurement can be obtained for $40-50 or 36-45 € - I paid $40 (38€) for my kit, and it came with 10 keto measurement strips and a lancet (Count Dracula’s tool for medical-grade finger tip poking for the blood). The single use keto strips fed into the blood ketone measurement device are typically model-specific and tend to be a bit pricey when bought in small batches - I’ve found they can cost up to $1 or 1€ each in boxes of 10! In my experience, this is hardly enough when starting out. A week’s worth of measurements can cost $7-20 or 6-18 € if I’m doing an experiment, so to save a bit of money, I’ve ordered these in larger packs of 50 keto strips and 50 lancets. There are also breath analyzers like the Swedish Ketonix device, that you essentially exhale into for a breath ketone reading. I’ve tried the Ketonix and met their team members at Biohacker Summit. The tech is really cool, and allows for unlimited measurements throughout the day at no extra cost, eg. after every meal if you wish (no strips, no needles!). I love the fact that it’s non-invasive and doesn’t require you to poke a small needle through your finger for a drop of blood. However, since it relies on measuring exhaled ketones in the breath, namely acetone, I’ve found it isn’t as useful for me as blood ketone measurements, which are the medical-grade gold standard. Furthermore, comparing breath and blood ketone levels is complicated as the Ketonix team points out. Referencing and comparing my data with other people and clinical studies is more straightforward with blood measurement devices, since these are used by studies and lots of folks doing these n=1 measurements. You can also use the urine strips to measure your ketone levels. These reagent strips for urinalysis are originally made for diabetics, so you can find them in pharmacies everywhere for roughly $10 or 10 € for 100 strips. I’ve used the Bayer Ketostix that are widely available in pharmacies in the US and Europe. After soaking a strip in urine, you get a rough estimate of your ketone levels, indicated by the changing color on the tip. Determining exact ketone levels with these is almost impossible, so I rarely use them anymore. They’re cheap but not ideal because of their low reliability, especially when you’re just entering ketosis and are at or around 0.5-2 mmol/L. And frankly, I don’t enjoy peeing on measurement strips that much.
The difference between keto-compatible and keto-accelerating meals? With the right meals, it’s possible to get into ketosis faster than with normal ketogenic meals. The optimal mix of premium fats and medium chain triglycerides or MCTs that are rapidly turned into ketones by the liver without requiring the actions of bile and rapidly promote ketogenesis in humans. This is exactly what we designed Ambronite Keto Meal Shake to do: make it easy for everyone to start and reach optimal ketosis for weight loss, fat burning, and experience all keto health benefits faster than with any other meal, without giving up on convenience and great taste. Typically, just one or two 400-calorie Keto Meal Shakes are enough to get me into the beneficial ketosis zone where I can also feel the benefits. A medium-carb or low-carb evening meal (which can also be a Keto Meal Shake for even faster results) and a Keto Meal Shake breakfast later, you will be in ketosis. Most people who prefer keto for shedding extra fat appreciate the freedom from hunger and cravings it provides, and spend most of their time between with their blood ketones in the 1-3 mmol/L range. I tend to lose weight fast when I’m on keto. This means it’s not optimal to be in keto for weeks at a time when I’m aiming to build muscle, endurance and speed. Personally, I’ve done some cyclical keto weeks (1-5 days of keto at a time, followed by a few days of refeeding) as part of my current mountaineering-focused strength and endurance goals, as I’m not looking to lose too much weight right now (and that seems to happen unintentionally when I’m on keto). With that said, let’s get down to the experiment: Zero to Keto in 16 hours: Arno’s experiment, meals and blood measurements How fast is it possible to get into ketosis without stressing out? Arno did a short keto experiment with blood measurements with Keto Meal Shake Chocolate using my KetoSens device for blood ketone measurements. Here’s his account on getting into ketosis in less than 24 hours, without exercise or any real prep, a few days ago: Evening before keto day
20:00 “A “Big Ass Salad” for dinner, much like described above; avocado with some cherry tomatoes, a handful of almonds and a salad with greens and veggies like spinach with some tasty extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I also added some Feta cheese and topped it with sea salt and pepper. The meal contained approximately 20 grams of carbs.” Ketones at 0 hours: 0.0 mmol/L
Morning of keto day
08:00 “The next morning after waking up I poked my finger with the lancet and measured a 0.5 mmol/L level of ketones in my blood, using the KetoSens device described above.” Ketones at 12 hours: 0.5 mmol/L “I enjoyed an Ambronite Keto Meal Shake Chocolate for breakfast.” 12:00 “Around lunch time, 4 hours after eating the Keto Meal Shake breakfast, I measured my Ketones again and the device showed a 0.7 mmol/L result. -- I was already in ketosis!” Ketones at 16 hours: 0.7 mmol/L
“I have to say being in ketosis feels great. Not only because I know that my body is literally burning fat for energy, but also because of the mental clarity which increases work productivity significantly. The metaphor of fat-metabolism and ketosis being like driving a Tesla while carb metabolism is more like driving an old gas engine Ford definitely feels true. Also, what holds true is the satiety effect and the craving-stopping effect. It feels like I have more willpower against food or treats once I get into ketosis.“
This was the first 16 h of the Zero to Keto experiment. Arno’s results are roughly the same as mine, even though he’s noticeably leaner (my current body fat % is well over 20% right now after a season of heavy lifting). A lady in her 30’s or someone with more body fat or less muscle might expect similar results after a few more hours due differences in basal metabolic rate to the lower muscle-to-bodyweight ratio. I’ll keep following Arno’s keto measurements and sharing the results with you. As always, these experiments are n=1 experiments - we’re not doctors, this is not medical advice - and we simply want to share our real experiences and results as we create new useful things for you guys. For me, personally, the biggest benefit of the Keto Meal Shake Chocolate so far has been that I have to think less about keto meals, especially in the morning. It’s not that I didn’t have tasty real food keto meal options before - but often these are not as fast, easy or affordable as I’d like, and tend to be a bit heavy on dairy and meat for many people and occasions. According to my own measurements, my time from zero to keto with one or two of these shakes is now down to 16 hours - roughly the same as Arno, and what other users are reporting. Over to you: what would you like to know about starting keto? What’s your go-to keto breakfast? Article written by Simo Suoheimo
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ambronite · 4 years
My 3 Keto Mistakes (And How I Beat Them)
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Painfully often, I catch myself wasting time and attention with details that would be much better invested in the 20% (2-3 basic things) that brings 80% of the results.
Our brains love to overcomplicate things.
Even when we know we’d be better off with just getting a few basic moves right...
Nowhere is this more true than in the world of keto and low carb.
When trying to adopt a new habit or lifestyle change, there’s virtually no limit to the amount of attention it can consume, and somehow still crash into the ditch of failed attempts (for me, it’s getting mighty full down there…)
When I observe people with habits and skills I’d like to cultivate in myself, it seems that consistency is rarely found without daily simplicity and a generous measure of self-love.
This is hardly a coincidence.
Making anything a part of your daily life, from learning a new instrument or starting a new movement habit or keto requires overcoming these 3 habit killer pitfalls.
1. Not making keto simple enough
Ahh.. this one’s a time honored favorite: Starting with too high standards that aren’t sustainable in the long run.
This is literally how most people start (and fail) keto for the first time.
Actually, feel free to replace the word “keto” with “playing guitar”, “new training plan” or basically anything we’d like to start doing consistently.
Guilty as charged.
Fueled by high expectations and a transient love affair with the new thing, we spend way more attention on it than reasonably justified.
It takes courage to admit that the key to any sustainable practice is starting with standards low enough to patiently accommodate them into our days.
The most successful coaches and music teachers know that five minutes of dedication a day over time is better than attempting a two-hour routine that only lasts a while before the wheels of the habit wagon fall off.
I learned the basics of guitar (enough to sing and play classic songs for hours!) about two years ago with around 5 minutes a day for a few months. The total play time was ridiculously low, probably around 20 hours or so. Consistency and simplicity beats high sporadic volume every time. The tiny time commitment allowed me to stay on track, even on the days when I didn't have time and was tempted to skip a day.
My first keto experiments that I shared in previous letters was nothing like that. It took way more attention and time than would be sustainable.
It was clear that I needed a tool that made keto stupidly simple and fast for me. Last time, research, prep, shopping, choosing, looking for restaurants, choosing and making meals, snacks, breakfasts and treats etc. took me probably an hour a day, on average, and probably even more on the first week. In the vein of learning guitar, I decided on five minutes.
Otherwise it either wouldn’t happen, or would take way too much time, money and attention to be truly sustainable.
For keto, or any personalized food and health goal, it’s actually really easy to know if you’re going to stick it out or not.
“How much time did you spend last week shopping, carefully choosing and preparing 3-4 meals a day?“
If you’re not spending around an hour a day on carefully choosing and preparing daily meals as it stands, it’s probably not going to happen on keto. Which unfortunately means that the benefits of keto won’t happen to you. At least not without making things stupidly simple.
That means that the amount of effort to start and stay in keto needs to be so low that you won’t give up when you’re hungry, angry and short on time.
In my experience, that busy moment when I’m about to give up is literally the only moment I need to prepare for.
If I get this right, I’ve nailed the 20% of actions that brings 80% of the results of keto, and can feel at ease knowing I’ve locked in the benefits I can feel and measure.
The Pareto principle of 80/20, is so basic, it almost hurts. It strips everything into essentials. But still, most of us aim too high and fail spectacularly.
If you have doubts of how much attention you can consistently dedicate to starting and keeping doing keto and experiencing the desired benefits, assume it’s 5 minutes per day and plan accordingly. For most people, anything more is unrealistic.
Which means that keto should be made stupidly simple. This is where I’ve found fast and tasty options like keto-accelerating meal shakes to be extremely useful.
2. Not preparing for the moment there’s no keto food around and you’d like to give up
It’s 3PM, and the hunger you’ve felt since your heroic keto breakfast of two pre-boiled eggs is starting to manifest as brain fog and stressful snappiness that your colleagues are starting to notice. You haven’t had lunch, need to meet a deadline, have family commitments to fulfill -- and there are no keto options available in the restaurants close by.
It’s really tempting to give up on moments like this, and rightly so. Daily life is enough without topping it off with an additional keto meal hunting meta-game that you get to play at every breakfast, lunch and dinner. But for starting and staying keto, preparing for the busiest, most inconvenient moment is only moment that counts - and it will come.
3. Hyperfocusing on keto and ditching all other commitments and advice
Some people have the tendency to go overboard with new things, and it has certainly happened to me. While useful and maybe even necessary for creating new things and pushing through obstacles as an entrepreneur, hyperfocus is by definition an unsustainable long term strategy for life.
And there are definitely more important things to focus on in life than daily food choices.
Hyperfocus on keto causes a lot of confusion for many.
“Isn’t it enough to just be keto, even if it means eating only bacon?”
Of course, the answer is no. For some people, keto is an excuse to ditch all basic health knowledge and every other constructive healthy habit they’ve built over the years.
While a simple strategy for going low carb, eating only bacon (or any one thing) is still an extremely bad idea.
“Stupid Keto” with little to no vegetables crashes against the reality of the critical importance of plants and their protective compounds, soluble fibre, electrolytes, and stomach friendly foods with probiotics and enzymes. That’s why keto or any other food strategy providing less than 6-8 servings of nutrient dense plants a day is a fantastic and time efficient way to very rapidly screw up your health, longevity and well being. Every sound nutritional study confirms this, apart from individuals with extremely rare and poorly understood autoimmune conditions, usually diagnosed in early childhood.
Jumping on the colorful bandwagon of extreme fringe diets like carnivore, 100% bacon, 100% potatoes or other hyper simplified theme rides doesn’t look like a smart way to unlock the benefits of keto, or any other positive outcome, perhaps with the exception of turning yourself into a vegetable (or slice of bacon).
Plants are essential for keto. Benefitting massively from nutritional ketosis doesn’t require eating meat or dairy. In addition to the documented health risks of massively meat-heavy diets low in plants and the lessons from the so called Blue Zones with the longest living people on our planet, we know how our food choices and the unsustainable meat and dairy industries are in need of a makeover and better plant based alternatives for all.
Hyperfocus on keto at the cost of everything else, including your health and body goals, is probably not worth it. In my opinion, it’s also beside the point. I want things like keto to support everything I love in life, not the other way around. Food should feel and taste awesome. It should never have to become a source of stress.
Life is too short to not enjoy what we eat and how we feel every day. That’s why I choose to enjoy the benefits of powerful tools like keto and my 5-minute-a-day guitar lessons in ways that are smarter, not harder.
After trying every other “easy” keto option out there, I wanted to make keto easy and tasty for myself and everyone who has messaged me about it.
With my cofounder and our recipe mastermind Ironman-Arno and my team, we even called it “Keto made easy” when we started creating it...
We have big chocolate fans in the team, including me, so the level of pure chocolate satisfaction needed to be on par with a five-star chocolate dessert. It’s a high bar and required countless rounds of trial and error, but the satisfying, deep and smooth chocolate in our final formulation really hits the spot for me.
Want to try it now?
>> Check out the exclusive Keto Launch Deals before they are gone
article written by Simo Suoheimo
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ambronite · 4 years
Keto Meal Shake Launched
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Keto Meal Shake Chocolate is here to help you (and me) experience the benefits of keto faster, while enjoying full chocolate satisfaction!
>> Check out the Launch Deals while they are still available
Keto is really powerful for losing fat, but frustrating, hard and expensive to start for most.
Keeping it up felt like a half-time job. Having to think about and prep meals was daunting as heck. Smart, easy options were nowhere to be found. That’s why we found it extremely important to follow the next guidelines while making the perfect keto meal replacement shake:
Keto made easy
With so many of you requesting a ketogenic Ambronite, we wanted to bring you a real-food, clean label, plant based Keto Meal Shake that…
Makes Keto easy
Helps you burn fat and lose weight
Fights cravings and curbs hunge
And most importantly...
Helps you experience and FEEL the benefits of keto, faster - because let’s be honest, I don’t know anyone doing keto “for fun”.
Keto is worth it because of what it does and has been shown to do exceptionally well:
Burn fat
Stop cravings
Reduce weight
Reduce appetite
Decrease “bad” cholesterol LDL
Increase “good” cholesterol HDL
Helps treat diabetes and epilepsy
Increase mental clarity and numerous other documented benefits
Paoli A. et al. 2014; Hussein et al. 2004
A ridiculous tasty chocolate flavor
“Full, unapologetically deep chocolate satisfaction.” - Anna H.
That’s how first flavor testers and the first limited batch customers described it.
I want to be able to enjoy all the chocolate satisfaction I want. With the real cacao we used in the recipe seducing my taste buds with each keto-accelerating sip, there’s really no reason not to.
Just like you guys asked. Because I believe keto is no reason to give up CHOCOLATE 🍫. Period.
More than a few people who bought it beforehand in January reported that it’s actually their dessert now.
100% Keto, 100% Plant Based
Keto options can be too heavy on meat and dairy, which is unsuitable for many and causes indigestion, gut issues and bloating to roughly 50% of people.
Ambronite Keto Meal Shake is 100% plant based and milk-free. Each meal shake is a complete protein source and includes all vital amino acids and a full dose of 2.1g BCAAs per serving.
We also included a powerful natural digestive enzyme, ProbioVita™, that together with the carefully selected ingredients ensures stomach friendliness and full protein and nutrient absorption.
And, as always, clean label, free of milk, soy, artificial sweeteners and all nasties.
Easy on the stomach
Ambronite Keto Meal Shake is formulated for stomach friendliness and includes ProbioVita™, a natural enzyme for optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Because happy stomachs make happy people.
Try it now:
>> Grab one of the launch deals while they are still available
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ambronite · 4 years
Keto for Fat Burn - True or BS? The evidence + my experience
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As I’ve shared several times before, I’ve personally experimented with keto a few times. Like fasting and certain types of exercise I do regularly, it’s a valued and powerful method in my tool box. While I didn’t go into the experiments with any expectations of losing fat and bodyweight (in fact, I was afraid I’d lose some of my hard-earned strength and would feel weaker while climbing, running and lifting weights), losing fat almost accidentally was exactly what happened, while my overall fitness remained the same. Concretely, during a 4 week keto stint, I lost some 4 pounds (2 kg) of fat from my midsection and arms. I could clearly see my abs, biceps and deltoids pop up in the mirror, which made me feel great. I was stronger per pound of bodyweight, which meant I could do more pullups (+5 reps), pistol squats (+3 reps) and pretty much every other movement than before. Going and staying keto even for a few weeks was hard and required a lot of prep even for me, so I figured most people would probably never do it. The time, effort and social cost felt simply too high for most. 
Simultaneously, many people curious about or already doing keto and low carb were asking me to create a ketogenic Ambronite meal shake that would make it easy to feel the benefits faster. I knew it would be a big challenge to find suitable effective and great tasting real food ingredients, but I felt it had to be done. So last year we went into the kitchen with my cofounder, recipe mastermind Ironman Arno to create a tasty, plant based Keto Meal Shake to make experiencing the numerous benefits of keto faster and easier to more people. With raving reviews rolling in from our first 100+ fans who have bought and enjoyed the product, (called Ambronite Keto Meal Shake Chocolate) for a few weeks, we’re almost ready to launch it globally… I’ll also be doing a new keto experiment and documenting the data and results to you guys. Exciting high-fat times!
The BS around keto
There’s no going around it: like any #1 googled health trend (including Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina candles - wtf people), keto is surrounded by a lot of BS and false information. Keto has surged in popularity during the last few years because of its potential for weight loss, which means that many of the claims, products and courses out there range from wildly inaccurate to pure horsesh*t. Luckily, there are also some credible meta-analyses of dozens of quality longer term studies with rather clear conclusions, which I have linked below. I suspect much of the noise around keto is created by the clash of the diet’s fanatic cultists and devoted haters, which has escalated into ridiculous “Eat only bacon” aka. The Baconing-level communities and “meal plans” from hell.  On the flipside, it looks like the proven merits of keto have been under attack from less educated nutritionists, angry government health agencies and even some old school researchers - often with arguments that aren’t based on much evidence. Reporting around the subject is rarely evidence-based - often pure speculation instead of facts. A few weeks ago, The Guardian published a de-facto advertorial poorly disguised as an objective article about keto by a “nutritionist” who omitted all the credible research and meta-analyses, subtly pitched her own book’s subject instead, and according to the footnote is selling her new book (not on keto). As always, few people seem to bother to look at the actual science. This is especially weird, since keto stints long and short have been used for medical treatments since the 1920’s. Many forget that ketosis is a natural state of our bodies that enabled our species to survive and thrive through the seasons. Our badass ancestors didn’t do fad diets. They hunted and foraged for their food. Lacking supermarkets and refined sugar, they spent extended amounts of time in ketosis. This alone, of course, doesn’t mean that we should do the same. But it does mean our bodies are built to do it. And, as research and experience seems to show, our bodies can benefit from it substantially. I gathered the top 3 controversial keto claims (which are also the most common questions I’ve received), plus some thoughts and key research evidence from quality journals here.
1. “Keto is very effective for burning fat and losing excess weight”
TRUE. Keto has been shown to be highly effective for long term weight loss without hunger. Other diets work for weight loss too, but the “without hunger” bit is where the magic happens - at least for me. While many researchers argue about the details of underlying mechanisms and nitty gritty of keto and low-carb, it seems undeniable that for most people, keto has been shown to be highly effective in burning fat and promoting weight loss. What makes keto distinctly different and easier for many people is that unlike traditional diets that cut calories, keto doesn’t make you miserable and hungry. After doing lots of fasts, sometimes for 120 hours, I can attest to this. Keto is nothing of the sort. In fact, I feel more satiety on keto - even when I haven’t eaten - than on any other diet I’ve tried. This isn’t necessarily a good thing if I’m trying to eat more to optimize for certain strength programs or goals other than weight loss. Most diets fail (perhaps for a good reason!) because they are absolutely miserable to go through. Keto increases satiety so much that people naturally choose to eat less. Here’s why: Keto curbs hunger and cravings by reducing hunger-stimulating hormones. Studies discussing the benefits of keto are very clear about the power of keto for shedding excess weight: “It significantly reduced the body weight and body mass index of the patients. Furthermore, it decreased the level of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and blood glucose, and increased the level of HDL cholesterol. “
Long-term Effects of a Ketogenic Diet in Obese Patients. Hussein et al. Clinical Cardiology, 2004
A meta-analysis of 13 different randomized controlled trials (RCT’s, the gold standard of real-world studies) found that keto produced a “greater weight loss” than conventional diets. Furthermore, those on keto lost, on average, 2 pounds more over a year.
meta-analysis from 2016
looked at 11 randomized controlled studies and also found that those on a low-carb diet lost significantly more weight than those on a traditional weight loss diet (on average, they lost 5 pounds more over 6 months).
According to the 2014 review article
Beyond weight loss: a review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets
, the documented benefits of keto are not limited to weight reduction and reducing appetite but expand to numerous health benefits and potential use cases including treating epilepsy and diabetes, and increasing the genesis of mitochondria - the powerhouses of the cell that turn the sugars, fats and protein we eat into usable energy.
So, in short, it’s not only really effective for weight and fat loss, but also easier to adhere to than traditional diets because of the powerful satiety experience.
2. “To experience the benefits of keto, you need to eat weird keto things and be in ketosis all the time”
FALSE. Honestly, there was a time when I was under this impression as well. Weirdly enough, having mildly irritating keto fanatics in your circle of friends doesn’t help to dispel this myth. But it’s completely false. This is one of the most common misconceptions - hilariously, this “full on, all the time” applies to almost no smart and realistic lifestyle improvement whatsoever - and keto is no exception! You don’t need to be (and probably get more benefits from not being) on keto all the time. The benefits of keto can already be felt and measured by only doing 3-5 days at a time. This is often called cyclical or cycled keto. In fact, for most people, a few weeks or even days at a time seems to be the sweet spot for fat burn, health benefits and living everyday life without stressing out. For many people, 6 days of keto followed by a 1 high-carb “cheat day” seems to work well. Furthermore, while (and because) keto is effective for weight loss, it isn’t optimal for every goal. Such as gaining weight. Some studies done on athletes note a short-term performance decrease in short term top output, and seem to suggest that several weeks of keto followed by an off-week may produce additional athletic benefits. I’ve experimented with keto and found the sweet spot for me to be somewhere from 2-4 weeks: enough to produce measurable long and short term benefits, including losing 2-4 pounds (1-2 kg) of pure fat (not water), while staying strong and not losing muscle mass. Just short enough to stick to realistically without limiting my life too much. Simple and effective is often better than perfect and daunting. Keto isn’t about eating only bacon, either. While harder, plant based keto is a growing trend, too. Most importantly, all well researched and proven dietary profiles stress that greens are a non-negotiable for optimal health. This stands true for keto, perhaps even more so, because it increases the need for many vital nutrients and minerals. Studies show that almost every European and American is eating too few greens and veggies. Very few people get the optimal 6-8 servings / day. Going keto isn’t a free pass to ditch every basic health fact you’ve ever known, although it feels like some people treat it like one. Hydration, getting enough dark green veggies, healthy movement and sound sleeping habits still remain important cornerstones for overall well-being, and in my experience, only become more important while adapting to keto.
3. “Keto will fix my life, hair, career, relationship and every health problem I have”
FALSE (duh). There’s a lot of poorly researched out there, but mostly the bad rap seems to come from inflated, unrealistic expectations. Maybe it’s partially caused by the fact that the ketogenic diet is used for conditions beyond weight loss and diabetes: keto seems to be useful and is actively studied for treating acne, blood sugar, cravings, neurological disease, PCOS and even cancer. However, like any diet or lifestyle change, keto is no panacea. I’ve talked to a substantial amount of people who have had a ridiculously bad experience with keto and low carb, because they went in with lacking preparation, unrealistic expectations of burning 20 pounds of fat during the first week, and with the wrong foods. It’s like going to the gym rocking scuba gear, failing to deadlift 500 pounds on day one with no prep, and blaming the gym. Once again, a half-assed approach only makes sure you’ll have a bad time and see zero benefit. I started my keto experiments by easing in gradually, moved gradually from keto breakfasts and lunches to a fully ketogenic day, and did some short fasts to prepare my body beforehand. I make sure I’m eating lots of greens and veggies daily and take great care to load up on electrolytes including sodium, potassium and magnesium, especially after sauna and exercise. I drink more water, get lots of sleep, and do easier workouts while adapting to any new diet. Stressing out because of a diet is not worth it (which is also why I wanted to create an easier keto meal option. That, plus my yearning for simplicity.) When it comes to living the good life, simple is good. Like any lifestyle and diet change, we must keep in mind that our bodies, minds and programmed habits take time to adapt. Patience is key! Life is more fun and less painful with choices based on facts, not fads. To me, keto is not a silver bullet, but a powerful tool I will keep using to my benefit regularly, in 2 to 12 week cycles, several times a year or whenever I need to shed a few pounds of fat. Over to you: What’s your experience with keto? Is there something in particular that bugs you, something that you’d like me to look into with top experts in the field? Or do you have a favorite keto tip that makes life easier?
Article written by Simo Suoheimo
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ambronite · 5 years
3 Tips I Use to Find Treats That Taste AND Feel Great
I love good treats. I firmly believe that treats should FEEL as good as they taste.
Unfortunately, most treats don’t.
I prefer treats made with real, recognizable ingredients, that are incredibly tasty, healthy and convenient.…
that’s a tall order, no matter where I shop. Nuts and many other snacks can get dull fast. Clean plant-based bars that are both tasty and free of nonsense are hard to find.
The reasons are many: cheap, artificial ingredients are easier to use in production. Even previously reputable brands have had the real berries in their products replaced with artificial “flavors” to minimize costs.
Coatings on bars and cookies are often the worst offenders. Suspect “chocolate” coatings that have never seen a cacao bean are common. Weird ingredients that don’t belong in a tasty, stomach friendly treat.
I love good treats and have had a lot of trouble finding the good stuff. Judging by the amount of questions, this is a common problem among people who aren’t satisfied with the flimsy health-compromising options out there.
I just made a short video on this. In this short video, you can learn the tips I use to find zero-guilt treats that taste AND feel great (after all, choosing the good stuff means you don’t need hold yourself back):
PS. We couldn’t find a proper bar with real plant-based ingredients you can taste. So we made one. You can order it next week.
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ambronite · 5 years
AmbroGreens LAUNCHED: Immunity, gut health, and freedom from cravings made easy
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It's time! AmbroGreens just launched - time to pick your favorite limited time launch deal here.
AmbroGreens is the easiest and tastiest way to
Improve gut health
Fix weird stomach problems
Improve immunity
Stop cravings (and unwanted weight gain...)
Get your greens in 30 (tasty!) seconds
All in a format your body can actually use, thanks to the cutting-edge mix of carefully chosen plant based real food ingredients. Check out the video below:
Greens, made easy. As I shared in my previous videos, I suffered from weird and painful gut issues for years. I found the answer in eating more of the right greens. But getting the right amount, quality and beneficial mix of the right super greens, veggies and berries daily used to be hard. For most people, getting an optimal amount of the right, powerful greens and berries daily is almost impossible. Researching, shopping, chopping, portioning, preparing, and finally eating, only to start again the next day... This product is something I've been waiting to bring out to share with you. It’s something that’s been missing from my life.
Daily Greens made tasty, fast and easy Enjoying the health benefits and the nutritional insurance of these high-impact powerhouses daily should be easy, fast and tasty.
With AmbroGreens, getting the most powerful daily greens in a truly absorbable real-food format is finally tasty, fast and easy. Your body will thank you, and you will feel the difference. To succeed sustainably, you need to do things smarter, NOT harder
Science and real life examples tell us that exceptional health is not a matter of luck, but the sum total of our daily choices. It’s a HABIT.
To build a healthy new habit, you need to make it easy and simple
Feeling guilty or punishing yourself is useless. Saying 'no' to things you love is not much fun. More discipline is not the answer.
AmbroGreens was designed to be easy and tasty. Simply mix it with cold water in a glass for your daily full spectrum serving of exceptional greens. Boom. Done. It was created to do the heavy lifting for you, and simply give you all the gut and stomach health, immunity and craving-beating benefits of greens - in less than 30 seconds.
AmbroGreens covers your bases and is your nutritional insurance against the flu, low energy, and days when you’re not getting the greens you need. Stress, sports and modern life stress my immunity daily. Most people I know are often sick and catch the cold of the season several times a year. But I want to be healthy and sharp every day, and don’t want to leave it to chance. How about investing in immunity and feeling great and skipping those unnecessary low energy days, flus and fevers... How much would those healthy, fun and productive days be worth to you?
Imagine the sharp, vibrant and powerful feeling you get after nourishing your body properly. Like your body and mind is primed and ready for ANYTHING. Isn’t it time to cover your bases in one smart move, and start enjoying that exceptionally healthy and energetic feeling daily?
HURRY: Choose your limited time launch deal and click here now!
PS. AmbroGreens, like all our products, comes with our 110% promise: either you'll love it, or it's on us (plus a bit of extra).
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ambronite · 5 years
How Eating More Greens = Freedom from Cravings
Many people suffer from uncontrollable cravings. They’re no fun, can start eroding life quality, and lead to compulsive munching and unwanted weight gain. Cravings aren’t fully understood, but we know that the foods we choose eat can either cause them - or free us from them. Here are some solutions for cravings, and how eating more of the right mix of nutritious greens can help fix cravings once and for all.
In the last three videos, I’ve shared my tips and experiences on fixing three common problems.
”If only following my own advice and eating the perfect mix of the most beneficial greens daily was as easy as breathing...” I thought...
...fast forward to today, we’re about to release something new.
Next Monday, July 8th we’re launching something that, for the first time, solves ALL 3 of the painful problems most people battle with: immunity and being sick often, embarrassing gut health problems, and cravings that may cause unwanted weight gain.
It’s going to be good.
Talk to you on Monday!
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ambronite · 5 years
How Eating Greens Is The Secret To Perfect Gut Health (and My Story of Beating Embarrassing Gut Issues...)
Isn’t it insane that 50% of people worldwide suffer from avoidable gut health problems in their life? They can be as embarrassing as they can be painful and inconvenient. Bloating, loose stools, gas, constipation, a weird feeling in the stomach, low energy, low immunity, even moderate to severe pain. And also very harmful to our life quality, immunity and health.
I used to suffer from gut health problems for a decade. The right foods can boost gut health, while the wrong ones will cause problems. For several years, I received little advice from doctors and experts. Information was scarce, not based on science, and often contradicting. I discovered some foods that did not suit me through years of trial and error, and some foods that helped radically improve my condition, and made my gut and stomach happy. It’s no secret that our food choices affect our microbiome and gut health. For good gut health and alleviating gut problems, eating more greens is not a nice-to-have, but a must. And there are better and worse ways of doing it, too! I share some science-based tips and my own experience of fighting and tackling gut health issues in this video. Check it out to learn more. In the next post, I will share you some thoughts on a common battle many people are facing every day: Unwanted cravings (that often lead to stomach problems, unwanted weight gain, and feeling crappy and unmotivated...)
Related posts:
- How eating more greens builds a healthy immunity - How eating more greens helps to get rid of cravings
Should any questions or comments arise, make sure to leave them in the section below!
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ambronite · 5 years
Are you often sick or have lower energy than you’d like to? How eating more greens builds healthy immunity
Written by Simo T Suoheimo, Ambronite Cofounder I made you a short video on my experience - click on the video above! I noticed quite a while back that some people complain about being constantly ill, or on the verge of catching the flu.  Often I’d hear the same people talk about “how their daily energy and motivation” isn’t what it used to be. Research shows us that the foods we eat affect our gut health and immunity.
The most useful group of foods? You guessed it: Greens, veggies and berries, especially dark leafy greens. We also know that more than 4 in 5 Americans and Western Europeans are not getting enough high-quality plants in their diet to reach their optimal health results and daily well being.  Frankly, your diet can look pretty damn solid, you might be eating a lot of supplements, and still run the risk of not supporting your immunity, risking falling ill often, and developing sneaky nutrient deficiencies.  This is because of three main reasons that people often miss (there was a time in my life I wish someone would have told me this to save me a lot of trouble): 1) Not all foods are created equal - and modern diets desperately lack the right quantity and quality of greens 2) It doesn’t matter what you eat if your body can’t use it 
Nutrient absorption or assimilation is a critical piece in the puzzle in giving your body all it needs to fight off the stresses of modern everyday life. Failing to understand this is something that almost cost me my health at a point in life. Research shows us that diets high in dark leafy greens, veggies, and berries are beneficial for our heart health, gut health, microbiome, and even fight mental health issues and depression - I’ve written about this at length eg in this post. In this video, I discuss immunity, the top three risks to immunity in modern life, and how getting vital plant nutrients in bioavailable forms by eating more greens, veggies and berries can affect and support healthy immunity. How are you making sure you’re getting enough high quality, absorbable greens daily? I’d love to hear your tips! - Simo
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ambronite · 5 years
Balanced Meal Shake Berries Launched
Written by Simo T. Suoheimo, Ambronite cofounder Hey all, You asked, we answered: thanks to your wishes, we just launched a new flavor of the Balanced Meal Shake: Berries! It was a clear winner of a live blind tasting we organized... it was described as “juicy”, “succulent” and “my new favorite flavor” - so I think you guys are going to like it. Especially everyone who loves red berries, and anyone with a sweeter tooth.
Choose your favorite limited time launch offer here. Like the Vanilla flavor, it’s a new tasty real food option in the morning and throughout the day. For me and many people who have tried it, it works best when looking for something sweeter, or an afternoon treat. The Balanced Meal Shake is a full meal with 4 hours of hunger-quenching power, packed with a balanced mix of protein, sustained energy vital real food nutrients. Check out the video and the launch deals above!
Each Balanced Meal Shake gives you these benefits
A full, stomach friendly plant-based meal that quenches hunger for 4 hours
Affordable, starting at just 5.49€ / $5.49 per meal
Great Vanilla taste
20 grams of plant-based protein
A wide spectrum of food-based vitamins & minerals + Omega 3’s from real foods
NO wheat, dairy or GMOs
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ambronite · 5 years
Launching Ambronite Balanced Meal Shake Vanilla
Written by Simo T. Suoheimo, Ambronite cofounder Dear Tribe, Our team has heard your wishes for a simpler, more affordable real food meal shake for breakfast and lunch.  Today, we’re excited to launch the simpler, more affordable Balanced Meal Shake in an all-new Vanilla flavor.
Following our great taste, plant-based philosophy, it’s the convenient balanced meal at an affordable price that you’ve been asking for. Choose your favorite limited time launch offer here. It’s a new tasty real food option in the morning and throughout the day. The Balanced Meal Shake is a full meal packed with a balanced mix of protein, sustained energy vital real food nutrients and quenches hunger for four hours. 
It joins the existing Complete Meal Shake which remains your ultimate all-in-one option, when you want even more greens and wish to cover all your nutritional bases 100%.
The plant-based shake that’s easy on the stomach
Eating your way to great gut health has never been this tasty.
Science calls our gut our second brain, because gut health, mood, thinking and brain health go hand in hand. Eating the right foods increases our gut health. Eating the wrong foods destroys our gut health. That’s why it’s so important to have a great, easy and gut healthy option at hand.
In designing the new balanced meal shake, we took special care to make sure to load it up gut health boosting real food ingredients. We wanted to create a the easiest, tastiest possible option for anyone who wants to enjoy their day with a happy, healthy stomach.
Easily digestible real food nutrition your body can actually use
Most foods today are poorly digested and use fake ingredients that can’t be used by the human body, and can even harm our health. Almost all supplements and synthetic ingredients also fall into this category, so reading the labels and making sure you’re eating real foods is more important than ever. The Balanced Meal Shake is created with 100% real foods only. Unlike other options that use cheap, fake ingredients, we only use carefully selected plant based foods that are easily digested and provide balanced nutrition that your body can actually use. This gives you lasting satiety you’ll feel throughout your day. That’s why the Balanced Meal Shake is perfect choice to conquer hanger (the sneaky combo of hunger + anger) once and for all. 
I suffered for 10 years for eating the wrong foods. Through my experience, I learned this: Meals that make my body and mind thrive should always be readily available to quench hunger, whatever life throws at me. 
The truth is, I’m often busy and lazy. Especially in the mornings. That’s when I need a simple and tasty real food option the most.
We want to help you live your life to the fullest with the most satisfying, great tasting plant-based meal shakes out of the best ingredients available.
New tasty Vanilla flavor
The new Balanced Meal Shake comes in the all-new Vanilla flavor. Our recipe mastermind Arno has been working hard to bring you the flavors you’ve wished for.
Out of the 10+ flavor candidates we tested with our tribe, the natural Vanilla flavor was voted #1.
Smart, environmentally friendly and affordable tub packaging with 10 full meals
The new Balanced Meal Shake comes in a more affordable and environmentally friendly tub and contains 10 full 400 kcal meals (950g / 33.5oz). The tubs are designed with convenience in mind, come with a scoop, and are 100% recyclable.
The new tub makes it easy to make a meal with the included scop.
It’s simple and fully resealable, which also solves the problem with resealing the Big Bags after opening them that many of you have experienced.
Each Balanced Meal Shake gives you these benefits
A full, stomach friendly plant-based meal that quenches hunger for 4 hours 
Affordable, starting at just 5.49€ / $5.49 per meal
Great Vanilla taste
20 grams of plant-based protein
A wide spectrum of food-based vitamins & minerals + Omega 3’s from real foods
NO wheat, dairy or GMOs
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ambronite · 5 years
Why Eating The Right Nutrients is Not Enough to Feel Healthy - And What I Did About It
In this video I will explain why just eating the right nutrients isn’t enough to improve health. If you missed my last two videos on recognizing the most common hanger moments and how to conquer it, check them out from these links:
3 most common times when hanger surprises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58YnMyVyMfY
Why some foods create hanger instead of getting rid of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02RDLLybAZA
Eating the right nutrients does NOT mean you’re getting or feeling healthier.
Sounds crazy, right?
The fact is, millions of people are suffering daily from the foods they eat, and not getting any better even when they add the right foods into their diet.
Why? It’s simple:
You’re not what you eat, but what your body can assimilate.
Which really means...
Eating the “right nutrients” is not enough, if your body can’t use them.
This affects a few billion people daily. For 10 years of my life, I used to be one of them.
Are you one of them right now?
It’s estimated that 50% of people are dealing with food-based gut issues right now.
The reason: certain foods cause adverse reactions that harm the body’s ability to properly use the nutrients.
Real food is the only safe bet to get everything your body needs.
Dozens of our customers have praised the fact that they have been able to get rid of their gut issues by simply replacing their on-the-go unhealthy meals with real food options.
In the last 3 videos, I have shown you how real food is the best solution for conquering those hanger moments, that are ready to strike you in the most inconvenient times.
Real food not only is the most convenient solution but also much better for your gut and overall health than fast food and other traditional options.
We are now just under 1 week away from launching our new balanced meal shake. These benefits, I’ve talked about, all come together in it. And not only that but it will also be more affordable than any fast food option out there.
Stay tuned, we launch on Monday the 29th!
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ambronite · 5 years
Foods That Cause Hanger and The Easy Affordable Alternative
If you missed it, check out my last video on how to avoid and beat day-ruining hanger moments.
Do you know what the number one source of hanger is?
The common misconception and obvious answer is “not eating”.  However, according to experience and science, it’s this:  Eating the WRONG foods.  ​Namely, foods that cause hanger and mood swings.
These include most fast foods, synthetic “foods” and artificial ingredients that are known to cause cravings, gut problems and blood sugar swings. But what makes some types of foods create hanger?  Isn’t it better to eat just about anything instead of being hungry, after all?  Hint: the answer is not the food itself, but what it causes in our bodies. 
Let me explain.
5 reasons why even occasional fast food is not a good idea to avoid or fight hanger
Fast food CREATES hanger, instead of fighting it. Studies show that blood sugar swings caused by sugar, fast carb-laden and low nutrient density ingredients are the main culprit for hanger and sapped energy.
Fast food is not even that cheap when you look at the nutritional value of what you’re ACTUALLY getting. 
A handful of nuts and dried berries has up to 10x the nutrients of a fast food meal, at a fraction of the cost of takeout.
Be honest - was the last fast food meal really a rich social experience? More often than not, not like one a nice meal can provide, anyway. So why not enjoy something quick and rejuvenating, and save that time and money for those times?
A real-food snack is usually 30-45 minutes faster than grabbing takeout or even ordering fast food. 
“But I want my lunches to be social!”
So do I, and there’s every reason to enjoy food in good company! Ideally, every meal could be a soul-nourishing event that inspires our minds and showers our bodies with health-upgrading real-food goodness. However, all too often this option is not on the table. Life gets in the way. We have families, people we care about, jobs and missions to think about. Friends and loved ones demand our attention. Adventures, passions, and hobbies that nourish the soul. 
Taking time to do nothing and just be. As you know, this means that not every meal can be a four-hour feast. Before you know it, you end up eating crap hunched over your desk or on the go - Wondering why you’re feeling sick, tired, sad and bloated, and feeling like something’s seriously off. Enjoying lavish social meals together with family and friends is one of the great joys in life for me. These are the highlights of each week. For less social situations, I choose great options that nourish my body and mind with zero hassle plant based real food options and without wasting time and money on things I (or my body and gut health) don’t really enjoy that much. 
Most fast food options practically invite hanger
Why? Because their cheap, nutrient devoid ingredients and fast carbs create wild blood sugar swings and cause a severe lack of willpower for the rest of the day.
Fail. A whole food snack is faster, as convenient, and certainly better for your health and focus for the rest of your day. Mission hanger elimination: successful. Heck, I can even use the time saved to grab a hot cup with a colleague and get the best of both worlds, without crapping all over my focus for the rest of the day.
My go-to zero prep real food snack
A trail mix with almonds, brazil nuts and cashews + dried cranberries in a resealable bag. I keep this in my bag wherever I go. If I’m looking for a hot kick, I add some chili kale chips and wasabi soy beans.
It’s ready in minutes and requires virtually zero prep. I often even fill up a large resealable jar that keeps hanger at bay for the rest of the week.
After 3pm, I simply grab a few handfuls of these for a dense dose of nutrition, high quality protein, brain-feeding fats, focus-boosting electrolytes and added afternoon motivation. Problem solved.
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